00:00:01.273 VirtualBox 4.0.4 r70112 solaris.amd64 (Feb 17 2011 17:34:39) release log 00:00:01.273 Log opened 2011-03-19T17:22:52.324305000Z 00:00:01.273 OS Product: SunOS 00:00:01.273 OS Release: 5.11 00:00:01.273 OS Version: snv_151a 00:00:01.273 DMI Product Name: System Product Name 00:00:01.273 DMI Product Version: System Version 00:00:01.277 Host RAM: 8183MB RAM, available: 7100MB 00:00:01.277 Executable: /opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VirtualBox 00:00:01.277 Process ID: 2023 00:00:01.277 Package type: SOLARIS_64BITS_GENERIC 00:00:01.347 VRDP: TCP server listening on port 3389. 00:00:01.355 SUP: Loaded VMMR0.r0 (/opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VMMR0.r0) at 0xfffffffff83ae020 - ModuleInit at fffffffff83c1930 and ModuleTerm at fffffffff83c19b0 00:00:01.355 SUP: VMMR0EntryEx located at fffffffff83c2890, VMMR0EntryFast at fffffffff83c1a40 and VMMR0EntryInt at fffffffff83c1a30 00:00:01.412 File system of '/home/halstead/VirtualBox VMs/opensolvb_1/Snapshots' (snapshots) is unknown 00:00:01.412 File system of '/opt/VirtualBox/VirtualBox VMs/opensolvb11/9b57ab55-9d85-4cea-bddf-95f760d426da-disk1.vmdk' is zfs 00:00:01.423 File system of '/opt/VirtualBox/VirtualBox VMs/opensolvb11/9b57ab55-9d85-4cea-bddf-95f760d426da-disk2.vmdk' is zfs 00:00:01.484 VBoxSharedClipboard mode: Bidirectional 00:00:01.598 OpenGL Info: Render SPU: GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation 00:00:01.598 OpenGL Info: Render SPU: GL_RENDERER: GeForce 8600 GTS/PCI/SSE2 00:00:01.598 OpenGL Info: Render SPU: GL_VERSION: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 256.44 00:00:01.598 OpenGL Info: Render SPU: GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_vdpau_interop GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum 00:00:01.606 Shared crOpenGL service loaded. 00:00:01.616 ************************* CFGM dump ************************* 00:00:01.616 [/] (level 0) 00:00:01.616 CSAMEnabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 CpuExecutionCap = 0x0000000000000064 (100) 00:00:01.616 EnablePAE = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 HwVirtExtForced = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 MemBalloonSize = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Name = "opensolvb11" (cb=12) 00:00:01.616 NumCPUs = 0x0000000000000002 (2) 00:00:01.616 PATMEnabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 PageFusion = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 RamHoleSize = 0x0000000020000000 (536870912) 00:00:01.616 RamSize = 0x0000000080000000 (2147483648) 00:00:01.616 RawR0Enabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 RawR3Enabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 TimerMillies = 0x000000000000000a (10) 00:00:01.616 UUID = "32 23 79 ee 47 de 8e 4f be bd a3 13 77 6d a4 d4" (cb=16) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/CPUM/] (level 1) 00:00:01.616 SyntheticCpu = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/] (level 1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/8237A/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/8237A/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "MainAudioSniffer" (cb=17) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 Object = 0x0000000000513010 (5320720) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/VMMDev/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000004 (4) 00:00:01.616 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 GuestCoreDumpDir = "/home/halstead/VirtualBox VMs/opensolvb_1/Snapshots" (cb=52) 00:00:01.616 RamSize = 0x0000000080000000 (2147483648) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "HGCM" (cb=5) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 Object = 0x00000000007d11f0 (8196592) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "MainStatus" (cb=11) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 First = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Last = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 papLeds = 0x0000000000548828 (5539880) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/acpi/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/acpi/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000007 (7) 00:00:01.616 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/acpi/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 CpuHotPlug = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 FdcEnabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 HostBusPciAddress = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 HpetEnabled = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 IOAPIC = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 IocPciAddress = 0x0000000000010000 (65536) 00:00:01.616 NumCPUs = 0x0000000000000002 (2) 00:00:01.616 RamHoleSize = 0x0000000020000000 (536870912) 00:00:01.616 RamSize = 0x0000000080000000 (2147483648) 00:00:01.616 ShowCpu = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 ShowRtc = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 SmcEnabled = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/acpi/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "ACPIHost" (cb=9) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/acpi/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/acpi/0/LUN#1/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "ACPICpu" (cb=8) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/acpi/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/apic/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/apic/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/apic/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 IOAPIC = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 NumCPUs = 0x0000000000000002 (2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/e1000/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/e1000/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000003 (3) 00:00:01.616 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/e1000/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 AdapterType = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 CableConnected = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 LineSpeed = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 MAC = "08 00 27 20 9d b8" (cb=6) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "IntNet" (cb=7) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 IgnoreConnectFailure = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Network = "HostInterfaceNetworking-e1000g0 - Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Ethernet" (cb=66) 00:00:01.616 Trunk = "e1000g0" (cb=8) 00:00:01.616 TrunkType = 0x0000000000000003 (3) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "MainStatus" (cb=11) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 papLeds = 0x00000000005487e8 (5539816) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i82078/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i82078/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i82078/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 DMA = 0x0000000000000002 (2) 00:00:01.616 IOBase = 0x00000000000003f0 (1008) 00:00:01.616 IRQ = 0x0000000000000006 (6) 00:00:01.616 MemMapped = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i82078/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "Block" (cb=6) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i82078/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 Mountable = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 Type = "Floppy 1.44" (cb=12) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i82078/0/LUN#999/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "MainStatus" (cb=11) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i82078/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 First = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Last = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 papLeds = 0x0000000000548610 (5539344) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i8254/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i8254/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i8254/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i8259/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i8259/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/i8259/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/ichac97/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/ichac97/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000005 (5) 00:00:01.616 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/ichac97/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "AUDIO" (cb=6) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 