
Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#9307 new defect

VBox 4.1.0 GA -- shared folder fails manual mount with sf_read_super_aux err=-22

Reported by: jguerrero Owned by:
Component: shared folders Version: VirtualBox 4.1.0
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Linux Host type: other


VBox 4.1.0 GA gets this error when mounting manually.

mount -t vboxsf vm-shared /mnt/shared
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on vm-shared,
            missing codepage or helper program, or other error

dmesg|tail shows:

sf_read_super_aux error=-22

Host: MacOSX 10.6.8 Guest: Oracle Linux 6

The following changes work:

  1. Do not install 4.1.0 GA. I upgraded VBox from 4.0.12 to 4.1.0. My Oracle Linux 6.1 guest was using VBox GA 4.0.8 and shared folders were working fine. After upgrading GA from 4.0.8 to 4.1.0, they now do not work when manually trying to mount shared folders. This is all against the 2.6.32-100.34.1.el6uek.x86_64 kernel.
  1. If I boot the same system into the Redhat kernel 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.x86_64, and rebuild the 4.1.0 GA, then manual mounting works.

Also note:

  1. Oracle Linux 5, with kernel 2.6.32-100.0.19.el5 and 4.1.0 GA gets: "mount: Protocol error" and dmesg says "sf_read_super_aux err=-71". But if I set the VBox GUI setting "Auto-mount" for the shared folder, then the shared folder mounts fine at /media/sf_vm-shared. Meanwhile, "Auto-mount" does not work on the OL 6.1 uek kernel (listed in 1. above).
  1. If I use Debian guest with kernel 2.6.32-5, then 4.1.0 GA works fine.
  1. I created a new VM from scratch (in case there were some issue with the other VMs having been created in an earlier version), did a fresh install of Oracle Linux 6.1, and built the 4.1.0 GA. Manual mounting of shared folder fails. I will upload the log for this guest since it is fresh with basically nothing else done to it.

Attachments (3)

OL6-2011-07-25-16-03-08-munged.txt (60.4 KB ) - added by jguerrero 14 years ago.
Fresh VM, built on 4.1.0 (OSX 10.6.8), with OL 6.1 guest
OL6-2011-07-25-16-03-08.txt (60.4 KB ) - added by jguerrero 14 years ago.
Fresh VM, built on 4.1.0 (OSX 10.6.8), with OL 6.1 guest
OL6-2011-07-25-16-03-08.log (60.4 KB ) - added by jguerrero 14 years ago.
Fresh VM, built on 4.1.0 (OSX 10.6.8), with OL 6.1 guest

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

by jguerrero, 14 years ago

Fresh VM, built on 4.1.0 (OSX 10.6.8), with OL 6.1 guest

by jguerrero, 14 years ago

Attachment: OL6-2011-07-25-16-03-08.txt added

Fresh VM, built on 4.1.0 (OSX 10.6.8), with OL 6.1 guest

by jguerrero, 14 years ago

Attachment: OL6-2011-07-25-16-03-08.log added

Fresh VM, built on 4.1.0 (OSX 10.6.8), with OL 6.1 guest

comment:1 by jguerrero, 14 years ago

A few more notes that might be interesting:
If I take that imported OL 6.1 guest and upgrade GA to 4.1.0, then shared folders do not work (this is the case first listed in the bug). Then if I shutdown the guest, change the mount to auto_mount and then start up, the shared folder works (as the auto_mounted version).

But this same workaround does not work for the "freshly created" 4.1.0 VM on a freshly installed OL 6.1, using the same exact kernel. I tried changing everything that I noticed that was different between the VMs/guests (system chipset, selinux, etc) and rebuilding GA 4.1.0, but the new VM remains broken and unable to use the auto_mount workaround.

The only other significant differences that I can think of are: a. the old system was built on an older version of vbox and imported (so it uses vmdk instead of vdi); b. the old system once had a working shared folder (on the pre-4.1.0 GA); and c. the old system was originally built using Oracle Linux 6.0 and was upgraded to 6.1 (while the new one was built straight from a 6.1 DVD).

Without having any idea of where the problem is, I do not know what else to consider that would explain the difference. Hopefully, this information helps narrow what the general problem is. The VM log file shows nothing when I try (and fail) to mount the shared folder.

