Changeset 28475 in vbox for trunk/src/VBox/Additions/WINNT/Graphics/Wine/include/winerror.h
- Timestamp:
- Apr 19, 2010 3:27:01 PM (15 years ago)
- svn:sync-xref-src-repo-rev:
- 60269
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r25949 r28475 316 316 #define ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED 535 317 317 #define ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING 536 318 #define ERROR_HANDLES_CLOSED 676 318 319 #define ERROR_EA_ACCESS_DENIED 994 319 320 #define ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED 995 … … 720 721 #define ERROR_INSTALL_REMOTE_DISALLOWED 1640 721 722 #define ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 723 #define ERROR_PATCH_TARGET_NOT_FOUND 1642 724 #define ERROR_PATCH_PACKAGE_REJECTED 1643 725 #define ERROR_INSTALL_TRANSFORM_REJECTED 1644 726 #define ERROR_INSTALL_REMOTE_PROHIBITED 1645 727 #define ERROR_PATCH_REMOVAL_UNSUPPORTED 1646 722 728 #define ERROR_UNKNOWN_PATCH 1647 729 #define ERROR_PATCH_NO_SEQUENCE 1648 730 #define ERROR_PATCH_REMOVAL_DISALLOWED 1649 731 #define ERROR_INVALID_PATCH_XML 1650 732 #define ERROR_PATCH_MANAGED_ADVERTISED_PRODUCT 1651 733 #define ERROR_INSTALL_SERVICE_SAFEBOOT 1652 723 734 #define RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_BINDING 1700 724 735 #define RPC_S_WRONG_KIND_OF_BINDING 1701 … … 1560 1571 #define DNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIP 9851 1561 1572 #define DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS 9852 1573 1574 /* 1575 * Also defined in winsock.h. 1576 * 1577 * All Windows Sockets error constants are biased by WSABASEERR from 1578 * the "normal" 1579 */ 1580 #define WSABASEERR 10000 1581 /* 1582 * Windows Sockets definitions of regular Microsoft C error constants 1583 */ 1584 #define WSAEINTR (WSABASEERR+4) 1585 #define WSAEBADF (WSABASEERR+9) 1586 #define WSAEACCES (WSABASEERR+13) 1587 #define WSAEFAULT (WSABASEERR+14) 1588 #define WSAEINVAL (WSABASEERR+22) 1589 #define WSAEMFILE (WSABASEERR+24) 1590 1591 /* 1592 * Windows Sockets definitions of regular Berkeley error constants 1593 */ 1594 #define WSAEWOULDBLOCK (WSABASEERR+35) 1595 #define WSAEINPROGRESS (WSABASEERR+36) 1596 #define WSAEALREADY (WSABASEERR+37) 1597 #define WSAENOTSOCK (WSABASEERR+38) 1598 #define WSAEDESTADDRREQ (WSABASEERR+39) 1599 #define WSAEMSGSIZE (WSABASEERR+40) 1600 #define WSAEPROTOTYPE (WSABASEERR+41) 1601 #define WSAENOPROTOOPT (WSABASEERR+42) 1602 #define WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT (WSABASEERR+43) 1603 #define WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT (WSABASEERR+44) 1604 #define WSAEOPNOTSUPP (WSABASEERR+45) 1605 #define WSAEPFNOSUPPORT (WSABASEERR+46) 1606 #define WSAEAFNOSUPPORT (WSABASEERR+47) 1607 #define WSAEADDRINUSE (WSABASEERR+48) 1608 #define WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL (WSABASEERR+49) 1609 #define WSAENETDOWN (WSABASEERR+50) 1610 #define WSAENETUNREACH (WSABASEERR+51) 1611 #define WSAENETRESET (WSABASEERR+52) 1612 #define WSAECONNABORTED (WSABASEERR+53) 1613 #define WSAECONNRESET (WSABASEERR+54) 1614 #define WSAENOBUFS (WSABASEERR+55) 1615 #define WSAEISCONN (WSABASEERR+56) 1616 #define WSAENOTCONN (WSABASEERR+57) 1617 #define WSAESHUTDOWN (WSABASEERR+58) 1618 #define WSAETOOMANYREFS (WSABASEERR+59) 1619 #define WSAETIMEDOUT (WSABASEERR+60) 1620 #define WSAECONNREFUSED (WSABASEERR+61) 1621 #define WSAELOOP (WSABASEERR+62) 1622 #define WSAENAMETOOLONG (WSABASEERR+63) 1623 #define WSAEHOSTDOWN (WSABASEERR+64) 1624 #define WSAEHOSTUNREACH (WSABASEERR+65) 1625 #define WSAENOTEMPTY (WSABASEERR+66) 1626 #define WSAEPROCLIM (WSABASEERR+67) 1627 #define WSAEUSERS (WSABASEERR+68) 1628 #define WSAEDQUOT (WSABASEERR+69) 1629 #define WSAESTALE (WSABASEERR+70) 1630 #define WSAEREMOTE (WSABASEERR+71) 1631 1632 /* 1633 * Extended Windows Sockets error constant definitions 1634 */ 1635 #define WSASYSNOTREADY (WSABASEERR+91) 1636 #define WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED (WSABASEERR+92) 1637 #define WSANOTINITIALISED (WSABASEERR+93) 1638 #define WSAEDISCON (WSABASEERR+101) 1639 #define WSAENOMORE (WSABASEERR+102) 1640 #define WSAECANCELLED (WSABASEERR+103) 1641 #define WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE (WSABASEERR+104) 1642 #define WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER (WSABASEERR+105) 1643 #define WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT (WSABASEERR+106) 1644 #define WSASYSCALLFAILURE (WSABASEERR+107) 1645 #define WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND (WSABASEERR+108) 1646 #define WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND (WSABASEERR+109) 1647 #define WSA_E_NO_MORE (WSABASEERR+110) 1648 #define WSA_E_CANCELLED (WSABASEERR+111) 1649 #define WSAEREFUSED (WSABASEERR+112) 1650 1651 1562 1652 #define ERROR_SXS_SECTION_NOT_FOUND 14000 1563 1653 #define ERROR_SXS_CANT_GEN_ACTCTX 14001 … … 2162 2252 #define SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x00090313L) 2163 2253 #define SEC_I_COMPLETE_AND_CONTINUE _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x00090314L) 2254 #define SEC_I_CONTEXT_EXPIRED _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x00090317L) 2164 2255 #define SEC_E_BAD_PKGID _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80090316L) 2165 2256 #define SEC_E_CONTEXT_EXPIRED _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80090317L)
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