
Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 4 days ago

#17708 assigned defect

I18N progress 4.0

Reported by: Michael Thayer Owned by: gombara
Component: GUI Version:
Keywords: I18N NLS translation Cc:
Guest type: other Host type: other

Description (last modified by Dsen)

This is a continuation of ticket:14091 which is intended for two purposes:

  1. Submitting updated translations by attaching them to this ticket.
  2. The development team letting translators know about updated text to be translated.

Please read the document describing the translation process in detail here.

There is a separate ticket for NLS mistakes/suggestion (#4503). We will add translation maintainers to CC on that ticket as necessary.

The current list of translators:

languageidmaintainerlegal status
English (built-in)built_inOracle CorporationOK (internal)
GermandeOracle CorporationOK (internal)
RussianruOracle Corporation(comment:ticket:234:52, comment:ticket:234:47)
BulgarianbgStoyan Marinov (neter_bg)OK (comment:ticket:2018:83)
CatalancaXavi Ivars (xavivars), Pau Iranzo (PauGNU), Josep MOK (comment:66, comment:ticket:2018:448, comment:101)
CzechcsRadek VybiralOK (comment:ticket:234:183)
Danishdascootergrisen, Lars Sarauw Hansen (sarauw)OK (comment:5), OK (comment:ticket:2018:186), OK (comment:ticket:2018:130)
GreekelSocratis Kalogrianitis (socratis), Anastasios Kazakis (tassos)OK (comment:97, comment:107)
SpanishesDavid Gonzalez ( (comment:ticket:234:28, comment:ticket:2018:142)
BasqueeuXabier Aramendi (Azpidatziak)OK (comment:ticket:2018:534)
FarsifaHessam Mohamadi (co22)OK (attachment before comment:ticket:2018:411)
FrenchfrBenjamin MasseOK (comment:ticket:234:33, comment:ticket:2018:168, comment:ticket:2018:243, comment:ticket:2018:440)
CroatianhrLovro Makovec (LockyGamer)OK (comment:276)
HungarianhuTom Evin (evin)OK (comment:ticket:2018:106)
IndonesianidAndika Triwidada (Andika)OK (ICA by mail, attachment text above comment:ticket:2018:333)
ItalianitVincenzo Reale (smart2128)OK (comment:ticket:2018:50)
JapanesejaIkuya Awashiro (ikuya)OK (comment:ticket:234:75, comment:ticket:2018:387)
GeorgiankaTemuri Dogonadze (NorwayFun)OK (comment:156)
KoreankoShinjo Park (peremen)OK (comment:ticket:234:224)
DutchnlRichard E van der Luit (nippur)OK (comment:ticket:2018:142 + 7, comment:ticket:234:163, comment:ticket:2018:270)
PolishplBartosz (hawkeye116477)OK (comment:ticket:234:78, comment:ticket:234:80, comment:ticket:234:174, comment:ticket:2018:64, comment:143)
PortugueseptManuela Silva (mansil), José Melo, Marcelo CoelhoOK (comment:13, comment:ticket:234:230, comment:ticket:234:275)
Portuguese (Brazil)pt_BRErico Mendonca (docca)OK (comment:ticket:234:98)
SlovakskIvan Masár, Jozef Říha (jose1711)OK (comment:ticket:234:231, comment:ticket:234:309)
SlovenianslPeter Klofutar (Peter Klofutar)OK (comment:82)
ThaithSurasak Srisawan (sak)OK (comment:185)
TurkishtrBurak Yavuz (BouRock)OK (comment:ticket:234:254, comment:ticket:234:256, comment:ticket:2018:400)
UkranianukDaniel Korostil (wiseacre), community (6c6c6)OK (comment:ticket:2018:90, comment:104)
Chinese (Simplified)zh_CNLee Chenhwa (leechenhwa)(comment:ticket:234:92, comment:ticket:2018:264)
Chinese (Traditional)zh_TWalan@stable (fei)OK (comment:ticket:234:81, comment:ticket:2018:331)

Disabled translations:

Catalan (Valencian)ca_VAPau Iranzo (PauGNU)OK (comment:ticket:2018:448)
FinnishfiJarno Kiuttu, Timo Jyrinki, Ilkka TuohelaOK (comment:ticket:234:137, comment:ticket:234:263, comment:ticket:2018:49)
Galiciangl_ESEnrique Estévez ( (comment:ticket:2018:122)
HebrewheAriel Ben Zion, David Levi, Eli Zaretskii, Genghis (Genghis), Orgad Shaneh, Yaron ShefferOK (comment:121)
Khmerkm_KHKhoem SokhemOK (comment:ticket:2018:77)
LithuanianltMindaugas Baranauskas (Mindaugas), Algimantas Margevičius (gymka)OK (comment:ticket:2018:192, comment:ticket:2018:313)
RomanianroAlexandru Ioan EftimieOK (comment:ticket:234:25)
SerbiansrOzziiOK (comment:ticket:234:234)
SwedishsvDaniel Nylander (yeager2)OK (comment:ticket:234:122)

