

Oct 5, 2007:

11:29 PM Changeset in kBuild [1191] by bird
force revision update.
11:08 PM Changeset in kBuild [1190] by bird
Mixed help and version.
11:04 PM Changeset in kBuild [1189] by bird
Rebuilt win.amd64 and win.x86.
10:59 PM Changeset in kBuild [1188] by bird
changed the --version output so it's aligned with the reset.
10:54 PM Changeset in kBuild [1187] by bird
Added version and help.
10:53 PM Changeset in kBuild [1186] by bird
aligned the version message.
10:51 PM Changeset in kBuild [1185] by bird
Added --version and --help.
10:25 PM Changeset in kBuild [1184] by bird
Usage and version. Shut up a couple of warnings.
10:16 PM Changeset in kBuild [1183] by bird
Added --version and --help to all builtins.
8:41 PM Changeset in kBuild [1182] by bird
8:22 PM Changeset in kBuild [1181] by bird
added variable assignment to the includedep parser.
8:19 PM Changeset in kBuild [1180] by bird
don't free twice.
5:20 PM Changeset in vbox [5172] by vboxsync
Added modifyvm -biospxedebug on|off option.
5:06 PM Ticket #751 (Strange CPU usage between guests) created by Henrik K
I have VBox 1.5.0 on XP host. 2 guests, XP and Linux, both idling at …
4:54 PM Ticket #750 (Text cursor always black with mouse integration (host ubuntu, guest winxp)) created by maumac
The default text selection cursor in WinXP is always the opposite …
4:49 PM Changeset in vbox [5171] by vboxsync
Added PXEDebug option scaffolding.
4:38 PM Changeset in vbox [5170] by vboxsync
Added PXEDebug option to BIOS. Write setting to CMOS offset 0x3f.
3:12 PM Changeset in vbox [5169] by vboxsync
Use unlocked_ioctl when available, otherwise leave the kernel lock.
1:46 PM Changeset in vbox [5168] by vboxsync
1:33 PM Changeset in vbox [5167] by vboxsync
New halt method.
1:32 PM Changeset in vbox [5166] by vboxsync
1:32 PM Changeset in vbox [5165] by vboxsync
12:21 PM Changeset in vbox [5164] by vboxsync
Added support for server 1.4 to the guest additions
12:15 PM Ticket #746 (VirtualBox causes problems copying to clipboard in Ubuntu Linux -> ...) closed by Michael Thayer
fixed: This looks like one of the issues that we fixed for version 1.5.2. …
11:42 AM Ticket #22 (Feature request: GUI option for shared folder mapping) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: All fixed. Closing.
11:42 AM Ticket #13 (Improper theme look in Ubuntu (ubuntulooks theme)) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Too old. Closing.
11:32 AM Ticket #389 (Freeze/Crash when installing Windows XP) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
invalid: That was indeed a bad idea. Never assign more than half your RAM to a …
11:29 AM Ticket #334 (USB Bandwidth Exceeded) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
duplicate: See feature request 612. EHCI emulation is required.
11:23 AM Ticket #584 (skype crash on windows xp in virtualbox(network parprouted) on ubuntu 7.04) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Crash doing what? Try again with 1.5.0 and reopen if necessary.
11:21 AM Ticket #538 (crash when loading a java web start application) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
duplicate: Duplicate of 568.
11:20 AM Ticket #530 (Freeze when files should be copied during installation) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Try again with 1.5.0 and reopen if necessary.
11:19 AM Ticket #541 (VirtualBox(linux) can't load system from harddisk) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Try to copy the image to a non-NTFS/FAT partition. Maybe it's a file …
11:19 AM Ticket #749 (Smartdraw 2007 drawing issues) created by Peter Avramucz
When using smartdraw, components aren't shown on screens, just after a …
11:18 AM Ticket #495 (Fatal: no bootable medium found! System Halted) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Fixed afaik. Closing.
10:25 AM Changeset in vbox [5163] by vboxsync
Main: Fixed regression caused by r24978: Don't deassociate hard disks …
10:21 AM Changeset in vbox [5162] by vboxsync
Main: Removed extra logging.
8:18 AM Ticket #683 (VirtualBox is always aborting) closed by Michael Thayer
duplicate: Followups can go to that ticket.
8:15 AM Changeset in kBuild [1179] by bird
eol-style - native.
8:03 AM Changeset in kBuild [1178] by bird
no change, just force a revision update.
7:59 AM Changeset in kBuild [1177] by bird
Fixed regression.
5:52 AM Changeset in kBuild [1176] by bird
Rebuilt win.x86 and win.amd64 (nt_fullpath fix).
3:55 AM Ticket #748 (Error: "A Debugger Has Been Detected") created by James
I'm trying to install Red Alert 2 on my WinXP Pro virtual machine, but …
12:07 AM Ticket #747 (USB failure with Ubuntu Gutsy -> fixed in 2.1.2) created by ffm
Error message: " Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service …