AudioDriver = "solaudio" (cb=9) 00:00:01.616 StreamName = "opensolvb11" (cb=12) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/ioapic/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/ioapic/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/ioapic/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/mc146818/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/mc146818/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/mc146818/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 UseUTC = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/parallel/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcarch/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcarch/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcarch/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcbios/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcbios/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 BootDevice0 = "FLOPPY" (cb=7) 00:00:01.616 BootDevice1 = "DVD" (cb=4) 00:00:01.616 BootDevice2 = "IDE" (cb=4) 00:00:01.616 BootDevice3 = "NONE" (cb=5) 00:00:01.616 FloppyDevice = "i82078" (cb=7) 00:00:01.616 HardDiskDevice = "piix3ide" (cb=9) 00:00:01.616 IOAPIC = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 LanBootRom = "/opt/VirtualBox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/PXE-Intel.rom" (cb=81) 00:00:01.616 McfgBase = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 McfgLength = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 NumCPUs = 0x0000000000000002 (2) 00:00:01.616 PXEDebug = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 RamHoleSize = 0x0000000020000000 (536870912) 00:00:01.616 RamSize = 0x0000000080000000 (2147483648) 00:00:01.616 UUID = "32 23 79 ee 47 de 8e 4f be bd a3 13 77 6d a4 d4" (cb=16) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/NetBoot/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/NetBoot/0/] (level 6) 00:00:01.616 NIC = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000003 (3) 00:00:01.616 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pci/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pci/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pci/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 IOAPIC = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "KeyboardQueue" (cb=14) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "MainKeyboard" (cb=13) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) 00:00:01.616 Object = 0x0000000000549430 (5542960) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 QueueSize = 0x0000000000000040 (64) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "MouseQueue" (cb=11) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "MainMouse" (cb=10) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) 00:00:01.616 Object = 0x0000000000549830 (5543984) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 QueueSize = 0x0000000000000080 (128) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/pcnet/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/] (level 2) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.616 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Type = "PIIX4" (cb=6) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "Block" (cb=6) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "VD" (cb=3) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) 00:00:01.616 Format = "VMDK" (cb=5) 00:00:01.616 Path = "/opt/VirtualBox/VirtualBox VMs/opensolvb11/9b57ab55-9d85-4cea-bddf-95f760d426da-disk1.vmdk" (cb=91) 00:00:01.616 Type = "HardDisk" (cb=9) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 Mountable = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.616 Type = "HardDisk" (cb=9) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#1/] (level 4) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "Block" (cb=6) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/] (level 5) 00:00:01.616 Driver = "VD" (cb=3) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) 00:00:01.616 Format = "VMDK" (cb=5) 00:00:01.616 Path = "/opt/VirtualBox/VirtualBox VMs/opensolvb11/9b57ab55-9d85-4cea-bddf-95f760d426da-disk2.vmdk" (cb=91) 00:00:01.616 Type = "HardDisk" (cb=9) 00:00:01.616 00:00:01.616 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 Mountable = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 Type = "HardDisk" (cb=9) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 Driver = "Block" (cb=6) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/AttachedDriver/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 Driver = "VD" (cb=3) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6) 00:00:01.617 Format = "RAW" (cb=4) 00:00:01.617 Path = "/opt/VirtualBox/amd64/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso" (cb=55) 00:00:01.617 ReadOnly = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 Type = "DVD" (cb=4) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 Mountable = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 Type = "DVD" (cb=4) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#999/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 Driver = "MainStatus" (cb=11) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 First = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 Last = 0x0000000000000003 (3) 00:00:01.617 papLeds = 0x0000000000548618 (5539352) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/serial/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ehci/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.617 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 PCIDeviceNo = 0x000000000000000b (11) 00:00:01.617 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 Driver = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 Driver = "MainStatus" (cb=11) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 First = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 Last = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 papLeds = 0x0000000000548838 (5539896) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ohci/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.617 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000006 (6) 00:00:01.617 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 Driver = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 Driver = "MainStatus" (cb=11) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 First = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 Last = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 papLeds = 0x0000000000548830 (5539888) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/vga/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/vga/0/] (level 3) 00:00:01.617 PCIBusNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 PCIDeviceNo = 0x0000000000000002 (2) 00:00:01.617 PCIFunctionNo = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 Trusted = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/vga/0/Config/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 CustomVideoModes = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 FadeIn = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 FadeOut = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 HeightReduction = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 LogoFile = "" (cb=1) 00:00:01.617 LogoTime = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 MonitorCount = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 ShowBootMenu = 0x0000000000000002 (2) 00:00:01.617 VRamSize = 0x0000000008000000 (134217728) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 Driver = "MainDisplay" (cb=12) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5) 00:00:01.617 Object = 0x0000000000549e40 (5545536) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/Devices/virtio-net/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/HWVirtExt/] (level 1) 00:00:01.617 64bitEnabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 EnableLargePages = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 EnableNestedPaging = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 EnableVPID = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 Enabled = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 Exclusive = 0x0000000000000001 (1) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/MM/] (level 1) 00:00:01.617 CanUseLargerHeap = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/] (level 1) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/] (level 3) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/BwGroups/] (level 4) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/BlkCache/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 CacheSize = 0x0000000000500000 (5242880) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/Devices/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/Devices/VBoxEhci/] (level 3) 00:00:01.617 Path = "/opt/VirtualBox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/solaris.amd64/VBoxEhciR3.so" (cb=95) 00:00:01.617 R0SearchPath = "/opt/VirtualBox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/solaris.amd64" (cb=81) 00:00:01.617 RCSearchPath = "/opt/VirtualBox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/solaris.amd64" (cb=81) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/Drivers/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/PDM/Drivers/VBoxC/] (level 3) 00:00:01.617 Path = "/opt/VirtualBox/amd64/components/VBoxC" (cb=39) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/TM/] (level 1) 00:00:01.617 UTCOffset = 0x0000000000000000 (0) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/USB/] (level 1) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/USB/USBProxy/] (level 2) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 [/USB/USBProxy/GlobalConfig/] (level 3) 00:00:01.617 00:00:01.617 ********************* End of CFGM dump ********************** 00:00:01.617 MM: cbHyperHeap=0x140000 (1310720) 00:00:01.623 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled PAE 00:00:01.623 Logical host processors: 2 present, 2 max, 2 online, online mask: 0000000000000003 00:00:01.623 ************************* CPUID dump ************************ 00:00:01.623 RAW Standard CPUIDs 00:00:01.623 Function eax ebx ecx edx 00:00:01.623 Gst: 00000000 00000005 756e6547 6c65746e 49656e69 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000006 756e6547 6c65746e 49656e69 00:00:01.623 Gst: 00000001 00000f62 00020800 00000001 178bf1ff 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000f62 00020800 0000e43d bfebfbff 00:00:01.623 Gst: 00000002 605b5101 00000000 00000000 007d7040 00:00:01.623 Hst: 605b5101 00000000 00000000 007d7040 00:00:01.623 Gst: 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: 00000004 04000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 04000121 01c0003f 0000001f 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: 00000005 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000040 00000040 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Name: GenuineIntel 00:00:01.623 Supports: 0-5 00:00:01.623 Family: 15 Extended: 0 Effective: 15 00:00:01.623 Model: 6 Extended: 0 Effective: 6 00:00:01.623 Stepping: 2 00:00:01.623 Type: 0 (primary) 00:00:01.623 APIC ID: 0x00 00:00:01.623 Logical CPUs: 2 00:00:01.623 CLFLUSH Size: 8 00:00:01.623 Brand ID: 0x00 00:00:01.623 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host) 00:00:01.623 FPU - x87 FPU on Chip = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 VME - Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 DE - Debugging extensions = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 PSE - Page Size Extension = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 TSC - Time Stamp Counter = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 MSR - Model Specific Registers = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 PAE - Physical Address Extension = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 MCE - Machine Check Exception = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 CX8 - CMPXCHG8B instruction = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 APIC - APIC On-Chip = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 10 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 SEP - SYSENTER and SYSEXIT = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 MTRR - Memory Type Range Registers = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 PGE - PTE Global Bit = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 MCA - Machine Check Architecture = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 CMOV - Conditional Move Instructions = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 PAT - Page Attribute Table = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 PSE-36 - 36-bit Page Size Extention = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 PSN - Processor Serial Number = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 CLFSH - CLFLUSH Instruction. = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 20 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 DS - Debug Store = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 ACPI - Thermal Mon. & Soft. Clock Ctrl.= 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 MMX - Intel MMX Technology = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 FXSR - FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instructions = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 SSE - SSE Support = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 SSE2 - SSE2 Support = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 SS - Self Snoop = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 HTT - Hyper-Threading Technology = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 TM - Thermal Monitor = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 30 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 PBE - Pending Break Enable = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 Supports SSE3 = 1 (1) 00:00:01.623 PCLMULQDQ = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 DS Area 64-bit layout = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 Supports MONITOR/MWAIT = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 CPL-DS - CPL Qualified Debug Store = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 VMX - Virtual Machine Technology = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 SMX - Safer Mode Extensions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Enhanced SpeedStep Technology = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Terminal Monitor 2 = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Supplemental SSE3 instructions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 L1 Context ID = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 11 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 FMA extensions using YMM state = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 CMPXCHG16B instruction = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 xTPR Update Control = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 Perf/Debug Capability MSR = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 16 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 PCID - Process-context identifiers = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 DCA - Direct Cache Access = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 SSE4.1 instruction extensions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 SSE4.2 instruction extensions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Supports the x2APIC extensions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 MOVBE instruction = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 POPCNT instruction = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 TSC-Deadline LAPIC timer mode = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 AESNI instruction extensions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 XSAVE/XRSTOR extended state feature = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Supports OSXSAVE = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 AVX instruction extensions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 29/30 - Reserved = 0x0 (0x0) 00:00:01.623 31 - Reserved (always 0) = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 00:00:01.623 RAW Extended CPUIDs 00:00:01.623 Function eax ebx ecx edx 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000000 80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000001 20100800 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000002 20202020 20202020 20202020 6e492020 00:00:01.623 Hst: 20202020 20202020 20202020 6e492020 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000003 286c6574 50202952 69746e65 52286d75 00:00:01.623 Hst: 286c6574 50202952 69746e65 52286d75 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000004 20442029 20555043 30302e33 007a4847 00:00:01.623 Hst: 20442029 20555043 30302e33 007a4847 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000005 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000006 00000000 00000000 08006040 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 08006040 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000008 00003024 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00003024 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: 80000009 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000* 