

Sep 23, 2020:

11:47 PM Ticket #19912 (Host gnome topleft hot-corner doesn't work when VM is running and focused.) created by TyamaAROU
I use Virtualbox 6.1.14 r140239 on Debian 10.5 with an Nvidia driver …
7:06 PM Changeset in vbox [86252] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: Build fix.
6:17 PM Changeset in vbox [86251] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: Build fix.
5:13 PM Changeset in vbox [86250] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UICloudProfileManager: Make sure provider/profile …
5:03 PM Changeset in vbox [86249] by vboxsync
configure.vbs: compiler version mapping fix.
5:01 PM Changeset in vbox [86248] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: Build fixes.
4:44 PM Changeset in vbox [86247] by vboxsync
SharedClipboard/win: Build fix (strict/win) and some cleanup.
4:28 PM Changeset in vbox [86246] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Implement switch current processor request
4:26 PM Changeset in vbox [86245] by vboxsync
python/Makefile.kmk: Can use version comparison operators on macOS …
3:35 PM Changeset in vbox [86244] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Implement search memory request
3:29 PM Changeset in vbox [86243] by vboxsync
OCI: IStringFormValue::clipboardString - a quick hack so that when we …
2:55 PM Changeset in vbox [86242] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UICloudProfileManager: Make sure closeEvent …
2:31 PM Changeset in vbox [86241] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:9224: Fixed the error when obtain the disk info in block …
2:27 PM Changeset in vbox [86240] by vboxsync
IPRT: RTTimeZoneGetCurrent-posix.cpp should validate the string …
2:23 PM Changeset in vbox [86239] by vboxsync
IPRT: Some fixes to RTTimeZoneGetCurrent-posix.cpp and a basic …
1:27 PM Changeset in vbox [86238] by vboxsync
bugref:9831. Adding a stylesheet to create .qhp files out of manual …
1:00 PM Changeset in vbox [86237] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: stubs for SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS commands. Make sure …
12:40 PM Changeset in vbox [86236] by vboxsync
bugref:9831. Creating xhtml version of UserManual file instead of html one.
12:24 PM Changeset in vbox [86235] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Emulate DR<n> registers in order to …
12:15 PM Changeset in vbox [86234] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Emulate DR<n> registers in order to …
12:10 PM Changeset in vbox [86233] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Moving UIToolBar from widgets to extensions since it isn't …
12:07 PM Changeset in vbox [86232] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Renaming UIAccessibilityInterfaceForUIToolBarButton interface …
10:55 AM Changeset in vbox [86231] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: QIManagerDialog: A bit of rework for …
10:25 AM Ticket #19863 (Guest additions 6.1.14 won't build in RHEL 8.3 beta (fixed in trunk)) closed by Frank Batschulat (Oracle)
8:31 AM Ticket #19911 (Fresh VM always crashing due to RAM issue) created by PT400C
Hey, recently I built a new computer with 16 GB of DDR4 ram, a Ryzen …
7:28 AM Ticket #19910 (VirtualBox 6.1.14 fails to boot FreeBSD 12.1 install ISO in EFI mode ...) created by Thomas Dreibholz
VirtualBox 6.1.14 fails to boot FreeBSD 12.1 install ISO in EFI mode. …
4:36 AM Ticket #19909 (macOS:VM crashes after upgrade to 6.1.14 => fixed in svn/6.1.x x>14) created by lonelygo
---- OS :macOS 10.15.6 VirtualBox:6.1.14 VM OS : Ubuntu 18.04 LTS …

Sep 22, 2020:

10:50 PM Changeset in vbox [86230] by vboxsync
OCI: Add ICloudProfileChangedEvent. Accidentally lost in r140498.
10:15 PM Changeset in vbox [86229] by vboxsync
OCI: Add ICloudProfileChangedEvent.
6:59 PM Changeset in vbox [86228] by vboxsync
configure: reflect the big changes in 3D since 5.2/6.0
5:23 PM Changeset in vbox [86227] by vboxsync
Installer/darwin: Drop with macOS 10.13. bugref:9790
5:08 PM Changeset in vbox [86226] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UIDetailsElement: Rework cloud VM details element …
4:25 PM Changeset in vbox [86225] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UIDetailsGenerator: Rework cloud VM details …
2:38 PM Ticket #19908 (Mouse not working in Virtualbox 6.1.14 with Arch Linux as Host) created by 404_vip_not_found
I installed Kali Linux as Guest OS while the Host OS is Arch Linux. …
2:23 PM Changeset in vbox [86224] by vboxsync
SUPHard/posix: Function pointer exception hancks for Clang. …
2:13 PM Changeset in vbox [86223] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: Build fix for r140482.
2:13 PM Changeset in vbox [86222] by vboxsync
/Config.kmk: Put -isysroot and -syslibroot option values in quotes to …
2:10 PM Changeset in vbox [86221] by vboxsync Darwin build fix. bugref:9790
1:44 PM Changeset in kBuild [3489] by bird
sdks/MACOSX*.kmk: Put the SDK path in quotes so the compiler/linker …
1:09 PM Changeset in vbox [86220] by vboxsync
IPRT/RTTimeZoneGetCurrent: Some build systems might not have tzfile.h …
12:38 PM Changeset in vbox [86219] by vboxsync
VMM/CpuId: Must take the actual host features into account when …
12:36 PM Changeset in vbox [86218] by vboxsync
VMM/CPUMInternal.h: TODO
12:02 PM Changeset in vbox [86217] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UIDetailsElement: Cleanup code related to popup …
11:30 AM Changeset in vbox [86216] by vboxsync
IPRT/RTTimeZoneGetCurrent: Add some additional heuristics for …
10:40 AM Changeset in vbox [86215] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UIVirtualMachineItemCloud: Rework refresh timer to …
9:59 AM Changeset in vbox [86214] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Fix split register accesses.
9:58 AM Changeset in vbox [86213] by vboxsync
9:51 AM Changeset in vbox [86212] by vboxsync
kBuild 3486 -> 3488: macOS SDK and CLANG fixes.
9:49 AM Changeset in vbox [86211] by vboxsync
9:47 AM Changeset in kBuild [3488] by bird
darwin-common.kmk: Corrections to DARWINCMN_MACOSX_SDKS_DIRS.
9:46 AM Changeset in kBuild [3487] by bird
header.kmk: Introducing KBUILD_DEVTOOLS_TRG_NOARCH and …
7:08 AM Changeset in vbox [86210] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Extract common code in preparation for …
6:56 AM Changeset in vbox [86209] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Nits.

Sep 21, 2020:

7:57 PM Changeset in vbox [86208] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: Build fix for r140467.
7:49 PM Changeset in vbox [86207] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: Rework UIVirtualMachineItemCloud to create cloud …
7:41 PM Changeset in vbox [86206] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: Extend UIProgress with possibilities to cancel …
7:32 PM Changeset in vbox [86205] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: Rename UIProgress::run to UIProgress::exec since …
5:31 PM Changeset in vbox [86204] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Reworked register accesses (write done) to …
4:56 PM Mac OS X build instructions edited by bird
4:54 PM Mac OS X build instructions edited by bird
4:50 PM Ticket #19907 (Starting VM causes 100% load on one cpu in NT-Kernel, even after VM exit) created by theRman
Observe in Host task manager, that "System" process works normally. …
4:11 PM Ticket #19706 (MacOS hosts no longer able to run VBoxHeadless as of 6.0.18 and 6.1.4 ...) closed by aeichner
invalid: Please provide accurate information, what application are we talking …
4:05 PM Ticket #19181 (Error "Call to VidMessageSlotMap failed: Last=0xc000000d/87 ...) closed by aeichner
4:04 PM Ticket #18588 (Not able to use Hyper-V as backend with VirtualBox 6.0 on Windows 10) closed by aeichner
obsolete: Please reopen if still an issue with latest 6.1.14.
4:01 PM Ticket #19368 (Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Windows XP VM.) closed by aeichner
4:00 PM Ticket #19555 (error message VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED) closed by aeichner
3:58 PM Ticket #19577 (Help i do not understand what this is) closed by aeichner
invalid: You are running Windows 10 with Hyper-V enabled and we failed to set …
3:57 PM Ticket #19765 (VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX)) closed by aeichner
invalid: Please reopen if still an issue and you provided requested information.
3:55 PM Ticket #19832 (Virtual Box + Hyper-V - VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED) closed by aeichner
invalid: Your failure log is from VBox 6.0 (which is also EOL), the successful …
3:37 PM Ticket #19904 (v6.1.14 fails to open for os/2 guest) closed by aeichner
invalid: You tried to load a saved state from a development version with an …
3:32 PM Ticket #19877 (Ubuntu crashes during runtime or at installation) closed by aeichner
duplicate: The logs indicate you are actually using the NEM/Hyper-V backend in …
3:10 PM Changeset in vbox [86203] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: cleanup vmsvgaR3Process3dCmd.
2:42 PM Changeset in vbox [86202] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: Extend cloud provider uninstall event handling …
2:36 PM Changeset in vbox [86201] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UIVirtualMachineItemCloud: Allow to wait for a …
2:34 PM Changeset in vbox [86200] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UITaskCloudRefreshMachineInfo: Allow to cancel …
2:33 PM Changeset in vbox [86199] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: Moving cloud machine refresh code from …
2:20 PM Changeset in vbox [86198] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UIProgressDialog: Forgot something in r140412.
1:42 PM Changeset in vbox [86197] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: CFGM parameter to enable new capabilities.
1:17 PM Changeset in vbox [86196] by vboxsync
Additions/linux:Guest additions 6.1.14 won't build in RHEL 8.3 beta …
12:51 PM Changeset in vbox [86195] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: build fix.
12:44 PM Changeset in vbox [86194] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: doxygen fix.
12:37 PM Changeset in vbox [86193] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: New VMSVGA registers. Register based command buffers …
12:30 PM Changeset in vbox [86192] by vboxsync
kBuild 3428 -> 3486: New kmk binary for darwin that includes the …
12:26 PM Changeset in kBuild [3486] by bird
Rebuilt kmk.exe for win.amd64 against r3485.
12:25 PM Changeset in kBuild [3485] by bird
lib/nt/ntstat.h|c: Forgot to commit birdStatModeOnly the other day.
12:21 PM Changeset in kBuild [3484] by bird
Rebuilt kmk on darwin x86 and amd64 against r3483.
12:06 PM Changeset in kBuild [3483] by bird
kash: Don't use cmdlist to dump nfile lists in cmdtxt, need a …
11:54 AM Changeset in kBuild [3482] by bird
kash: machdep: More sensible SHELL_SIZE for SHELL_ALIGN (32-bit targets).
11:26 AM Changeset in kBuild [3481] by bird
kmk: remove debug fprintf from previous commit.
11:20 AM Changeset in kBuild [3480] by bird
kash: build fixes (darwin).
10:59 AM Changeset in kBuild [3479] by bird
kmk: Added some refinements to the recent …
10:57 AM Changeset in kBuild [3478] by bird
kmk/makeint.h: gcc 4.2.1 (apple) build fix.
9:59 AM Changeset in vbox [86191] by vboxsync
Runtime/mp-r0drv-nt.cpp: Dynamically determine the size of the …
9:25 AM Ticket #9223 (A running VM is listed as Powered Off) reopened by leonp
I am sorry to inform that the problem is still here. VB version 6.1.14 …
9:11 AM Ticket #19900 (Reopen #6650 closed on 08/14/2016) closed by arudnev
9:06 AM Ticket #19898 (change .VirtualBox folder location) closed by arudnev
wontfix: .VirtualBox folder is placed to user home root because of …
9:03 AM Ticket #19894 (Plantage de la VM : Code d’arrêt : CRITICAL STRUCTURE CORRUPTION) closed by arudnev
invalid: Log is definetely required
8:59 AM Ticket #19891 (Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Windows 10.) closed by arudnev
invalid: Are you able to start any other VM (including newly created)? If no - …
8:54 AM Changeset in vbox [86190] by vboxsync
IPRT/r0drv/nt: 32-bit alloca support routine (VC++). Untested.
8:52 AM Changeset in vbox [86189] by vboxsync
Additions/VBoxService: Fix memory leak in CPU hot-plug code, …
8:43 AM Changeset in vbox [86188] by vboxsync
Additions/VBoxService: Rework CPU hot-plug code to be more resilient, …
1:28 AM Ticket #19906 (Black Screen after trying to log onto to Kali Linux) created by MrFrank
So recently I have been trying to log back into my Kali Linux virtual …