Oct 4, 2007:

9:10 PM Changeset in vbox [5161] by vboxsync
Main: create copy of the format string before freeing it
6:33 PM Changeset in kBuild [1175] by bird
Only use FileNameInformation on NTFS volumes because at least FAT32 …
4:57 PM Ticket #746 (VirtualBox causes problems copying to clipboard in Ubuntu Linux -> ...) created by giannis
This is how you can reproduce this bug and see it for yourself. I have …
4:31 PM Changeset in vbox [5160] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Cleanup.
4:09 PM Changeset in vbox [5159] by vboxsync
DdMapMemory must map the offscreen heap as well. Report DdLock updates …
3:53 PM Ticket #745 (USB error on open source edition) created by William F Pearson
I understand that USB isn't supported in OSE, but the usb exceptions …
2:49 PM Changeset in vbox [5158] by vboxsync
L4: limit the amount of video memory to the memory we actually got …
2:18 PM Changeset in vbox [5157] by vboxsync
Fix VBoxSVC crash
2:03 PM Changeset in vbox [5156] by vboxsync
fixed check if a VESA mode fits into the guest VRAM
2:00 PM Ticket #666 (virtual will not work in xp pro?) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
invalid: No useful information and no reply. Closing.
1:58 PM Ticket #741 (Shared Folders in a SATA drive) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
invalid: Don't ask questions here. We have forums for that purpose.
1:55 PM Ticket #743 (openSUSE 10.3 last setup stage segfaults) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
11:43 AM Changeset in vbox [5155] by vboxsync
small German nls fixes
11:29 AM Ticket #744 (openSUSE 10.3 last setup stage segfaults -> fixed in SVN/1.5.2) created by Technologov
hi, Last setup stage of openSUSE 10.3 guest segfaults. Host: WinXP …
11:26 AM Ticket #743 (openSUSE 10.3 last setup stage segfaults) created by Technologov
hi, Last setup stage of openSUSE 10.3 guest segfaults. Neverthless …
10:25 AM Changeset in vbox [5154] by vboxsync
2142: GUI should download Additions: Postfix _OSE dropped from the …
8:47 AM Changeset in vbox [5153] by vboxsync
Registration icon update
7:58 AM Changeset in vbox [5152] by vboxsync
#elif defined()
7:48 AM Changeset in vbox [5151] by vboxsync
The qt dll is supposed to be installed by the root makefile like on …
7:07 AM Ticket #179 (VM Settings stores only initial ISO Image File) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: This was fixed quite some time ago afaik.
7:06 AM Ticket #96 (Centos 4.4 guest makes host CPU goes 100 even the guest is idle) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
wontfix: The usual problem with kernels compiled with 1000 hz timers. Solution …
6:20 AM Ticket #742 (More than four network adapters) created by Sarek1975
For our test environment we need to have more than four network …
3:22 AM Ticket #741 (Shared Folders in a SATA drive) created by Alexandre Gikas
How can I create a shared folder using a host SATA hard disk ? I …
12:15 AM Ticket #740 (shift + certain keys unusable) created by Rusty Lynch
I am unable to use left shift + (tab - right bracket) and right shift …

Oct 3, 2007:

11:04 PM Changeset in kBuild [1174] by bird
deal no objs but one or more libs in othersrc.
10:13 PM Ticket #739 (display flicker) created by Technologov
Host: Windows XP SP2. VBox 1.5.0. Guest: openSUSE 10.3. During setup …
8:56 PM Changeset in vbox [5150] by vboxsync
implemented LogHistoryCount system property (Main+VBoxManage)
6:56 PM Changeset in vbox [5149] by vboxsync
serial: don't use local stack memory for OVERLAPPED structures
6:16 PM Ticket #738 (Please allow CloneVDI in GUI) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Duplicate of #449.
6:03 PM Ticket #738 (Please allow CloneVDI in GUI) created by Technologov
hi, CloneVDI is very important command. Please make it available via …
2:29 PM Ticket #737 (VMs very slow with realtime kernel, CPU maxed out) created by laga
Hello, I'm running Ubuntu Gutsy amd64 with their 2.6.22-12-rt kernel …
12:05 PM Changeset in vbox [5148] by vboxsync
2332: Registration feature: Make one Registration Dialog allowed to …
8:36 AM Ticket #101 (VirtualBox incorrect uninstall icon on Windows 2000 host) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Retry with the latest version.
8:34 AM Ticket #736 (Virtual-Box Distro Live CD) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
8:33 AM Ticket #565 (Paused VMs still use CPU cycles) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: I really doubt this has anything to do with VBox. Closing.

