
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#14723 closed defect (fixed)

/sbin/vboxconfig does not work -> documenation fixed in releases after 5.0.10.

Reported by: Stéphane Charette Owned by:
Component: host support Version: VirtualBox 5.0.6
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: Linux


I upgraded to 5.0.8 on my Ubuntu 15.04 desktop. At the same time, Ubuntu also upgraded my linux kernel to 3.19.0-31.

After rebooting, I cannot start any of my VMs due to the "kernel driver not installed" error. It tells me to run /sbin/vboxconfig as root, but running that command doesn't solve the problem.

I cannot boot any VMs anymore.

(Note that in the ticket version field, 5.0.8 is missing as an option.)

Attachments (6)

screenshot.png (68.7 KB ) - added by Stéphane Charette 9 years ago.
screenshot2.png (26.3 KB ) - added by Stéphane Charette 9 years ago.
screenshot3.png (26.0 KB ) - added by Stéphane Charette 9 years ago.
vboxconfig.log (11.1 KB ) - added by Stéphane Charette 9 years ago.
vbox-install.log (1.3 KB ) - added by Stéphane Charette 9 years ago.
rcvboxdrv.log (4.0 KB ) - added by Stéphane Charette 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (30)

by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Attachment: screenshot.png added

by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Attachment: screenshot2.png added

by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Attachment: screenshot3.png added

comment:1 by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

One thing I just noticed: At the very least, the script /sbin/vboxconfig should start with the typical:


...or something similar. Right now it starts with:

# Oracle VM VirtualBox

...which doesn't make it a valid script. Though that by itself doesn't fix the problem I'm having.

comment:2 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

As I already wrote on the mailing list, could you try executing

sudo sh -x /sbin/vboxconfig 2> /tmp/vboxconfig.log

and attaching the log file? (Please auto-correct if something is wrong with those instructions.) Interesting, I assumed you would be using Ubuntu 14.04, not 15.04, based on the kernel version you quoted.

Please, in future, could you only use one channel to report things? I read both the mailing list and the bug tracker e-mail (I suggest we continue here, not on the mailing list), so reading the same thing twice takes away time I could be spending on development.

comment:3 by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Sorry, but since yesterday I've been trying to find a solution for this. I tried the mailing list, the forum, and created a bug ticket. Other people on the forum are reporting the same problem:

I'll attach the vboxconfig.log file to this ticket.

by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Attachment: vboxconfig.log added

comment:4 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

I am slightly confused. From the log output I would expect the vboxdrv service to be running after the command has executed. Since you seem to have some Linux experience this will probably be a lot faster if you can help me debug it. Is the systemd service working?

systemctl status vboxdrv

Here it shows "Loaded: loaded" and "Active: active (exited)". From your log it looked like the service was successfully activated and loaded. And what about after a reboot?

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Replying to michael:

systemctl status vboxdrv

stephane@loup ~> systemctl status vboxdrv
● vboxdrv.service - VirtualBox Linux kernel module
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/virtualbox/; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Tue 2015-10-20 14:52:21 PDT; 12h ago

Oct 20 15:53:46 loup systemd[1]: Started VirtualBox Linux kernel module.
Oct 20 15:54:58 loup systemd[1]: Started VirtualBox Linux kernel module.
Oct 20 16:02:08 loup systemd[1]: Started VirtualBox Linux kernel module.

And yet when I try to start any of my VMs from the VBox GUI, it fails with the error about vboxdrv like this:

comment:6 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

What do these say?

lsmod | grep vbox

ls -l /dev/vbox*

Last edited 9 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Replying to michael:

What do these say?

lsmod | grep vbox ls -l /dev/vbox*

stephane@loup ~> lsmod | grep vbox
stephane@loup ~ [1]> ls -l /dev/vbox*
total 0
drwxr-x--- 2 root vboxusers  60 Oct 20 14:52 001/
drwxr-x--- 2 root vboxusers 100 Oct 20 14:52 003/
drwxr-x--- 2 root vboxusers  80 Oct 20 14:52 004/

by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Attachment: vbox-install.log added


comment:8 by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

I don't know if it is important, but the vbox-install.log shows that the running kernel at the time VBox was upgraded to 5.0.8 was At the same time as VBox was upgraded, the kernel was upgraded to, and then I rebooted the system.

comment:9 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

What about

find /lib/modules -name 'vbox*'

sudo sh -x /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup 2> /tmp/rcvboxdrv.log

and attach "/tmp/rcvboxdrv.log"?