Attachments (97) (137.3 KB ) - added by Socratis 7 years ago.
Greek (el) translations for 5.2.x, 2018-04-26 (116.8 KB ) - added by Pau Iranzo 7 years ago.
VirtualBox Catalan 5.2 (69.0 KB ) - added by scootergrisen 7 years ago. (149.4 KB ) - added by Manuela Silva 7 years ago.
Portuguese (Portugal) language file update for 5.2.x (159.9 KB ) - added by Vincenzo Reale 6 years ago.
Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)
VirtualBox_zh_TW.ts (434.2 KB ) - added by fei 6 years ago.
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2 (164.1 KB ) - added by Vincenzo Reale 6 years ago.
Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)
VirtualBox_zh_TW.2.ts (165.5 KB ) - added by fei 6 years ago.
Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0
VirtualBox_zh_TW.3.ts (478.0 KB ) - added by fei 6 years ago.
Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0 (according to 29-Nov-2018) (43.6 KB ) - added by Socratis 6 years ago.
2018-12-18 (14.3 KB ) - added by Socratis 6 years ago.
2018-12-18 (110.3 KB ) - added by Socratis 6 years ago.
2018-12-18 (12.1 KB ) - added by Benjamin Masse 6 years ago.
French Windows VB Installer corrected. Released under MIT license terms.
VirtualBox_zh_TW.4.ts (486.6 KB ) - added by fei 6 years ago.
Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0 (according to 11-Dec-2018) (77.9 KB ) - added by der_eismann 6 years ago.
small fix for German translation (174.3 KB ) - added by David González 6 years ago.
Updated Spanish translation for 6.0 (109.4 KB ) - added by Lee Chenhwa 6 years ago.
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.2 (123.9 KB ) - added by Lee Chenhwa 6 years ago.
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 6.0 (10.3 KB ) - added by Lee Chenhwa 6 years ago.
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 6.0 Windows Installer (183.6 KB ) - added by Benjamin Masse 6 years ago.
Updated VirtualBox 6 french translation, released under MIT license terms (106.6 KB ) - added by xavivars 6 years ago.
Updated Catalan translation of VirtualBox
VirtualBox_zh_TW.5.ts (489.6 KB ) - added by fei 6 years ago.
Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 11-Jan-2019)
VirtualBox_zh_TW.6.ts (491.4 KB ) - added by fei 6 years ago.
Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 04-Feb-2019) (152.0 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 6 years ago.
updated Indonesian translation for VirtualBox 6.0 (125.3 KB ) - added by pan93412 6 years ago.
Update Chinese (Traditional) translation to latest (trunk). (117.4 KB ) - added by fei 6 years ago.
Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 28-Mar-2019) (150.1 KB ) - added by peremen 6 years ago.
Update of Korean translation to version 6.0. (291.0 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 6 years ago.
updated Indonesian translation for VirtualBox 6.0 (167.9 KB ) - added by Evin 6 years ago.
VirtualBox Hungarian translation 6.0.8 (108.9 KB ) - added by Josep M. 6 years ago.
Updated Catalan translation of VirtualBox The Catalan translation I uploaded is released under MIT license terms. (85.0 KB ) - added by Lars Hansen 5 years ago.
Updated Danish translation for VirtualBox 6.0.12 (178.3 KB ) - added by David González 5 years ago.
Updated Spanish translation for trunk (108.9 KB ) - added by Josep M. 5 years ago.
Updated Catalan translation of VirtualBox The Catalan translation I uploaded is released under MIT license terms. (188.1 KB ) - added by David González 5 years ago.
Updated Spanish translation for VirtualBox 6.1 (189.4 KB ) - added by Vincenzo Reale 5 years ago.
Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (111.2 KB ) - added by Josep M. 5 years ago.
Updated Catalan translation for VirtualBox 6.1 (121.9 KB ) - added by fei 5 years ago.
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1 (111.0 KB ) - added by Josep M. 5 years ago.
Updated Catalan translation for 6.1.x (111.0 KB ) - added by Josep M. 5 years ago.
Updated Catalan translation for 6.1.x with qt (161.3 KB ) - added by 6c6c6 5 years ago.
Updated Ukrainian translation for 6.0 (41.2 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 5 years ago.
Indonesian translation of qt, version trunk (10.7 KB ) - added by Vincenzo Reale 5 years ago.
Updated Italian WiX translation (100%) (121.7 KB ) - added by fei 5 years ago.
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1 (20-Jan-2020) (205.7 KB ) - added by peremen 5 years ago.
Updated VirtualBox translation of Korean in the current SVN trunk. (108.1 KB ) - added by Richard E van der Luit 5 years ago.
Updated Dutch translation for 6.1.xx (VirtualBox_nl-trunk 100% 2706/2706) (165.8 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 5 years ago.
VirtualBox Indonesian translation - trunk (153.6 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 5 years ago.
updated Indonesian translation of VirtualBox 6.0 (168.7 KB ) - added by marcinkk 5 years ago.
VirtualBox_pl.ts with some corrections to translation (108.3 KB ) - added by Richard E van der Luit 5 years ago.
Updated Dutch translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_nl 100% 2714/2714) (121.7 KB ) - added by fei 5 years ago.
Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1 (according to 13-May-2020) (138.3 KB ) - added by Lee Chenhwa 5 years ago.
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 6.1 (111.0 KB ) - added by Josep M. 5 years ago.
Updated Catalan translation for 6.1 with qt (114.0 KB ) - added by peremen 5 years ago.
Updated VirtualBox translation of Korean in the current download/testcase/nls/6.1/. (181.2 KB ) - added by Evin 5 years ago.
VirtualBox 6.1 Hungarian Translation (158.8 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 5 years ago. (239.1 KB ) - added by Erico Mendonca 5 years ago.
Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (6.1) (176.9 KB ) - added by Michal 4 years ago.
Updated Polish translation for 6.1 (165.7 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 4 years ago.
Indonesian translation of VirtualBox ver trunk (151.4 KB ) - added by jose1711_ 4 years ago.
Updated Slovak translation (189.1 KB ) - added by Zayats Siarhey 4 years ago.
Updated Russian translation (166.8 KB ) - added by Manuela Silva 4 years ago. (138.3 KB ) - added by Lee Chenhwa 4 years ago.
Updated Virtualbox Simplified Chinese translation. (88.0 KB ) - added by NorwayFun 3 years ago.
Initial commit of Georgian translation (~60% completed). Update will follow soon. (89.9 KB ) - added by NorwayFun 3 years ago.
Small update to translations. License is MIT. (97.0 KB ) - added by NorwayFun 3 years ago.
Another update to Georgian translation. (108.2 KB ) - added by NorwayFun 2 years ago.
Georgian translation update for 7.0 (227.2 KB ) - added by Vincenzo Reale 2 years ago.
Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (227.5 KB ) - added by David González 2 years ago.
Updated Spanish (es) translation for VirtualBox 7.0 (202.2 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 2 years ago.
updated Indonesian translation of VirtualBox 7.0, 100% (109.7 KB ) - added by NorwayFun 2 years ago.
Virtualbox 7.0.4 Georgian translation (~80% complete) (7.6 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 2 years ago.
Indonesian translation for Extension Pack (42.0 KB ) - added by Andika Triwidada 2 years ago.
Updated Indonesian translation of qt_id.ts trunk (174.7 KB ) - added by Lee Chenhwa 2 years ago.
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for Virtualbox 7.0 (44.6 KB ) - added by Lee Chenhwa 2 years ago.
Updated Simplified Chinese translation for QT (127.4 KB ) - added by Lovro Makovec 2 years ago.
After almost 5 years, I am finally uploading the updated translation for Croatian (version Jan 4, 2023). (153.0 KB ) - added by fei 2 years ago.
Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for Virtualbox 7.0 (275.9 KB ) - added by Erico Mendonca 2 years ago.
Updated Brazilian Portuguese for VirtualBox 7.0 (pt_BR) (147.2 KB ) - added by Richard E van der Luit 23 months ago.
Updated Dutch translation for 7.0 (04.05.2023) (VirtualBox_nl.ts 100%) The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license. (94.7 KB ) - added by Richard E van der Luit 23 months ago.
Updated Dutch translation for 7.0 (04.05.2023) (VirtualBox_nl.ts 100%) The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license. (230.4 KB ) - added by Ikuya 22 months ago.
Updated Japanese translation for 7.0. (135.7 KB ) - added by lmakovec 21 months ago.
Updating Croatian translation (as of May 4 2023). (202.3 KB ) - added by atriwidada 20 months ago.
updated Indonesian UI translation (202.4 KB ) - added by atriwidada 20 months ago. (121.5 KB ) - added by peremen 18 months ago.
Updated Korean translation of VirtualBox 7.0 trunk as of today. (79.7 KB ) - added by NorwayFun 16 months ago.
Georgian translation for 7.0.12 (339.5 KB ) - added by Anastasios Kazakis 12 months ago. (202.5 KB ) - added by atriwidada 9 months ago.
Indonesian translation of trunk as of July 2024 (227.2 KB ) - added by Vincenzo Reale 8 months ago.
Updated trunk Italian translation (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (237.6 KB ) - added by Vincenzo Reale 7 months ago.
Updated trunk Italian translation (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (105.6 KB ) - added by Richard E van der Luit 7 months ago.
Updated Dutch translation for 7.0 (04.05.2023) (VirtualBox_nl.ts 100%) The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license. (97.2 KB ) - added by Burak Yavuz 6 months ago.
Updated Turkish language file (according to 2024-09-25) (212.9 KB ) - added by atriwidada 5 months ago.
100% Indonesian translation for 7.1 (94.0 KB ) - added by Vincenzo Reale 5 months ago.
Updated Italian translation for 7.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) (221.8 KB ) - added by Michal 5 months ago.
Updated Polish (pl) translation attached here by Michal Leszczuk is published under the terms of the MIT license. Thanks for fixing the uploading problem. (114.8 KB ) - added by Anastasios Kazakis 5 months ago.
Update for the Greek Translation published under the terms of the MIT license. Source file taken from the current nls test workcase and is tested on version. (131.8 KB ) - added by yeager2 8 weeks ago.
Swedish translation (11.6 KB ) - added by Burak Yavuz 5 days ago.
Windows Installer Turkish language file was updated (2025-03-03 update). Please apply to the new version

Change History (309)

comment:1 by Socratis, 7 years ago

First post! :D
Man, this loads a lot faster... Hallelujah!

by Socratis, 7 years ago

Greek (el) translations for 5.2.x, 2018-04-26

comment:2 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

Updated - thank you Socratis, Tassos and Burak!

Update at:

by Pau Iranzo, 7 years ago

Attachment: added

VirtualBox Catalan 5.2

comment:3 by Pau Iranzo, 7 years ago

The Catalan translation is published under the terms of the MIT license.

:) Thanks!

comment:4 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

Thank you Pau, updated!

by scootergrisen, 7 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:5 by scootergrisen, 7 years ago

The danish (da) translation attached here by scootergrisen is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:6 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Thank you scootergrisen, updated! Can I ask for your real name to add to the translator list? This is not required but preferred.

Regarding necessary Qt translations, what is needed is the translations for parts of Qt which are visible in VirtualBox. Currently the three most important contexts are QPlatformTheme, QShortcut, QWizard. I'm afraid I don't have an exact overview of what else is needed - perhaps one of the other translators does?

by Manuela Silva, 7 years ago

Attachment: added

Portuguese (Portugal) language file update for 5.2.x

in reply to:  description comment:7 by Manuela Silva, 7 years ago

Replying to michael:

This is a continuation of ticket:14091 which is intended for two purposes:

  1. Submitting updated translations by attaching them to this ticket.
  2. The development team letting translators know about updated text to be translated.

Please read the document describing the translation process in detail here.

There is a separate ticket for NLS mistakes/suggestion (#4503). We will add translation maintainers to CC on that ticket as necessary.