Oct 2, 2007:

8:51 PM Changeset in vbox [5147] by vboxsync
prevent a bunch of ugly warnings
8:50 PM Changeset in vbox [5146] by vboxsync
move the SVN revision stuff into separate files to omit recompilation …
8:06 PM Changeset in vbox [5145] by vboxsync
Disabled the IDT patching on Linux since it doesn't buy us all that …
5:08 PM Changeset in vbox [5144] by vboxsync
Report fullscreen DdLock/DdUnlock updates in the Windows guest …
3:43 PM Changeset in vbox [5143] by vboxsync
The rest of the GMM code.
1:58 PM Changeset in vbox [5142] by vboxsync
More GMM code.
11:59 AM Changeset in vbox [5141] by vboxsync
11:38 AM Changeset in vbox [5140] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Added Help->Contents to the VM console window.
11:36 AM Changeset in vbox [5139] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Offer registration again if the registration data is missing or …
11:28 AM Changeset in vbox [5138] by vboxsync
vboxdrv: TICK_NSEC as macro
11:11 AM Changeset in vbox [5137] by vboxsync
11:09 AM Ticket #736 (Virtual-Box Distro Live CD) created by ethernety@…
A linux that would ONLY run VirtualBox.... boot your …
11:07 AM Changeset in vbox [5136] by vboxsync
9:17 AM Changeset in vbox [5135] by vboxsync
More GMM code.
7:30 AM Changeset in vbox [5134] by vboxsync
7:05 AM Changeset in vbox [5133] by vboxsync
added some missing dummy function entries for the fake mode

Oct 1, 2007:

9:41 PM Changeset in vbox [5132] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: OS/2: Implemented keyboard input to the VM.
9:26 PM Changeset in vbox [5131] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: OS/2: Instal qt.dll when building the GUI.
5:32 PM Changeset in vbox [5130] by vboxsync
compile fix
4:42 PM Changeset in vbox [5129] by vboxsync
Added 'nicspeed' argument to 'vboxmanage modifyvm'. Also display …
3:50 PM Changeset in vbox [5128] by vboxsync
2332: Registration feature: Registration information (Name, eMail and …
3:25 PM Changeset in vbox [5127] by vboxsync
Main/GUI: Better regexp for the MAC address.
3:01 PM Ticket #735 (Bridging in Windows XP does not work properly with Wireless adapters) created by Robert Pendell
Users of Windows XP are unable to create a proper bridge against a …
2:52 PM Changeset in vbox [5126] by vboxsync
2:10 PM Changeset in vbox [5125] by vboxsync
solaris build fix.
2:09 PM Changeset in vbox [5124] by vboxsync
1:51 PM Changeset in vbox [5123] by vboxsync
allocation code.
1:16 PM Changeset in vbox [5122] by vboxsync
Main: So far, assume that the custom hard disk location is always a …
1:10 PM Changeset in vbox [5121] by vboxsync
Fix comment
12:22 PM Changeset in vbox [5120] by vboxsync
Back out allowing colons in MAC addresses. Getting it right would …
12:04 PM Changeset in vbox [5119] by vboxsync
Rewrote two error messages
11:56 AM Changeset in vbox [5118] by vboxsync
Main: Added checking for errors when initializing NetworkAdapter and …
11:27 AM Changeset in vbox [5117] by vboxsync
Make the MAC address validity check accept lower-case hex digits and …
11:25 AM Ticket #734 (Guest Additions Deb Packages) created by passerby
Could you please consider providing the guest additions as a deb …
10:24 AM Ticket #241 (DOSBox emulator crashes in VirtualBox) reopened by Technologov
Unfortunately, I'm forced to reopen this bug. 1.5.0 contains …
9:58 AM Changeset in vbox [5116] by vboxsync
Corrected stub relay code for loading libasound at runtime
8:32 AM Changeset in vbox [5115] by vboxsync
Main: CustomHardDisk wording.
8:25 AM Ticket #733 (Windows Install Hangs) created by James
== Bug Description == I'm trying to install Windows XP into a virtual …
7:35 AM Ticket #720 (Failed assertion in current svn) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Don't report such things here please. Use the developer's mailinglist.
7:00 AM Changeset in vbox [5114] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Added new icons (register, poweroff).
6:59 AM Ticket #732 (Cannot use scanner Plustek OpticBook 3600 (USB problem)) created by Maciej Pilichowski
Windows XP guest, Opensuse 10.2 host. I installed software for it, …
6:28 AM Changeset in vbox [5113] by vboxsync
5:31 AM Changeset in kBuild [1173] by bird
5:29 AM Changeset in kBuild [1172] by bird
just try open it and then check whether to keep quiet about it or not.
5:15 AM Changeset in kBuild [1171] by bird
Added a $(which ) function. takes any number of args, with or without …
3:47 AM Changeset in vbox [5112] by vboxsync
3:46 AM Changeset in kBuild [1170] by bird
GCC starts with an empty ' \' line.
3:32 AM Changeset in kBuild [1169] by bird
reworte it to use a whole file buffer so we can use mmap later…
1:29 AM Changeset in kBuild [1168] by bird
Wrote the eval_include_dep parser.