If you upgraded your kernel and subsequently re-ran VirtualBox set-up (as you did) then things should still work.

comment:10 by Louis King Jr, 9 years ago

FWIW, i had no trouble upgrading to VB 5.0.8 on an Ubuntu 15.04 host and a Linux Mint 17.2 host and all my guests launch from the GUI or created shortcuts.

comment:11 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

This may be related to DKMS - are you using that? In fact I have removed support for DKMS altogether in the current development code, but we decided against back-porting that to 5.0 (it would have been in 5.0.8 if we had) to avoid unnecessary changes.

comment:12 by Louis King Jr, 9 years ago

If you mean me I have DKMS installed in the hosts. Personally I would hate to see DKMS support removed because if I understand correctly, every time there is a kernel change the GAs would have to be reinstalled in Linux guests if DKMS wasn't installed in them.

Last edited 9 years ago by Louis King Jr (previous) (diff)

comment:13 by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Running the 'rcvboxdrv setup' manually seems to have done the trick:

stephane@loup /v/log> sudo sh -x /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup 2> /tmp/rcvboxdrv.log
[sudo] password for stephane: 
Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.
Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules ...done.
Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS ...failed!
  (Failed, trying without DKMS)
Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.
Starting VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.

I can now start my VMs again. I'll attach the log file. Also note:

stephane@loup ~> locate dkms.conf

Why would I have an ancient VB 4.2.16 file left lying around? I always upgrade immediately when a new version comes out, so 4.2.16 would have been quite a while ago.

I also notice that VirtualBox is not listed when I run dkms status. Though I have no idea if it should be:

stephane@loup ~> dkms status
bbswitch, 0.7, 3.19.0-25-generic, x86_64: installed
bbswitch, 0.7, 3.19.0-30-generic, x86_64: installed
bbswitch, 0.7, 3.19.0-31-generic, x86_64: installed
nvidia-340-updates, 340.93, 3.19.0-30-generic, x86_64: installed
Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file.
File:  does not exist.
nvidia-340-updates, 340.93, 3.19.0-31-generic, x86_64: installed

Either way, manually running 'rcvboxdrv setup' is the key to getting up and running again. Thanks.

by Stéphane Charette, 9 years ago

Attachment: rcvboxdrv.log added

comment:14 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

Stéphane, it looks like DKMS has got confused on your system. This should clean it up (though I would be very happy if you could do double checking yourself first!) and is actually what we do in the DKMS-less development version:

  for i in vboxhost vboxdrv vboxnetflt vboxnetadp; do
      rm -rf "/var/lib/dkms/${i}"*

Then running "rcvboxdrv setup" again should re-install the VirtualBox bits.

lkj, our logic was that since we already have to do most of what DKMS does anyway for the people who do not use it, why have two paths, both of which can potentially go wrong? But we added a bit of scripting logic to rebuild the modules on boot if the kernel is updated.

Last edited 9 years ago by Frank Mehnert (previous) (diff)

comment:15 by andrescf01, 9 years ago

1- To solve the problem is needed to start service 'vboxdrv' that runs the kernel drivers for Virtualbox

% sudo service vboxdrv start

2- (OPTIONAL) include the service boot in the system start-up process BEFORE DOING THAT YOU CAN LOOK SOME HELP MANUALS

% man update-rc.d

To include in the start-up process, first run in test (-n) mode the next command:

% sudo -n update-rc.d vboxdrv defaults 21 19

and, if succesful, repeat without '-n' parameter to include eventually the changes

% sudo update-rc.d vboxdrv defaults 21 19
Last edited 9 years ago by Frank Mehnert (previous) (diff)

comment:16 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

Andres, does the service not start automatically for you after installing VirtualBox and after reboots after that? If not, perhaps you could tell me which package you are using (all distributions? .deb from From your distribution?) and which distribution (it is probably Debian-based if you use update-rc.d, and either it is rather old or you should not need the numbers at the end of the command).

comment:17 by keithzg, 9 years ago

I ran into the same problem on *buntu 14.04.3 (not quite Ubuntu since I normally run Kubuntu with a KDE or Openbox session, but same underlying system of course). In fact, both me and my officemate had the exact same issue. We saw:

WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded. Either there is no module
         available for the current kernel (3.13.0-68-generic) or it failed to
         load. Please recompile the kernel module and install it by

           sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

         You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.