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Ext Name: 00:00:01.623 Ext Supports: 0x80000000-0x80000008 00:00:01.623 Family: 0 Extended: 0 Effective: 0 00:00:01.623 Model: 0 Extended: 0 Effective: 0 00:00:01.623 Stepping: 0 00:00:01.623 Brand ID: 0x000 00:00:01.623 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host) 00:00:01.623 FPU - x87 FPU on Chip = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 VME - Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 DE - Debugging extensions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 PSE - Page Size Extension = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 TSC - Time Stamp Counter = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 MSR - K86 Model Specific Registers = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 PAE - Physical Address Extension = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 MCE - Machine Check Exception = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 CX8 - CMPXCHG8B instruction = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 APIC - APIC On-Chip = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 10 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 SEP - SYSCALL and SYSRET = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 MTRR - Memory Type Range Registers = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 PGE - PTE Global Bit = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 MCA - Machine Check Architecture = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 CMOV - Conditional Move Instructions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 PAT - Page Attribute Table = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 PSE-36 - 36-bit Page Size Extention = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 18 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 19 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 NX - No-Execute Page Protection = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 DS - Debug Store = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 AXMMX - AMD Extensions to MMX Instr. = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 MMX - Intel MMX Technology = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 FXSR - FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instructions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 25 - AMD fast FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instr.= 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 26 - 1 GB large page support = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 27 - RDTSCP instruction = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 28 - Reserved = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 29 - AMD Long Mode = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 30 - AMD Extensions to 3DNow = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 31 - AMD 3DNow = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 LahfSahf - LAHF/SAHF in 64-bit mode = 0 (1) 00:00:01.623 CmpLegacy - Core MP legacy mode (depr) = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 SVM - AMD VM Extensions = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 APIC registers starting at 0x400 = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 AltMovCR8 - LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8 = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Advanced bit manipulation = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 SSE4A instruction support = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Misaligned SSE mode = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instruction = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 OS visible workaround = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Instruction based sampling = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 SSE5 support = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 SKINIT, STGI, and DEV support = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 Watchdog timer support. = 0 (0) 00:00:01.623 31:14 - Reserved = 0x0 (0x0) 00:00:01.623 Full Name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz 00:00:01.623 TLB 2/4M Instr/Uni: res0 0 entries 00:00:01.623 TLB 2/4M Data: res0 0 entries 00:00:01.623 TLB 4K Instr/Uni: res0 0 entries 00:00:01.623 TLB 4K Data: res0 0 entries 00:00:01.623 L1 Instr Cache Line Size: 0 bytes 00:00:01.623 L1 Instr Cache Lines Per Tag: 0 00:00:01.623 L1 Instr Cache Associativity: res0 00:00:01.623 L1 Instr Cache Size: 0 KB 00:00:01.623 L1 Data Cache Line Size: 0 bytes 00:00:01.623 L1 Data Cache Lines Per Tag: 0 00:00:01.623 L1 Data Cache Associativity: res0 00:00:01.623 L1 Data Cache Size: 0 KB 00:00:01.623 L2 TLB 2/4M Instr/Uni: off 0 entries 00:00:01.623 L2 TLB 2/4M Data: off 0 entries 00:00:01.623 L2 TLB 4K Instr/Uni: off 0 entries 00:00:01.623 L2 TLB 4K Data: off 0 entries 00:00:01.623 L2 Cache Line Size: 0 bytes 00:00:01.623 L2 Cache Lines Per Tag: 0 00:00:01.623 L2 Cache Associativity: off 00:00:01.623 L2 Cache Size: 0 KB 00:00:01.623 APM Features: 00:00:01.623 Physical Address Width: 36 bits 00:00:01.623 Virtual Address Width: 48 bits 00:00:01.623 Guest Physical Address Width: 0 bits 00:00:01.623 Physical Core Count: 0 00:00:01.623 00:00:01.623 RAW Centaur CPUIDs 00:00:01.623 Function eax ebx ecx edx 00:00:01.623 Gst: c0000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: c0000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000* 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: c0000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000* 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Gst: c0000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000* 00:00:01.623 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00:00:01.623 Centaur Supports: 0xc0000000-0x00000000 00:00:01.623 00:00:01.623 ******************** End of CPUID dump ********************** 00:00:01.624 Debug: HCPhysInterPD=00000000086f1000 HCPhysInterPaePDPT=00000000086f4000 HCPhysInterPaePML4=00000000086f6000 00:00:01.624 Debug: apInterPTs={00000000086f2000,00000000086f3000} apInterPaePTs={00000001bacea000,00000001b536b000} apInterPaePDs={00000001b7cec000,00000001b8c6d000,00000001b962e000,00000001b346f000} pInterPaePDPT64=00000000086f5000 00:00:01.624 pgmR3PoolInit: cMaxPages=0x400 cMaxUsers=0x800 cMaxPhysExts=0x800 fCacheEnable=true 00:00:01.710 TM: GIP - u32Mode=1 (SyncTSC) u32UpdateHz=99 00:00:01.743 TM: cTSCTicksPerSecond=0xd4d427b6 (3 570 673 590) fTSCVirtualized=true fTSCUseRealTSC=false 00:00:01.743 TM: fMaybeUseOffsettedHostTSC=true TSCTiedToExecution=false TSCNotTiedToHalt=false 00:00:01.743 CoreCode: R3=fffffd7ffcfb0000 R0=ffffff02ef5c6000 RC=a09aa000 Phys=00000000bfe70000 cb=0x1000 00:00:01.748 AIOMgr: Default manager type is "Async" 00:00:01.748 AIOMgr: Default file backend is "NonBuffered" 00:00:01.748 BlkCache: Cache successfully initialised. Cache size is 5242880 bytes 00:00:01.748 BlkCache: Cache commit interval is 10000 ms 00:00:01.748 BlkCache: Cache commit threshold is 2621440 bytes 00:00:01.789 [SMP] BIOS with 2 CPUs 00:00:01.797 SUP: Loaded VBoxDDR0.r0 (/opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VBoxDDR0.r0) at 0xfffffffff8416020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000 00:00:01.800 SUP: Loaded VBoxDD2R0.r0 (/opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VBoxDD2R0.r0) at 0xfffffffff8ba3020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000 00:00:01.800 Activating Local APIC 00:00:01.800 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled APIC 00:00:01.800 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Disabled x2APIC 00:00:01.800 PIT: mode=3 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:01.807 Shared Folders service loaded. 00:00:01.911 DrvBlock: Flushes will be ignored 00:00:01.911 DrvBlock: Async flushes will be passed to the disk 00:00:01.912 DrvBlock: Flushes will be ignored 00:00:01.912 DrvBlock: Async flushes will be passed to the disk 00:00:01.912 VDInit finished 00:00:01.942 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#0: disk, PCHS=16383/16/63, total number of sectors 33554432 00:00:01.942 DrvBlock: Flushes will be ignored 00:00:01.942 DrvBlock: Async flushes will be passed to the disk 00:00:01.978 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#1: disk, PCHS=16383/16/63, total number of sectors 67108864 00:00:01.979 DrvBlock: Flushes will be ignored 00:00:01.979 DrvBlock: Async flushes will be passed to the disk 00:00:01.979 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#2: CD/DVD, total number of sectors 18754, passthrough disabled 00:00:01.979 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#3: no unit 00:00:01.979 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET 00:00:01.979 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: finished processing RESET 00:00:01.979 IntNet#0: szNetwork={HostInterfaceNetworking-e1000g0 - Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Ethernet} enmTrunkType=3 szTrunk={e1000g0} fFlags=0x0 cbRecv=325632 cbSend=196608 00:00:01.982 Audio: Trying driver 'solaudio'. 