17 years |
vboxsync |
Not necessary for windows
17 years |
vboxsync |
Alignment issues with the 32 bits windows build
17 years |
vboxsync |
32-bit build fix
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed unlinking bug in the object cleanup routine that would screw up …
17 years |
vboxsync |
RTGCPHYS is now 64 bits wide on all host platforms
17 years |
vboxsync |
Assert+Break out of the scheduling loop if the links have gone bad.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed MMHyperAlloc calls in PGMR3PhysRomRegister (dormant code).
17 years |
vboxsync |
Cleaned up
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Virtual handler docs.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed stupid inverted assertion.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Pass mapping sizes in uint32_t instead of size_t to avoid warnings. …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Replaced PGMR3DumpMappings by info handler.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Separated the PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_HYPERVISOR kind of handlers from the …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Removed the normal (PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_NORMAL) kind of virtual access …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Removed the EIP (PGMVIRTHANDLERTYPE_EIP) kind of virtual access …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed uninitialized rc in PGMHandlerPhysicalReset.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Moved PGMHandlerPhysicalPageTempOff, PGMHandlerPhysicalPageReset, …
17 years |
vboxsync |
A couple of fixes to PGMAssertHandlerAndFlagsInSync.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed bug (regression) in PGMAssertHandlerAndFlagsInSync.
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Removed the PGMPHYSHANDLERTYPE_PHYSICAL value as it was never and will …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Sketected out new MMIO and MMIO2 interfaces. Not complete or …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Renamed pgmGuestROMWriteHandler to pgmPhysRomWriteHandler.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Moved pgmGuestROMWriteHandler from PGMAllHandler.cpp to PGMAllPhys.cpp …
17 years |
vboxsync |
All the new ROM stuff. Had to change PGMROMPAGE a bit to make it …
17 years |
vboxsync |
forgot LOG_GROUP.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Free the allocated pages on ROM registration failure.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added GMMR0FreePages request wrappers for ring-3.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Implemented PGMR3PhysRomRegister.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added ring-3 request wrapper for GMMR0AllocatePages that takes care of …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added VMGetStateName.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Used PGMR3PhysRegisterRam.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Addressed the R0/R3 issues with the PGMRAMRANGE structure.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Implemented PGMR3PhysRegisterRam (not used). Enforced alignment of …
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed to reservation update code.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Made MMR3HyperAllocOnceNoRel suitable for allocating the PGMRAMRANGE …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Print misaligned member offset in hex.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed VMR3PowerOn regression.
The problem was that the EMT outer …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Enabled the GMMR3InitialReservation call in MM.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Changed GVM the ownership rules - at long last. EMT is the guy that …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed two bugs in the VMR3Create failure path introduced in the big …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed init problems wrt. VM ownership by implementing the UVM …
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Made !PGMPOOL_WITH_CACHE buildable so I can run OS/2 here.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed invered assertions in the two reservation request wrappers.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Wrap locking and unlocking of the two semaphores to make it easier to …
17 years |
vboxsync |
fixes to new (disabled) code.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Initialize the halt method correctly. We cannot use the default in …
17 years |
vboxsync |
doc typo.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Memory reservation. Changed MM saved state version and kept backwards …
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
fixed docs (copy&paste error).
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added an optimization todo.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added some ring-3 wrapper functions for the (ring-0) GMM APIs.
17 years |
vboxsync |
VBOX_WITH_NEW_PHYS_CODE changes mostly realted to REM. Killed a …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added @todo
17 years |
vboxsync |
fixed log statement.
17 years |
vboxsync |
MM::cbRAMSize -> MM:cbRamRegistered. Drop MM:pvRamBaseHC. Drop …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Quick hack for out of hma address space when registering the VRAM …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Cleaned out the PGM_DYNAMIC_RAM_ALLOC tests to avoid unnecessary mess …
17 years |
vboxsync |
mmr3 -> mmR3.
17 years |
vboxsync |
NEW_PHYS_CODE -> VBOX_WITH_NEW_PHYS_CODE; check for it in Config.kmk …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Free.iNext should be 16 bit and use UINT16_MAX instead of UINT32_MAX.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Added the NoDmik() macro.
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Backed out the TMAll.cpp part of r27160 because it isn't just shutting …
17 years |
vboxsync |
VMM: remove fErrorSet again, not necessary anymore
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Suppress excessice VM stats at VM destroy for some build environments.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Fixed OS/2 build.
17 years |
vboxsync |
VMM: don't overwrite errors
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Documentation updates.
17 years |
vboxsync |
no "\n", ".", nor "!" at end of an error message
17 years |
vboxsync |
When using VMSet.*Error() don't put %Vrc into the error message if the …
17 years |
vboxsync |
Disabled annoying assertion, see #2609.
17 years |
vboxsync |
LED and Network Config interfaces added. Fix in TMAll.cpp: Assertions …
17 years |
vboxsync |
doxygen: gcfgm alias usage example.
17 years |
vboxsync |
pReq may be invalid after queuing it (VMREQFLAGS_NO_WAIT), so make …
17 years |
vboxsync |
db x,y,z -> mnemonics; yasm supports them.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Section attibute 'segname <name>' -> 'segname=<name>'. (Fixed by Peter …
17 years |
vboxsync |
yasm and invlpga doesn't seem to get along.
17 years |
vboxsync |
yasm thinks invlpga is 64-bit only... work around it for now.
17 years |
vboxsync |
Just use the assembly version of SVMInvlpgA everywhere (was …
17 years |
vboxsync |
PDM async completion template creation wrapper third attempt
17 years |
vboxsync |
Back out of r26783.
17 years |
vboxsync |
This is where I meant.
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
use ASMCpuId_Idx_ECX, fixed some off-by-one bugs
17 years |
vboxsync |
fixed the code for overriding cpuid values using config keys
17 years |
vboxsync |
workaround for a missing cpuid(0).eax patch
17 years |
vboxsync |
Wrappers for template creation the right way.
17 years |
vboxsync |
PGMPhys: Fixed the error handling when SUPPageAlloc fails in …
17 years |
vboxsync |
17 years |
vboxsync |
Add helper to get vm structure from a pdm driver instance