For me as well, running "sudo /sbin/vboxconfig" solves nothing.

EDIT: To be clear I'm running 5.0.10 r104061, installed via apt using the packages following repo:

deb trusty contrib

However, the older versions of VirtualBox mentioned instead running

sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

and upon doing this, it does indeed now work.

I see that this is actually the same as /sbin/rcvboxdrv, as

keithzg@siddhartha:~$ diff /sbin/rcvboxdrv /etc/init.d/vboxdrv

shows no differences.

So why exactly were the instructions changed away from running the *vboxdrv script? The vboxconfig script seems to only help if the modules are already compiled, whereas the *vboxdrv script does the recompilation part too. That seems far more user-friendly.

Last edited 9 years ago by keithzg (previous) (diff)

comment:18 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

Could you please attach or paste the output of "sudo sh -x /sbin/vboxconfig"? If you have fixed the problems manually, please "unfix" them first. I will probably have to ask for more information in a follow-up. If you have a bit of experience with shell scripts, you may be able to guess what sort of information I will be needing and provide it at once, which will definitely speed things up. (Any other investigation of your own is also likely to speed things up of course.)

comment:19 by maxolasersquad, 9 years ago

I am also experiencing this problem. Unfortunately I ran the fix before I saw the request for the output without the fix in place. Is there an easy way to unfix it?

comment:20 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

Trying to remember after three weeks... if you installed using a Debian-type package, perhaps purging the package (apt-get purge) and reinstalling would be it?

comment:21 by maxolasersquad, 9 years ago

After this last kernel update on Ubuntu I'm back at the problem. Here is the diagnostic data, prefix, as requested.

