# # ChangeLog for trunk/src in vbox # # Generated by Trac # Mar 4, 2025 5:06:53 PM Tue, 13 Oct 2009 15:03:31 GMT vboxsync [23736] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxFBOverlay.h (modified) burn fix Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:54:16 GMT vboxsync [23735] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxSDL/VBoxSDL.cpp (modified) Compile fix Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:49:07 GMT vboxsync [23734] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxConsoleWnd.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxConsoleWnd.cpp (modified) FE/Qt4: Enable validation for runtime Storage Settings. Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:48:10 GMT vboxsync [23733] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageInfo.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxGlobal.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxSettingsDialogSpecific.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMSettingsSystem.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ApplianceImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl2.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/MachineImpl.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/HWACCM.cpp (modified) Dropped obsolet HWVirtEx properties. Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:46:44 GMT vboxsync [23732] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/Makefile.kmk (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxFBOverlay.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxGLSupportInfo.h (added) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxFBOverlay.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxGLSupportInfo.cpp (added) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxTestQGLApp.cpp (added) video 2d accel: move gl 2D support check to a separate executable ... Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:39:30 GMT vboxsync [23731] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp (modified) VBoxManageModifyVM: removed unwanted printf Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:33:08 GMT vboxsync [23730] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMM.cpp (modified) VMM: Don't save the R0/RC stack (old todo). Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:31:26 GMT vboxsync [23729] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/SSM.cpp (modified) SSM: Fixed assertion in ssmR3StrmClose when called from SSMR3Close. Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:11:18 GMT vboxsync [23728] * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrv.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrvAgnostic.c (modified) SUPDrv: Moving more stuff over. Tue, 13 Oct 2009 14:05:54 GMT vboxsync [23727] * trunk/include/VBox/settings.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/MachineImpl.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/xml/Settings.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/xml/VirtualBox-settings-common.xsd (modified) Introduced Get/SetHWVirtExProperty and added the ... Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:53:33 GMT vboxsync [23726] * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrv.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrvAgnostic.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrvInternal.h (modified) SUPDrv: Moving more stuff over. Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:44:46 GMT vboxsync [23725] * trunk/include/VBox/sup.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/Makefile.kmk (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrv.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrvAgnostic.c (added) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrvInternal.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPLib.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/freebsd/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/freebsd/files_vboxdrv (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/linux/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/linux/files_vboxdrv (modified) SUPDrv: Started splitting out platform agonstic code to avoid clashes ... Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:22:43 GMT vboxsync [23724] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxMedium.cpp (modified) FE/Qt4: Force VBoxMedium tool-tip to manual-breaking rules. Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:12:05 GMT vboxsync [23723] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxConsoleWnd.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxVMSettingsHD.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxConsoleWnd.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMSettingsHD.cpp (modified) FE/Qt4: Storage UI could now be invoked at runtime. Console WND ... Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:05:29 GMT vboxsync [23722] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/CPUM.cpp (modified) CPUM: Live migration coding (incomplete and disabled). Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:04:29 GMT vboxsync [23721] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) Main/LiveMigration: Make sure the end-of-stream marker is read before ... Tue, 13 Oct 2009 12:43:15 GMT vboxsync [23720] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl2.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleImpl.h (modified) BridgedInterfaceDown warning added. Tue, 13 Oct 2009 12:36:54 GMT vboxsync [23719] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) Main/LiveMigration: Correct bad LogRel. Tue, 13 Oct 2009 12:36:13 GMT vboxsync [23718] * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/generic/critsect-generic.cpp (modified) critsect-generic.cpp: Don't use AssertMsgFailed on nested entry since ... Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:16:38 GMT vboxsync [23717] * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r0drv/linux/the-linux-kernel.h (modified) Runtime/r0drv/linux: include linux/sched.h directly (was always ... Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:38:42 GMT vboxsync [23716] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/PDM.cpp (modified) PDM: Save the device list in pass 0 (as well as in the final pass) so ... Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:13:43 GMT vboxsync [23714] * trunk/include/VBox/err.h (modified) * trunk/include/VBox/err.mac (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/SSM.cpp (modified) SSM,VBox/err.*: VINF_SSM_DONT_CALL_AGAIN from pfnLiveExec. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 20:53:50 GMT vboxsync [23713] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/testcase/tstPDMAsyncCompletionStress.cpp (modified) Async Completion: bugfixes Mon, 12 Oct 2009 20:53:32 GMT vboxsync [23712] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/PDMAsyncCompletionFileCache.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/PDMAsyncCompletionFileNormal.cpp (modified) Async Completion: logging fixes Mon, 12 Oct 2009 20:19:13 GMT vboxsync [23711] * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/freebsd/files_vboxdrv (modified) HostDriver/Support/linux: Copy used header files for ... Mon, 12 Oct 2009 20:18:33 GMT vboxsync [23710] * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/linux/files_vboxdrv (modified) HostDriver/Support/linux: Copy used header files for ... Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:11:16 GMT vboxsync [23709] * trunk/include/VBox/err.h (modified) * trunk/include/VBox/ssm.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/SSM.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/SSMInternal.h (modified) SSM: VINF_SSM_VOTE_FOR_ANOTHER_PASS - for pushing config data in pass 0. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:09:50 GMT vboxsync [23708] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxUtils-darwin.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/darwin/VBoxUtils-darwin-cocoa.m (modified) spaces and nitpicking. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 17:26:38 GMT vboxsync [23707] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) Main/LiveMigration: Bug fixes for the welcome message check. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 16:31:28 GMT vboxsync [23706] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp (modified) VBoxManageModifyVM: use RTGetOpt for commandline parsing Mon, 12 Oct 2009 16:23:04 GMT vboxsync [23705] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageHelp.cpp (modified) VBoxManageHelp: newline char missing Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:45:34 GMT vboxsync [23704] * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPLib.cpp (modified) Fake version of SUPR0QueryVTCaps Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:34:36 GMT vboxsync [23703] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageInfo.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxSDL/VBoxSDL.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxConsoleView.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxGlobal.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxMediaManagerDlg.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/darwin/VBoxDockIconPreview.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/Global.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/cbinding/tstXPCOMCCall.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleImpl.h (modified) Main,++: Added MachineState_MigratingFrom for use during startup on ... Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:28:56 GMT vboxsync [23702] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/HostImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl (modified) Query VT capabilities from the support driver. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:15:15 GMT vboxsync [23701] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxShell/vboxshell.py (modified) Python shell: updated medium attachment enumeration, firmware type Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:12:21 GMT vboxsync [23700] * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPLib.cpp (modified) COmpile fix Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:01:05 GMT vboxsync [23699] * trunk/include/VBox/hwacc_vmx.h (modified) * trunk/include/VBox/sup.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrv.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPDrvIOC.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/SUPLib.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/HWACCMInternal.h (modified) Added SUP_IOCTL_VT_CAPS to get VT-x/AMD-V caps that can only be ... Mon, 12 Oct 2009 14:07:52 GMT vboxsync [23698] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) Main/LiveMigration: Resume the source VM if the migration failed. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:51:38 GMT vboxsync [23697] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (modified) MachineImpl.cpp: Another live migration state hack. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:48:23 GMT vboxsync [23696] * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Graphics/Wine/wined3d/context.c (modified) crOpenGL: remove unnecessary fbo status poll causing perf regression ... Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:46:45 GMT vboxsync [23695] * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/pack/packspu_getshaders.c (modified) crOpenGL: typo in comments Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:46:26 GMT vboxsync [23694] * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/Makefile.kmk (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/pack/packspu_framebuffer.c (added) * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/pack/packspu_misc.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/pack/packspu_special (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_framebuffer.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/state_tracker/state_buffer.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/state_tracker/state_framebuffer.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/state_tracker/state_get.py (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/state_tracker/state_get.txt (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/state_tracker/state_snapshot.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/state_tracker/state_texture.c (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/HostServices/SharedOpenGL/crserver/crservice.cpp (modified) crOpenGL: most changes to extend FBO support to ARB version Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:42:13 GMT vboxsync [23692] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) Console::migrationDstServeConnection: Set mRc, send VBox RC with NACK. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:27:43 GMT vboxsync [23691] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxFBOverlay.cpp (modified) video 2d accel: check for gl support Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:16:43 GMT vboxsync [23690] * trunk/src/VBox/Devices/Input/DevPS2.cpp (modified) Devices/DevPS2: we only send an additional packet in ImEX mode, so ... Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:06:05 GMT vboxsync [23689] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageInfo.cpp (modified) VBoxManage: fixed copy&past bug. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:45:58 GMT vboxsync [23688] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxSettingsDialogSpecific.cpp (modified) FE/Qt4: Coding-style fix for r53400. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:41:42 GMT vboxsync [23687] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageInfo.cpp (modified) VBoxManage: Updated vminfo with the live migration bits. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:41:10 GMT vboxsync [23686] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) Main/LiveMigration: Added wrapper around the SSM stream so we can ... Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:32:56 GMT vboxsync [23685] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxVMSettingsDisplay.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxSettingsDialogSpecific.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMSettingsDisplay.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMSettingsGeneral.cpp (modified) video 2d accel: display a warning in VM settings UI if 2D is enabled ... Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:57:44 GMT vboxsync [23684] * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r0drv/nt/mp-r0drv-nt.cpp (modified) Compile fix Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:46:00 GMT vboxsync [23683] * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r0drv/nt/mp-r0drv-nt.cpp (modified) Use KeIpiGenericCall on Vista by default as well Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:26:56 GMT vboxsync [23682] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxFBOverlay.cpp (modified) video 2d accel: more intelligent tmp widget creation Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:05:52 GMT vboxsync [23681] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxFBOverlay.cpp (modified) video 2d accel: handle the case of failing make gl cntext current Sat, 10 Oct 2009 23:08:11 GMT vboxsync [23677] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/testcase/tstPDMAsyncCompletionStress.cpp (modified) AsyncCompletion: Stress test bugfixing. Still now working yet Sat, 10 Oct 2009 22:01:56 GMT vboxsync [23676] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/Global.h (modified) Build fix Sat, 10 Oct 2009 21:59:29 GMT vboxsync [23675] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/Global.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/SessionImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/Global.h (modified) stringify Session state Sat, 10 Oct 2009 21:44:27 GMT vboxsync [23674] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (modified) Windows build fix Sat, 10 Oct 2009 21:26:43 GMT vboxsync [23673] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/PDMAsyncCompletionFileCache.cpp (modified) typo Sat, 10 Oct 2009 21:26:05 GMT vboxsync [23672] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/testcase/Makefile.kmk (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/testcase/tstPDMAsyncCompletionStress.cpp (added) AsyncCompletion: Simple stress test utility for bug hunting Sat, 10 Oct 2009 03:19:04 GMT vboxsync [23671] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) Main: Some more live migration bits. Sat, 10 Oct 2009 03:08:58 GMT vboxsync [23670] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (modified) SessionMachine::setMachineState: Hack around a live migration crash. Sat, 10 Oct 2009 03:02:01 GMT vboxsync [23669] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleImpl.h (modified) Main: Live migration coding. Sat, 10 Oct 2009 03:01:18 GMT vboxsync [23668] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/SSM.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VM.cpp (modified) VMM: Live migration fixes. Sat, 10 Oct 2009 01:23:58 GMT vboxsync [23667] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManage.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageHelp.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp (modified) VBoxManage: Live migration. Sat, 10 Oct 2009 01:18:36 GMT vboxsync [23666] * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/tcp.cpp (modified) RTTcpRead: recv returns 0 and errno = 0 when the server shuts down ... Sat, 10 Oct 2009 00:39:03 GMT vboxsync [23665] * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/tcp.cpp (modified) RTTcpServerCreateEx: Initialize all the fields or RTTcpServerListen ... Sat, 10 Oct 2009 00:23:35 GMT vboxsync [23664] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/MachineImpl.cpp (modified) Main: stringify the machine state in error messages. Fri, 09 Oct 2009 18:14:30 GMT vboxsync [23663] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleImpl.h (modified) Main: More live migration work. Fri, 09 Oct 2009 18:09:15 GMT vboxsync [23662] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ProgressImpl.cpp (modified) ProcessImpl.cpp: Added todo about replacing walltime (RTTimeNow) with ... Fri, 09 Oct 2009 18:03:21 GMT vboxsync [23659] * trunk/src/VBox/Devices/Makefile.kmk (modified) wrong place Fri, 09 Oct 2009 17:21:16 GMT vboxsync [23657] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxFBOverlay.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxFBOverlay.cpp (modified) video 2d accel: workaround ATI linux issue: ensure viewport is ... Fri, 09 Oct 2009 15:51:35 GMT vboxsync [23655] * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxService/VBoxServiceUtils.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxService/VBoxServiceVMInfo-win.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxService/VBoxServiceVMInfo.cpp (modified) VBoxService: Always use '%s' when passing strings to a formatting ... Fri, 09 Oct 2009 15:36:16 GMT vboxsync [23653] * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxService/VBoxServiceExec.cpp (modified) VBoxService: VBoxServiceWritePropF logs errors, so drop the double ... Fri, 09 Oct 2009 15:22:57 GMT vboxsync [23652] * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Graphics/Miniport/VBoxVideo.cpp (modified) Windows guest additions video driver: do not assume that IRQ is ... Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:58:49 GMT vboxsync [23651] * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/linux/Makefile.kmk (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/solaris/Makefile.kmk (modified) EFI: Linux and Solaris installer part Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:30:09 GMT vboxsync [23650] * trunk/Config.kmk (modified) * trunk/Makefile.kmk (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/Thunk/Makefile.kmk (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Devices/Makefile.kmk (modified) EFI: fetching firmware from server Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:26:02 GMT vboxsync [23649] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/SSM.cpp (modified) SSM: Fixed seek regression (was testing the wrong directory field). Fri, 09 Oct 2009 14:18:33 GMT vboxsync [23648] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/Global.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/Global.h (modified) Main/Global: Added stringifyMachineState. Fri, 09 Oct 2009 13:23:59 GMT vboxsync [23647] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMInformationDlg.cpp (modified) FE/Qt4: Reusing string tag already present in VBoGlobal for r53341. Fri, 09 Oct 2009 12:51:05 GMT vboxsync [23646] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/VBoxFBOverlay.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxFBOverlay.cpp (modified) video 2d accel: move program start/stop outside display list to ... Fri, 09 Oct 2009 12:31:47 GMT vboxsync [23645] * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/x11/Installer/98vboxadd-xclient (modified) Additions/x11: delete stale VBoxClient pidfiles before starting new ... Fri, 09 Oct 2009 12:28:56 GMT vboxsync [23644] * trunk/include/iprt/err.h (modified) * trunk/include/iprt/getopt.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/common/misc/getopt.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/testcase/tstGetOpt.cpp (modified) Runtime: Added indexed options to RTGetOpt (eg: "--strwithindex14 value") Fri, 09 Oct 2009 12:23:32 GMT vboxsync [23643] * trunk/include/VBox/settings.h (modified) * trunk/include/VBox/vrdpapi.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxHeadless/VBoxHeadless.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManage.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageInfo.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxSDL/VBoxSDL.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxConsoleView.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxGlobal.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMInformationDlg.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxVMSettingsDisplay.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleVRDPServer.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/VirtualBoxCallbackImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleImpl.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleVRDPServer.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/DisplayImpl.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/VRDPServerImpl.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/VirtualBoxCallbackImpl.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/xml/Settings.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/xml/VirtualBox-settings-common.xsd (modified) VRDP port range API. Fri, 09 Oct 2009 12:01:29 GMT vboxsync [23641] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR0/HWVMXR0.cpp (modified) Wrong else Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:58:04 GMT vboxsync [23640] * trunk/src/recompiler/target-i386/op_helper.c (modified) load_seg_vm: correct V86 segment default segment flags Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:20:10 GMT vboxsync [23638] * trunk/src/VBox/VMM/HWACCM.cpp (modified) Log AMD_CPUID_SVM_FEATURE_EDX_PAUSE_FILTER Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:18:56 GMT vboxsync [23636] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/VirtualBoxBase.h (modified) VirtualBoxBash.h: Added RT_UNLIKELY around a bunch of assertion and ... Fri, 09 Oct 2009 10:25:54 GMT vboxsync [23635] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxManage/VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp (modified) VBoxManage: error check Fri, 09 Oct 2009 07:54:09 GMT vboxsync [23634] * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxService/VBoxServiceExec.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxService/VBoxServiceUtils.cpp (modified) VBoxService: No need for RTStrCurrentCPToUtf8() anymore. Thu, 08 Oct 2009 22:14:29 GMT vboxsync [23633] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleImpl.h (modified) Main: A little more live migration bits. Thu, 08 Oct 2009 21:00:20 GMT vboxsync [23632] * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/freebsd/Makefile.kmk (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/freebsd/pkg_plist (modified) Installer/FreeBSD: Include VBoxREM32.so and VBoxREM64.so in 32bit builds Thu, 08 Oct 2009 19:32:50 GMT vboxsync [23630] * trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/VBoxFBOverlay.cpp (modified) video 2d accel: fix gl context issue for old ATI drivers on linux Thu, 08 Oct 2009 19:05:02 GMT vboxsync [23629] * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/freebsd/Makefile.kmk (added) * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/freebsd/pkg-comment (added) * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/freebsd/pkg-descr (added) * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/freebsd/pkg_plist (added) * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/freebsd/postinstall.sh (added) Installer/FreeBSD: Export missing files Thu, 08 Oct 2009 18:51:16 GMT vboxsync [23628] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/freebsd/HostHardwareFreeBSD.cpp (modified) HostHardware/FreeBSD: Make it compile on FreeBSD 7 Thu, 08 Oct 2009 16:56:52 GMT vboxsync [23626] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl-LiveMigration.cpp (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleImpl.h (modified) Main: Somre more live migration stuff. Thu, 08 Oct 2009 16:56:22 GMT vboxsync [23625] * trunk/include/iprt/err.h (modified) * trunk/include/iprt/tcp.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/include/internal/magics.h (modified) * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/tcp.cpp (modified) IPRT: Added RTTcpServerShutdown and cleaned up the code. Thu, 08 Oct 2009 16:23:30 GMT vboxsync [23624] * trunk/src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp (modified) Main/ConsoleImpl: fix incorrect assertion when changing to host ... Thu, 08 Oct 2009 15:22:18 GMT vboxsync [23623] * trunk/src/VBox/Installer/linux/Makefile.kmk (modified) Linux installer: small makefile fix for VBOX_WITH_DOCS_CHM Thu, 08 Oct 2009 15:00:31 GMT vboxsync [23622] * trunk/src/VBox/Runtime/r3/fs.cpp (modified) use DEV_BSIZE instead of hardcoded 512 bytes in r53300