Opened 9 years ago
Last modified 9 years ago
#15642 new defect
Never fixed VBox 5.1/5.0.26/24 VGA: fixed an occasional hang when running Windows guests with 3D enabled
Reported by: | Yomo | Owned by: | |
Component: | other | Version: | VirtualBox 5.1.0 |
Keywords: | Cc: | ||
Guest type: | Windows | Host type: | Linux |
When I installed GuestAddition of VBox5.1/5.0.26 also 5.0.24, they required to check 2D/3D function as automatically.
I always turned off 3D function for disabling at VMM. Only 2D using I can not get more bigger screen size 1280x720 on GuestOS Before your announcement of fixed 3D function,I could used 1920x1200 as GuestOS. I think this is also bug.
But it is more terrible things which turn on 3D function on VMM. After turn on 3D function when GuestOS(Windows10 64bit) is started up, GuestOS is crashed and HostOS(Debian8 64bit)Gnome on Xorg also is crashed. I attached log file.
It is seemed to have relationship with GPU. Crashed GPU is NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 630] on Debian8
But I also tested below GPU.It is no problem at VBox 5.1. NVIDIA Corporation GF106 [GeForce GTS 450]
Thank you
Attachments (4)
Change History (24)
by , 9 years ago
Attachment: | Windows7-2016-07-19-17-18-17.log added |
by , 9 years ago
Attachment: | Windows7-2016-07-19-17-13-51.log added |
It is also log file GuestOS cannot get more 1280x720 when I used only 2D(check out 3D on VMM)
by , 9 years ago
Attachment: | Windows10-2016-07-19-19-49-21.log added |
It is stabled log file under GF106 on VBox 5.1
follow-up: 3 comment:1 by , 9 years ago
Which was the previous version you used where you didn't see the problems you described here?
comment:2 by , 9 years ago
I think it is enough information for your analyzing. Please resolve as soon as possibly.
comment:3 by , 9 years ago
Replying to frank:
Which was the previous version you used where you didn't see the problems you desecribed here?
Yes I explain detail.
I used 5.0.24 until 3 days ago. I have never problem for guest OS. I caught announcement of 5.1.0 I upgraded to 5.1.0 and I have reported situation. I downgraded to 5.0.24 and this issue was resolved. I caught announcement of 5.0.26 today. I upgraded to 5.0.26 but this issue was again. I downgraded to 5.0.24, but this issue never resolved.
Is it clear?
comment:4 by , 9 years ago
Could you give us turn off 3D function on Guest Addition again?
Thank you
comment:5 by , 9 years ago
If you mean that you want to disable 3D in the Guest Additions then no, that doesn't work as Windows 8.1 / 10 depend on the WDDM driver which uses the 3D interface. But disabling 3D in the VM settings usually works around crashes you observed.
comment:6 by , 9 years ago
Really? I can use Window10 as GuestOS nothing use 3D(Only 2D) in VBox5.1 normally. It is very stable under GF106.
Your recommendation is that we should use GuestOS as Windows10 under 1280x720 environment until improving. Is it correct?
Please analyze attached log file.
Thank you
comment:7 by , 9 years ago
Sorry, it's very hard for me to understand your comments. The log files show that your X server on the host crashes, hard to say what's the actual issue.
As I said: Windows 8.1 / 10 depend on the WDDM driver which uses the 3D interface. VirtualBox allows to run this driver in display-only mode if 3D is disabled in the VM settings. According to Windows10-2016-07-19-19-49-21.log it seems that you already have 3D disabled in the VM settings.
comment:8 by , 9 years ago
Is this problem of linux It is not incorrect.Crashed log of X server was after started up Guest OS with turned on 3D function at VMM. I never get same situation 1 week ago.
I would like to use GuestOS under 1920x1200 environment. But it is impossible to use that environment under all recently versions despite with disabling 3D function.
Do you know revival method of 1 week ago environment under VBox5.0.24 or 26? And could you explain this warning?
00:00:18.582567 VMMDev: Guest Log: VBoxMP::DxgkDdiQueryCurrentFenceNew: WARNING! :=>DxgkDdiQueryCurrentFenceNew 00:00:18.582713 VMMDev: Guest Log: VBoxMP::DxgkDdiQueryCurrentFenceNew: WARNING! :uncompleted fences, u32FenceSubmitted(1291), u32FenceCompleted(1288) u32FenceProcessed(1288)
Thank you
comment:9 by , 9 years ago
Simply I would like ONLY to use Windows10 as GuestOS under 19200x1200.
I turned on only 2D function on VMM. -> I can only use 1280x720. Okey,
I truned on 2D and 3D function on VMM -> Crashed GuestOS and Gnome with HostOS
Could you inform to me that I can use GuestOS Windows10 under 1900x1200 environment?
Thank you
comment:12 by , 9 years ago
Sorry, what should WE roll-back? You upgraded VirtualBox (and apparently your host) so why not downgrade VirtualBox and the host packages to the previous versions which worked for you?
comment:13 by , 9 years ago
I recommend to roll-back to 1week ago 5.0.24 with same Guest Addition. And I recommend to suspend announcement of 5.0.26(and 5.1.0).
But I can understand it is impossible so. Could you have a bug case for improving for future?
It is OK. But please resolve this case as soon as possible because I only have no way....
Thank you
comment:14 by , 9 years ago
Additional information
Until last week I could use 5.0.24 disabled 3D function of guest addition. Today guest addition of 5.0.24 3D function,I could not select to turn off check box of guest addition.
You said why do you roll-back previous version? My correct previous version is 5.0.24 which be turned off 3D function on guest addition. But it never be gotten anywhere.
comment:16 by , 9 years ago
Btw, I highly doubt that the problem you experience is a 5.0.26 regression. Perhaps you should try to go back to 5.0.22.
comment:18 by , 9 years ago
Hi trank-san
I rollback to 5.0.22. But I have same situation. It crashes GuestOS at the same time Gnome with hang up.
But I rollback to 5.0.14. It is very fine and no problem. I will use this version until improving incident.
Many thanks.
comment:19 by , 9 years ago
Fine performing only under 2D acceleration enabled. It is natural for hang up when 3D acceleration is enabled on this version.
comment:20 by , 9 years ago
Hi frank san
I have updated Windows10 guest to ver.1607 build 14393.187. After that,I have also updated from VBox ver.5.0.14 to 5.1.6.
I have confirmed that this issue is resolved after above 2 update. Now my Windows10 guest is very stable under VBox 5.1.6.
So,please close this ticket.
Thank you
Vbox logfile