Sep 20, 2020:

11:09 PM Ticket #19905 (GUI glitches on Wayland running "sudo virtualbox") created by GnomeUser
Buttons and virtual machine names highlight is not working normally …
5:49 PM Ticket #19904 (v6.1.14 fails to open for os/2 guest) created by James Moe
opensuse tumbleweed 20200917 Vbox failed to restore an os/2 4.52 …
12:17 PM Changeset in vbox [86187] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Implement access to the internal VBox debugger. …
12:13 PM Changeset in vbox [86186] by vboxsync
12:10 PM Changeset in vbox [86185] by vboxsync
VMM: Implemented sysenter and sysexit in IEM (limited testing). Added …
12:08 PM Changeset in vbox [86184] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Implement access to the internal VBox debugger. …
11:58 AM Changeset in vbox [86183] by vboxsync
VMM: Implemented sysenter and sysexit in IEM (limited testing). Added …
10:24 AM Changeset in vbox [86182] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Stub the query memory attributes request (need …
10:23 AM Changeset in vbox [86181] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Stub the query memory attributes request (need …
9:33 AM Changeset in vbox [86180] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Implement support for the DEBUG_IO packets to …
12:42 AM Ticket #19903 (VBoxService CPU hotplug brings always cpu1 online regardless of ...) created by musteresel
The code to bring a newly plugged CPU online is seriously wrong, …
12:06 AM Ticket #19902 (Crash due to invalid assumption (unsigned wrap around) in ...) created by musteresel
TL;DR: There's an unsigned integer "underflow"/wrap around of the …

Sep 19, 2020:

7:39 PM Changeset in vbox [86179] by vboxsync
VMM/CPUMDbg: the sysenter_eip and sysenter_esp registers are 64-bit …
7:38 PM Changeset in vbox [86178] by vboxsync
DBGC: LDT entry numbering fix.
4:06 PM Changeset in vbox [86177] by vboxsync
Revert r140428 for now (Runtime/mp-r0drv-nt.cpp: Dynamically determine …
3:33 PM Changeset in vbox [86176] by vboxsync
Runtime/mp-r0drv-nt.cpp: Dynamically determine the size of the …
9:19 AM Changeset in vbox [86175] by vboxsync
IPRT/r0drv/nt: s/rtMpPokeCpuUsingHalReqest/rtMpPokeCpuUsingHalRequest/g

Sep 18, 2020:

11:49 PM Ticket #19901 (Reopen #6650 closed on 08/14/2016) created by fabnicol
vbox-img --help documentation allows the convert command to output …
11:49 PM Ticket #19900 (Reopen #6650 closed on 08/14/2016) created by fabnicol
vbox-img --help documentation allows the convert command to output …
7:04 PM Ticket #19899 (Virtualbox 6.1.14 shared paper press and drag and drop don't work) created by KAT66
Hello, With the latest version of virtualbox (6.1.14) on a type of …
3:36 PM Ticket #19898 (change .VirtualBox folder location) created by user4212
can you please move .VirtualBox folder to AppData? It'a always the …
3:35 PM Changeset in vbox [86174] by vboxsync
Additions/linux: reverting changesets 140423 & 140424
3:16 PM Ticket #19897 (Virtualbox depends on deprecated pyhton version) created by DanielDuesentrieb
Debian testing can't install the current python version 2.7.18 without …
3:08 PM Changeset in vbox [86173] by vboxsync
Additions/linux: add. fixes for round 1 ticketref:19863
2:32 PM Ticket #19896 (virtualbox 6.1.14 X Debian guest X keyboard X webcam X fullscreen VM) created by afmachado
Hello I found a very strange issue on Virtualbox 6.1.14 running on …
1:58 PM Changeset in vbox [86172] by vboxsync
Additions/linux:Guest additions 6.1.14 won't build in RHEL 8.3 beta …
1:38 PM Changeset in vbox [86171] by vboxsync
IPRT/win/thread: Use new SetThreadDescription to set thread names.
1:38 PM Changeset in vbox [86170] by vboxsync
IPRT/win/thread: Use new SetThreadDescription to set thread names.
11:11 AM Changeset in vbox [86169] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:9224: Fixed invalid partition flag (active/bootable)
10:45 AM Changeset in vbox [86168] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9827: Global properties / Language page: Build fix for …
10:01 AM Changeset in vbox [86167] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Start supporting 32bit guests [build fix]
9:57 AM Changeset in vbox [86166] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Start supporting 32bit guests [build fix]
9:54 AM Changeset in vbox [86165] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Start supporting 32bit guests
9:17 AM Ticket #19895 (Plantage de la VM : Code d’arrêt : CRITICAL STRUCTURE CORRUPTION) closed by Frank Batschulat (Oracle)
duplicate: duplicate of #19893
9:14 AM Ticket #19895 (Plantage de la VM : Code d’arrêt : CRITICAL STRUCTURE CORRUPTION) created by LFX_LFX
Depuis le passage en 6.1.14 sur en un hôte en Windows 10 2004 et de …
9:14 AM Ticket #19894 (Plantage de la VM : Code d’arrêt : CRITICAL STRUCTURE CORRUPTION) created by LFX_LFX
Depuis le passage en 6.1.14 sur en un hôte en Windows 10 2004 et de …
9:14 AM Ticket #19893 (Plantage de la VM : Code d’arrêt : CRITICAL STRUCTURE CORRUPTION) created by LFX_LFX
Depuis le passage en 6.1.14 sur en un hôte en Windows 10 2004 et de …
7:25 AM Changeset in vbox [86164] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGPlugInWinNt: Add KPCR/KPCRB extraction for 32bit Windows …
7:16 AM Changeset in vbox [86163] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGPlugInWinNt: Add KPCR/KPCRB extraction for 32bit Windows …
7:12 AM Changeset in vbox [86162] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGPlugInWinNt: Add KPCR/KPCRB extraction for 32bit Windows
4:11 AM Ticket #19892 (macOS 10.15.6 Default Machine Folder Path Cannot be Updated) created by lossdev
I recently changed my username on my macOS host, and noticed this …

Sep 17, 2020:

9:52 PM Changeset in kBuild [3477] by bird
kash: Use kHlpAssert instead of assert.h (debugger stops on the …
9:32 PM Changeset in kBuild [3476] by bird
kash: sh_destroy should be mostly finished now.
5:24 PM Changeset in vbox [86161] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UIProgressDialog: Rework UIProgress to be based on …
5:10 PM Changeset in vbox [86160] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Rework get version handler to fill in the right …
5:09 PM Changeset in vbox [86159] by vboxsync
DBGF,DBGPlugInWinNt: Extract NtBuildNumber and make it available …
4:49 PM Changeset in vbox [86158] by vboxsync
doc/manual: fix long standing comment copy/paste issue
4:48 PM Changeset in vbox [86157] by vboxsync
OCI: (bugref:9693) Help update for r140402.
3:08 PM Changeset in vbox [86156] by vboxsync
Devices/Graphics: delete old VMSVGA headers. bugref:9830
2:37 PM Changeset in vbox [86155] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Fix setting registers
1:19 PM Changeset in vbox [86154] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9653: UIVirtualBoxEventHandler: Split …
12:35 PM Changeset in vbox [86153] by vboxsync
OCI: (bugref:9693) Fixed VBoxManage cloud network backslash issue on …
12:04 PM Changeset in vbox [86152] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9827: Global properties / Language page: Heavy rework, …
12:03 PM Changeset in vbox [86151] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9827: Forgot something in r140369.
12:03 PM Changeset in vbox [86150] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9827: Forgot something in r140358.
11:34 AM Changeset in vbox [86149] by vboxsync
VMM/DBGFReg: A lazy implementation of DBGFR3RegNmSetBatch() which …
11:22 AM Changeset in vbox [86148] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Some basic register writing code, not fully …
11:21 AM Changeset in vbox [86147] by vboxsync
VMM/DBGFReg: A lazy implementation of DBGFR3RegNmSetBatch() which …
11:20 AM Changeset in vbox [86146] by vboxsync
VMM/CPUMDbg: Implement gdtr and idtr setters ([gi]dtr_base and _limit …
10:31 AM Changeset in vbox [86145] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Fix unmapping MMIO region when the region …
7:37 AM Changeset in vbox [86144] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Implement basic breakpoint handling
7:15 AM Changeset in vbox [86143] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGCRemoteKd: Some fixes and implement basic …

Sep 16, 2020:

9:31 PM Ticket #19891 (Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Windows 10.) created by jffryfrdmn
I am getting two error message when trying to open a session: 1. The …
9:18 PM Changeset in kBuild [3475] by bird
kash: exec.c/h+eval.c: Fixed no-rehashing-needed optimizations so they …
9:13 PM Changeset in kBuild [3474] by bird
main: Use shfile_stat_isreg in find_dot_file.
9:12 PM Changeset in kBuild [3473] by bird
kash: Added two specialized shfile_stat variants: shfile_stat_isreg, …
9:10 PM Changeset in kBuild [3472] by bird
kash: sh_destroy: Don't free text for variables with VSTACK set.
9:03 PM Changeset in vbox [86142] by vboxsync
VBoxManage/list hostdrives: Plain text explanation why some IHostDrive …
9:01 PM Changeset in vbox [86141] by vboxsync
Main/glue: Added GlueHandleComErrorNoCtx() for printing extended error …
8:59 PM Changeset in vbox [86140] by vboxsync
Main/VirtualBox.xidl: Documented limited-mode of IHostDrive. bugref:9224
5:51 PM Changeset in vbox [86139] by vboxsync
/Config,tools/darwin.*/bin/iasl: Removed the iasl binaries as we will …
5:12 PM Changeset in vbox [86138] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:9224: Moved definition of the NVME_IOCTL_ID into cpp file …
4:14 PM Changeset in vbox [86137] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:9224: Reverted fix for linux kernel less than 4.4
3:56 PM Changeset in vbox [86136] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:9224: Fixed compilation error for linux kernel less than 4.4
3:53 PM Changeset in vbox [86135] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:9224: Fixed possibe doxygen error
3:39 PM Changeset in vbox [86134] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:9224: Added NVME drives enumeration on Linux. Fixed the …
1:05 PM Ticket #19882 (test upload for Nvidia hardening driver dll issue) closed by arudnev
1:05 PM Ticket #19883 (Virtual Box crashes with newest Kali_Linux on Catalina(host)) closed by arudnev
1:02 PM Changeset in vbox [86133] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Nits.
12:42 PM Ticket #19285 (SSH / SCP / SFTP transfers extremely slow when using bridged VLAN) closed by arudnev
7:52 AM Changeset in vbox [86132] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Nit.
6:10 AM Changeset in vbox [86131] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Fix IRTE format. We now remap interrupts …
12:06 AM Changeset in kBuild [3471] by bird
kash: Added comment about async close and stat. Some more logging in …

Sep 15, 2020:

11:49 PM Changeset in kBuild [3470] by bird
kash: Enable non-forked mode (threaded) on windows.
11:47 PM Changeset in kBuild [3469] by bird
kash: Use ntstat.c/h on windows, the crt version isn't reliable.
11:28 PM Changeset in kBuild [3468] by bird
kash: Need to initialize mutexes on windows after forking now that …
9:30 PM Changeset in kBuild [3467] by bird
kash: subshellstatus build fixes for forked mode.
9:28 PM Changeset in kBuild [3466] by bird
kash: Introduced asynchronous closing of files we're written to on …
8:59 PM Changeset in vbox [86130] by vboxsync
log.h: Fix order.
7:46 PM Changeset in kBuild [3465] by bird
kash: Keep the filename around in debug builds. Added profiling of …
7:44 PM Changeset in kBuild [3464] by bird
kash: Try signal subshell completion as early as possible in all cases.
6:22 PM Changeset in kBuild [3463] by bird
kash: indent
5:02 PM Changeset in vbox [86129] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9827: Global properties / Update page: Build fix for r140369.
4:29 PM Ticket #19890 (Guest Windows Slowly Shrink Vertically to 103 pixels and Jump Around ...) created by PHands
Hi, I started a thread on the Community Forums on this on Sept 3rd, …
4:14 PM Changeset in vbox [86128] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9827: Global properties / Update page: Heavy rework, …
12:57 PM Changeset in kBuild [3462] by bird
kash: indent
12:55 PM Changeset in kBuild [3461] by bird
kash: Cache one pstack_block since parsecmd seems to be called for …
12:31 PM Changeset in kBuild [3460] by bird
kash: Use event semaphores to signal parent shell early before the …
11:21 AM Changeset in vbox [86127] by vboxsync
Runtime/common/ioqueue/ioqueue-aiofile-provider: Fix memory leak …
10:58 AM Changeset in vbox [86126] by vboxsync
Runtime/linux/ioqueue-iouringfile-provider: Fixes
9:09 AM Changeset in kBuild [3459] by bird
kash: more sh_destroy work.
7:47 AM Ticket #19889 (Serial ports (uart) don't work on VB 6.1.10, 6.1.12 and 6.1.14) created by parsival
Serial ports (uart) don't work on VB 6.1.10 and 6.1.14 Host: Debian …

Sep 14, 2020:

9:46 PM Changeset in kBuild [3458] by bird
kash: Use reference counting of parser output in threaded-mode.
5:55 PM Changeset in vbox [86125] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:9623: Restricted the scope of the multi attaching the …
5:34 PM Changeset in kBuild [3457] by bird
kash: New parser allocator for non-forked-mode.
5:16 PM Changeset in vbox [86124] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9827: Global properties / Input page: Heavy rework, …
5:11 PM Changeset in vbox [86123] by vboxsync
VMM/GIM: Comment.
5:06 PM Changeset in vbox [86122] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:9827: Global properties / General page: Forgot something …
4:56 PM Changeset in vbox [86121] by vboxsync
VMM/GIM: Fix handling KVM system-time struct. to work from both ring-0 …
3:53 PM Ticket #19339 (error mounting guest additions ISO in Virtualbox 6.1.4 and 6.1.2) closed by Frank Batschulat (Oracle)
12:03 PM Changeset in kBuild [3456] by bird
kash: parser.c,memalloc.c/.h,expand.c: Prepared the parser for using a …
11:59 AM Changeset in kBuild [3455] by bird
kash: eval.c/expredir: corrected assertion in default case.
11:58 AM Changeset in kBuild [3454] by bird
kash: shfile_movefd: bounds check fix.
10:39 AM Changeset in vbox [86120] by vboxsync
Debugger UI: A bug fix for r46518; Make sure we are not reseting width …
9:28 AM Changeset in kBuild [3453] by bird
kash: eval: Call expredircleanup before we pop the allocator stack.
9:15 AM Changeset in vbox [86119] by vboxsync
AMD IOMMU: bugref:9654 Bits.
9:09 AM Changeset in vbox [86118] by vboxsync
VMM: Fix debug assertion for VMs with VMSVGA and 3D enabled and using …
8:03 AM Changeset in vbox [86117] by vboxsync
NEM: Some adjustments to r140349.
6:59 AM Changeset in vbox [86116] by vboxsync
VMM/NEM: Implement Mesa vmwgfx #GP(0) workaround existing for SVM and …
6:52 AM Changeset in vbox [86115] by vboxsync
VMM/NEM: Implement Mesa vmwgfx #GP(0) workaround existing for SVM and …