Btw, the only failure during the GA 4.1.0 build is with "Building the OpenGL support module". It always fails in Oracle Linux UEK kernel due to missing files. Maybe something that follows this in the build is not getting built correctly?

comment:2 by jguerrero, 14 years ago

Another thing I have noticed on the "fresh" OL 6.1 system:
If I set mount options in fstab: "rw,uid=500,gid=501", then manually mounting gets "Protocol error" with dmesg saying "sf_read_super_aux error=-71". This happens both with and without "auto_mount" set.

in reply to:  description ; comment:3 by Peter Asboeck, 14 years ago

Problem can be reproduced on Windows 7 64bit host with Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.6 guest:

# lsb_release -a
LSB Version:    :core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-ia32:core-4.0-noarch:graphics-4.0-amd64:graphics-4.0-ia32:graphics-4.0-noarch:printing-4.0-amd64:printing-4.0-ia32:printing-4.0-noarch [[BR]]
Distributor ID: EnterpriseEnterpriseServer
Description:    Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Carthage)
Release:        5.6
Codename:       Carthage
# mount -t vboxsf exchange /exchange
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on exchange,
       missing codepage or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so
# dmesg | tail -5
hrtimer: interrupt took 2690288 ns
ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A
sf_read_super_aux err=-22
sf_read_super_aux err=-22

ASSUMPTION: GA 4.1.0 installation isn't running correct (missing things - e.g. creating symb. link mount.vboxsf, also clipboard not working, ...).

# ./
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox 4.1.0 Guest Additions for Linux.........
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
Removing installed version 4.1.0 of VirtualBox Guest Additions...
Removing existing VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules           [  OK  ]
Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules       [  OK  ]
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules
Building the main Guest Additions module                   [  OK  ]
Building the shared folder support module                  [  OK  ]
Building the OpenGL support module                         [FAILED]
(Look at /var/log/vboxadd-install.log to find out what went wrong)
Installing the Window System drivers
Installing X.Org 7.1 modules                               [  OK  ]
Setting up the Window System to use the Guest Additions    [  OK  ]
You may need to restart the hal service and the Window System (or just restart
the guest system) to enable the Guest Additions.

Installing graphics libraries and desktop services componen[  OK  ]


# /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.1.0/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/mount.vboxsf exchange /exchange

comment:4 by Peter Asboeck, 14 years ago

MY WORKAROUND FOR FIXING mount -t vboxsf PROBLEM == make -i !!!

[root@vm-oel-2 ~]# cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009
[root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# export MAKE='/usr/bin/gmake -i'
[root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# ls
32Bit                    VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe
64Bit          VBoxWindowsAdditions-x86.exe
AUTORUN.INF  VBoxSolarisAdditions.pkg   VBoxWindowsAdditions-amd64.exe
[root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# ./
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox 4.1.0 Guest Additions for Linux.........
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
Removing installed version 4.1.0 of VirtualBox Guest Additions...
Removing existing VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules           [  OK  ]
Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules       [  OK  ]
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules
Building the main Guest Additions module                   [  OK  ]
Building the shared folder support module                  [  OK  ]
Building the OpenGL support module                         [  OK  ]
Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions              [  OK  ]
You should restart your guest to make sure the new modules are actually used

Installing the Window System drivers
Installing X.Org Server 1.7 modules                        [  OK  ]
Setting up the Window System to use the Guest Additions    [  OK  ]
You may need to restart the hal service and the Window System (or just restart
the guest system) to enable the Guest Additions.

Installing graphics libraries and desktop services componen[  OK  ]
[root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# /etc/init.d/vboxadd start
Starting the VirtualBox Guest Additions                    [  OK  ]
[root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# ps -ef | grep -i vbox
root      6438     1  0 13:07 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/VBoxService
root      6554  2286  0 13:08 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i vbox
[root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# /usr/bin/VBoxClient-all
[root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# 


[root@vm-oel-2 ~]# mount -t vboxsf exchange /exchange
[root@vm-oel-2 ~]# echo $?
[root@vm-oel-2 ~]# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                      41082184   7470832  31524440  20% /
tmpfs                  2985944       260   2985684   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1               495844     70884    399360  16% /boot
VM-shared            3907037180 708987076 3198050104  19% /media/sf_VM-shared
/dev/sr0                 43904     43904         0 100% /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009
exchange             976759804 202251576 774508228  21% /exchange
[root@vm-oel-2 ~]# 

comment:5 by Michael Thayer, 14 years ago

But again, that is when you log in as root. Does it work as user then too?