00:00:01.983 Audio: set_record_source ars=0 als=0 (not implemented) 00:00:01.985 AC97: WARNING: Unable to open PCM IN! 00:00:01.985 AC97: WARNING: Unable to open PCM MC! 00:00:01.985 VM: Raising runtime error 'HostAudioNotResponding' (fFlags=0x0) 00:00:01.985 Console: VM runtime error: fatal=false, errorID=HostAudioNotResponding message="Some audio devices (PCM_in, PCM_mic) could not be opened. Guest applications generating audio output or depending on audio input may hang. Make sure your host audio device is working properly. Check the logfile for error messages of the audio subsystem" 00:00:01.995 SUP: Loaded VBoxEhciR0.r0 (/opt/VirtualBox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/solaris.amd64/VBoxEhciR0.r0) at 0xfffffffff8ba6020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000 00:00:01.995 DevPcBios: ATA LUN#0 LCHS=1024/255/63 00:00:01.995 DevPcBios: ATA LUN#1 LCHS=1024/255/63 00:00:01.996 PGM: The CPU physical address width is 36 bits 00:00:01.996 PGMR3InitFinalize: 4 MB PSE mask 0000000fffffffff 00:00:02.009 VMM: fUsePeriodicPreemptionTimers=false 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: Host CR4=000006F8 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL = 5 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC_INFO = 1a100000000003 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMCS id = 3 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMCS size = 0 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMCS physical address limit = None 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMCS memory type = 6 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: Dual monitor treatment = 1 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS = 1f00000016 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PIN_EXEC_CONTROLS_EXT_INT_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PIN_EXEC_CONTROLS_NMI_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS = 67b9fffe0401e172 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_IRQ_WINDOW_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_TSC_OFFSET 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_HLT_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_INVLPG_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_MWAIT_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_RDPMC_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_RDTSC_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_CR3_LOAD_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_CR3_STORE_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_CR8_LOAD_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_CR8_STORE_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_USE_TPR_SHADOW 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_MOV_DR_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_UNCOND_IO_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_USE_IO_BITMAPS 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_MONITOR_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_PAUSE_EXIT 00:00:02.009 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_CR3_LOAD_EXIT *must* be set 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_PROC_EXEC_CONTROLS_CR3_STORE_EXIT *must* be set 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS = 1fff000011ff 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_ENTRY_CONTROLS_LOAD_DEBUG 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_ENTRY_CONTROLS_IA64_MODE 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_ENTRY_CONTROLS_ENTRY_SMM 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_ENTRY_CONTROLS_DEACTIVATE_DUALMON 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_ENTRY_CONTROLS_LOAD_DEBUG *must* be set 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS = 3efff00036dff 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_EXIT_CONTROLS_SAVE_DEBUG 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_EXIT_CONTROLS_HOST_AMD64 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_EXIT_CONTROLS_ACK_EXTERNAL_IRQ 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX_VMCS_CTRL_EXIT_CONTROLS_SAVE_DEBUG *must* be set 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC = 401c0 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_PREEMPT_TSC_BIT 0 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_ACTIVITY_STATES 7 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_CR3_TARGET 4 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_MAX_MSR 200 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC_MSEG_ID 0 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0 = 80000021 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1 = ffffffff 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0 = 2000 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1 = 27ff 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: MSR_IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENUM = 2a 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: TPR shadow physaddr = 00000000bfe35000 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VCPU0: MSR bitmap physaddr = 0000000000000000 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VCPU0: VMCS physaddr = 00000000bfe12000 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VCPU1: MSR bitmap physaddr = 0000000000000000 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VCPU1: VMCS physaddr = 00000000bfe14000 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: Real Mode TSS guest physaddr = 00000000f0800000 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: Non-Paging Mode EPT CR3 = 00000000f0803000 00:00:02.010 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled sysenter/exit 00:00:02.010 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled PAE 00:00:02.010 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled LONG MODE 00:00:02.010 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled syscall/ret 00:00:02.010 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled LAHF/SAHF 00:00:02.010 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled NXE 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: 32-bit and 64-bit guests supported. 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VMX enabled! 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: TPR Patching disabled. 00:00:02.010 HWACCM: VT-x/AMD-V init method: GLOBAL 00:00:02.021 VM: Halt method global1 (5) 00:00:02.021 HaltedGlobal1 config: cNsSpinBlockThresholdCfg=2000 00:00:02.021 Changing the VM state from 'CREATING' to 'CREATED'. 00:00:02.031 SharedFolders host service: adding host mapping 00:00:02.031 Host path '/home/halstead', map name 'halstead', writable 00:00:02.050 Changing the VM state from 'CREATED' to 'POWERING_ON'. 00:00:02.050 Changing the VM state from 'POWERING_ON' to 'RUNNING'. 00:00:02.072 Guest Log: BIOS: VirtualBox 4.0.4 00:00:02.072 PIT: mode=2 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:02.082 ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005) aIID={09eed313-cd56-4d06-bd56-fac0f716b5dd} aComponent={Display} aText={Could not take a screenshot (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)}, preserve=false 00:00:02.117 ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005) aIID={09eed313-cd56-4d06-bd56-fac0f716b5dd} aComponent={Display} aText={Could not take a screenshot (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)}, preserve=false 00:00:02.228 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0x00 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0x00 (-1 usec ago) 00:00:02.228 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET 00:00:02.229 Guest Log: BIOS: ata0-0: PCHS=16383/16/63 LCHS=1024/255/63 00:00:02.229 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: RESET, DevSel=1 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0xec (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0x00 (-1 usec ago) 00:00:02.229 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET 00:00:02.231 Guest Log: BIOS: ata0-1: PCHS=16383/16/63 LCHS=1024/255/63 00:00:02.231 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0x00 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0x00 (-1 usec ago) 00:00:02.231 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: finished processing RESET 00:00:02.232 PIT: mode=2 count=0x48d3 (18643) - 64.00 