The current list of translators:

languageidmaintainerlegal status
English (built-in)built_inOracle CorporationOK (internal)
GermandeOracle CorporationOK (internal)
RussianruOracle Corporation(comment:ticket:234:52, comment:ticket:234:47)
BulgarianbgStoyan Marinov (neter_bg)OK (comment:ticket:2018:83)
CatalancaPau Iranzo (PauGNU)OK (comment:ticket:2018:448)
CzechcsRadek VybiralOK (comment:ticket:234:183)
Danishdascootergrisen, Lars Sarauw Hansen (sarauw)OK (comment:5), OK (comment:ticket:2018:186), OK (comment:ticket:2018:130)
GreekelSocratis Kalogrianitis (socratis), Anastasios Kazakis (tassos)OK (comment:97, comment:107)
SpanishesDavid Gonzalez ( (comment:ticket:234:28, comment:ticket:2018:142)
BasqueeuXabier Aramendi (Azpidatziak)OK (comment:ticket:2018:534)
FarsifaHessam Mohamadi (co22)OK (attachment before comment:ticket:2018:411)
FrenchfrBenjamin MasseOK (comment:ticket:234:33, comment:ticket:2018:168, comment:ticket:2018:243, comment:ticket:2018:440)
CroatianhrLovro Makovec (LockyGamer)OK (comment:276)
HungarianhuTom Evin (evin)OK (comment:ticket:2018:106)
IndonesianidAndika Triwidada (Andika)OK (ICA by mail, attachment text above comment:ticket:2018:333)
ItalianitVincenzo Reale (smart2128)OK (comment:ticket:2018:50)
JapanesejaIkuya Awashiro (ikuya)OK (comment:ticket:234:75, comment:ticket:2018:387)
KoreankoShinjo Park (peremen)OK (comment:ticket:234:224)
DutchnlRichard E van der Luit (nippur)OK (comment:ticket:2018:142 + 7, comment:ticket:234:163, comment:ticket:2018:270)
PolishplBartosz (hawkeye116477)OK (comment:ticket:234:78, comment:ticket:234:80, comment:ticket:234:174, comment:ticket:2018:64, comment:143)
Portuguese (Brazil)pt_BRErico Mendonca (docca)OK (comment:ticket:234:98)
Portuguese (Portugal)pt_PTManuela Silva (mansil)OK (comment:ticket:)
SlovenianslPeter Klofutar (Peter Klofutar)OK (comment:82)
ThaithSurasak Srisawan (sak)OK (comment:185)
TurkishtrBurak Yavuz (BouRock)OK (comment:ticket:234:254, comment:ticket:234:256, comment:ticket:2018:400)
UkranianukDaniel Korostil (wiseacre), community (6c6c6)OK (comment:ticket:2018:90, comment:104)
Chinese (Simplified)zh_CNLee Chenhwa (leechenhwa)(comment:ticket:234:92, comment:ticket:2018:264)
Chinese (Traditional)zh_TWalan@stable (fei)OK (comment:ticket:234:81, comment:ticket:2018:331)

Disabled translations:

Catalan (Valencian)ca_VAPau Iranzo (PauGNU)OK (comment:ticket:2018:448)
FinnishfiJarno Kiuttu, Timo Jyrinki, Ilkka TuohelaOK (comment:ticket:234:137, comment:ticket:234:263, comment:ticket:2018:49)
Galiciangl_ESEnrique Estévez ( (comment:ticket:2018:122)
HebrewheAriel Ben Zion, David Levi, Eli Zaretskii, Genghis (Genghis), Orgad Shaneh, Yaron ShefferOK (comment:121)
Khmerkm_KHKhoem SokhemOK (comment:ticket:2018:77)
LithuanianltMindaugas Baranauskas (Mindaugas), Algimantas Margevičius (gymka)OK (comment:ticket:2018:192, comment:ticket:2018:313)
PortugueseptJosé Melo, Marcelo CoelhoOK (comment:ticket:234:230, comment:ticket:234:275)
RomanianroAlexandru Ioan EftimieOK (comment:ticket:234:25)
SlovakskIvan Masár, Jozef Říha (jose1711)OK (comment:ticket:234:231, comment:ticket:234:309)
SerbiansrOzziiOK (comment:ticket:234:234)
SwedishsvDaniel Nylander (yeager2)OK (comment:ticket:234:122)

comment:8 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

Hello Manuela, thank you for your contribution! Could you please add a comment saying that you release your work under the MIT licence, as described on the wiki page?

comment:9 by Manuela Silva, 7 years ago


How to unlock the blocked strings on Qt software?

I need to update some of the translations.

Thank you


in reply to:  6 comment:10 by scootergrisen, 7 years ago

Replying to michael:

Thank you scootergrisen, updated! Can I ask for your real name to add to the translator list? This is not required but preferred.

I only want to have "scootergrisen" like it is now.

Suggest having only 1 name/ticket/link per line in maintainer and legal status so its a bit easier to read the table.

comment:11 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

@mansil: sorry for the slow answer. Haven't used Linguist for a while (I mainly look at the files directly), but I think that the blocked strings are old ones which are no longer needed, but kept as reminders in case you have to translate something similar in the future.

comment:12 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

@mansil: Manuela, could you please add a line that we can use your translation under the terms of the MIT licence? Thank you!

in reply to:  12 comment:13 by Manuela Silva, 7 years ago

Replying to michael:

@mansil: Manuela, could you please add a line that we can use your translation under the terms of the MIT licence? Thank you!

Hi @michael,

Yes, you can use my translations and I have read already the terms of the MIT license.

Thank you


Manuela Silva

comment:14 by Vincenzo Reale, 7 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:15 by Michael Thayer, 7 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Updated the Portuguese and Italian translations. Thank you Manuela and Vincenzo! Manuela, I have not enabled the translation for now, as it is still not finished. (I usually enable translations as of about 80% completion.)

comment:16 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Vincenzo, updated.

by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:17 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Hello @michael,
I just noticed that the file I uploaded yesterday contains more messages than the one you upgraded today. Please, could you compare them and verify which is the right one?

Thank you in advance,

Last edited 6 years ago by Vincenzo Reale (previous) (diff)

comment:18 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Sorry about that, should be fixed now.

comment:19 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 5.2 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:20 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Vincenzo, sorry for the delay and thank you! Updated. (Hope nothing went wrong this time!)

in reply to:  20 comment:21 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Replying to michael:

Vincenzo, sorry for the delay and thank you! Updated. (Hope nothing went wrong this time!)

No problem Michael. All seems ok, thank you.

by fei, 6 years ago

Attachment: VirtualBox_zh_TW.ts added

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2

comment:22 by fei, 6 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for v5.2

comment:23 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Alan, updated!

comment:24 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

For anyone who wants to make a start with 6.0 translations, the files can be found here:

Warning: many changes still expected.

comment:25 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 98%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:26 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:27 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Vincenzo, updated!

by fei, 6 years ago

Attachment: VirtualBox_zh_TW.2.ts added

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0

comment:28 by fei, 6 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0

comment:29 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Alan, updated.

comment:30 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:31 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Vincenzo, updated.

Note for all, we have fixed some problems in the translation files, which may mean that there is now more text to translate.

comment:32 by Burak Yavuz, 6 years ago

Hello michael,

This time in new version 6.0, will there be these missing untranslated strings? And also multilanguage support for installer?

  • Dropping data
  • saving the machine state
  • saving the execution state of the virtual machine ...
  • restoring virtual machine
  • merging differencing image '%1'
  • taking snapshot of the virtual machine state
  • Cloning Disk '%1'
  • Cloning Machine
  • Importing appliance '%1'
  • Importing virtual disk image '%1'
  • Hard disk '%1' has more than one child hard disk (%2)
  • Implementation of the USB 2.0 controller not found!
  • Because the USB 2.0 controller state is part of the saved VM state, the VM cannot be started. To fix this problem, either install the '%1' or disable USB 2.0 support in the VM settings (VERR_NOT_FOUND).

comment:33 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

I don't think anything has changed regarding untranslatable strings, but I can pass on the question. I thought the Windows installer already had multi-language support, but since you contributed one of the language files there you probably know more than me. Could you explain?

comment:34 by Burak Yavuz, 6 years ago

I submitted language file for virtualbox installer many years ago. But the installer is always working in english in turkish systems. So I thought still there is no multilanguage support for installer.

Edit: I have looked old ticket page. I had sent installer language file on 13.10.2012. Since that day, Virualbox installer never worked as Turkish. Are other languages OK?

