
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#4519 closed defect (fixed)

Can not atach USB Device (Aladdin eToken)

Reported by: Leonid Korokh Owned by:
Component: USB Version: VirtualBox 3.0.2
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Solaris


Hi, On Solaris 2009.06 i cannont attach usb security dongle made by Aladdin Knowledge System (eToken) to the Windows 7 guest. I tried with usb filters configured and with out it. VBox-nofilters.log - attempt to attach device w/o filters configured VBox-fullfilter.log - attempt to attach with autogenerated filter

Looks like the same as #4286.

Attachments (11)

VBox-fullfilter.log (59.9 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 16 years ago.
VBox-nofilters.log (59.6 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 16 years ago.
VBox-VERR_ACCESS_DENIED.log (64.5 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 15 years ago.
VBox-NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG.log (66.1 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 15 years ago.
VirtualBox-VERR_ACCESS_DENIED.png (47.0 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 15 years ago.
VBox-NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG.png (10.8 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 15 years ago.
messages.usb.flt (36.4 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 15 years ago.
dmesg.usb.flt (17.8 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 15 years ago.
showvminfo (3.2 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 15 years ago. (28.0 KB ) - added by Ramshankar Venkataraman 15 years ago.
VirtualBox USB 3.1 drivers bleeding edge - amd64
vboxusb.bleededge.messages (2.3 KB ) - added by Leonid Korokh 15 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (47)

by Leonid Korokh, 16 years ago

Attachment: VBox-fullfilter.log added

by Leonid Korokh, 16 years ago

Attachment: VBox-nofilters.log added

comment:1 by Leonid Korokh, 16 years ago

If you need additional research feel free to contact me.

comment:2 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Please try with VirtualBox 3.1 (NOTE: OpenSolaris snv 124 or higher required for USB support). Feel free to re-open the ticket if problem persists.

comment:3 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Hi, Still does not work. What i did:

  1. Ran pkg image-update from snv_111b to snv_127
  2. Ran VirtuaBox and tried to modify setting of my VM (usb controller was enabled). I got error VERR_ACCESS_DINED (VirtualBox-VERR_ACCESS_DENIED.png).
  3. Ran my VM, try to attach usb device. USB Devices menu was empty. Log file attached (VBox-VERR_ACCESS_DENIED.log)

I found that /dev/vboxusbmon has owner root and group sys. RW permission added only for this user and group. Just for fun i changed permissions to 777. After that i tried to modify settings of my vm and didn't get error. Started my vm i saw USB devices menu populated with usb devices (Keyboard, mouse and eToken). Tried to attach eToken to VM - nothing happened. Tried to attach second time and i got error NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG (VBOX-NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG.png). Log file attached (VBOX-NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG.log)

by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Attachment: VBox-VERR_ACCESS_DENIED.log added

by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

comment:4 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

I presume you used USB filters and then started your VM with the eToken still plugged in and nothing happened?

Could you attach /var/adm/messages file?

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

I presume you used USB filters and then started your VM with the eToken still plugged in and nothing happened?

Could you attach /var/adm/messages file?

If you mean USB filter in VM settings - no, i didn't use it. I plug eToken in after the VM was started. messages will be attached in a next few hours (need to reboot into updated BE). Should i attach messages from first try or from second (permissions on vboxusbmon changed to 777) ?

comment:6 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Please attach after permissions changed and the error when you clicked VM settings was gone.

Also for this device I suggest you plug the device in, start VBox, add a USB filter. Then unplug the device, wait a few seconds for Solaris to fully detach it. Start the VM and plug the device in.

This is because some devices cannot be reliably captured by hijacking it from the host. This is a limitation of Solaris USB implementation although for most stuff it should work if nothing is referencing the device on the host.

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

Also for this device I suggest you plug the device in, start VBox, add a USB filter. Then unplug the device, wait a few seconds for Solaris to fully detach it. Start the VM and plug the device in. referencing the device on the host.

