1 | /* $Id: bs3kit-mangling-code-undef.h 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * BS3Kit - Undefining function mangling - automatically generated by the bs3kit-mangling-code-undef.h makefile rule.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 | #undef Bs3A20Disable
28 | #undef Bs3A20DisableViaKbd
29 | #undef Bs3A20DisableViaPortA
30 | #undef Bs3A20Enable
31 | #undef Bs3A20EnableViaKbd
32 | #undef Bs3A20EnableViaPortA
33 | #undef Bs3ExtCtxAlloc
34 | #undef Bs3ExtCtxCopy
35 | #undef Bs3ExtCtxFree
36 | #undef Bs3ExtCtxGetSize
37 | #undef Bs3ExtCtxInit
38 | #undef Bs3ExtCtxRestore
39 | #undef Bs3ExtCtxSave
40 | #undef Bs3GetCpuVendor
41 | #undef Bs3GetModeName
42 | #undef Bs3GetModeNameShortLower
43 | #undef Bs3KbdRead
44 | #undef Bs3KbdWait
45 | #undef Bs3KbdWrite
46 | #undef Bs3MemAlloc
47 | #undef Bs3MemAllocZ
48 | #undef Bs3MemChr
49 | #undef Bs3MemCmp
50 | #undef Bs3MemCpy
51 | #undef Bs3MemFree
52 | #undef Bs3MemGuardedTestPageAlloc
53 | #undef Bs3MemGuardedTestPageAllocEx
54 | #undef Bs3MemGuardedTestPageFree
55 | #undef Bs3MemMove
56 | #undef Bs3MemPCpy
57 | #undef Bs3MemPrintInfo
58 | #undef Bs3MemSet
59 | #undef Bs3MemZero
60 | #undef Bs3PagingAlias
61 | #undef bs3PagingGetLegacyPte
62 | #undef bs3PagingGetPaePte
63 | #undef Bs3PagingGetPte
64 | #undef Bs3PagingInitRootForLM
65 | #undef Bs3PagingInitRootForPAE
66 | #undef Bs3PagingInitRootForPP
67 | #undef Bs3PagingMapRamAbove4GForLM
68 | #undef Bs3PagingProtect
69 | #undef Bs3PagingProtectPtr
70 | #undef Bs3PagingQueryAddressInfo
71 | #undef Bs3PagingSetupCanonicalTraps
72 | #undef Bs3PagingUnalias
73 | #undef Bs3Panic
74 | #undef Bs3PicMaskAll
75 | #undef Bs3PicSetup
76 | #undef Bs3PicUpdateMask
77 | #undef Bs3PitDisable
78 | #undef Bs3PitSetupAndEnablePeriodTimer
79 | #undef Bs3PrintChr
80 | #undef Bs3Printf
81 | #undef Bs3PrintfV
82 | #undef Bs3PrintStr
83 | #undef Bs3PrintStrN
84 | #undef Bs3PrintU32
85 | #undef Bs3PrintX32
86 | #undef Bs3RegCtxConvertToRingX
87 | #undef Bs3RegCtxPrint
88 | #undef Bs3RegCtxRestore
89 | #undef Bs3RegCtxSave
90 | #undef Bs3RegCtxSaveEx
91 | #undef Bs3RegCtxSetGrpDsFromCurPtr
92 | #undef Bs3RegCtxSetGrpSegFromCurPtr
93 | #undef Bs3RegCtxSetGrpSegFromFlat
94 | #undef Bs3RegCtxSetRipCsFromCurPtr
95 | #undef Bs3RegCtxSetRipCsFromFlat
96 | #undef Bs3RegCtxSetRipCsFromLnkPtr
97 | #undef Bs3RegGetCr0
98 | #undef Bs3RegGetCr2
99 | #undef Bs3RegGetCr3
100 | #undef Bs3RegGetCr4
101 | #undef Bs3RegGetDr0
102 | #undef Bs3RegGetDr1
103 | #undef Bs3RegGetDr2
104 | #undef Bs3RegGetDr3
105 | #undef Bs3RegGetDr6
106 | #undef Bs3RegGetDr7
107 | #undef Bs3RegGetDrX
108 | #undef Bs3RegGetLdtr
109 | #undef Bs3RegGetTr
110 | #undef Bs3RegSetCr0
111 | #undef Bs3RegSetCr2
112 | #undef Bs3RegSetCr3
113 | #undef Bs3RegSetCr4
114 | #undef Bs3RegSetDr0
115 | #undef Bs3RegSetDr1
116 | #undef Bs3RegSetDr2
117 | #undef Bs3RegSetDr3
118 | #undef Bs3RegSetDr6