Last edited 6 years ago by Burak Yavuz (previous) (diff)

comment:35 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you for the new translation, I have updated it. I will ask the person in charge of the installer when he is around.

comment:36 by Burak Yavuz, 6 years ago

Thank you michael.

comment:37 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by fei, 6 years ago

Attachment: VirtualBox_zh_TW.3.ts added

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0 (according to 29-Nov-2018)

comment:38 by fei, 6 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0 (according to 29-Nov-2018)

comment:39 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Vincenzo and Alan, updated.

comment:40 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Burak, as of the latest Windows development/6.0 test build the installer should work. A Turkish-speaking colleague added a missing piece of text and asked you to check. Sorry about that and thank you.


Last edited 6 years ago by Michael Thayer (previous) (diff)

comment:41 by Socratis, 6 years ago

Just noticed that there were updates to dated 2018-12-11 09:54 (my time). You might want to update your translations...

in reply to:  40 comment:42 by Burak Yavuz, 6 years ago

Replying to michael:

Burak, as of the latest Windows development/6.0 test build the installer should work. A Turkish-speaking colleague added a missing piece of text and asked you to check. Sorry about that and thank you.


I am happy to hear that from you. Thank you for your interest michael. I will check with RC1 installer and I will notify you.

Regards, Burak

comment:43 by Burak Yavuz, 6 years ago

Hi michael,

Installer is OK with turkish language. But there is/are missing string(s). So I downloaded latest english file to complete missing lines and update some. en_US.wxl was updated 14 months ago. So turkish language is much more old. Also there are differences between files with String IDs. I will update then send it here.

comment:44 by Burak Yavuz, 6 years ago

Dear michael,

I have completed installer language file. Could you send to person in charge of the installer to put inside to the next version so I will check again?

Also I noticed there are two missing strings for installer. "Status" and "Version"

comment:45 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Burak, updated. Updated Windows test builds should be available in 45 minutes or so.


comment:46 by Burak Yavuz, 6 years ago

michael, new updated VirtualBox_tr.ts turkish language file does not contain my latest translations. Could you apply new string updates to my latest sent file and replace it?

Last edited 6 years ago by Burak Yavuz (previous) (diff)

comment:47 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Burak, I have updated it again (not yet the test builds though). Sorry about that.

in reply to:  47 comment:48 by Burak Yavuz, 6 years ago

Replying to michael:

Burak, I have updated it again (not yet the test builds though). Sorry about that.

Thank you for everything and no problem :)))

comment:49 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:50 by Socratis, 6 years ago

Greek (el) translations for 6.0.0, 2018-12-18.

  • (100%),
  • (same as 5.2.x),
  • (new, 100%).
Last edited 6 years ago by Socratis (previous) (diff)

by Socratis, 6 years ago

Attachment: added


by Socratis, 6 years ago

Attachment: added


by Socratis, 6 years ago

Attachment: added


comment:51 by Benjamin Masse, 6 years ago

Updated French translation (VirtualBox_fr.ts 100%) The French (fr) translation attached here by Benjamin Masse is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Many thanks to Urhixidur for contributing to the improvement and correction of the translation.

comment:52 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Burak, Vincenzo, Socratis and Benjamin for the updates! Benjamin, I also partly updated the French translation in 6.0 from your 5.2 updates.

comment:53 by Benjamin Masse, 6 years ago

Fixed french Windows Installer translation of "assistant" misspellings. Thank you Laurent Lyaudet for notifying this (Mac/Linux user here), see attachment.

by Benjamin Masse, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

French Windows VB Installer corrected. Released under MIT license terms.

comment:54 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Benjamin, updated.

by fei, 6 years ago

Attachment: VirtualBox_zh_TW.4.ts added

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0 (according to 11-Dec-2018)

comment:55 by fei, 6 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.0 (according to 11-Dec-2018)

by der_eismann, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

small fix for German translation

comment:56 by der_eismann, 6 years ago

Just a minor fix for a string that's been bugging me for too long.

The German (de_DE) translation attached here by Philipp Trulson is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:57 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Philipp, if your change is minor, could you please suggest it on ticket #4503 in a comment? That is easier for us to integrate. Thank you.

comment:58 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Alan, updated.

by David González, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Spanish translation for 6.0

comment:59 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:60 by xavivars, 6 years ago

We are a few people translating VirtualBox into Catalan (Pau Iranzo is the current maintainer). And we were using Transifex as an online platform to do so: we just created a project for "VirtualBox CAT". Transifex has a pretty cool feature, so every time the source (English) file gets updated, it downloads the new version, and missing strings appear as untranslated. Having an "online" platform allows us to engage more people into VirtualBox i18n, so it's a win-win.

Sadly, latest versions of VirtualBox_xx_YY.ts can't be ingested by Transifex, as they are "invalid" English .ts files.

As an example, this entry:

<message numerus="yes">
    <source>%n machine(s)</source>
    <comment>Group item tool-tip / Machine info</comment>
    <translation type="unfinished">

it complains because English .ts files should have 2 plural forms, so it should be instead

<message numerus="yes">
    <source>%n machine(s)</source>
    <comment>Group item tool-tip / Machine info</comment>
    <translation type="unfinished">

If this could be fixed, we would be able to automatically ingest these files, and be aware when there are changes.

Is this something you guys can do upstream?

by Lee Chenhwa, 6 years ago

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.2

by Lee Chenhwa, 6 years ago

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 6.0

by Lee Chenhwa, 6 years ago

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 6.0 Windows Installer

comment:61 by Lee Chenhwa, 6 years ago

Hi, Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 5.2 and newly 6.0. Please update these.

by Benjamin Masse, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated VirtualBox 6 french translation, released under MIT license terms

comment:62 by Benjamin Masse, 6 years ago

Updated VirtualBox 6 french translation, released under MIT license terms

by xavivars, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Catalan translation of VirtualBox

comment:63 by Pau Iranzo, 6 years ago

Hi, I validate xavivars translation for Catalan language. Could you please add him as the main responsible for the Catalan translation ? Thanks!

comment:64 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

@xavivars Could you please add a statement that you release your changes under the MIT licence? And tell me what name I should add to the list of translators? Thank you! By the way, the _xx_YY files are just templates for adding new languages, so you probably should not be importing them.

@LeeChenhwa Normally there should be no need to update the 5.2 translations, unless new text is added there which is not in 6.0 (or unless you want to change text which is in 5.2 but not in 6.0). When new translations are added to 6.0, they will also be added to any future 5.2 releases, bar if I mess something up during release.

Thank you David, Vincenzo, Lee, Benjamin, Xavi (I assume) and Pau for the updates!

comment:65 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Burak, updated!

comment:66 by xavivars, 6 years ago

Hi @michael,

The Catalan translation I uploaded is released under MIT license terms.

Regarding the other topic (_xx-YY file), I know it's only meant to be used as a template for new languages, but (sadly) the way Transifex works, it's the only way to use the platform to translate and have the new strings to appear. You just need to add the template file as the source where to auto update, stating the source is English. But current _xx-YY is not a valid "English" file (because of the plurals I mentioned).

In any case, I'll manage to workaround it if can't be changed.

And, last but not least, my name is Xavi Ivars.


comment:67 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Thank you Xavi!

The change you described, adding the additional numerus blocks to the xx_YY files, is not simple, because the files are updated by Qt Linguist's lupdate, which removes them again. I wonder whether this is some bug in Transifex which does not accept files which Linguist likes?

comment:68 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:69 by Erico Mendonca, 6 years ago

Here are the updated translation files. Sorry for the delay, the ticket notifications were going into the Spam folder!

by fei, 6 years ago

Attachment: VirtualBox_zh_TW.5.ts added

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 11-Jan-2019)

comment:70 by fei, 6 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 11-Jan-2019)

comment:71 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:72 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Erico, Alan and Vincenzo, updated 6.0!

comment:73 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Burak, updated.

by fei, 6 years ago

Attachment: VirtualBox_zh_TW.6.ts added

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 04-Feb-2019)

comment:74 by fei, 6 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 04-Feb-2019)

comment:75 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Alan, updated.

comment:76 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Burak, updated.

comment:77 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Andika Triwidada, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

updated Indonesian translation for VirtualBox 6.0

comment:78 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Vincenzo and Andika, updated.

comment:79 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

And as a reminder, I regularly update the 5.2 translations using the translations from 6.0.

comment:80 by Lovro Makovec, 6 years ago

Hello. I started translating VirtualBox to Croatian about a year ago and haven't updated my translation ever since. So this is just a heads up that I plan to stop updating (translating) the Croatian translation until further notice. Thank you all for understanding.

comment:81 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you for letting us know. I will disable it for now then.

comment:82 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Ikuya, updated!

comment:83 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Burak, updated.

by pan93412, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

Update Chinese (Traditional) translation to latest (trunk).

comment:84 by pan93412, 6 years ago

Updated Chinese (Traditional) language file to 2019-03-26 (trunk).

