1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="diffimages">
4 | <title>Differencing Images</title>
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6 | <body>
7 | <p>The previous section mentioned differencing images and how they are used with snapshots, immutable images, and
8 | multiple disk attachments. This section describes in more detail how differencing images work. </p>
9 | <p>A differencing image is a special disk image that only holds the differences to another image. A differencing
10 | image by itself is useless, it must always refer to another image. The differencing image is then typically
11 | referred to as a <i>child</i>, which holds the differences to its <i>parent</i>. </p>
12 | <p>When a differencing image is active, it receives all write operations from the virtual machine instead of its
13 | parent. The differencing image only contains the sectors of the virtual hard disk that have changed since the
14 | differencing image was created. When the machine reads a sector from such a virtual hard disk, it looks into the
15 | differencing image first. If the sector is present, it is returned from there. If not, <ph
16 | conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> looks into the parent. In other words, the parent becomes
17 | <i>read-only</i>. It is never written to again, but it is read from if a sector has not changed. </p>
18 | <p>Differencing images can be chained. If another differencing image is created for a virtual disk that already has
19 | a differencing image, then it becomes a <i>grandchild</i> of the original parent. The first differencing image
20 | then becomes read-only as well, and write operations only go to the second-level differencing image. When reading
21 | from the virtual disk, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> needs to look into the second
22 | differencing image first, then into the first if the sector was not found, and then into the original image. </p>
23 | <p>There can be an unlimited number of differencing images, and each image can have more than one child. As a
24 | result, the differencing images can form a complex tree with parents, siblings, and children, depending on how
25 | complex your machine configuration is. Write operations always go to the one <i>active</i> differencing image that
26 | is attached to the machine, and for read operations, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> may
27 | need to look up all the parents in the chain until the sector in question is found. You can view such a tree in
28 | the Virtual Media Manager. </p>
29 | <fig id="fig-diff-images">
30 | <title>Differencing Images, Shown in Virtual Media Manager</title>
31 | <xref href="images/virtual-disk-manager-2.png" format="png" platform="htmlhelp">
32 | <image href="images/virtual-disk-manager-2.png" width="12cm" placement="break">
33 | <alt>Differencing Images, Shown in Virtual Media Manager</alt>
34 | </image>
35 | </xref>
36 | <image platform="ohc" href="images/virtual-disk-manager-2.png" width="12cm" placement="break">
37 | <alt>Differencing Images, Shown in Virtual Media Manager</alt>
38 | </image>
39 | </fig>
40 | <p>In all of these situations, from the point of view of the virtual machine, the virtual hard disk behaves like any
41 | other disk. While the virtual machine is running, there is a slight runtime I/O overhead because <ph
42 | conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> might need to look up sectors several times. This is not
43 | noticeable however since the tables with sector information are always kept in memory and can be looked up
44 | quickly. </p>
45 | <p>Differencing images are used in the following situations: </p>
46 | <ul>
47 | <li>
48 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Snapshots.</b> When you create a
49 | snapshot, as explained in the previous section, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/>
50 | <i>freezes</i> the images attached to the
51 | virtual machine and creates differencing images for each image
52 | that is not in <i>write-through</i> mode. From
53 | the point of view of the virtual machine, the virtual disks
54 | continue to operate before, but all write operations go into
55 | the differencing images. Each time you create another
56 | snapshot, for each hard disk attachment, another differencing
57 | image is created and attached, forming a chain or tree.
58 | </p>
59 | <p>In the above screenshot, you see that the original disk image is now attached to a snapshot, representing the
60 | state of the disk when the snapshot was taken. </p>
61 | <p>If you <i>restore</i> a snapshot, and want to go back to the exact machine state that was stored in the
62 | snapshot, the following happens: </p>
63 | <ul>
64 | <li>
65 | <p><ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> copies the virtual machine settings that were
66 | copied into the snapshot back to the virtual machine. As a result, if you have made changes to the machine
67 | configuration since taking the snapshot, they are undone. </p>
68 | </li>
69 | <li>
70 | <p>If the snapshot was taken while the machine was running, it contains a saved machine state, and that
71 | state is restored as well. After restoring the snapshot, the machine will then be in Saved state and
72 | resume execution from there when it is next started. Otherwise the machine will be in Powered Off state
73 | and do a full boot. </p>
74 | </li>
75 | <li>
76 | <p>For each disk image attached to the machine, the differencing image holding all the write operations
77 | since the current snapshot was taken is thrown away, and the original parent image is made active again.
78 | If you restored the root snapshot, then this will be the root disk image for each attachment. Otherwise,
79 | some other differencing image descended from it. This effectively restores the old machine state. </p>
80 | </li>
81 | </ul>
82 | <p>If you later <i>delete</i> a snapshot in order to free disk space, for each disk attachment, one of the
83 | differencing images becomes obsolete. In this case, the differencing image of the disk attachment cannot
84 | simply be deleted. Instead, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> needs to look at each sector
85 | of the differencing image and needs to copy it back into its parent. This is called "merging" images and can
86 | be a potentially lengthy process, depending on how large the differencing image is. It can also temporarily
87 | need a considerable amount of extra disk space, before the differencing image obsoleted by the merge operation
88 | is deleted. </p>
89 | </li>
90 | <li>
91 | <p><b outputclass="bold">Immutable images.</b> When an
92 | image is switched to immutable mode, a differencing image is
93 | created as well. As with snapshots, the parent image then
94 | becomes read-only, and the differencing image receives all the
95 | write operations. Every time the virtual machine is started,
96 | all the immutable images which are attached to it have their
97 | respective differencing image thrown away, effectively
98 | resetting the virtual machine's virtual disk with every
99 | restart.
100 | </p>
101 | </li>
102 | </ul>
103 | </body>
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105 | </topic>