➜  ~  sudo sh -x /sbin/vboxconfig
+ readlink -f -- /sbin/vboxconfig
+ dirname /usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ MY_PATH=/usr/lib/virtualbox
+ cd /usr/lib/virtualbox
+ . ./
+ ro_LOG_FILE=
+ ro_X11_AUTOSTART=/etc/xdg/autostart
+ ro_KDE_AUTOSTART=/usr/share/autostart
+ START=true
+ TARGET=/usr/lib/virtualbox
+ test -n 
+ install_init_script /usr/lib/virtualbox/ vboxdrv
+ self=install_init_script
+ script=/usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ name=vboxdrv
+ test -x /usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ test ! vboxdrv = 
+ test -L /sbin/rcvboxdrv
+ rm /sbin/rcvboxdrv
+ ln -s /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /sbin/rcvboxdrv
+ which systemctl
+ test -x 
+ test -d /etc/rc.d/init.d
+ test -d /etc/init.d
+ cp /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /etc/init.d/vboxdrv
+ chmod 755 /etc/init.d/vboxdrv
+ install_init_script /usr/lib/virtualbox/ vboxballoonctrl-service
+ self=install_init_script
+ script=/usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ name=vboxballoonctrl-service
+ test -x /usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ test ! vboxballoonctrl-service = 
+ test -L /sbin/rcvboxballoonctrl-service
+ rm /sbin/rcvboxballoonctrl-service
+ ln -s /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /sbin/rcvboxballoonctrl-service
+ which systemctl
+ test -x 
+ test -d /etc/rc.d/init.d
+ test -d /etc/init.d
+ cp /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /etc/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
+ chmod 755 /etc/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
+ install_init_script /usr/lib/virtualbox/ vboxautostart-service
+ self=install_init_script
+ script=/usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ name=vboxautostart-service
+ test -x /usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ test ! vboxautostart-service = 
+ test -L /sbin/rcvboxautostart-service
+ rm /sbin/rcvboxautostart-service
+ ln -s /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /sbin/rcvboxautostart-service
+ which systemctl
+ test -x 
+ test -d /etc/rc.d/init.d
+ test -d /etc/init.d
+ cp /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /etc/init.d/vboxautostart-service
+ chmod 755 /etc/init.d/vboxautostart-service
+ install_init_script /usr/lib/virtualbox/ vboxweb-service
+ self=install_init_script
+ script=/usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ name=vboxweb-service
+ test -x /usr/lib/virtualbox/
+ test ! vboxweb-service = 
+ test -L /sbin/rcvboxweb-service
+ rm /sbin/rcvboxweb-service
+ ln -s /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /sbin/rcvboxweb-service
+ which systemctl
+ test -x 
+ test -d /etc/rc.d/init.d
+ test -d /etc/init.d
+ cp /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service
+ chmod 755 /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service
+ delrunlevel vboxdrv
+ self=delrunlevel
+ name=vboxdrv
+ test -n vboxdrv
+ systemctl -q disable vboxdrv
+ chkconfig --del vboxdrv
+ insserv -r vboxdrv
+ update-rc.d -f vboxdrv remove
+ rc-update del vboxdrv
+ rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc?.d/[SK]??vboxdrv
+ rm -f /etc/rc?.d/[SK]??vboxdrv
+ addrunlevel vboxdrv
+ self=addrunlevel
+ name=vboxdrv
+ test -n vboxdrv
+ systemd_service_installed vboxdrv
+ name=vboxdrv
+ test -f /lib/systemd/system/vboxdrv.service
+ test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxdrv.service
+ test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/vboxdrv
+ test -x /etc/init.d/vboxdrv
+ init_d_path=/etc
+ get_chkconfig_info /etc/init.d/vboxdrv
+ script=/etc/init.d/vboxdrv
+ sed -n s/# *chkconfig: *\([0-9]*\) *\(.*\)/\1 \2/p /etc/init.d/vboxdrv
+ set 345 20 80
+ runlevels=345
+ start_order=20
+ stop_order=80
+ test ! -z vboxdrv
+ expr 20 + 0
+ expr 0 <= 20
+ expr length 20
+ test 2 -eq 2
+ expr 80 + 0
+ expr 0 <= 80
+ expr length 80
+ test 2 -eq 2
+ which chkconfig
+ test -x 
+ which insserv
+ test -x 
+ which update-rc.d
+ test -x /usr/sbin/update-rc.d
+ update-rc.d vboxdrv defaults 20 80
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/vboxdrv ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K80vboxdrv -> ../init.d/vboxdrv
   /etc/rc1.d/K80vboxdrv -> ../init.d/vboxdrv
   /etc/rc6.d/K80vboxdrv -> ../init.d/vboxdrv
   /etc/rc2.d/S20vboxdrv -> ../init.d/vboxdrv
   /etc/rc3.d/S20vboxdrv -> ../init.d/vboxdrv
   /etc/rc4.d/S20vboxdrv -> ../init.d/vboxdrv
   /etc/rc5.d/S20vboxdrv -> ../init.d/vboxdrv
+ delrunlevel vboxballoonctrl-service
+ self=delrunlevel
+ name=vboxballoonctrl-service