Sep 13, 2020:

5:52 PM Changeset in vbox [86114] by vboxsync
Devices/Serial/DrvTCP: Decrement connection count on orderly shutdown, …
5:34 PM Ticket #19888 (VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX) error, even with NEM fallback) closed by aeichner
wontfix: Raw mode was dropped starting with 6.1, VBox requires a CPU with …
5:12 PM Ticket #19888 (VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX) error, even with NEM fallback) created by Greatpound
The Guest-System (Win7 32bit) does not start. The Host-System …
11:29 AM Changeset in kBuild [3452] by bird
kash: tests/pipe-2 can't be using the same file in both ends of the pipe.
11:21 AM Changeset in kBuild [3451] by bird
kash: forked-mode build fixes.
11:17 AM Changeset in kBuild [3450] by bird
kash: Missing nt_child_inject_standard_handles.c file.
11:17 AM Changeset in kBuild [3449] by bird
kash: Eliminate the 'temp' node field in nfile so we can share node …
11:15 AM Changeset in kBuild [3448] by bird
kash: shtread.h: a couple of atomic inc/dec operations for reference …
9:13 AM Changeset in vbox [86113] by vboxsync
Debugger/RemoteKd: Add beginnings of debug stub talking the KD remote …
8:50 AM Changeset in vbox [86112] by vboxsync
VMM/DBGFOS: Add preliminary WinNT specific interface to let the KD …
8:49 AM Changeset in vbox [86111] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGPlugInWinNt: Implement the OS WinNT interface [doxygen fix]
8:48 AM Changeset in vbox [86110] by vboxsync
Debugger/RemoteKd: Add beginnings of debug stub talking the KD remote …
8:45 AM Changeset in vbox [86109] by vboxsync
Debugger/RemoteKd: Add beginnings of debug stub talking the KD remote …
8:37 AM Changeset in vbox [86108] by vboxsync
Debugger/RemoteKd: Add beginnings of debug stub talking the KD remote …
8:35 AM Changeset in vbox [86107] by vboxsync
Debugger/RemoteKd: Add beginnings of debug stub talking the KD remote …
8:33 AM Changeset in vbox [86106] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGPlugInWinNt: Implement the OS WinNT interface [build fix]
8:28 AM Changeset in vbox [86105] by vboxsync
Debugger/RemoteKd: Add beginnings of debug stub talking the KD remote …
8:27 AM Changeset in vbox [86104] by vboxsync
VMM/VMMR3.def: Add required symbol to export table
8:26 AM Changeset in vbox [86103] by vboxsync
Debugger/DBGPlugInWinNt: Implement the OS WinNT interface
8:26 AM Changeset in vbox [86102] by vboxsync
VMM/DBGFOS: Add preliminary WinNT specific interface to let the KD …
8:17 AM Changeset in vbox [86101] by vboxsync
Debugger: Add 'writegstmem' command to load data from a file and write …
8:15 AM Changeset in vbox [86100] by vboxsync
Debugger: Add 'writegstmem' command to load data from a file and write …
7:24 AM Changeset in vbox [86099] by vboxsync
VMM/DBGF: Rework part 1 to make it work well with SMP VMs. …
7:17 AM Changeset in vbox [86098] by vboxsync
VMM/DBGF: Rework part 1 to make it work well with SMP VMs. bugref:9822
4:35 AM Ticket #19887 (frequently the app(VM VirtualBox) does not respond) created by jishu
Whenever I open the app, it hangs for sure and also when I open any …
1:52 AM Ticket #19886 (VirtualBox keeps crashing on macOS Catalina 10.15.6 (after ...) created by flying_frenchmen
VirtualBox keeps crashing when trying to deploy Kali Linux. I have the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.

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