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:02.235 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=fffffd7feca00000 w=640 h=480 bpp=32 cbLine=0xA00, flags=0x1 00:00:04.711 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0, flags=0x1 00:00:04.721 PIT: mode=2 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:04.723 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from Floppy 0 failed 00:00:04.750 Guest Log: BIOS: CDROM boot failure code : 0004 00:00:04.750 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from CD-ROM failed 00:00:04.751 Guest Log: BIOS: Booting from Hard Disk... 00:00:04.751 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0xc4 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0xec (-1 usec ago) 00:00:04.752 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET 00:00:04.756 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0xc4 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0xec (-1 usec ago) 00:00:04.756 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET 00:00:05.304 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=fffffd7feca00000 w=640 h=480 bpp=0 cbLine=0x140, flags=0x1 00:00:23.252 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0, flags=0x1 00:00:23.276 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=fffffd7feca00000 w=640 h=480 bpp=0 cbLine=0x140, flags=0x1 00:00:35.582 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:35.582 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:35.583 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:35.583 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:35.585 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:35.585 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:35.638 PIT: mode=3 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:35.762 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: RESET, DevSel=1 AIOIf=1 CmdIf0=0xc4 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0xc4 (-1 usec ago) 00:00:35.762 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET 00:00:35.766 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0xc4 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0xc4 (-1 usec ago) 00:00:35.766 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET 00:00:36.351 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:36.351 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:36.363 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:36.408 PIT: mode=0 count=0xffff (65535) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0) 00:00:40.987 EHCI: Hardware reset 00:00:40.997 EHCI: USB Operational 00:00:42.183 OHCI: Software reset 00:00:42.192 OHCI: USB Reset 00:00:42.193 OHCI: USB Operational 00:01:21.791 Changing the VM state from 'RUNNING' to 'SUSPENDING'. 00:01:21.859 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDING' to 'SUSPENDED'. 00:01:23.965 Console::powerDown(): A request to power off the VM has been issued (mMachineState=Stopping, InUninit=0) 00:01:23.972 VRDP: TCP server closed. 00:01:23.973 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDED' to 'POWERING_OFF'. 00:01:23.974 ****************** Guest state at power off ****************** 00:01:23.974 Guest CPUM (VCPU 0) state: se 00:01:23.974 rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000010001 rcx=000000000000004b rdx=0000000000000000 00:01:23.974 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=00000000c0000100 r8 =0000000000000000 r9 =000000000000b847 00:01:23.974 r10=fffffffffbc2fa60 r11=0000000000000001 r12=ffffff0004680f10 r13=ffffff0148e85680 00:01:23.974 r14=fffffffffbc2fa60 r15=00000000fedf2200 00:01:23.974 rip=fffffffffb80019d rsp=ffffff000467c020 rbp=ffffff000467c020 iopl=0 rf nv up di pl nz na po nc 00:01:23.974 cs={0030 base=0000000000000000 limit=00000fff flags=0000a09b} 00:01:23.974 ds={004b base=0000000000000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0000c0f3} 00:01:23.974 es={004b base=0000000000000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0000c0f3} 00:01:23.974 fs={0000 base=0000000000000000 limit=00000000 flags=00010000} 00:01:23.974 gs={01c3 base=00000000fedf2200 limit=ffffffff flags=0000c0f3} 00:01:23.974 ss={0038 base=0000000000000000 limit=ffffffff flags=0000e093} 00:01:23.974 cr0=000000008005003b cr2=ffffff000467bff8 cr3=0000000003dc6000 cr4=00000000000006b8 00:01:23.974 dr0=0000000000000000 dr1=0000000000000000 dr2=0000000000000000 dr3=0000000000000000 00:01:23.974 dr4=0000000000000000 dr5=0000000000000000 dr6=00000000ffff0ff0 dr7=0000000000000400 00:01:23.974 gdtr=fffffffffb7fe000:01ef idtr=fffffffffb7fd000:0fff eflags=00010046 00:01:23.974 ldtr={0000 base=00000000 limit=00000000 flags=00000082} 00:01:23.974 tr ={0070 base=fffffffffb7fc000 limit=00000067 flags=0000008b} 00:01:23.974 SysEnter={cs=0030 eip=fffffffffb800f84 esp=ffffff0004680f10} 00:01:23.974 FCW=137f FSW=7820 FTW=0080 FOP=01ca MXCSR=00001f80 MXCSR_MASK=0000ffff 00:01:23.974 FPUIP=fb85f303 CS=0030 Rsvrd1=0000 FPUDP=fb85f318 DS=004b Rsvrd2=0000 00:01:23.974 ST(0)=FPR7={0000'00000000'00000000} t1 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 00:01:23.974 ST(1)=FPR0={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 00:01:23.974 ST(2)=FPR1={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 00:01:23.974 ST(3)=FPR2={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 00:01:23.974 ST(4)=FPR3={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 00:01:23.974 ST(5)=FPR4={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 00:01:23.974 ST(6)=FPR5={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 00:01:23.974 ST(7)=FPR6={0000'00000000'00000000} t0 +0.0000000000000000000000 ^ 0 00:01:23.974 XMM0 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 XMM1 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 00:01:23.974 XMM2 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 XMM3 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 00:01:23.974 XMM4 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 XMM5 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 00:01:23.974 XMM6 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 XMM7 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 00:01:23.974 XMM8 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 XMM9 =00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 00:01:23.974 XMM10=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 XMM11=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 00:01:23.974 XMM12=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 XMM13=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 00:01:23.974 XMM14=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 XMM15=00000000'00000000'00000000'00000000 00:01:23.974 EFER =0000000000000d01 00:01:23.974 PAT =0001040600070406 00:01:23.974 STAR =0043003000000000 00:01:23.974 CSTAR =fffffffffb800d33 00:01:23.974 LSTAR =fffffffffb800a03 00:01:23.974 SFMASK =0000000000000300 00:01:23.974 KERNELGSBASE =00000000fec63200 00:01:23.974 *** 00:01:23.974 Guest paging mode: AMD64+NX, changed 78659 times, A20 enabled 00:01:23.974 Shadow paging mode: AMD64 00:01:23.974 Host paging mode: AMD64+G+NX 00:01:23.974 *** 00:01:23.974 Active Timers (pVM=fffffd7ffd98c000) 00:01:23.974 pTimerR3 offNext offPrev offSched Clock Time Expire HzHint State Description 00:01:23.974 fffffd7ffc9bb7b0 0000c7d0 00000000 00000000 Real 509584 507410 0 2-ACTIVE VGA Refresh Timer 00:01:23.974 fffffd7ffc9c7f80 00000000 ffff3830 00000000 Real 509584 507790 0 2-ACTIVE CPU Load Timer 00:01:23.974 fffffd7ffc9c5500 ffffe920 00000000 00000000 Virt 79808957996 79741475849 0 2-ACTIVE USB Frame Timer 00:01:23.974 fffffd7ffc9c3e20 ffffe970 000016e0 00000000 Virt 79808957996 79741479505 0 2-ACTIVE USB2 Frame Timer (no sync) 00:01:23.974 fffffd7ffc9c2790 00000000 00001690 00000000 Virt 79808957996 79742819363 0 2-ACTIVE Audio timer 00:01:23.974 fffffd7ffc9b31e0 00013e70 00000000 00000000 VrSy 78990244140 79990000000 0 2-ACTIVE MC146818 RTC/CMOS - Second 00:01:23.974 fffffd7ffc9c7050 00000000 fffec190 00000000 VrSy 78990244140 1199864031601 0 2-ACTIVE ACPI Timer 00:01:23.974 *** 00:01:23.974 Shadow GDT (GCAddr=ff5ac000): 00:01:23.974 ffd8 - 80d80087 fe0089c0 - base=fec080d8 limit=00000087 dpl=0 TSS32Avail Present 16-bit HyperTSSTrap08 00:01:23.974 ffe0 - 80500087 fe0089c0 - base=fec08050 limit=00000087 dpl=0 TSS32Avail Present 16-bit HyperTSS 00:01:23.974 ffe8 - 0000ffff 00af9b00 - base=00000000 limit=ffffffff dpl=0 CodeER Accessed Present Page 16-bit HyperCS64 00:01:23.974 fff0 - 0000ffff 00cf9300 - base=00000000 limit=ffffffff dpl=0 DataRW Accessed Present Page 32-bit HyperDS 00:01:23.974 fff8 - 0000ffff 00cf9b00 - base=00000000 limit=ffffffff dpl=0 CodeER Accessed Present Page 32-bit HyperCS 00:01:23.974 *** 00:01:23.974 ************** End of Guest state at power off *************** 00:01:23.974 Changing the VM state from 'POWERING_OFF' to 'OFF'. 