+ test -n vboxballoonctrl-service
+ systemctl -q disable vboxballoonctrl-service
+ chkconfig --del vboxballoonctrl-service
+ insserv -r vboxballoonctrl-service
+ update-rc.d -f vboxballoonctrl-service remove
+ rc-update del vboxballoonctrl-service
+ rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc?.d/[SK]??vboxballoonctrl-service
+ rm -f /etc/rc?.d/[SK]??vboxballoonctrl-service
+ addrunlevel vboxballoonctrl-service
+ self=addrunlevel
+ name=vboxballoonctrl-service
+ test -n vboxballoonctrl-service
+ systemd_service_installed vboxballoonctrl-service
+ name=vboxballoonctrl-service
+ test -f /lib/systemd/system/vboxballoonctrl-service.service
+ test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxballoonctrl-service.service
+ test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
+ test -x /etc/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
+ init_d_path=/etc
+ get_chkconfig_info /etc/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
+ script=/etc/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
+ sed -n s/# *chkconfig: *\([0-9]*\) *\(.*\)/\1 \2/p /etc/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
+ set 345 35 65
+ runlevels=345
+ start_order=35
+ stop_order=65
+ test ! -z vboxballoonctrl-service
+ expr 35 + 0
+ expr 0 <= 35
+ expr length 35
+ test 2 -eq 2
+ expr 65 + 0
+ expr 0 <= 65
+ expr length 65
+ test 2 -eq 2
+ which chkconfig
+ test -x 
+ which insserv
+ test -x 
+ which update-rc.d
+ test -x /usr/sbin/update-rc.d
+ update-rc.d vboxballoonctrl-service defaults 35 65
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K65vboxballoonctrl-service -> ../init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
   /etc/rc1.d/K65vboxballoonctrl-service -> ../init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
   /etc/rc6.d/K65vboxballoonctrl-service -> ../init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
   /etc/rc2.d/S35vboxballoonctrl-service -> ../init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
   /etc/rc3.d/S35vboxballoonctrl-service -> ../init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
   /etc/rc4.d/S35vboxballoonctrl-service -> ../init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
   /etc/rc5.d/S35vboxballoonctrl-service -> ../init.d/vboxballoonctrl-service
+ delrunlevel vboxautostart-service
+ self=delrunlevel
+ name=vboxautostart-service
+ test -n vboxautostart-service
+ systemctl -q disable vboxautostart-service
+ chkconfig --del vboxautostart-service
+ insserv -r vboxautostart-service
+ update-rc.d -f vboxautostart-service remove
+ rc-update del vboxautostart-service
+ rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc?.d/[SK]??vboxautostart-service
+ rm -f /etc/rc?.d/[SK]??vboxautostart-service
+ addrunlevel vboxautostart-service
+ self=addrunlevel
+ name=vboxautostart-service
+ test -n vboxautostart-service
+ systemd_service_installed vboxautostart-service
+ name=vboxautostart-service
+ test -f /lib/systemd/system/vboxautostart-service.service
+ test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxautostart-service.service
+ test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/vboxautostart-service
+ test -x /etc/init.d/vboxautostart-service
+ init_d_path=/etc
+ get_chkconfig_info /etc/init.d/vboxautostart-service
+ script=/etc/init.d/vboxautostart-service
+ sed -n s/# *chkconfig: *\([0-9]*\) *\(.*\)/\1 \2/p /etc/init.d/vboxautostart-service
+ set 345 35 65
+ runlevels=345
+ start_order=35
+ stop_order=65
+ test ! -z vboxautostart-service
+ expr 35 + 0
+ expr 0 <= 35
+ expr length 35
+ test 2 -eq 2
+ expr 65 + 0
+ expr 0 <= 65
+ expr length 65
+ test 2 -eq 2
+ which chkconfig
+ test -x 
+ which insserv
+ test -x 
+ which update-rc.d
+ test -x /usr/sbin/update-rc.d
+ update-rc.d vboxautostart-service defaults 35 65
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/vboxautostart-service ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K65vboxautostart-service -> ../init.d/vboxautostart-service
   /etc/rc1.d/K65vboxautostart-service -> ../init.d/vboxautostart-service
   /etc/rc6.d/K65vboxautostart-service -> ../init.d/vboxautostart-service
   /etc/rc2.d/S35vboxautostart-service -> ../init.d/vboxautostart-service
   /etc/rc3.d/S35vboxautostart-service -> ../init.d/vboxautostart-service
   /etc/rc4.d/S35vboxautostart-service -> ../init.d/vboxautostart-service
   /etc/rc5.d/S35vboxautostart-service -> ../init.d/vboxautostart-service
+ delrunlevel vboxweb-service
+ self=delrunlevel
+ name=vboxweb-service
+ test -n vboxweb-service
+ systemctl -q disable vboxweb-service
+ chkconfig --del vboxweb-service