So, i did everything as you suggest. Now i don't see eToken in USB Devcie list menu in running VM. messages.usb.flt and dmesg.usb.flt attached. Please note: there is only one usb attach event in logs, before i create the filter. After filter creation there are no entries in logs showing that i attach eToken to host.

by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Attachment: messages.usb.flt added

by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Attachment: dmesg.usb.flt added

comment:8 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Hm the filter is not picking up the device. How does your USB filter look like? VBoxManage showvminfo <your-vm-name> output.

by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Attachment: showvminfo added

comment:9 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Here it is. Dont pay attention to Fliter 1, i've just created it to test usb flash. USB Flash doesn't works too.

comment:10 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Strange, the filter looks fine when you insert the device 'vboxusb' module should pick it up, unless it's not loaded. Can you show me the output of "modinfo | grep vb"?

comment:12 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

160 fffffffff857e7f0    a88 266   1  vboxnet (VirtualBox NetAdp 3.1.0r55467)
161 fffffffff85c0000  24dc8 265   1  vboxdrv (VirtualBox HostDrv 3.1.0r55467)
215 fffffffff87b7000   44f0 198   1  vboxusbmon (VirtualBox USBMon 3.1.0r55467)
219 fffffffff87c0000   6a20 267   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetDrv 3.1.0r55467)
219 fffffffff87c0000   6a20   -   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetMod 3.1.0r55467)
231 fffffffff88f5000   67c0 287   1  vboxusb (VirtualBox USB 3.1.0r55467)

in reply to:  10 comment:13 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

Strange, the filter looks fine when you insert the device 'vboxusb' module should pick it up, unless it's not loaded. Can you show me the output of "modinfo | grep vb"?

Is there any way to gather additional debug information from VBox or Solaris USB stack? DTrace or something like that?

comment:14 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Would you be willing to try a new VBoxUSBMon and VBoxUSB driver?

in reply to:  14 comment:15 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

Would you be willing to try a new VBoxUSBMon and VBoxUSB driver?

Yep, no problem.

by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Attachment: added

VirtualBox USB 3.1 drivers bleeding edge - amd64

comment:16 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Any instructions?

comment:17 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Here's how to install.

  1. Stop all VMs, close all VBox processes and GUI.
  1. Remove existing driver
    pfexec rem_drv vboxusb
    pfexec rem_drv vboxusbmon
  1. Backup old drivers if you want:
    pfexec mv /platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/amd64/vboxusb* ~/backup/
  1. Unzip drivers from zip file and load them:
    pfexec cp vboxusb* /platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/amd64/
    pfexec add_drv vboxusbmon
    pfexec add_drv vboxusb

You'll get an attach failure for vboxusb and it's normal as there's no USB device it attaches to right now.

  1. Launch VM enabling USB controller in VM, with your filters.

by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Attachment: vboxusb.bleededge.messages added

comment:18 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Cut from messsages attached

comment:19 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Wow, fails early, vboxusb thinks it's not a USB device to begin with.. Okay good I can check now. Thanks!

in reply to:  19 comment:20 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

Wow, fails early, vboxusb thinks it's not a USB device to begin with.. Okay good I can check now. Thanks!

Welcome. When you'll find the bug i can test fix in my environment.

comment:21 by David Burge, 15 years ago

I'm getting exactly the same thing. After reading the notes I added the drivers and I get the same messages with my token and with my iphone.

comment:22 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Could you try this build:

Warning: the link will expire in 14 days so download it before then.

Since there were too many changes both in kernel and userland, I decided a full build would be easier for you to test as otherwise I'll have to replace individual files and what not.

Please reboot your system before installing this version to clean any previous USB trials just to be sure.


comment:23 by David Burge, 15 years ago

It worked for me! I can see my iphone and communicate with it using itunes. Awesome!!! I have been waiting for this for so long I could cry tears of joy.

5.11 snv_127 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

comment:24 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Hi Ram, I confirm that new build works fine. I can use eToken and USB flash devices in my snv_127 64 bit. But there is a minor problem: connection state of device does not replicate to VM. When i physically disconnects usb device from host it does not disappear from VM. Anyway thank you for your great job!

comment:25 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Does the physical disconnection not work for the eToken or does this apply to all USB flash devices you tested? The USB flash disks I've tested disappear from the VM (WinXP/Windows 7 in my case) when physically unplugged from the host.

comment:26 by Ringding, 15 years ago

I also tried build r55671, and it's working nicely on osol snv_127. This is the first time that I can use USB with VirtualBox on OpenSolaris, and I've been trying since OpenSolaris 2008/11. Yay!

comment:27 by smino, 15 years ago

Same issues on Linux ubuntu 9.10 and virtualbox 3.1r55467. I can see 3 devices, but I cannot check any of them. 1 is the mouse, and two are my gps internal storage and external storage. Garmin Nuvi 765.

in reply to:  27 comment:28 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Replying to smino:

Same issues on Linux ubuntu 9.10 and virtualbox 3.1r55467. I can see 3 devices, but I cannot check any of them. 1 is the mouse, and two are my gps internal storage and external storage. Garmin Nuvi 765.

