BSOD 1E and 3B when trying to load guest OS of any kind
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My hardware is:
Intel Core i7 920 with VT/HT/NX On
12 gb ram (PC3 8500)
(2)1 tb hd (Raid 1)
Intel GB ethernet
Have Readyboost enabled
All the latest patches
Vista x-64 Ultimate SP2 (Technet Plus)
When trying to load guest OS of any kind, BSOD occurs. When trying to get dmp file, it is not found from which i suspect the Intel raid driver is unloaded. With drive caching turned on 1E error occurs, with off 3B error occurs. As well, if Virtual disk is on other drive other than system, 1E error occurs, on system drive, 3b occurs. I make it alot further along the guest install process if i turn off USB controller, turn off caching, leave the virtual disk on the system drive.
Change History
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
new → closed
Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 3.1.8 / 3.2.4.