(qt_zh_TW.ts is merged with upstream Qt 5.13 translation.)

comment:85 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

@pan93412 Could you please communicate with alan@stable who maintains the Traditional Chinese translation? Thanks.

in reply to:  85 comment:86 by pan93412, 6 years ago

Replying to michael:

@pan93412 Could you please communicate with alan@stable who maintains the Traditional Chinese translation? Thanks.

Hmm, but the above table doesn't list the contact info of every maintainers. I even don't find any info of him.

Just a "fei" isn't enough for finding his infomation. I can't look for a needle in a haystack.

comment:87 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

I would hope that some time soon he will see the comments on this ticket.

comment:88 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:89 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Vincenzo, updated.

by fei, 6 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 28-Mar-2019)

comment:90 by fei, 6 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.x (according to 28-Mar-2019)

comment:91 by Erico Mendonca, 6 years ago

Here you go. Updated Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation.

comment:92 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Erico, updated.

by peremen, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

Update of Korean translation to version 6.0.

comment:93 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Updated, thank you Park!

@all I have fixed the download pages again, the current state of the translations is now once again available at

I am updating the 5.2 page too, but normally you should not need to change those, since I merge any changes to 6.0. If in doubt, feel free to ask.

comment:94 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Burak, updated!

comment:95 by Ikuya, 6 years ago

Updated Japanese translation for 6.0 following 07 May update.

comment:96 by Vincenzo Reale, 6 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:97 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Ikuya and Vincenzo. Updated.

by Andika Triwidada, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

updated Indonesian translation for VirtualBox 6.0

comment:98 by Erico Mendonca, 6 years ago

Updated pt_BR translation.

comment:99 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Andika and Erico, updated! Andika, it is normally enough just to update 6.0. I update 5.2 from the 6.0 translation automatically. Regarding trunk, it is nice of course, but I am often afraid that too much will change there as it is not stable, which might lead to wasted translator time. If you do update it then I can take 6.0 translations from that. Normally any new translations in 6.0 should be in trunk too.

by Evin, 6 years ago

Attachment: added

VirtualBox Hungarian translation 6.0.8

comment:100 by Michael Thayer, 6 years ago

Thank you Tom, updated.

by Josep M., 6 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Catalan translation of VirtualBox The Catalan translation I uploaded is released under MIT license terms.

comment:101 by xavivars, 6 years ago


Josep M. has started contributing to the Catalan translation, and he may be the one uploading the files in the near future.

Can you add him to the Catalan localization team?

comment:102 by gombara, 6 years ago

Owner: set to gombara
Status: newassigned

comment:103 by gombara, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

in reply to:  101 comment:104 by gombara, 6 years ago

Replying to xavivars:


Josep M. has started contributing to the Catalan translation, and he may be the one uploading the files in the near future.

Can you add him to the Catalan localization team?


in reply to:  12 comment:105 by Manuela Silva, 5 years ago

Replying to michael:

@mansil: Manuela, could you please add a line that we can use your translation under the terms of the MIT licence? Thank you!

Hi Michael

Could you reactivate the Portuguese (Portugal) translation please?

I am more updates to the files.

Thank you.


Manuela Silva

comment:106 by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Lars Hansen, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Danish translation for VirtualBox 6.0.12

by David González, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Spanish translation for trunk

by Josep M., 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Catalan translation of VirtualBox The Catalan translation I uploaded is released under MIT license terms.

comment:107 by xavivars, 5 years ago

Hello, is there any reason why translations uploaded here in the past 5 months haven't been applied to the repo? There have been new translations uploaded by Catalan (twice), Spanish, Italian and Danish translators that are missing here:

in reply to:  107 comment:108 by Socratis, 5 years ago

Replying to xavivars:

is there any reason why translations uploaded here in the past 5 months haven't been applied to the repo?

Yes, a rather good one actually; the developer responsible for the translations (michael) has passed away unfortunately this summer. AFAIK, they're working on filling the void of michael's loss...

comment:109 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Hello guys,

Since that moment I'll take care of translation updates which come after _this_ one message. For anyone who wants to make a start with 6.1 translations, the files can be found here:

But I should warn you, some of previous updates you have sent were skipped (due to reason explained by Socratis above) and that way lost. Please have a look for a missed parts and update latest files accordingly.

Thanks in advance!

by David González, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Spanish translation for VirtualBox 6.1

by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:110 by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Josep M., 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Catalan translation for VirtualBox 6.1

comment:111 by Josep M., 5 years ago

Updated Catalan translation for VirtualBox 6.1 The Catalan (ca) translation attached here by Josep M. is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by fei, 5 years ago

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1

comment:112 by fei, 5 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1 (according to 04-Dec-2019)

comment:113 by Erico Mendonca, 5 years ago

Updated the Brazilian Portuguese translation for 6.1.

in reply to:  111 ; comment:114 by Josep M., 5 years ago

I sent 2 updated files with the Catalan translation. The qt file was not incorporated. Can you please update it?

Replying to Josep M.:

Updated Catalan translation for VirtualBox 6.1 The Catalan (ca) translation attached here by Josep M. is published under the terms of the MIT license.

in reply to:  114 comment:115 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Replying to Josep M:

I sent 2 updated files with the Catalan translation. The qt file was not incorporated. Can you please update it?

Replying to Josep M.:

Updated Catalan translation for VirtualBox 6.1 The Catalan (ca) translation attached here by Josep M. is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Hello Josep M,

For now we are integrating VirtualBox translations only, qt translations will be integrated a bit later (no worry, they will not be forgotten).


comment:116 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Please be aware that 6.1.x VirtualBox translations were updated a bit with few new/changed NLS tags (of course they have previously sent updates already integrated), the files can be found here as usual, please have a look:

comment:117 by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Josep M., 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Catalan translation for 6.1.x

comment:118 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Hello guys,

I had integrated all the updates (to both VirtualBox and qt *.ts files) which came to current moment, they will be a part of subsequent release. Thank you!

Finally attention can be payed to qt_*.ts files, they are now updated with latest Qt 5.6.3 tags, please be aware that this had changed .ts structure significantly (in certain cases) making lots of previously known tags obsolete/vanished. Keep in mind qt_*.ts files are not that much important as !VirtualBox_*.ts files (because most of default Qt tags overridden by our own) but still some of them can be visible within our GUI.

As usually, latest trunk NLS tags can be found at:

comment:119 by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Josep M., 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Catalan translation for 6.1.x with qt

by 6c6c6, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Ukrainian translation for 6.0

by Andika Triwidada, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Indonesian translation of qt, version trunk

by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Italian WiX translation (100%)

comment:120 by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by fei, 5 years ago

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1 (20-Jan-2020)

comment:121 by fei, 5 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1 (according to 20-Jan-2020)

by peremen, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated VirtualBox translation of Korean in the current SVN trunk.

in reply to:  109 comment:122 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Replying to Dsen:

Hello guys,

Since that moment I'll take care of translation updates which come after _this_ one message. For anyone who wants to make a start with 6.1 translations, the files can be found here:

But I should warn you, some of previous updates you have sent were skipped (due to reason explained by Socratis above) and that way lost. Please have a look for a missed parts and update latest files accordingly.

Thanks in advance!


Really shocked to read Michael passed away. Donno what to say actually, speechless. The contact he had with us all here always was highly professional and yet friendly, with a lot of effort for this small community. Thank you very much, Michael, and may you rest in peace.