Please open a seperate defect for Linux hosts if one doesn't exist already. This defect is specific to USB on Solaris hosts. Since USB is very different across hosts it would only make sense to open a new ticket. Thank you.

in reply to:  24 ; comment:29 by Luca Morettoni, 15 years ago

Replying to lkorokh:

Hi Ram, I confirm that new build works fine. I can use eToken and USB flash devices in my snv_127 64 bit. But there is a minor problem: connection state of device does not replicate to VM. When i physically disconnects usb device from host it does not disappear from VM. Anyway thank you for your great job!

I try it into my OpenSolaris (build 128a), I can attach an USB webcam (but no video). When I try to attach my iPod nothing appen, if I try to attach it again I got this:

ERROR: The USB device with UUID {dc1092ed-726d-45d9-8717-da08003fc642} is not currently attached to the host
Details: code NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG (0x80070057), component USBProxyService, interface IHost, callee nsISupports
Context: "AttachUSBDevice(usbId)" at line 568 of file VBoxManageControlVM.cpp

in reply to:  29 ; comment:30 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Webcams won't work yet. There are performance issue with getting isochronous transfers going. So don't try Webcams or other isochronous devices yet. As for the iPod, does the iPod mount on the host?

in reply to:  30 comment:31 by Luca Morettoni, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

Webcams won't work yet. There are performance issue with getting isochronous transfers going. So don't try Webcams or other isochronous devices yet. As for the iPod, does the iPod mount on the host?

I just try the webcam to see if the USB layer works :) About the iPod I try it with or without it mounted under OpenSolaris. Usually when I insert the iPod OpenSolaris auto-mount it, I'll eject it and try to attach the usb under VirtualBox, without success.

from command line I do this:

VBoxManage controlvm "WinXP Test" usbattach 693ac8db-a638-46cd-9a09-b5643db1fb36

and the output of "VBoxManage controlvm "WinXP Test" usbattach 693ac8db-a638-46cd-9a09-b5643db1fb36" is:

UUID:               693ac8db-a638-46cd-9a09-b5643db1fb36
VendorId:           0x05ac (05AC)
ProductId:          0x1262 (1262)
Revision:           0.1 (0001)
Manufacturer:       Apple Inc.
Product:            iPod
SerialNumber:       000A27001B670D71
Address:            0x5ac:0x1262:1:/pci@0,0/pci1179,1@1a,7
Current State:      Captured

but no iPod under windows :(

in reply to:  30 comment:32 by Luca Morettoni, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

Webcams won't work yet. There are performance issue with getting isochronous transfers going. So don't try Webcams or other isochronous devices yet. As for the iPod, does the iPod mount on the host?

have you some hints for me or other thinks to check under my installation?

comment:33 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

No, webcams won't work no matter what you try because I've disabled them in the code because they are too unstable. As for the iPod it's a bug and needs to be fixed.

in reply to:  33 comment:34 by Luca Morettoni, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

No, webcams won't work no matter what you try because I've disabled them in the code because they are too unstable. As for the iPod it's a bug and needs to be fixed.

no problems for the webcam, I hope to see the fix for the iPod asap :) keep in touch!

comment:35 by smino, 15 years ago

Is anyone able to get their GPS to work via USB? IE Garmin?

in reply to:  25 comment:36 by Leonid Korokh, 15 years ago

Replying to ramshankar:

Does the physical disconnection not work for the eToken or does this apply to all USB flash devices you tested? The USB flash disks I've tested disappear from the VM (WinXP/Windows 7 in my case) when physically unplugged from the host.

Yep, USB Flash disapears, but eToken does not. VB 3.1.2 + Snv129.

comment:37 by Ramshankar Venkataraman, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Fixed in VirtualBox 3.1.2. Open a new ticket for other devices that don't work.

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