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by Peter Asboeck, 14 years ago

login is done with "normal" user
VBoxClient processes are running with normal user
mount is done via /etc/fstab (so of course by root) ... but only root can mount/umount filesystems :-)

[itsme@vm-oel-1 Desktop]$ who
itsme    tty1         2011-07-28 12:46 (:0)
itsme    pts/0        2011-07-28 12:46 (:0.0)
[itsme@vm-oel-1 Desktop]$ ps -ef | grep -i vbox
root      1728     1  0 12:37 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/VBoxService
itsme     2120     1  0 12:46 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/VBoxClient --display
itsme     2124     1  0 12:46 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/VBoxClient --seamless
itsme     2275     1  0 12:46 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/VBoxClient --clipboard
itsme     2283     1  0 12:46 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/VBoxClient --display
itsme     2288     1  0 12:46 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/VBoxClient --seamless
itsme     2979  2327  0 15:02 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i vbox
[itsme@vm-oel-1 Desktop]$ cat /etc/fstab 
# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Fri Jun 24 06:47:03 2011
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_root /                       ext4    defaults        1 1
UUID=781c95c6-6c38-4aeb-8268-923e3d04e951 /boot                   ext4    defaults        1 2
/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_swap swap                    swap    defaults        0 0
tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   size=4g         0 0
devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0
proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0
/dev/vg_data/lv_data		/data		ext4	defaults	1 2
exchange		/exchange		vboxsf	defaults	1 2
[itsme@vm-oel-1 Desktop]$ mount
/dev/mapper/vg_root-lv_root on / type ext4 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,size=4g,rootcontext="system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0")
/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext4 (rw)
/dev/mapper/vg_data-lv_data on /data type ext4 (rw)
/exchange on /exchange type vboxsf (rw)
none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)
sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
VM-shared on /media/sf_VM-shared type vboxsf (gid=501,rw)
/dev/sr0 on /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=500,gid=500,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500)
[itsme@vm-oel-1 Desktop]$ umount /exchange
umount: /exchange mount disagrees with the fstab
[itsme@vm-oel-1 Desktop]$ su - root
[root@vm-oel-1 ~]# umount /exchange
[root@vm-oel-1 ~]# df -m /exchange
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                         40120     16399     21684  44% /
[root@vm-oel-1 ~]# exit
[itsme@vm-oel-1 Desktop]$ mount /exchange
mount: only root can mount exchange on /exchange
[itsme@vm-oel-1 Desktop]$ su - root
[root@vm-oel-1 ~]# mount /exchange
[root@vm-oel-1 ~]# df -m /exchange
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
exchange                953867    197512    756356  21% /exchange
[root@vm-oel-1 ~]# 

comment:7 by Michael Thayer, 14 years ago

Sorry, confused this with ticket #9332.

in reply to:  3 comment:8 by jguerrero, 14 years ago

Replying to pa110564:

# /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-4.1.0/lib/VBoxGuestAdditions/mount.vboxsf exchange /exchange

I can confirm that this workaround works for me. Thank you for that.

in reply to:  4 comment:9 by jguerrero, 14 years ago

Replying to pa110564:

> MY WORKAROUND FOR FIXING mount -t vboxsf PROBLEM == make -i !!!
> [root@vm-oel-2 ~]# cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009
> [root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# export MAKE='/usr/bin/gmake -i'
> [root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# /etc/init.d/vboxadd start
> Starting the VirtualBox Guest Additions                    [  OK  ]
> [root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# ps -ef | grep -i vbox
> root      6438     1  0 13:07 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/VBoxService
> root      6554  2286  0 13:08 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -i vbox
> [root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# /usr/bin/VBoxClient-all
> [root@vm-oel-2 VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.0_73009]# 

I can confirm that the above fix works, too. May I ask how "gmake -i" fixes the "OpenGL support module"?

Also, I ran the exact commands listed. Are there any side effects, from the following commands, that are part of the workaround?

/etc/init.d/vboxadd start

comment:10 by jguerrero, 14 years ago

I can also confirm that Bidirectional clipboard was not working for me (I did not spend the time to figure out the conditions). But the "gmake -i" fix, also fixed the clipboard problem. Thanks

in reply to:  10 comment:11 by Peter Asboeck, 14 years ago

export MAKE='/usr/local/bin/gmake -i' and reinstall with ./ is enough for the WORKAROUND.

make normally terminates at the first error. -i ( == ignore) instructs make to ignore errors and to continue processing further rules/targets.
The compilation error (missing include) in the OpenGL module isn't fixed by this - it is just ignored
and so the error doesn't go up as some following steps will have return code 0. (OpenGL support is still not working)

clipboard problem is ticket #9332.

Have fun with Oracle Enterprise Linux.


comment:12 by jguerrero, 14 years ago

Thank you very much for that explanation Peter.

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