

Jun 25, 2013:

6:37 PM Ticket #11901 (UserManual.pdf not searchable in OSX 10.6.8. Preview) created by Rich_Morin
I have a copy of UserManual.pdf (for VirtualBox 4.2.14). Using …
5:52 PM Changeset in vbox [46790] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0: doxygen.
5:50 PM Changeset in vbox [46789] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: Doxygen.
5:39 PM Changeset in vbox [46788] by vboxsync
VMM: Suspend and resume reasons.
5:17 PM Changeset in vbox [46787] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: AMD-V StatFlushEntire stat.
4:49 PM Changeset in vbox [46786] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: Stat description.
4:28 PM Changeset in vbox [46785] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0: AMD-v oops. Unintentional debug logging.
4:27 PM Changeset in vbox [46784] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0: AMD-V bits. DSL now boots.
4:09 PM Changeset in vbox [46783] by vboxsync
wddm/crOpenGL: more TexPresent impl
3:36 PM Ticket #11900 (Windows host cannot see / follow symlinks in shared folder from Linux guest) created by mateodelnorte
I'm running an ubuntu guest on a windows 7 host. I have shared folders …
2:58 PM Changeset in vbox [46782] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Extra-data flag (GUI/PreventApplicationUpdate) to prevent …
2:47 PM Ticket #11899 (Windows 2012 Server R2 preview installation fails: Your PC needs to ...) created by Artem S. Tashkinov
The image I'm trying to install is …
2:35 PM Ticket #11779 (【VirtualBox】全局设定,修改默认虚拟电脑位置后保存,重启,默认虚拟电脑位置已被还原) closed by Frank Mehnert
2:35 PM Ticket #11780 (【桌面快捷方式】创建虚拟机桌面快捷方式,重命名快捷方式后,其名称后自动追加“(1)”的字符) closed by Frank Mehnert
2:30 PM Ticket #11618 (Linux guest kernel panics after upgrading Windows host VirtualBox from ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.14.
2:28 PM Ticket #11815 (Starting the VirtualBox Guest Additions [FAILED] in Fedora 18) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: No further response so I assume this works now.
2:10 PM Ticket #11847 (Latest Solaris 11.2 is unable to run VirtualBox) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks for the information!
2:04 PM Changeset in vbox [46781] by vboxsync
CFGM: Made the CFGMR3CreateTree usable with pUVM == NULL for testing …
2:03 PM Ticket #11880 (Password reset link in email does not work) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: That's nothing which can be fixed in the context of this web server as …
1:59 PM Ticket #7346 (USB devices usually recognized as "unknown devices" in 3.2.8 on OSX) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.14.
1:51 PM Ticket #10873 (Windows XP guest crashes) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.14.
1:38 PM Changeset in vbox [46780] by vboxsync
VMM/EM: Commented out debug assertion for single-stepping.
1:26 PM Ticket #11898 (Problem install extension 4.2.14) created by sebastiano.cala
hi, i have Windows 7 32bit . i installed virtual box 4.2.14 . After i …
1:13 PM Changeset in vbox [46779] by vboxsync
1:08 PM Changeset in vbox [46778] by vboxsync
Main/idl: more typos
1:08 PM Changeset in vbox [46777] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Icon update for Shared Clipboard and Drag&Drop features.
1:03 PM Changeset in vbox [46776] by vboxsync
Main/idl: typo
12:37 PM Changeset in vbox [46775] by vboxsync
Main/Host(HostPower)+Session+Console: convert HostPower code to signal …
12:27 PM Changeset in vbox [46774] by vboxsync
10:38 AM Changeset in vbox [46773] by vboxsync
Runtime: darwin build fix
8:27 AM Changeset in vbox [46772] by vboxsync
config.kmk: pylint adj.
8:26 AM Changeset in vbox [46771] by vboxsync
SIB hacking in progress.
8:24 AM Changeset in vbox [46770] by vboxsync
doc/manual: French manual fix.
8:16 AM Changeset in vbox [46769] by vboxsync
doc/manual: fixed fr_FR
8:10 AM Ticket #11897 (Shutting down guest in seamless mode) created by Wand
Host: Win7SP1, Guest: WinXPSP3. Just installed VBox 4.2.14 over …
7:38 AM Ticket #11826 (VBoxManage showvminfo reports RDP4 encryption when TLS is used (was: ...) closed by sunlover
fixed: Should be fixed in VBox 4.2.14. Do not forget to update the extpack too.
7:25 AM Changeset in vbox [46768] by vboxsync
crOpenGL/freebsd: BSD -> RT_OS_FREEBSD
12:11 AM Ticket #11896 (Win7x64 2+vCPU BSOD) created by Cheval
When I setup a Win7x64 4CPU Host with a Win7x64 2+ vCPU guest I get …

