1 | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
3 | <topic xml:lang="en-us" id="iscsi-intnet">
4 | <title>Access iSCSI Targets Using Internal Networking</title>
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6 | <body>
7 | <p>As an experimental feature, <ph conkeyref="vbox-conkeyref-phrases/product-name"/> enables access to an iSCSI
8 | target running in a virtual machine which is configured to use Internal Networking mode. See <xref
9 | href="storage-iscsi.dita">iSCSI Servers</xref>, <xref href="network_internal.dita">Internal Networking</xref>,
10 | and <xref href="vboxmanage-storageattach.dita">VBoxManage storageattach</xref>. </p>
11 | <p>The IP stack accessing Internal Networking must be configured in the virtual machine which accesses the iSCSI
12 | target. A free static IP and a MAC address not used by other virtual machines must be chosen. In the example
13 | below, adapt the name of the virtual machine, the MAC address, the IP configuration, and the Internal Networking
14 | name (MyIntNet) according to your needs. The following eight commands must first be issued: </p>
15 | <pre xml:space="preserve">$ VBoxManage setextradata <varname>VM-name</varname> \
16 | VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/Trusted 1
17 | $ VBoxManage setextradata <varname>VM-name</varname> \
18 | VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/Config/MAC 08:00:27:01:02:0f
19 | $ VBoxManage setextradata <varname>VM-name</varname> \
20 | VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/Config/IP
21 | $ VBoxManage setextradata <varname>VM-name</varname> \
22 | VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/Config/Netmask
23 | $ VBoxManage setextradata <varname>VM-name</varname> \
24 | VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/LUN#0/Driver IntNet
25 | $ VBoxManage setextradata <varname>VM-name</varname> \
26 | VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/LUN#0/Config/Network MyIntNet
27 | $ VBoxManage setextradata <varname>VM-name</varname> \
28 | VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/LUN#0/Config/TrunkType 2
29 | $ VBoxManage setextradata <varname>VM-name</varname> \
30 | VBoxInternal/Devices/IntNetIP/0/LUN#0/Config/IsService 1</pre>
31 | <p>Finally the iSCSI disk must be attached with the <codeph>--intnet</codeph> option to tell the iSCSI initiator to
32 | use internal networking, as follows: </p>
33 | <pre xml:space="preserve">$ VBoxManage storageattach ... --medium iscsi --server \
34 | --target iqn.2008-12.com.sun:sampletarget --intnet</pre>
35 | <p>Compared to a regular iSCSI setup, the IP address of the target <i>must</i> be specified as a numeric IP address,
36 | as there is no DNS resolver for internal networking. </p>
37 | <p>The virtual machine with the iSCSI target should be started before the VM using it is powered on. If a virtual
38 | machine using an iSCSI disk is started without having the iSCSI target powered up, it can take up to 200 seconds
39 | to detect this situation. The VM will fail to power up. </p>
40 | </body>
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42 | </topic>