Last edited 5 years ago by Richard E van der Luit (previous) (diff)

comment:123 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Dutch translation in progress, shall upload soon

comment:124 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Hi Dsen,

is there a html-aimed cleaning script to remove all text and begin and end label of the <translation type="obsolete"> [text] </translation> parts of the VirtualBox_xx.ts file? ====================

actually it is all off this:


<source> [string to translate] </source>

<translation type="obsolete"> [obsolete translation of string] </translation>



Would be nice if that file was cleaned of all obsoletes (if only regarding the suggestions of Qt5 Linguist using older wrong translation strings; but more: this file should be packed as clean as possible for best professional appearance)



Dutch TT

edit: corrected html-tags to the right ones

Last edited 5 years ago by Richard E van der Luit (previous) (diff)

comment:125 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Dsen, are you allowed to tell us more about what happened to Michael?

comment:126 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Updated Dutch translation for 6.1.xx (VirtualBox_nl-trunk 100% 2706/2706)


Shall remove all obsolete records in near future

in reply to:  124 ; comment:127 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Replying to nippur:

Hi Dsen,

is there a html-aimed cleaning script to remove all text and begin and end label of the <translation type="obsolete"> [text] </translation> parts of the VirtualBox_xx.ts file? ====================

actually it is all off this:


<source> [string to translate] </source>

<translation type="obsolete"> [obsolete translation of string] </translation>



Would be nice if that file was cleaned of all obsoletes (if only regarding the suggestions of Qt5 Linguist using older wrong translation strings; but more: this file should be packed as clean as possible for best professional appearance)



Dutch TT

edit: corrected html-tags to the right ones

Hello Nippur,

Sorry to say, but our policy is to never cleanup obsolete records from .ts files, since they can be useful for further translations performed by the 3rd-party translators. Obsolete records being popped up in QLinguist if application found another tag which looks like the tag you are translating. That means Oracle would never intentionally remove obsolete records from .ts files, but that doesn't mean you are restricted from doing this yourself (as a translator). If you wish to cleanup the file you are working on, feel free, but be aware we are integrating .ts files using lupdate Qt tool, not by simple replacing the current one file, this means your file can and will be automatically adjusted if you made mistakes there. Thanks for understanding.

in reply to:  127 comment:128 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Replying to Dsen:

Sorry to say, but our policy is to never cleanup obsolete records from .ts files, since they can be useful for further translations performed by the 3rd-party translators. Obsolete records being popped up in QLinguist if application found another tag which looks like the tag you are translating.

. .

Well, actually that is my current problem. I made many, many corrections, major but also minor ones. The obsolete records contain all those faulty translations (the majority do), so hinting those is only a pain, not a help. Would be awesome if only correct translated hints pop up.

If i would remove the oblsolete records by hand using a text editor, render the .qm in QT5L, load it in my locally installed VB 6.1 (on Fedora Linux 31) and it runs flawless, would that be ok for you?

And/or will those obsolete records return by the use of the lupdate Qt tool because it is merging with a file with still all those records?

comment:129 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Updated Dutch translation for 6.1.xx (VirtualBox_nl-trunk 100% 2706/2706)

Typo correction


The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Dutch translation for 6.1.xx (VirtualBox_nl-trunk 100% 2706/2706)

comment:130 by Andika Triwidada, 5 years ago

please ignore my latest It should have based on my latest, complete translation, instead of incomplete one from

will upload updated one later

by Andika Triwidada, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

VirtualBox Indonesian translation - trunk

comment:131 by Andika Triwidada, 5 years ago

Properly translated file now.

by Andika Triwidada, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

updated Indonesian translation of VirtualBox 6.0

comment:132 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago


Would you please use the latest translations with new releasesof VirtualBox? Just got an update in Fedora 31 and all my corrections and new strings were not there.

Not translating here for my cat, you know....

grtz Richard

in reply to:  132 comment:133 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Replying to nippur:


Would you please use the latest translations with new releasesof VirtualBox? Just got an update in Fedora 31 and all my corrections and new strings were not there.

grtz Richard

Hi Richard,
thanks for reminding me, I just really forgot it, sorry..

Not translating here for my cat, you know....

That was good one :D

comment:134 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago


by marcinkk, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

VirtualBox_pl.ts with some corrections to translation

comment:135 by marcinkk, 5 years ago


My name is Marcin Kucharczyk. I'm from Poland. I found some strange words on the screen when running the newest VirtualBox (6.1.6) translated to Polish. For example the word "zaPrzechowujena" does not exists in polish language ;)

So I downloaded sources of VirtualBox 6.1.6. Then I found the file VirtualBox_pl.ts and made some corrections in the Notepad++. The result is attached in file

It looks like somebody made the search/replace operation in some previous version changing the word "Trzyma" (using case insensitive option) to "Przechowuje". It made good result in most cases, but some of them are rather funny ;)

With Regards, Marcin

comment:136 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Hello guys,

I had integrated all the updates (to VirtualBox and qt *.ts files) which came to current moment, they will be a part of subsequent release. Thank you!

BTW, please be aware that *.ts files you sending are not being applied "as is", automatic merge being performed and style/format consistency being verified. Some of your minor changes can disappear, that of course can be related to style/format changes only, non of translated tags should be lost.

While performing translation please try to keep file names unchanged, some of you sending files named arbitrary and I have to guess which exactly language these files related to (tho usually it's obvious but still). Thanks in advance!

And finally, please keep in mind that we are currently translating branches only (5.2, 6.0 and especially 6.1), not trunk. Latest 6.1 NLS tags can be found here:

comment:137 by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

in reply to:  137 comment:138 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Replying to smart2128:

Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Integrated, thx!

comment:139 by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Updated Dutch translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_nl 100% 2714/2714)

/nls/6.1 dd. 14-05-2020

The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Richard E van der Luit, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Dutch translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_nl 100% 2714/2714)

by fei, 5 years ago

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1 (according to 13-May-2020)

comment:140 by fei, 5 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for 6.1 (according to 13-May-2020)

comment:141 by Erico Mendonca, 5 years ago

Updated the Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) translation for 6.1.

by Lee Chenhwa, 5 years ago

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 6.1

comment:142 by Lee Chenhwa, 5 years ago

Hi, Updated Simplified Chinese translation for 6.1 branch. Please update.

comment:143 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Thanks guys, I had integrated your latest updates.

Gently reminder, please make sure every time to take files to translate from:

This source should always have yours AND ours updates if they have already reached our branch (otherwise they probably not yet). This will also simplify automatic merging for us.

I repeat that again only because some of you still sending updates (and some of changes got filtered during automatic merge procedure) based on your own source not on files taken from our source.

by Josep M., 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Catalan translation for 6.1 with qt

in reply to:  143 comment:144 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Updated Catalan translation for 6.1 with qt

Integrated, thx!

by peremen, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated VirtualBox translation of Korean in the current download/testcase/nls/6.1/.

comment:145 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Updated VirtualBox translation of Korean in the current download/testcase/nls/6.1/.

Integrated, thx!

by Evin, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

VirtualBox 6.1 Hungarian Translation

in reply to:  145 comment:146 by Evin, 5 years ago


I just saw a new version released, but the Hungarian translation was not updated. Please do not forget to update in NLS folder and in the program with the next update/version.

Thank you!

by Andika Triwidada, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

by Erico Mendonca, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (6.1)

comment:147 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Thanks guys, I had integrated your latest updates. Sorry for delay with Hungarian translation, I just forgot it before the release.

As usually, latest 6.1 NLS tags can be found at:

comment:148 by Vincenzo Reale, 5 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

in reply to:  148 comment:149 by Dsen, 5 years ago

Replying to smart2128:

Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Integrated, thx!

by Michal, 4 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Polish translation for 6.1

comment:150 by Michal, 4 years ago


The Polish (pl) translation attached here by Michal Leszczuk is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Andika Triwidada, 4 years ago

Attachment: added

Indonesian translation of VirtualBox ver trunk

by jose1711_, 4 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Slovak translation

by Zayats Siarhey, 4 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Russian translation

comment:151 by Zayats Siarhey, 4 years ago

Updated Russian (ru) translation for 6.1 attached here by Zayats Siarhey is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Last edited 4 years ago by Zayats Siarhey (previous) (diff)

by Manuela Silva, 4 years ago

Attachment: added

by Lee Chenhwa, 4 years ago

Updated Virtualbox Simplified Chinese translation.

comment:152 by Vincenzo Reale, 3 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 6.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:153 by Erico Mendonca, 3 years ago

Updated pt_BR translation files for VirtualBox 6.1. There were just 5 missing strings.

by NorwayFun, 3 years ago

Attachment: added

Initial commit of Georgian translation (~60% completed). Update will follow soon.

by NorwayFun, 3 years ago

Attachment: added

Small update to translations. License is MIT.

by NorwayFun, 3 years ago

Attachment: added

Another update to Georgian translation.

comment:154 by HelaBasa Group, 3 years ago

Last edited 3 years ago by HelaBasa Group (previous) (diff)

comment:155 by HelaBasa Group, 3 years ago

Project page:
(Open for everyone)

Started translating into Sinhalese (or Sinhala).

Last edited 3 years ago by HelaBasa Group (previous) (diff)

comment:156 by NorwayFun, 3 years ago

Hello, If it's not obvious, I want to translate VirtualBox to Georgian. There already are files uploaded, they're under MIT license. Hope to see it shipped with next release of VirtualBox.


in reply to:  156 comment:157 by Dsen, 3 years ago

Replying to NorwayFun:

Hello, If it's not obvious, I want to translate VirtualBox to Georgian. There already are files uploaded, they're under MIT license. Hope to see it shipped with next release of VirtualBox.


