5 years |
vboxsync |
Main: bugref:9670: fixed VBoxSDS log issue.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Working on host stats. monitor widget.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxService: Resolved another @todo: Added ability for …
5 years |
vboxsync |
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/HostService: Logging for querying/setting features …
5 years |
vboxsync |
VMSVGA: Fixed a possible race which could cause a guest to endlessly …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/HostService: Logging for querying/setting features.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Yet another cumulative icon update for all icons; No gimp …
5 years |
vboxsync |
trunk: switching from openssl-1.1.1e to 1.1.1f. bugref:9707
5 years |
vboxsync |
ValKit/vbox.py: removed accidental debug print
5 years |
vboxsync |
ValKit/vbox.py: Reverted r136720 (Hack alert: Added …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Network/DevVirtioNet_1_0.cpp: Round trip traffic happening …
5 years |
vboxsync |
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Bits.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Rest of missed/invalid icons.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Moving some code to the common area.
5 years |
vboxsync |
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Bits.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Correcting some typo.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Collecting some host stats.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Storage/DevVirtioSCSI.cpp Add bounds checks for data read back from …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Update the dialog only when it is necessary.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Hopefully somewhat better table width handling.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/Main: Fixed IGuestSession::directoryOpen() API to fail …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: UIIconPool: Enable x3 and x4 icons finally; That's useful for …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Linux/DEB pkg: bugref:9704: Debian package building, fix some nits
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Cumulative icon update for progress pixmaps, all 4 sizes.
5 years |
vboxsync |
SVM: Emulate intercepted IRET to avoid injecting a pending NMI too …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Linux: ticketref:19312 Linux: kernel 5.6 - we need changes: make …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686: UIToolPaneGlobal: Let VM Resource Monitor tool …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686: VirtualBox Manager: Handle change for current …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686: UIToolPaneGlobal: Small coding-style cleanup for …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: VirtualBox Manager: Make sure cloud item state …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Validation Kit/testdriver: Hack alert: Added sanitizeLogFlagsString() …
5 years |
vboxsync |
OCI: placeholders for ICloudMachine::powerUp and powerDown.
5 years |
vboxsync |
VMM/HMSVMR0: Add VINF_EM_DBG_STEPPED to the list of return codes to …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. scm fix
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Adding a flag to detect if the tool is the current …
5 years |
vboxsync |
VMM/NEM: Added more VERR_NEM_MISSING_KERNEL_API status codes so we can …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/Main: Don't spin forever in …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Linux: ticketref:19312 Linux: kernel 5.6 - we need changes
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Cumulative icon update for x4 icons.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Checking column visibility before making queries …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Marking RAM column as N/A when guest additions is …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Wrong icon name.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Using QMap instead of QVector.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxServiceToolbox: Some follow-up fixes for r136654 …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Missed x4 icons.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxServiceToolbox: Use fOutputFlags here, not fFlags. …
5 years |
vboxsync |
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Bits.
5 years |
vboxsync |
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Bits.
5 years |
vboxsync |
OCI: ICloudMachine readState method and state attribute.
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/common.js: Removed one unnecessary positioning of the toolktip.
5 years |
vboxsync |
ValidationKitCodingGuidelines.cpp: correction.
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManger/tooltip: removed debug. div/onload is indeed pointless, so …
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManger/tooltip: less debug.
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManger/tooltip: debug. disable div/onload.
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/common.js: Fudge parent jump on VCS tooltip for IE. …
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/common.js: Corrections to VCS tooltip placement.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Saving the hidden column list to the extra data.
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/common.js: The iframe#rXXXXXX parent scroll/jump thing …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Cumulative icon update for x3 icons.
5 years |
vboxsync |
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Bits.
5 years |
vboxsync |
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Bits.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Missed files of r136676 commit.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Missed x3 icons.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Qrc files regenrated for x1 and x2.
5 years |
vboxsync |
5 years |
vboxsync |
DevPS2: Improved logging, gave queues human-readable names.
5 years |
vboxsync |
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Bits
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxService: Resolved another @todo: Don't spin forever …
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/vcstooltip: Don't specify a URL fragment because most …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Adding a toolbar action for column visibility toggle.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxService: Resolved another @todo: No need to wait …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxServiceToolbox: Checking rc is intentional here, as …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxServiceToolbox: Use RTListForEachSafe in …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxServiceToolbox: Resolved several @todos for the ls …
5 years |
vboxsync |
OCI: we cannot return an array under progress. Reshuffle the code so …
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/vcshistory: Open links in new tab rather than inside the …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Build fix.
5 years |
vboxsync |
wuibase.py: Added todo with suggestions for fetchForListing enhancements.
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Build fix.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Devices/testcase/tstDeviceSsmFuzz: Use new fuzzing config API
5 years |
vboxsync |
Runtime/RTFuzzCfg: Initial implementation of API for configuring a …
5 years |
vboxsync |
RUntime/RTJson: Add parse from VFS file method
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: bugref:9686. Updating RAM column.
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManagerDatabaseComments.pgsql: regenerated
5 years |
vboxsync |
wuiadminsystemdbdump.py: scm fix
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxService: Resolved another @todo: Thread ID wrap …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/Main + VBoxService: Resolved another @todo: Added …
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/Main + VBoxService: Resolved another @todo: Added …
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/webui: The partial DB dump needs a user unique temporary …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Cumulative icon update for x2 icons.
5 years |
vboxsync |
common/utils.py: Added processOutputUnchecked.
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/webui: Hooked up the partial database dumper to the WUI so …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Wrong name for x2 icon.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/Main: More constructor initializers, removed unused …
5 years |
vboxsync |
FE/Qt: Missed x2 icons.
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/webui: Shade the testbox/schedgroup listing [arg].
5 years |
vboxsync |
TestManager/webui: Shade the testbox/schedgroup listing.
5 years |
vboxsync |
Guest Control/VBoxService: Resolved another @todo: Don't ignore …
5 years |
vboxsync |
try to fix pylint fail (redefined-variable-type in schedgroup.py)