Jun 24, 2013:

10:06 PM Changeset in vbox [46767] by vboxsync
Devices/Input: and reverted r86653.
9:31 PM Changeset in vbox [46766] by vboxsync
Devices/Input: reverted r86686 again.
8:17 PM Changeset in vbox [46765] by vboxsync
Devices/NAT: reverted accidental extra commit from r86686
7:07 PM Ticket #11895 (OVF import fails with NS_ERROR_ABORT after upgrade to 4.2.14 => Fixed ...) created by javornikolov
[…] * The platform is Ubuntu Linux 13.04 64-bit * Same stuff used …
5:26 PM Changeset in vbox [46764] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Build fix for r86691.
5:21 PM Changeset in vbox [46763] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Adding extra-data flag to restrict (hide) particular …
5:05 PM Changeset in vbox [46762] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0: AMD-V bits. Boots past the BIOS.
5:03 PM Changeset in vbox [46761] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI converter: Conversions for the global/machine …
4:25 PM Changeset in vbox [46760] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI converter: Support string conversions for the global/machine …
4:00 PM Changeset in vbox [46759] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Settings stuff: Moving setting-page-type enum to global UI defs …
3:44 PM Changeset in vbox [46758] by vboxsync
Devices/Input/UsbMouse: add basic unit test harness.
3:11 PM Ticket #11894 (VirtualBox Guest driver's shader seems faulty) created by foobar
When trying to run gnome-shell in a VirtualBox some shader functions …
2:30 PM Changeset in vbox [46757] by vboxsync
wddm/crOpenGL: r0-based visible regions handling, r0-based chromium …
2:28 PM Changeset in vbox [46756] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI medium handling: Make sure medium attached to hidden VMs …
1:25 PM Changeset in vbox [46755] by vboxsync
doc/manual: updated French manual, thank you Jean-Philippe MENGUAL.
1:03 PM Changeset in vbox [46754] by vboxsync
small typo was fixed.
12:28 PM Changeset in vbox [46753] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: Log consistency.
12:24 PM Ticket #11893 (Expression: ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_ASSERTED || ReqType == ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Duplicate of #10685.
12:23 PM Changeset in vbox [46752] by vboxsync
12:15 PM Ticket #11893 (Expression: ReqType == ATA_AIO_RESET_ASSERTED || ReqType == ...) created by boomgoesthedrum
(removed a pasted VBox.log file)
12:13 PM Changeset in vbox [46751] by vboxsync
Main/glue/EventQueue.cpp: fix shutdown logic, must not keep the CritSect
11:59 AM Changeset in vbox [46750] by vboxsync
Runtime/r0drv: Missing RTMpGetCoreCount() symbol on Solaris.
10:24 AM Changeset in vbox [46749] by vboxsync
#6835. VBoxSVC fails during export OVF package without manifest file …
10:11 AM Changeset in vbox [46748] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0: nits.
9:48 AM Ticket #8085 (disk i/o locks up execution of guest for a long time) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thank you for the information!
9:48 AM Ticket #9943 (Many repeated short lockups of guest while performing disk i/o) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thank your for the information!
9:47 AM Ticket #11886 (VM Restarts randomly and/or Applications crash all over the place inside VM) closed by Frank Mehnert
9:42 AM Ticket #6421 (COM Ports above 9 are not supported) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: Thanks for the information!
9:29 AM Ticket #10924 (The background color does not match the color scheme) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks for the feedback! I will close this ticket.
9:26 AM Ticket #11890 (VBoxWindowsAdditions-x86 in Extension Pack 4.2.14 contains TROJANER) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: We double checked and were not able to find any malicious content. …
8:09 AM Changeset in vbox [46747] by vboxsync
FreeBSD/crOpenGL: 3D acceleration support for FreeBSD guests (thanks …

Jun 23, 2013:

9:02 PM Ticket #11892 (Changeset 45436 slows down program in guest considerably) created by kristiankarl
Changeset (Disable TSC …
8:00 PM Ticket #2613 (Host key (ctrl) sometimes gets stuck down in Windows guest -> fixed in ...) reopened by Reuben Thomas
In VirtualBox 4.2.14 on Linux the bug is still present, at least for …
7:45 PM Changeset in vbox [46746] by vboxsync
REX.B rip encoding (half of them, anyways).
6:22 PM Changeset in vbox [46745] by vboxsync
VBoxDrvInst.cpp: changed loadInstalledDll to fail of GetModuleFileName …
5:54 PM Changeset in vbox [46744] by vboxsync
32-bit memory accesses in 64-bit mode.
5:00 PM Changeset in vbox [46743] by vboxsync
build fix
4:44 PM Changeset in vbox [46742] by vboxsync
build fix
4:44 PM Changeset in vbox [46741] by vboxsync
build fix
4:43 PM Changeset in vbox [46740] by vboxsync
build fix
4:10 PM Changeset in vbox [46739] by vboxsync
reorged the allocex bits in ring3.
2:35 PM Changeset in vbox [46738] by vboxsync
AHCI: Consistent logging prefix
12:11 PM Changeset in vbox [46737] by vboxsync
FE/VBoxAutostart: Todos and comments
11:55 AM Ticket #11891 (HostMemoryLow when copying large files) created by lornarmac
Hello, any time i try to copy anything of significant size (eg 500MB) …
11:23 AM Ticket #11890 (VBoxWindowsAdditions-x86 in Extension Pack 4.2.14 contains TROJANER) created by JohnnyNova
When I try to install the new Extension I got the Warning from my …
10:48 AM Changeset in vbox [46736] by vboxsync
VBoxAutostart/darwin: Use RunAtLoad and LaunchOnlyOnce instead of …
10:46 AM Changeset in vbox [46735] by vboxsync
Installer/darwin: Make the autostart shell script executable
8:14 AM Ticket #11887 (AHCI#1: Flush returned rc=VERR_PDM_MEDIA_NOT_MOUNTED (XP 32 guest ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: Exactly. Please use the vbox-dev mailing list.
8:11 AM Ticket #9022 (Half Life 2 crashes the VBox GUI, both Win7 and Linux host) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks for letting us know!
8:11 AM Ticket #4448 (Half Life 2 runs in DX70 mode only) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks for letting us know!

Jun 22, 2013:

7:39 PM Changeset in vbox [46734] by vboxsync
Main: Don't create a medium lock list if there is no medium to attach …
7:35 PM Changeset in vbox [46733] by vboxsync
7:25 PM Changeset in vbox [46732] by vboxsync
AHCI: Fix assertion during hotplug (event semaphore not created)
10:50 AM Ticket #11889 (OpenGL Warning) created by nothx
[…] P.S. Nothing was listed in VBox.log
6:28 AM Ticket #11888 (VB 4.2.14 crash while trying to update guest additions) created by blueytoo
Updated VB to 4.2.14 from 4.2.13 USB fix. Launched VM prior to adding …
12:34 AM Changeset in vbox [46731] by vboxsync
calling it a day…

Jun 21, 2013:

10:53 PM Changeset in vbox [46730] by vboxsync
Devices/Input/UsbMouse: re-factor code to make it easier to put it …
10:17 PM Ticket #11887 (AHCI#1: Flush returned rc=VERR_PDM_MEDIA_NOT_MOUNTED (XP 32 guest ...) created by Quickbooks Office
AHCI#1: Flush returned rc=VERR_PDM_MEDIA_NOT_MOUNTED (XP 32 guest …
8:42 PM Ticket #11886 (VM Restarts randomly and/or Applications crash all over the place inside VM) created by Quickbooks Office
VM Restarts randomly and/or Applications crash all over the place …
4:58 PM Changeset in vbox [46729] by vboxsync
4:58 PM Changeset in vbox [46728] by vboxsync
-> home
4:00 PM Changeset in vbox [46727] by vboxsync
Debugger/VBoxDbgConsole: A legible font on S10 hosts for the debugger, …
3:11 PM News edited by Frank Mehnert
3:09 PM WikiStart edited by Frank Mehnert
3:09 PM WikiStart edited by Frank Mehnert
3:08 PM Linux_Downloads edited by Frank Mehnert
3:08 PM Downloads edited by Frank Mehnert
3:04 PM Ticket #11170 (Disappearing of second screen on W7 guest (FS mode) => Fixed in SVN) reopened by Frank Mehnert
No, that's wrong, sorry.
3:03 PM Ticket #11170 (Disappearing of second screen on W7 guest (FS mode) => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix should part of VBox 4.2.12.
3:03 PM Ticket #2963 (RDP stops working correctly. Client can connect, but screen is black. ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.14.
3:01 PM Ticket #11831 (docs for DmiBoardType is wrong => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
3:01 PM Ticket #11745 (VRDP (RDP) server not enforcing specified encryption => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:59 PM Ticket #11723 (Seamless Mode Crashes VBoxManager => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:58 PM Ticket #9617 (Parallels hard disk image fails to snapshot => fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:58 PM Ticket #11839 (A USB problems(HANG) when ugrade 4.0.18 to 4.1.0 => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:57 PM Ticket #11814 (Virtual machine name exceeding 87 characters corrupts OVA file ... => ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:57 PM Ticket #10845 (VBoxSVC crash caused by incorrect use of IAppliance => fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:57 PM Ticket #11832 (DmiChassisType is hardcoded => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:56 PM Ticket #11719 (guestproperty set does not persist => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:56 PM Ticket #11765 ("guestproperty set" toggles value with Powered Off vm => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:55 PM Ticket #11718 (cannot resume saved state with 4.2.12 => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:55 PM Ticket #11502 (VHDX: Required flag of metadata item does not meet expectations ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:55 PM Ticket #7462 (USB device not available in a guest using more than 1 CPU) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Finally fixed in VBox 4.2.14! If you have still problems with USB on …
2:54 PM Ticket #11479 (Guest's disk is immutable when using iSCSI storage and snapshots => ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:53 PM Ticket #11207 (bluetooth (via USB) not working reliably) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:53 PM Ticket #6171 (Mouse wheel stops working after a while -> fixed as of 25 Apr 2013, ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:53 PM Ticket #2613 (Host key (ctrl) sometimes gets stuck down in Windows guest -> fixed in ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:52 PM Ticket #10689 (OVA Import Fails (when OVA Contains Multiple File References) => Fixed ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of VBox 4.2.14.
2:51 PM Ticket #11709 (VirtualBox Guest Additions 4.2.12 breaks Ubuntu 12.04 guest => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Now finally fixed in 4.2.14.
2:51 PM Ticket #6793 (Mouse Wheel does not work in os2 VM => Fixed in SVN) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of 4.2.14.
2:50 PM Ticket #11792 (Shared Clipboard --> Cannot copy and paste from one Guest to another ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fix is part of 4.2.14.
2:32 PM Changeset in vbox [46726] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Selector UI, Runtime UI: Extra-data flag to prevent …
1:03 PM Changeset in vbox [46725] by vboxsync
12:48 PM Changeset in vbox [46724] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: Refactor the state-flags for proper sharing between old, new …
12:47 PM Changelog-5.1 edited by Frank Mehnert
12:42 PM Changeset in vbox [46723] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0: Comment and assertion.
11:49 AM Changeset in vbox [46722] by vboxsync
HostPowerServiceWin: Missing RTThreadWait call.
11:07 AM Ticket #5188 ("unimplemented shutdown status 0a") closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thx.
10:56 AM Ticket #11885 (Automatically detect SSD status of a virtual disk) created by Sam Morris
It would be nice if VirtualBox could automatically detect if the SSD …
10:54 AM Changeset in vbox [46721] by vboxsync
vbox-img: Add clearcomment command to reset comments of disk images
10:07 AM Changeset in vbox [46720] by vboxsync
Main/xml/Settings.cpp: limit snapshot depth to 250, avoiding crashes …
9:30 AM Changeset in vbox [46719] by vboxsync
9:28 AM Changeset in vbox [46718] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: Updating context-flags unconditionally from ring-3 when it's …
8:47 AM Ticket #11884 (Grouping of virtual machines into folders) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: Please have a look at the user manual section 1.9.
8:37 AM Ticket #11884 (Grouping of virtual machines into folders) created by Andrew Charlton
If one has a lot of virtual machines, it would be very nice to be able …
8:34 AM Changeset in vbox [46717] by vboxsync
Main/glue/EventQueue: fix attempt, not fully verified
6:00 AM Changeset in vbox [46716] by vboxsync
Frontends/VirtualBox/src/runtime/UIFrameBuffer.cpp: Revert r86133 . …

Jun 20, 2013:

4:53 PM Changeset in vbox [46715] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: Incorrect debug assertion.
4:49 PM Changeset in vbox [46714] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: prefer typedef to macros when possible.
4:37 PM Changeset in vbox [46713] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: More debug assertion fixes, comments.
3:40 PM Changeset in vbox [46712] by vboxsync
Storage: Don't set the modified flag when copying images with VDCopy, …
3:30 PM Changeset in vbox [46711] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: Fix guest-state flags (trunk regression, debug builds assertion).
2:54 PM Changeset in vbox [46710] by vboxsync
build fix
2:51 PM Changeset in vbox [46709] by vboxsync
Additions/win: fix location
2:32 PM Changeset in vbox [46708] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: More wise and common handling for …
12:45 PM Changeset in vbox [46707] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: Fix guru with re-injecting software interrupts during …
12:43 PM Changeset in vbox [46706] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: release logging.
12:43 PM Changeset in vbox [46705] by vboxsync
12:04 PM Changeset in vbox [46704] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: CloseVM dialog and close-event processing: Reusing …
11:54 AM Changeset in vbox [46703] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI converter: Support string conversions for the …
11:50 AM Changeset in vbox [46702] by vboxsync
release build fix
11:07 AM Changeset in vbox [46701] by vboxsync
mid air collision.
11:05 AM Changeset in vbox [46700] by vboxsync
ldrNative-win.cpp: Assert on relative paths.
11:03 AM Changeset in vbox [46699] by vboxsync
Wrong assertion format string.
10:21 AM Ticket #11034 (Kernel error in vboxdrv on VBox 4.1.22 kernel 3.0.44-generic-pae - ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
10:21 AM Ticket #11339 (fc7 image panics on newer versions of VirtualBox) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Well, newer VBox versions should also run with older VBox Additions …
10:19 AM Ticket #11604 (VBox failing host kernel with "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
10:18 AM Changeset in vbox [46698] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Moving machine-close type enum to global UI defs.
10:11 AM Ticket #11536 (kernel oops 4.2.8 with kernel 3.8.0-9 on ubuntu) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: This is most likely a duplicate of #11610.
10:07 AM Changeset in vbox [46697] by vboxsync
additional check
9:58 AM Ticket #8557 (Virtualbox fails to import OVA file) closed by Frank Mehnert
9:53 AM Changeset in vbox [46696] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Do NOT restore current-snapshot when powering-off …
8:41 AM Ticket #11883 (VM Crash when inserting CCID Smart Card) created by Floyd21_fr
Hello everyone, Problem: VM crash when inserting a specific CCID …

Jun 19, 2013:

9:52 PM Changeset in vbox [46695] by vboxsync
half a build fix.
8:13 PM Changeset in vbox [46694] by vboxsync
header fix
8:01 PM Changeset in vbox [46693] by vboxsync
Enable building VBoxGradd/gengradd.dll.
7:59 PM Changeset in vbox [46692] by vboxsync
Introducing VBoxReplaceDll, a helper for replacing gengradd.dll when …
7:57 PM Changeset in vbox [46691] by vboxsync
VMMDev.h: Drop unnecessary pragmas, keeping the pack(4) on the whole …
7:56 PM Changeset in vbox [46690] by vboxsync
VisualAge for C++: Example of why we're using DECL macros, …
7:55 PM Changeset in vbox [46689] by vboxsync
iprt/assert.h: VisualAge for C++ doesn't like using RT_OFFSETOF or …
7:54 PM Changeset in vbox [46688] by vboxsync
VisualAge C++ build fixes.
7:54 PM Changeset in vbox [46687] by vboxsync
VisualAge C++ build fixes.
5:58 PM Changeset in vbox [46686] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Possibility to hide (restrict) status-bar …
5:41 PM Changeset in vbox [46685] by vboxsync
Frontends/VBoxManage: automatically convert the video capture filename …
5:38 PM Changeset in vbox [46684] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI converter: Support string conversions for the indicator-type …
5:34 PM Changeset in vbox [46683] by vboxsync
Build VBoxMouse.sys.
5:27 PM Changeset in vbox [46682] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI status-bar indicator-pool interface: Cleanup (part 4): …
5:02 PM Ticket #11882 (Regardless of window size scroll bars show) created by James Moe
host: opensuse 12.3 guest: os/2 guest desktop size: 1600x1200 …
5:01 PM Changeset in vbox [46681] by vboxsync
4:58 PM Changeset in vbox [46680] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI status-bar indicator-pool interface: Cleanup (part 3).
4:51 PM Changeset in vbox [46679] by vboxsync
Storage: Update parent image override when creating a child I/O …
4:29 PM Changeset in vbox [46678] by vboxsync
4:24 PM Changeset in vbox [46677] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI status-bar indicator-pool interface: Cleanup (part 2).
4:15 PM Changeset in vbox [46676] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI status-bar indicator-pool interface: Cleanup (part 1).
4:11 PM Changeset in vbox [46675] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: Log.
4:09 PM Changeset in vbox [46674] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: Log adjustments.
4:02 PM Changeset in vbox [46673] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: AMD-V bits logging.
3:54 PM Changeset in vbox [46672] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0: VMCB Clean Bits MBZ when it's not supported by the CPU.
3:49 PM Changeset in vbox [46671] by vboxsync
3:46 PM Changeset in vbox [46670] by vboxsync
3:44 PM Changeset in vbox [46669] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: Keep new AMD-V code disabled till it works.
3:41 PM Changeset in vbox [46668] by vboxsync
Runtime/r3/darwin/mp-darwin: fixed typo
3:30 PM Changeset in vbox [46667] by vboxsync
Main/idl: clarify IMachine.videoCaptureFile to be an absolute path, …
3:14 PM Changeset in vbox [46666] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: Switch for new AMD-V code. Disabled for now.
3:13 PM Changeset in vbox [46665] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: comments.
3:12 PM Changeset in vbox [46664] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0: Build fixes, makefile conditionals.
2:44 PM Changeset in vbox [46663] by vboxsync
Runtime/r0drv/linux: numa hack
2:22 PM Changeset in vbox [46662] by vboxsync
wddm/3d/wine: set host id impl
2:21 PM Changeset in vbox [46661] by vboxsync
wine: uninit fix
2:09 PM Changeset in vbox [46660] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: bugfix
1:42 PM Changeset in vbox [46659] by vboxsync
VMM: AMD-V nits.
1:29 PM Ticket #11881 (Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon with 3D accelerator crashes ==> Fixed in SVN) created by Vietwoojagig2
I installed a fresh Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon 64 Bit as a guest in …
1:21 PM Changeset in vbox [46658] by vboxsync
include VBox/com/EventQueue only if necessary
1:18 PM Changeset in vbox [46657] by vboxsync
12:49 PM Changeset in vbox [46656] by vboxsync
HostServices/SharedOpenGL: header cleanup
12:46 PM Changeset in vbox [46655] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: Reflect any exception to the guest if event delivery of …
12:45 PM Changeset in vbox [46654] by vboxsync
VBoxMouse build fixes.
12:44 PM Changeset in vbox [46653] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: Moved a few C/C++ defines from DEFS to CDEFS (+CXXDEFS) to …
12:17 PM Ticket #11880 (Password reset link in email does not work) created by Andrey Gerasimenko
The link in the email sent to me after a password reset request looked …
12:09 PM Changeset in vbox [46652] by vboxsync
Main/glue/EventQueue: missing initialization and indentation
12:06 PM Ticket #11879 (USB microphone unusable in Windows 8 guest) created by Andrey Gerasimenko
With the latest OS X host on a mid 2011 MacMini and Windows 8 32 bit …
11:54 AM Changeset in vbox [46651] by vboxsync
Build fix.
11:49 AM Changeset in vbox [46650] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI status-bar indicator interface: Cleanup (part 2).
11:47 AM Changeset in vbox [46649] by vboxsync
Forward ported r85941 and required build fixes (Main: Implemented new …
11:35 AM Changeset in vbox [46648] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: UI status-bar indicator interface: Cleanup (part 1).
11:01 AM Changeset in kBuild [2684] by bird
redirect.c: MSC fix.
11:01 AM Changeset in vbox [46647] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Small UI defs cleanup.
9:06 AM Changeset in vbox [46646] by vboxsync
Linux r0drv burn fixes
8:14 AM Changeset in vbox [46645] by vboxsync
Runtime: fixed a @todo
7:50 AM Changeset in vbox [46644] by vboxsync
fix windows burn
7:46 AM Ticket #11878 (Segmentation Fault at VBoxOGLgen/packspu_beginend.c:24) created by Andreas:jh
My multithreaded OpenGL-Application runs fine on Linux Guest / Windows …
3:55 AM Changeset in vbox [46643] by vboxsync
NAT/Slirp: not-really assert, code doesn't and can't assume that …
1:48 AM Changeset in vbox [46642] by vboxsync
Mac/VBoxDrv: missed files.