+ insserv -r vboxweb-service
+ update-rc.d -f vboxweb-service remove
+ rc-update del vboxweb-service
+ rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc?.d/[SK]??vboxweb-service
+ rm -f /etc/rc?.d/[SK]??vboxweb-service
+ addrunlevel vboxweb-service
+ self=addrunlevel
+ name=vboxweb-service
+ test -n vboxweb-service
+ systemd_service_installed vboxweb-service
+ name=vboxweb-service
+ test -f /lib/systemd/system/vboxweb-service.service
+ test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxweb-service.service
+ test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/vboxweb-service
+ test -x /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service
+ init_d_path=/etc
+ get_chkconfig_info /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service
+ script=/etc/init.d/vboxweb-service
+ sed -n s/# *chkconfig: *\([0-9]*\) *\(.*\)/\1 \2/p /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service
+ set 345 35 65
+ runlevels=345
+ start_order=35
+ stop_order=65
+ test ! -z vboxweb-service
+ expr 35 + 0
+ expr 0 <= 35
+ expr length 35
+ test 2 -eq 2
+ expr 65 + 0
+ expr 0 <= 65
+ expr length 65
+ test 2 -eq 2
+ which chkconfig
+ test -x 
+ which insserv
+ test -x 
+ which update-rc.d
+ test -x /usr/sbin/update-rc.d
+ update-rc.d vboxweb-service defaults 35 65
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/vboxweb-service ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K65vboxweb-service -> ../init.d/vboxweb-service
   /etc/rc1.d/K65vboxweb-service -> ../init.d/vboxweb-service
   /etc/rc6.d/K65vboxweb-service -> ../init.d/vboxweb-service
   /etc/rc2.d/S35vboxweb-service -> ../init.d/vboxweb-service
   /etc/rc3.d/S35vboxweb-service -> ../init.d/vboxweb-service
   /etc/rc4.d/S35vboxweb-service -> ../init.d/vboxweb-service
   /etc/rc5.d/S35vboxweb-service -> ../init.d/vboxweb-service
+ ln -sf /usr/lib/virtualbox/ /sbin/vboxconfig
+ test -n true
+ start_init_script vboxdrv
+ do_sysvinit_action vboxdrv start
+ self=do_sysvinit_action
+ name=vboxdrv
+ action=start
+ test ! -z vboxdrv
+ test ! -z start
+ systemd_service_installed vboxdrv
+ name=vboxdrv
+ test -f /lib/systemd/system/vboxdrv.service
+ test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxdrv.service
+ which service
+ test -x /usr/sbin/service
+ service vboxdrv start
Starting VirtualBox kernel modules ...failed!
  (modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why)
+ start_init_script vboxballoonctrl-service
+ do_sysvinit_action vboxballoonctrl-service start
+ self=do_sysvinit_action
+ name=vboxballoonctrl-service
+ action=start
+ test ! -z vboxballoonctrl-service
+ test ! -z start
+ systemd_service_installed vboxballoonctrl-service
+ name=vboxballoonctrl-service
+ test -f /lib/systemd/system/vboxballoonctrl-service.service
+ test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxballoonctrl-service.service
+ which service
+ test -x /usr/sbin/service
+ service vboxballoonctrl-service start
+ start_init_script vboxautostart-service
+ do_sysvinit_action vboxautostart-service start
+ self=do_sysvinit_action
+ name=vboxautostart-service
+ action=start
+ test ! -z vboxautostart-service
+ test ! -z start
+ systemd_service_installed vboxautostart-service
+ name=vboxautostart-service
+ test -f /lib/systemd/system/vboxautostart-service.service
+ test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxautostart-service.service
+ which service
+ test -x /usr/sbin/service
+ service vboxautostart-service start
+ start_init_script vboxweb-service
+ do_sysvinit_action vboxweb-service start
+ self=do_sysvinit_action
+ name=vboxweb-service
+ action=start
+ test ! -z vboxweb-service
+ test ! -z start
+ systemd_service_installed vboxweb-service
+ name=vboxweb-service
+ test -f /lib/systemd/system/vboxweb-service.service
+ test -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxweb-service.service
+ which service
+ test -x /usr/sbin/service
+ service vboxweb-service start

comment:22 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

Long time to come to a simple conclusion, but if you do not have DKMS installed then you should probably be running "/sbin/rcvboxdrv setup" and not "/sbin/vboxconfig" after a kernel update.

comment:23 by Michael Thayer, 9 years ago

Summary: /sbin/vboxconfig does not work/sbin/vboxconfig does not work -> documenation fixed in releases after 5.0.10.

I changed the documentation for this and it should be right in future releases. Thank you!

comment:24 by Frank Mehnert, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Documented in 5.0.12.

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