Thanks for reminding about that one, integrated to 6.1 branch, should be a part of subsequent maintenance release. Thank you!

in reply to:  155 ; comment:158 by Dsen, 3 years ago

Replying to HelaBasa Group:

Project page:
(Open for everyone)

Started translating into Sinhalese (or Sinhala).

Nice to know! Could you please send your updates (if ready) the same way as others via .zip archive? Thanks in advance!

comment:159 by Dsen, 3 years ago

Rest of updates above were integrated to 6.1 as well. Thanks!

in reply to:  158 comment:160 by HelaBasa Group, 3 years ago

Replying to Dsen:

Nice to know! Could you please send your updates (if ready) the same way as others via .zip archive? Thanks in advance!

Sure, we'll try to send soon. (maybe, 2-3 months)

comment:161 by Dsen, 2 years ago

For anyone who wants to start with 7.0 translations, the .ts files can be found here:
Thanks in advance!

comment:162 by Vincenzo Reale, 2 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 87%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:163 by Vincenzo Reale, 2 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 92%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vincenzo Reale (previous) (diff)

comment:164 by Erico Mendonca, 2 years ago

Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation for 7.0.

comment:165 by Vincenzo Reale, 2 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 96%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:166 by Vincenzo Reale, 2 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by NorwayFun, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

Georgian translation update for 7.0

comment:167 by Burak Yavuz, 2 years ago

There are some missing strings for Installer

"Status" and "Version" strings are also missing

Last edited 2 years ago by Burak Yavuz (previous) (diff)

comment:168 by Vincenzo Reale, 2 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Vincenzo Reale, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

by David González, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Spanish (es) translation for VirtualBox 7.0

by Andika Triwidada, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

updated Indonesian translation of VirtualBox 7.0, 100%

by NorwayFun, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

Virtualbox 7.0.4 Georgian translation (~80% complete)

by Andika Triwidada, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

Indonesian translation for Extension Pack

by Andika Triwidada, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Indonesian translation of qt_id.ts trunk

by Lee Chenhwa, 2 years ago

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for Virtualbox 7.0

by Lee Chenhwa, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Simplified Chinese translation for QT

comment:169 by Lee Chenhwa, 2 years ago

Updated Simplified Chinese translations for Virtualbox 7.0 and QT.

by Lovro Makovec, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

After almost 5 years, I am finally uploading the updated translation for Croatian (version Jan 4, 2023).

comment:170 by Vincenzo Reale, 2 years ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by fei, 2 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for Virtualbox 7.0

comment:171 by fei, 2 years ago

Updated Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) translation for Virtualbox 7.0

by Erico Mendonca, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

Updated Brazilian Portuguese for VirtualBox 7.0 (pt_BR)

comment:172 by Burak Yavuz, 2 years ago

Hi Dsen, could you update installer language file for next release? I added some untranslated strings.

comment:173 by Dsen, 2 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:174 by Dsen, 2 years ago

Integrated following latest NLS updates:

  1. GUI translations for Spanish, Croatian, Indonesian, Italian, Georgian, Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish, Chinese Simplified and Traditional.
  2. Qt translations for Indonesian, Georgian, Chinese Simplified and Traditional.
  3. Installer translations for Turkish and Chinese Traditional.
  4. API translations for Turkish. Though it's not yet added to approved languages for API, because of small amount of tags translated.
  5. Ext Pack translations for Indonesian; Added to approved languages as it covers all the tags.

Thank you guys!

comment:175 by Dsen, 2 years ago

In a few days I'll upload latest NLS tags including mentioned above integrated changes. Please keep in mind that there was a huge amount of changes in Qt translations (we have integrated upstream translations and all missed tags). Please put on hold your work on Qt translations (I mean qt_*.ts files) for now till further notice. Thanks for understanding!

comment:176 by Dsen, 23 months ago


For anyone who wish to continue with 7.0 translations, the updated .ts files can be found here:

P.S. Please keep in mind that there is a huge amount of changes in Qt translations (qt_*.ts files), we have integrated upstream translations and all missed tags.

Thanks in advance!

comment:177 by Vincenzo Reale, 23 months ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%, qt_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Richard E van der Luit, 23 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated Dutch translation for 7.0 (04.05.2023) (VirtualBox_nl.ts 100%) The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Richard E van der Luit, 23 months ago

Updated Dutch translation for 7.0 (04.05.2023) (VirtualBox_nl.ts 100%) The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:178 by Richard E van der Luit, 23 months ago

Please note:

The "cleaned" uploaded version is the VB_nl.ts file with manually removed tags <translation type="vanished"> and <translation type="obsolete"> (all between <message>...</message> oc) to prevent Qt-Linguist offering all that faulty translation suggestions from the past. Didn't trigger an error message after cleaning when loaded in Qt, but not sure if it works. If not, please use uncleaned file uploaded earlier. If there are other reasons to not to remove those tags, please let me know, regards


Last edited 23 months ago by Richard E van der Luit (previous) (diff)

by Ikuya, 22 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated Japanese translation for 7.0.

comment:179 by Burak Yavuz, 21 months ago

Hello Dsen, I can not upload files to the site and site can not be seen properly. Dates of the files do not exist. Are there any problem with the site. Somethings had changed. Also fonts are different in the page.

I get this message when try to upload: Request Entity Too Large The requested resource does not allow request data with POST requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.

Last edited 21 months ago by Burak Yavuz (previous) (diff)

comment:180 by Klaus Espenlaub, 21 months ago

Yes, on June 2, 2023 a newly created setup went live, using updated software (which you noticed as different fonts) and the entire web server config was recreated. It was intended to be functionally equivalent, but clearly a few things are not quite as they should. Will apply some fixes to iron out the issues you mentioned.

comment:181 by Klaus Espenlaub, 21 months ago

Hello Burak, should be working now.

The most serious misconfiguration was that the request size limit was set too low. The directory listing was left at the default which today is less talkative than it was in the old setup. All cases of today's security paranoia.

Thank you very much for your translation contribution, it's appreciated.

comment:182 by Burak Yavuz, 21 months ago

Thank you Klaus, yes everything look fine now.

Last edited 21 months ago by Burak Yavuz (previous) (diff)

by lmakovec, 21 months ago

Attachment: added

Updating Croatian translation (as of May 4 2023).

by atriwidada, 20 months ago

Attachment: added

updated Indonesian UI translation

by atriwidada, 20 months ago

Attachment: added

comment:183 by atriwidada, 20 months ago

slight problem with account, previously I use nick andika, now atriwidada

by peremen, 18 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated Korean translation of VirtualBox 7.0 trunk as of today.

comment:184 by Dsen, 17 months ago

Integrated following latest NLS updates:

GUI translations for Croatian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch and Turkish.
Qt translations for Croatian and Italian.
API translations for Turkish; Added to approved languages as it covers all the tags.
Ext Pack translations for Turkish; Added to approved languages as it covers all the tags.

As usually, latest 7.0 NLS tags can be found at:

Thank you guys!

by NorwayFun, 16 months ago

Attachment: added

Georgian translation for 7.0.12

comment:186 by Vincenzo Reale, 16 months ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:187 by eyadmahm0ud, 14 months ago

Hi there,

I'm thrilled to be making great progress on translating Virtual Box into Arabic! I'm already 10% done and hope to complete it by February, depending on my schedule.

I have a quick question about keyboard shortcuts. I noticed that the "&" symbol seems to break the letters in some words, like "Cancel" turning into

"إلغاء » إل&غاء » إل غ اء."

This makes it a bit hard to read, so I was thinking of removing the shortcuts for now and adding them back in later, once I find a fix.

Of course, I also have a couple of other options:

  1. Submit the translation without shortcuts: This would get the translation out there sooner, but users wouldn't have access to the keyboard shortcuts.
  2. Try a different approach to fixing the shortcuts: This could potentially preserve the shortcuts, but it might take a bit longer (around two weeks).

Thanks for your time.

comment:188 by eyadmahm0ud, 14 months ago

Hello, I'm translating VirtualBox right now, just to make sure... should I translate the latest version "/7.0" or "/trunk"?

comment:189 by Anastasios Kazakis, 12 months ago

I post the Trunk and VBox 7x update in Greek language, always under the terms of MIT Licence, all 4 files in a .zip file. Thank you Serkan and Klaus for the help with the Oracle credentials!