Jun 18, 2013:

6:40 PM Changeset in vbox [46641] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Audio page: Cleanup (part 6).
5:37 PM Changeset in vbox [46640] by vboxsync
5:33 PM Changeset in vbox [46639] by vboxsync
Added RTMpGetOnlineCoreCount and RTMpGetPresentCoreCount.
5:12 PM Changeset in vbox [46638] by vboxsync
tstMp-1.cpp -> tstRTMp-1.cpp.
5:11 PM Changeset in vbox [46637] by vboxsync
remove test /16.
5:08 PM Changeset in vbox [46636] by vboxsync
Completed the RTMpGetCoreCount documentation. If anyone disagrees, …
5:03 PM Changeset in vbox [46635] by vboxsync
RTMpGetCoreCount: Very complicated way of walking an array, I'd say, …
5:02 PM Changeset in vbox [46634] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Audio page: Cleanup (part 5).
4:59 PM Changeset in vbox [46633] by vboxsync
RTMpGetDescription: Strip the string before returning it (avoid lots …
4:58 PM Changeset in vbox [46632] by vboxsync
tstMp-1.cpp: Converted it to iprt/test.h.
4:53 PM Changeset in vbox [46631] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Audio page: Cleanup (part 4).
4:24 PM Changeset in vbox [46630] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Audio page: Cleanup (part 3).
4:19 PM Changeset in vbox [46629] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Audio page: Cleanup (part 2).
4:16 PM Changeset in vbox [46628] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Audio page: Cleanup (part 1).
4:14 PM Changeset in vbox [46627] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: fix init mode detection
2:00 PM Changeset in vbox [46626] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Small action-pool cleanup; Few icons replaced for …
1:28 PM Changeset in vbox [46625] by vboxsync
unify casing
1:17 PM Changeset in vbox [46624] by vboxsync
use RTLdrLoadSystem here as well
1:01 PM Changeset in vbox [46623] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: VM selector: Chooser-view: Group-item header: Using new …
12:32 PM Changeset in vbox [46622] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Display page: Video Capture tab: Make the …
12:13 PM Changeset in vbox [46621] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Display page: Video Capture tab: Allow to …
12:08 PM Changeset in vbox [46620] by vboxsync
VMM/CPUM: cosmetical fix
12:06 PM Changeset in vbox [46619] by vboxsync
12:04 PM Changeset in vbox [46618] by vboxsync
Runtime/r3/mp-win: coding style
11:53 AM Ticket #11877 (VirtualBox kills Intel's "Advanced Network Settings") created by matze2ooo
I am using the following network cards in my computer with the latest …
11:17 AM Changeset in vbox [46617] by vboxsync
Runtime/r3/mp-win, Runtime/Makefile: build fix.
10:48 AM Changeset in vbox [46616] by vboxsync
Runtime/r3/mp-win, Runtime/Makefile: Support for getting physical core …
10:36 AM Changeset in vbox [46615] by vboxsync
pr5429. Improvement the logic related to the OVA import.
10:28 AM Changeset in vbox [46614] by vboxsync
Storage/testcase: Increment error count
10:27 AM Changeset in vbox [46613] by vboxsync
Storage: Propagate errors when closing a file but free everything …
10:14 AM Changeset in vbox [46612] by vboxsync
Storage/VDI: Fix lost comments (only trunk affected)
9:23 AM Changeset in vbox [46611] by vboxsync
ApplianceImplIO: Propagate error when closing a file
8:23 AM Changeset in vbox [46610] by vboxsync
Main: properly fixed the return code of VRDEServer::COMSETTER(Enabled) …
7:54 AM Ticket #11876 (should change char to wide character in VBoxStub.cpp) created by Woof
If a user name is not english(such as East Asia Lang.-Korean, …
7:32 AM Changeset in vbox [46609] by vboxsync
Main/Machine: removed debugging output
6:23 AM Changeset in vbox [46608] by vboxsync
NAT: missed goto in case udp header reports length bigger than IP …
6:14 AM Changeset in vbox [46607] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: remove false assertion
4:30 AM Ticket #11875 (Failed to install VBoxNetFlt.inf) created by livy
After upgraded from 4.2.10 to 4.2.12(WinXP SP3 Pro), no network …