119 | #undef Bs3RegSetDr7
120 | #undef Bs3RegSetDrX
121 | #undef Bs3RegSetLdtr
122 | #undef Bs3RegSetTr
123 | #undef Bs3SelFar32ToFlat32
124 | #undef Bs3SelFar32ToFlat32NoClobber
125 | #undef Bs3SelFlatCodeToProtFar16
126 | #undef Bs3SelFlatCodeToRealMode
127 | #undef Bs3SelFlatDataToProtFar16
128 | #undef Bs3SelFlatDataToRealMode
129 | #undef Bs3SelLnkPtrToCurPtr
130 | #undef Bs3SelProtFar16DataToFlat
131 | #undef Bs3SelProtFar16DataToRealMode
132 | #undef Bs3SelProtFar32ToFlat32
133 | #undef Bs3SelProtModeCodeToRealMode
134 | #undef Bs3SelRealModeCodeToFlat
135 | #undef Bs3SelRealModeCodeToProtMode
136 | #undef Bs3SelRealModeDataToFlat
137 | #undef Bs3SelRealModeDataToProtFar16
138 | #undef Bs3SelSetup16BitCode
139 | #undef Bs3SelSetup16BitData
140 | #undef Bs3Shutdown
141 | #undef Bs3SlabAlloc
142 | #undef Bs3SlabAllocEx
143 | #undef Bs3SlabFree
144 | #undef Bs3SlabInit
145 | #undef Bs3SlabListAdd
146 | #undef Bs3SlabListAlloc
147 | #undef Bs3SlabListAllocEx
148 | #undef Bs3SlabListFree
149 | #undef Bs3SlabListInit
150 | #undef Bs3StrCpy
151 | #undef Bs3StrFormatV
152 | #undef Bs3StrLen
153 | #undef Bs3StrNLen
154 | #undef Bs3StrPrintf
155 | #undef Bs3StrPrintfV
156 | #undef Bs3SwitchFromV86To16BitAndCallC
157 | #undef Bs3TestCheckRegCtxEx
158 | #undef Bs3TestFailed
159 | #undef Bs3TestFailedF
160 | #undef Bs3TestFailedV
161 | #undef Bs3TestHostPrintf
162 | #undef Bs3TestHostPrintfV
163 | #undef Bs3TestInit
164 | #undef Bs3TestNow
165 | #undef Bs3TestPrintf
166 | #undef Bs3TestPrintfV
167 | #undef Bs3TestQueryCfgBool
168 | #undef Bs3TestQueryCfgU32
169 | #undef Bs3TestQueryCfgU8
170 | #undef Bs3TestSkipped
171 | #undef Bs3TestSkippedF
172 | #undef Bs3TestSkippedV
173 | #undef Bs3TestSub
174 | #undef Bs3TestSubDone
175 | #undef Bs3TestSubErrorCount
176 | #undef Bs3TestSubF
177 | #undef Bs3TestSubV
178 | #undef Bs3TestTerm
179 | #undef Bs3TestValue
180 | #undef Bs3Trap16Init
181 | #undef Bs3Trap16InitEx
182 | #undef Bs3Trap16SetGate
183 | #undef Bs3Trap32Init
184 | #undef Bs3Trap32SetGate
185 | #undef Bs3Trap64Init
186 | #undef Bs3Trap64SetGate
187 | #undef Bs3TrapDefaultHandler
188 | #undef Bs3TrapPrintFrame
189 | #undef Bs3TrapReInit
190 | #undef Bs3TrapRmV86Init
191 | #undef Bs3TrapRmV86InitEx
192 | #undef Bs3TrapRmV86SetGate
193 | #undef Bs3TrapSetDpl
194 | #undef Bs3TrapSetHandler
195 | #undef Bs3TrapSetHandlerEx
196 | #undef Bs3TrapSetJmpAndRestore
197 | #undef Bs3TrapSetJmp
198 | #undef Bs3TrapUnsetJmp
199 | #undef Bs3UInt32Div
200 | #undef Bs3UInt64Div
201 | #undef Bs3UtilSetFullGdtr
202 | #undef Bs3UtilSetFullIdtr
203 | #ifndef BS3_CMN_ONLY
204 | # undef Bs3BiosInt15h88
205 | # undef Bs3BiosInt15hE820
206 | # undef Bs3CpuDetect
207 | # undef Bs3SwitchTo32BitAndCallC
208 | # undef Bs3TestDoModes
209 | # undef Bs3TestDoModesByMax
210 | # undef Bs3TestDoModesByOne
211 | # undef Bs3TrapInit
212 | #endif /* !BS3_CMN_ONLY */