Last edited 12 months ago by Anastasios Kazakis (previous) (diff)

by Anastasios Kazakis, 12 months ago

Attachment: added

comment:190 by maruusa, 9 months ago

The errors you listed often occur when the installed version of your software is too outdated. Please install the latest version that's not my neighbor to fix those errors.

by atriwidada, 9 months ago

Indonesian translation of trunk as of July 2024

comment:191 by Vincenzo Reale, 8 months ago

Updated trunk Italian translation (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Vincenzo Reale, 8 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated trunk Italian translation (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:192 by Vincenzo Reale, 8 months ago

Updated Italian translation for 7.0 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

in reply to:  187 comment:193 by Dsen, 7 months ago

Replying to eyadmahm0ud:

Hi there,

I'm thrilled to be making great progress on translating Virtual Box into Arabic! I'm already 10% done and hope to complete it by February, depending on my schedule.

I have a quick question about keyboard shortcuts. I noticed that the "&" symbol seems to break the letters in some words, like "Cancel" turning into

"إلغاء » إل&غاء » إل غ اء."

This makes it a bit hard to read, so I was thinking of removing the shortcuts for now and adding them back in later, once I find a fix.

Of course, I also have a couple of other options:

  1. Submit the translation without shortcuts: This would get the translation out there sooner, but users wouldn't have access to the keyboard shortcuts.
  2. Try a different approach to fixing the shortcuts: This could potentially preserve the shortcuts, but it might take a bit longer (around two weeks).

Thanks for your time.

Hello and sorry for the late answer. Can't say I really understand the reason of trouble you meet cause mnemonics shortcuts should actually work for any language by Qt design, but I would really suggest submitting translation without mnemonics (&) at all, nowadays they are not so widely used in modern applications.

in reply to:  188 comment:194 by Dsen, 7 months ago

Replying to eyadmahm0ud:

Hello, I'm translating VirtualBox right now, just to make sure... should I translate the latest version "/7.0" or "/trunk"?

Hi, the proper way is to always translate latest NLS mentioned in the thread, whether branch or trunk. For now latest tags mentioned here - stored under . Soon we will merge them into trunk and for a moment trunk tags will be the main source to translate. After subsequent release - branch tags will became the main source again. Every step will be declared clearly as separate message in the thread.

comment:195 by Dsen, 7 months ago

For anyone who'd like to start with VBox 7.1 translations, most recent .ts files can be found here:

Please keep in mind that your subsequent trunk updates will be a part of future 7.1 release. All your updates (done to 7.0 before) were integrated to 7.0 and trunk (if appropriate) but future 7.0 updates will not go to 7.1. Later, after the 7.1 relase I'll post a subsequent message after which most recent .ts files will be under 7.1 branch link.

Thanks in advance!

comment:196 by Vincenzo Reale, 7 months ago

Updated trunk Italian translation (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Vincenzo Reale, 7 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated trunk Italian translation (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

by Richard E van der Luit, 7 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated Dutch translation for 7.0 (04.05.2023) (VirtualBox_nl.ts 100%) The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license.

comment:197 by Richard E van der Luit, 7 months ago

Sorry, uploaded file specs are as follows:

Updated Dutch translation for 7.1 (23.08.2024) (VirtualBox_nl.ts 100%) The Dutch (nl) translation attached here by Richard E. van der Luit is published under the terms of the MIT license.

Last edited 7 months ago by Richard E van der Luit (previous) (diff)

comment:198 by Richard E van der Luit, 7 months ago


I encountered 2 typos in the original strings:


The list of suctom options delimited with ';'.

"suctom" -> "custom"


The <b>Basic Mode</b> is intended for a users who are not interested in advanced functionality

"a users who are" -> "users who are"

in reply to:  198 ; comment:199 by Dsen, 7 months ago

Replying to Richard E van der Luit:


I encountered 2 typos in the original strings:


The list of suctom options delimited with ';'.

"suctom" -> "custom"


The <b>Basic Mode</b> is intended for a users who are not interested in advanced functionality

"a users who are" -> "users who are"

Thanks for finding the 1st one typo!

Regarding the 2nd one, please excuse me if I'm not that native but I have some doubt about that. In this sentence, "users" is a countable noun (a subgroup of all possible users), and "a" is used to indicate that we're referring to that one specific subgroup of users (those who are not interested in advanced functionality). Without the "a" the sentence would imply that all users are not interested in advanced functionality, which is not the intended meaning. Correct me if I'm wrong.

comment:200 by Dsen, 7 months ago

Integrated latest NLS updates for Italian and Dutch.

As usual, for pre-release stage latest 7.1 NLS tags can be found at:

Thank you guys!

in reply to:  199 comment:201 by Richard E van der Luit, 7 months ago

Replying to Dsen:

Regarding the 2nd one, please excuse me if I'm not that native but I have some doubt about that. In this sentence, "users" is a countable noun (a subgroup of all possible users), and "a" is used to indicate that we're referring to that one specific subgroup of users (those who are not interested in advanced functionality). Without the "a" the sentence would imply that all users are not interested in advanced functionality, which is not the intended meaning. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You are probably right here; to me however the sentence 'The <b>Basic Mode</b> is intended for users who are not interested in advanced functionality' does not imply that all users are not interested, but not a native speaker here as well.

Difference: 'users (who are not interested in advanced functionality)' <-> '(users who are not interested in advanced functionality)'

Last edited 7 months ago by Richard E van der Luit (previous) (diff)

comment:202 by Burak Yavuz, 7 months ago

Hello Dsen,

API and ExtPackNLS files looks like not updated. Could you update from the VirtualBox_tr file? Thanks in advance

in reply to:  202 comment:203 by Dsen, 7 months ago

Replying to Burak Yavuz:

Hello Dsen,

API and ExtPackNLS files looks like not updated. Could you update from the VirtualBox_tr file? Thanks in advance

Right, I was working on GUI translations first, now it's time for API/ExtPack stuff. Your changes were integrated, thanks a lot! (tho there was minor change in API NLS before that - there are few more tags to be covered).

by Burak Yavuz, 6 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated Turkish language file (according to 2024-09-25)

comment:204 by atriwidada, 5 months ago

Update Indonesian translation for trunk

100% as of 2 Oct 2024

(having problem upload attachment ...)

comment:205 by Michal, 5 months ago


There is problem with uploading files (or I forgot how to do it). Any help is highly appreciated.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michal (previous) (diff)

comment:206 by Klaus Espenlaub, 5 months ago

Oops. Attachment handling should be fixed. Sorry. Was apparently a side effect of the re-styling.

by atriwidada, 5 months ago

Attachment: added

100% Indonesian translation for 7.1

comment:207 by Vincenzo Reale, 5 months ago

Updated trunk Italian translation (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%) The Italian (it) translation attached here by Vincenzo Reale is published under the terms of the MIT license.

by Vincenzo Reale, 5 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated Italian translation for 7.1 (VirtualBox_it.ts 100%)

comment:208 by Dsen, 5 months ago

Integrated latest GUI NLS updates for Indonesian, Italian and Turkish.

Thank you guys!

by Michal, 5 months ago

Attachment: added

Updated Polish (pl) translation attached here by Michal Leszczuk is published under the terms of the MIT license. Thanks for fixing the uploading problem.

comment:209 by Anastasios Kazakis, 5 months ago

Last edited 5 months ago by Anastasios Kazakis (previous) (diff)

by Anastasios Kazakis, 5 months ago

Attachment: added

Update for the Greek Translation published under the terms of the MIT license. Source file taken from the current nls test workcase and is tested on version.

comment:210 by Anastasios Kazakis, 5 months ago

I made various attempts of posting the attachment, thus I had four e-mail replies. Is it finally posted and processed correctly? I am sorry, I forgot that attachments are not under the comment section.

comment:211 by yeager2, 8 weeks ago

Update for the Swedish translation (after 10 years!). I have signed the OCA.

Update for the Swedish Translation published under the terms of the MIT license. Source file taken from the current nls test workcase and is tested on version.

by yeager2, 8 weeks ago

Attachment: added

Swedish translation

comment:212 by yeager2, 8 weeks ago

How many strings are supposed to be in the latest version?


Found 7414 source text(s) (3984 new and 3430 already existing)

$ lrelease VirtualBox_sv.ts Updating 'VirtualBox_sv.qm'...

Generated 3544 translation(s) (3430 finished and 114 unfinished) Ignored 3870 untranslated source text(s)

by Burak Yavuz, 5 days ago

Attachment: added

Windows Installer Turkish language file was updated (2025-03-03 update). Please apply to the new version

comment:213 by pentagonik, 4 days ago

@Burak Yavuz Thank you for providing this! I'll take care of this.

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