Jun 17, 2013:

6:59 PM Changeset in vbox [46606] by vboxsync
wddm/3d: fix DrawPrimitive impl
6:25 PM Changeset in vbox [46605] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Display page: Video Capture tab: *Screens* …
6:23 PM Changeset in vbox [46604] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Use *proper* icons for the *toggle* menu-actions …
4:31 PM Changeset in vbox [46603] by vboxsync
4:10 PM Changeset in vbox [46602] by vboxsync
wine: fix stream info buffer object
4:05 PM Changeset in vbox [46601] by vboxsync
BusLogic: Reset a little more.
4:04 PM Changeset in vbox [46600] by vboxsync
Main/Machine: temporary workaround
3:52 PM Changeset in vbox [46599] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: More strict VRDE server enable/disable error handling.
3:47 PM Changeset in vbox [46598] by vboxsync
3:43 PM Changeset in vbox [46597] by vboxsync
VSCSI: Fail unsupported MODE SENSE requests.
2:53 PM Changeset in vbox [46596] by vboxsync
2:52 PM Changeset in vbox [46595] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: Disable flushing of the log while loading the guest-state …
2:35 PM Changeset in vbox [46594] by vboxsync
2:32 PM Changeset in vbox [46593] by vboxsync
2:31 PM Changeset in vbox [46592] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Display page: Video Capture tab: Little cleanup.
2:31 PM Ticket #11874 (Windows 7 guest locks up using 100% cpu) created by harry eaton
Sometimes when I leave the system running overnight, in the morning, …
2:28 PM Changeset in vbox [46591] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Display page: Video Capture tab: Adding few …
2:11 PM Ticket #11873 (Icaros Desktop shutdown failure.) created by Tae
When shutting down Icaros, you get an error message… The selected …
2:04 PM Changeset in vbox [46590] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: SMP logging.
1:56 PM Changeset in vbox [46589] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: SMP logging.
1:18 PM Changeset in vbox [46588] by vboxsync
12:55 PM Changeset in vbox [46587] by vboxsync
VMM/HM: A tad bit more comments on what is really going on.
12:52 PM Changeset in vbox [46586] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Check for VRDE server enable/disable API errors; …
12:18 PM Changeset in vbox [46585] by vboxsync
Main/RDP: propagate the error code of sending the VRDEServerChanged signal
12:17 PM Changeset in vbox [46584] by vboxsync
Main/ConsoleImpl: allow to change the VRDE server state even if the VM …
12:04 PM Changeset in vbox [46583] by vboxsync
doc fix
10:47 AM Changeset in vbox [46582] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Video Capture LED.
10:43 AM Changeset in vbox [46581] by vboxsync
pr6022. the attribute xmlns is used in the element <Envelope> to get …
10:20 AM Changeset in vbox [46580] by vboxsync
VMM/HMSVMR0, HMVMXR0: AMD-V bits, VT-x minor change.
10:11 AM Changeset in vbox [46579] by vboxsync
wine: fix texture cleanup
10:05 AM Changeset in vbox [46578] by vboxsync
Main/VPX: show how to set kf_max_dist
9:23 AM Changeset in vbox [46577] by vboxsync
build fix.

Jun 16, 2013:

9:25 PM Changeset in vbox [46576] by vboxsync
Dev/VirtioNet: Disabled UFO in host direction (#6821)
6:45 PM Ticket #11872 (Many shortcuts on guest don't work) created by virtualos
I'm running Mint Olivia as host and Windows 7 als guest, both x64. I …
1:11 PM Ticket #11871 (NAT drops packets bigger than 388 byte towards guest) created by Lukas Tribus
NAT mode does not work for me, because all packets bigger than 388 …
6:17 AM Ticket #11870 (Mouse Wheel inoperative after hibernate) created by bozonius
Returning from hibernation while running LXDE session on Mageia3 Linux …

Jun 15, 2013:

7:47 PM Changeset in vbox [46575] by vboxsync
3:34 PM Changeset in vbox [46574] by vboxsync
Additions/linux: make XFree86 configuration file generation work …
12:19 PM Changeset in vbox [46573] by vboxsync
LWIP/LWIP-new/NAT: adding/removing interfaces should be done on tcpip …
3:05 AM Ticket #11869 (Virtualbox fails to mount large FAT32 external drives) created by Sylvain Corlay
Virtual box 4.2.12 with up-to-date extension pack and guest additions …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.

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