= Status: Guest OSes = The following table gives an overview of how well !VirtualBox supports various operating systems in its virtual machines. Rows marked with an asterisk (*) contain information reported by users and not verified by innotek. (Page last updated 2007-09-01) {{{ #!html
Guest OS Status Remarks
Windows family
Windows Vista Works, with Additions Need to install networking driver in guest manually; see User FAQ
Windows 2000 Works, with Additions
Windows XP Works, with Additions
Windows Server 2003 Work, with Additions
Windows NT Works, with Additions Some issues with old service packs. Recommended to install service pack 6a.
* Windows 98 Works, no Additions available
Linux family
Generally, all 2.4 and 2.6 kernels work; however, we recommend 2.6.13 or above for better performance. Kernels 2.6.18 to contain a race condition (which was unfortunately backported to the Ubuntu 6.06 Server and 6.10 kernels) that can cause boot crashes in virtual machines.
Ubuntu 5.10/6.06 Desktop/7.04/7.10/8.04 Work, with Additions
Ubuntu 6.06 Server/6.10 Works partially, with Additions The Ubuntu 6.06 Server and 6.10 kernels suffer from the race condition mentioned above.
Debian 3.1/4.0 Works, with Additions
SUSE 9/10.0 Work, with Additions
SUSE 10.2 Works partially, with Additions The SUSE 10.2 kernel suffers from the race condition mentioned above.
Mandriva 2008 Works, with Additions Mandriva 2008 has the guest additions for VirtualBox 1.5 installed by default. These should be updated after installation.
Mandrake 10.1 Works, with Additions
*Mandrake 9.2 Works, without Additions
Fedora Core 1/4/5/6 Work, with Additions
Fedora 7 Works, with Additions
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4 and 5 Work, with Additions
* Red Hat Linux 9 Works, with Additions
* Red Hat Linux 7 Doesn't work
* Linspire 4.5 Works, with Additions
* Slackware 10.1 Works, with Additions
* Conectiva 10 Works, with Additions
* Xandros 3 Works, no Additions available
Xandros 4 Works, with Additions
ArchLinux Works, with Additions Installation has to be booted with the ide-legacy option.
FreeBSD Works partially FreeBSD 6.2 is known to cause problems.
* PC-BSD 1.3 Doesn't work
OpenBSD Works, no Additions available
Solaris 10 Works, no Additions available Not all releases work reliably.
DOS Works, no Additions available Only limited testing as part of system installation processes has been performed.
OS/2 Works, with Additions Requires VT-x hardware virtualization support. Only MCP2 is reported to work reliably so far.
QNX Neutrino 6.32 Doesn't work
* Novell Netware 6.5 Doesn't work
* BeOS 5 Doesn't work
Syllable Works, no Additions available
* Visopsys Doesn't work
ReactOS Works, no Additions available
* SkyOS Works, no Additions available