00:01:23.983 Changing the VM state from 'OFF' to 'DESTROYING'. 00:01:23.985 ************************* Statistics ************************* 00:01:23.985 /Devices/E1k0/ReceiveBytes 0 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/E1k0/TransmitBytes 0 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/AtapiDMA 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/AtapiPIO 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/DMA 3 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/PIO 179 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/ReadBytes 5432832 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit0/WrittenBytes 0 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/AtapiDMA 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/AtapiPIO 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/DMA 888 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/PIO 2555 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/ReadBytes 135191552 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA0/Unit1/WrittenBytes 24576 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/AtapiDMA 10 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/AtapiPIO 4 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/DMA 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/PIO 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/ReadBytes 12288 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit0/WrittenBytes 0 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/AtapiDMA 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/AtapiPIO 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/DMA 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/PIO 0 times 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/ReadBytes 0 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/IDE0/ATA1/Unit1/WrittenBytes 0 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Devices/VMMDev/BalloonChunks 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/BadFrames 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Bytes/Received 13083 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Bytes/Sent 0 bytes 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Overflows/Recv 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Overflows/Sent 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Packets/Lost 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Packets/Received 101 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Packets/Received-Gso 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Packets/Sent 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Packets/Sent-Gso 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Packets/Sent-R0 0 count 00:01:23.985 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Recv1 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Recv2 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Reserved 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Send1 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/Send2 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/XmitProcessRing 0 count 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/XmitWakeup-R0 0 count 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/XmitWakeup-R3 0 count 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/YieldNok 0 count 00:01:23.986 /Drivers/IntNet-0/YieldOk 0 count 00:01:23.986 /FT/Checkpoint/Network 0 times 00:01:23.986 /FT/Checkpoint/Storage 0 times 00:01:23.986 /FT/Received/Mem 0 bytes 00:01:23.986 /FT/Received/State 0 bytes 00:01:23.986 /FT/Sent/Mem 0 bytes 00:01:23.986 /FT/Sent/State 0 bytes 00:01:23.986 /FT/Sync/DeltaMem 0 times 00:01:23.986 /FT/Sync/DeltaVM 0 times 00:01:23.986 /FT/Sync/Full 0 times 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/EMTs 2 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCPUs 2 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/0 0 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/CurTimerHz 0 Hz 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/DesiredHz 0 Hz 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/PPTChanges 0 times 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/PPTStarts 0 times 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/0/idxCpuSet 0 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/1 1 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/CurTimerHz 0 Hz 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/DesiredHz 0 Hz 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/PPTChanges 0 times 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/PPTStarts 0 times 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/HostCpus/1/idxCpuSet 1 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/HaltBlocking 21778 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/HaltCalls 22182 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/HaltNotBlocking 404 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/HaltTimeouts 17555 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/HaltWakeUps 0 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/PokeCalls 1269 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/PokeNotBusy 98 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/PollCalls 0 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/PollHalts 0 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/PollWakeUps 0 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/WakeUpCalls 4269 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/WakeUpNotHalted 473 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/Sum/WakeUpWakeUps 0 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/VM/HaltBlocking 21778 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/VM/HaltCalls 22182 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/VM/HaltNotBlocking 404 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/VM/HaltTimeouts 17555 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/VM/HaltWakeUps 0 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/VM/PokeCalls 1269 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/VM/PokeNotBusy 98 calls 00:01:23.986 /GVMM/VM/PollCalls 0 calls 00:01:23.987 /GVMM/VM/PollHalts 0 calls 00:01:23.987 /GVMM/VM/PollWakeUps 0 calls 00:01:23.987 /GVMM/VM/WakeUpCalls 4269 calls 00:01:23.987 /GVMM/VM/WakeUpNotHalted 473 calls 00:01:23.987 /GVMM/VM/WakeUpWakeUps 0 calls 00:01:23.987 /GVMM/VMs 1 calls 00:01:23.987 /MM/HyperHeap/cbFree 1092960 bytes 00:01:23.987 /MM/HyperHeap/cbHeap 1310400 bytes 00:01:23.987 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCached 0 bytes 00:01:23.987 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedFru 0 bytes 00:01:23.987 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedMruIn 0 bytes 00:01:23.987 /PDM/BlkCache/cbCachedMruOut 0 bytes 00:01:23.987 /PDM/BlkCache/cbMax 5242880 bytes 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/ATA0/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/ATA0/ContentionRZLock 27 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/ATA0/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/ATA1/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/ATA1/ContentionRZLock 2 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/ATA1/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/E1000#0RX/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/EM-REM/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/EM-REM/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/EM-REM/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/FTM/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/FTM/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/FTM/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/IOM EMT Lock/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/IOM EMT Lock/ContentionRZLock 22 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/IOM EMT Lock/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/IntNetXmit_0/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/IntNetXmit_0/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/IntNetXmit_0/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/MM-HYPER/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/MM-HYPER/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/MM-HYPER/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionRZLock 8 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PDM/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionRZLock 160 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PGM/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PS2KM#0/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PS2KM#0/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/PS2KM#0/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/REM-Register/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/REM-Register/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.987 /PDM/CritSects/REM-Register/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/TM Timer Lock/ContentionR3 177 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/TM Timer Lock/ContentionRZLock 23 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/TM Timer Lock/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionRZLock 21 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/TM VirtualSync Lock/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/VGA/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/VGA/ContentionRZLock 275 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/VGA/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev/ContentionR3 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev/ContentionRZLock 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/CritSects/VMMDev/ContentionRZUnlock 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/AllocFailures 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/Flush 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/FlushLeftovers 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/Insert 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/cItems 8 count 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/DevHlp/cbItem 48 bytes 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/AllocFailures 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/Flush 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/FlushLeftovers 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/Insert 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/cItems 1 count 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Rcv/cbItem 24 bytes 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/AllocFailures 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/Flush 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/FlushLeftovers 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/Insert 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/cItems 1 count 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/E1000-Xmit/cbItem 24 bytes 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/AllocFailures 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/Flush 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/FlushLeftovers 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/Insert 2 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/cItems 64 count 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Keyboard/cbItem 32 bytes 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/AllocFailures 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/Flush 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/FlushLeftovers 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/Insert 0 calls 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/cItems 128 count 00:01:23.988 /PDM/Queue/Mouse/cbItem 56 bytes 00:01:23.988 /PGM/CPU0/cGuestModeChanges 78659 times 00:01:23.988 /PGM/CPU1/cGuestModeChanges 4 times 00:01:23.988 /PGM/ChunkR3Map/Mapped 99 count 00:01:23.988 /PGM/ChunkR3Map/Unmapped 0 count 00:01:23.988 /PGM/ChunkR3Map/c 99 count 00:01:23.988 /PGM/ChunkR3Map/cMax 4294967295 count 00:01:23.988 /PGM/LargePage/Recheck 0 times 00:01:23.988 /PGM/LargePage/Refused 0 times 00:01:23.989 /PGM/LargePage/Reused 0 times 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cAllPages 558150 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cBalloonedPages 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cHandyPages 64 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cLargePages 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cLargePagesDisabled 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cMonitoredPages 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cPrivatePages 84403 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cPureMmioPages 36 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cReadLockedPages 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cReusedSharedPages 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cSharedPages 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cWriteLockedPages 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cWrittenToPages 0 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/Page/cZeroPages 473711 count 00:01:23.989 /PGM/cRelocations 0 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Capped 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU0/EM/ForcedActions 156285 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Halted 1769 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU0/EM/RAWTotal 0 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU0/EM/REMTotal 39340 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU0/EM/Total 287865039810 ticks/call (287865039810 ticks, 1 times, max 287865039810, min 287865039810) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU1/EM/Capped 0 ticks/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU1/EM/ForcedActions 6189 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU1/EM/Halted 1560 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU1/EM/RAWTotal 0 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU1/EM/REMTotal 0 times 00:01:23.989 /PROF/CPU1/EM/Total 287862501105 ticks/call (287862501105 ticks, 1 times, max 287862501105, min 287862501105) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU0/Halt/Block 5776082 ns/call ( 10200561609 ticks, 1766 times, max 17113567, min 10851) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU0/Halt/BlockInsomnia 0 ns/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU0/Halt/BlockOnTime 0 ns/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU0/Halt/BlockOverslept 0 ns/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU0/Halt/Timers 484 ns/call ( 1709479 ticks, 3529 times, max 80527, min 136) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU0/Halt/Yield 0 ns/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU1/Halt/Block 2284514 ns/call ( 46608662041 ticks, 20402 times, max 150454855, min 1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU1/Halt/BlockInsomnia 0 ns/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU1/Halt/BlockOnTime 0 ns/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU1/Halt/BlockOverslept 0 ns/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU1/Halt/Timers 17719 ns/call ( 394939107 ticks, 22289 times, max 17707170, min 2) 00:01:23.989 /PROF/VM/CPU1/Halt/Yield 0 ns/call ( 0 ticks, 0 times, max 0, min -1) 00:01:23.989 /REM/TbFlushCount 39308 times 00:01:23.989 /REM/TbPhysInvldCount 1864 times 00:01:23.989 /REM/TlbFlushCount 39887 times 00:01:23.989 /TM/CPU/00/cNsExecuting 44716739992 ns 00:01:23.989 /TM/CPU/00/cNsHalted 10206491223 ns 00:01:23.989 /TM/CPU/00/cNsOther 24885703819 ns 00:01:23.989 /TM/CPU/00/cNsTotal 79808935034 ns 00:01:23.989 /TM/CPU/00/cPeriodsExecuting 5045197 count 00:01:23.989 /TM/CPU/00/cPeriodsHalted 1763 count 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/00/pctExecuting 58 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/00/pctHalted 0 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/00/pctOther 41 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/cNsExecuting 29212094735 ns 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/cNsHalted 47029340276 ns 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/cNsOther 3566066001 ns 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/cNsTotal 79807501012 ns 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/cPeriodsExecuting 119132 count 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/cPeriodsHalted 1560 count 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/pctExecuting 77 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/pctHalted 0 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/01/pctOther 22 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/pctExecuting 68 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/pctHalted 0 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/CPU/pctOther 31 % 00:01:23.990 /TM/MaxHzHint 0 Hz 00:01:23.990 /TM/R0/1nsSteps 693 times 00:01:23.990 /TM/R3/1nsSteps 546 times 00:01:23.990 /TM/TSC/offCPU0 92601 ticks 00:01:23.990 /TM/TSC/offCPU1 0 ticks 00:01:23.990 /TM/VirtualSync/CurrentOffset 0 ns 00:01:23.990 /VUSB/0/cUrbsInPool 0 count 00:01:23.990 /VUSB/1/cUrbsInPool 0 count 00:01:23.990 ********************* End of statistics ********************** 00:01:24.051 Changing the VM state from 'DESTROYING' to 'TERMINATED'.