Sep 30, 2007:

4:06 PM Ticket #730 (Simple Documentation edit for linux build instructions. Simple ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: I've added gcc and g++ to the list of Debian packages. Keep in mind …
4:04 PM Linux build instructions edited by Frank Mehnert
4:03 PM Linux build instructions edited by Frank Mehnert
12:24 PM Ticket #731 (Linux Guest Additions X server modules do not work with latest X ...) created by Robert Bordelon
Last week Debian unstable (a.k.a. Sid) upgraded the X server to one …
9:37 AM Changeset in kBuild [1167] by bird
skip some unnecessary system calls during process creation and termination.
7:42 AM Changeset in kBuild [1166] by bird
reverted accidental commit of some debug code.
7:36 AM Changeset in kBuild [1165] by bird
Optimized kDebIDB a bit for Windows; use nt_fullpath and map the IDB …
6:23 AM Changeset in kBuild [1164] by bird
Ctrl-C/Break stuff ported to 64-bit windows too.
5:38 AM Changeset in vbox [5111] by vboxsync
Some freebsd cleanups.
5:02 AM Changeset in vbox [5110] by vboxsync
Look for Qt in some more places.
4:18 AM Ticket #730 (Simple Documentation edit for linux build instructions. Simple ...) created by vanv2642
I went to do a build of VBox on the Ubuntu 7 Desktop distribution, I …
4:03 AM Changeset in kBuild [1163] by bird
3:55 AM Changeset in kBuild [1162] by bird
Made kDepIDB into an builtin command to try speed up windows…
3:48 AM Changeset in kBuild [1161] by bird
fixed typo for kDepIDB detection.
3:09 AM Changeset in kBuild [1160] by bird
Rebuilt freebsd.x86 without libiconv and libintl needs.
3:03 AM Changeset in kBuild [1159] by bird
must regenerate configure for FreeBSD sed workaround…
3:03 AM Changeset in kBuild [1158] by bird
The FreeBSD sed doesn't grok a\ unless in a script.
2:21 AM Changeset in kBuild [1157] by bird
we don't need iconv nor intl on FreeBSD.

Sep 29, 2007:

7:29 PM Ticket #729 (If you delete an iso image,you can't remove it from the list) created by michel
If you delete an iso image,you can't remove it from the list of …
4:26 PM Ticket #728 (USB-Devices NOT working properly) created by hb
After upgrading to VBox 1.5 USB is not working properly. All tested …
3:23 PM Ticket #727 (when installing/upgrading VirtualBox, offer an option to uninstall ...) created by Technologov
hi, On Windows host, if I installing a new version, I must manually …
2:54 PM Changeset in vbox [5109] by vboxsync
description for custom hard disks in qt frontend
7:24 AM Ticket #726 (VirtualBox crushed when copy large files => Fixed in SVN.) created by Alexander
VirtualBox crushed when copy large files (>1GB) from shared …
12:58 AM Changeset in kBuild [1156] by bird
isainfo on solaris, uname doesn't tell the truth.
12:14 AM Solaris build instructions edited by bird

Sep 28, 2007:

11:41 PM Solaris build instructions edited by bird
11:39 PM Solaris build instructions edited by bird
11:39 PM Solaris build instructions edited by bird
11:37 PM Solaris build instructions edited by bird
11:35 PM Solaris build instructions edited by bird
11:34 PM Solaris build instructions created by bird
quickly derived from the linux one.
7:13 PM Changeset in vbox [5108] by vboxsync
7:02 PM Changeset in vbox [5107] by vboxsync
getenv => RTEnvGet
6:31 PM Changeset in vbox [5106] by vboxsync
Hooked up the GMM code.
6:20 PM Changeset in vbox [5105] by vboxsync
GMM status codes.
5:14 PM Changeset in vbox [5104] by vboxsync
4:24 PM Changeset in vbox [5103] by vboxsync
another forgotten change
4:16 PM Changeset in vbox [5102] by vboxsync
commit forgotten file
4:13 PM Changeset in vbox [5101] by vboxsync
Introduce a new harddisk object which supports virtual harddisk …
3:46 PM Changeset in vbox [5100] by vboxsync
GMMPAGEDESC for handy pages.
3:43 PM Changeset in vbox [5099] by vboxsync
getenv() => RTEnvGet()
2:23 PM Changeset in vbox [5098] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Fixed the OSE build.
2:19 PM Ticket #725 (lower keyboard row shifted => fixed in SVN/1.5.2) created by ede42
Various users have been reporting a shifted lower row on their …
2:18 PM Ticket #724 (Red Hat Linux 7 guest doesn't work (HDD copy problem?)) created by Technologov
Hi all ! In continuation of bug #53, I want to inform you that Red …
2:01 PM Changeset in vbox [5097] by vboxsync
touch ose again
1:51 PM Changeset in vbox [5096] by vboxsync
touch tinderbox
1:51 PM Ticket #723 (VBox status code: -1912 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_VERSION_MISMATCH)) created by Ralf Mayer
After a succesfull installation of VirtualBox in a openSuSE 10.2 64bit …
1:38 PM Changeset in vbox [5095] by vboxsync
touch tinderbox
1:13 PM Changeset in vbox [5094] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Added VBOX_WITH_REGISTRATION to guard the registration code; …
12:36 PM Changeset in vbox [5093] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Export VBoxNetworkFramework to OSE.
11:53 AM Changeset in vbox [5092] by vboxsync
11:50 AM Changeset in vbox [5091] by vboxsync
touch tinderbox
10:59 AM Changeset in vbox [5090] by vboxsync
Try file locking only on Windows hosts (experiment).
10:56 AM Changeset in vbox [5089] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Updated Korean translation (no Alt+C for Cancel buttons).
10:53 AM Changeset in vbox [5088] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Updated Korean translation.
10:18 AM Changeset in vbox [5087] by vboxsync
Wrong logging
4:52 AM Ticket #722 (VBoxVRDP unnecessarily connects to an X server on Linux) created by Robert Bordelon
When starting headless sessions, VBoxVRDP apparently connects to the X …
2:46 AM Ticket #721 (Feature request: ieee1394 (Firewire) UHCI/OHCI pass-through support) created by Russ Magee
ieee1394 (Firewire) OHCI/UHCI support for Windows guests on Linux …
1:51 AM Changeset in kBuild [1155] by bird
Everyone has CMP and MD5SUM now, drop the checks for them.
1:37 AM Changeset in kBuild [1154] by bird

Sep 27, 2007:

11:44 PM Changeset in kBuild [1153] by bird
Rebuilt solaris.x86.
11:42 PM Changeset in kBuild [1152] by bird
cleanup properly.
11:39 PM Changeset in kBuild [1151] by bird
On solaris rmdir returns EEXIST instead of ENOTEMPTY.
11:36 PM Changeset in kBuild [1150] by bird
Rebuilt os2.x86.
11:10 PM Changeset in kBuild [1149] by bird
just for testing.
10:12 PM Changeset in vbox [5086] by vboxsync
8:53 PM Changeset in vbox [5085] by vboxsync
fedora8 build fix
8:41 PM Ticket #720 (Failed assertion in current svn) created by ugemkow
The following Assert failure happens in current svn […] The full …
7:14 PM Changeset in vbox [5084] by vboxsync
FE/SDL: print available key bindings in help
6:40 PM Changeset in kBuild [1148] by bird
.res and .rc should not appear in othersrc but in obj and not-at-all …
6:21 PM Changeset in vbox [5083] by vboxsync
Fixed the Windows guest additions mouse filter driver trap with two or …
6:20 PM Changeset in kBuild [1147] by bird
resource compiler setup.
5:26 PM Changeset in kBuild [1146] by bird
link with .res file.
5:19 PM Changeset in kBuild [1145] by bird
don't include .res files in the link.
5:09 PM Changeset in vbox [5082] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Added the ACPI Shutdown action to the Close VM dialog.
4:38 PM Changeset in vbox [5081] by vboxsync
4:18 PM Changeset in kBuild [1144] by bird
Rebuilt linux.amd64.
4:17 PM Changeset in kBuild [1143] by bird
Rebuilt linux.x86.
3:31 PM Changeset in vbox [5080] by vboxsync
Debugging problem with too much spinning. Read parameters.
2:39 PM Changeset in vbox [5079] by vboxsync
Fixed two copy & past bugs.
1:58 PM Changeset in vbox [5078] by vboxsync
2332: Registration feature Add Selector&Console menu "Help" item …
1:56 PM Changeset in vbox [5077] by vboxsync
...and added code to load dynamically instead
1:55 PM Changeset in vbox [5076] by vboxsync
Reverted the changes to load the ALSA code dynamically…
12:48 PM Changeset in vbox [5075] by vboxsync
Leave the host service clipboard lock before completing the message.
12:34 PM Changeset in vbox [5074] by vboxsync
Main: Added the default value for the Network::speed attribute in the …
11:06 AM Changeset in vbox [5073] by vboxsync
Limit the amount of resume loops
9:20 AM Changeset in vbox [5072] by vboxsync
Run vmx guest code with interrupts disabled.
9:16 AM Changeset in vbox [5071] by vboxsync
Add tool-tip to the link under mouse cursor hovered the QIRichLabel. …
8:33 AM Changeset in vbox [5070] by vboxsync
Attempt to fix the Linux smoked tests
6:59 AM Changeset in vbox [5069] by vboxsync
2:16 AM Changeset in kBuild [1142] by bird
arm41 == arm.
2:14 AM Changeset in kBuild [1141] by bird
2:13 AM Changeset in kBuild [1140] by bird
1:13 AM Changeset in kBuild [1139] by bird
Rebuilt freebsd.x86.
1:05 AM Changeset in kBuild [1138] by bird
Rebuilt win.x86.
1:04 AM Changeset in kBuild [1137] by bird
Built win.amd64.
1:03 AM Changeset in kBuild [1136] by bird
Rebuilt freebsd.amd64.
12:58 AM Changeset in kBuild [1135] by bird
Rebuilt darwin.x86.
12:50 AM Changeset in kBuild [1134] by bird
Fixed termination problem in the append/prepend code.
12:45 AM Changeset in kBuild [1133] by bird
Fixed termination problem in the append/prepend code.

Sep 26, 2007:

11:36 PM Changeset in kBuild [1132] by bird
Built win.amd64.
11:34 PM Changeset in kBuild [1131] by bird
Rebuilt win.x86.
11:17 PM Changeset in kBuild [1130] by bird
Rebuild darwin.x86.
10:47 PM Changeset in vbox [5068] by vboxsync
Fixed the problem with FE/Qt not being stable in release builds on …
10:37 PM Changeset in kBuild [1129] by bird
The PDBs are optional, put them in the MAYBE list.
10:32 PM Changeset in kBuild [1128] by bird
OUTPUT_MAYBE support for compilers and assemblers.
10:16 PM Changeset in kBuild [1127] by bird
Use NtQueryInformationFile + FileNameInformation to figure out the …
9:07 PM Ticket #719 (unable to run as service in win w2k3 host, w2k3 guest) created by luke
Installing as service with srvany, per these instructions …
8:31 PM Changeset in vbox [5067] by vboxsync
amd64 fix
7:34 PM Changeset in vbox [5066] by vboxsync
7:30 PM Changeset in vbox [5065] by vboxsync
gcc warning
6:37 PM Changeset in vbox [5064] by vboxsync
6:03 PM Changeset in vbox [5063] by vboxsync
Only load the ALSA driver if ALSA audio is selected for the VM
5:57 PM Changeset in vbox [5062] by vboxsync
Made the Linux guest additions work with PCLinuxOS 2007
5:15 PM Changeset in vbox [5061] by vboxsync
Main: More logging.
5:14 PM Changeset in vbox [5060] by vboxsync
Added custom line speed setting to XML/COM/CFGM. Hope I haven't …
5:12 PM Changeset in vbox [5059] by vboxsync
Added a mechanism to report custom line speed to guest driver …
4:35 PM Changeset in vbox [5058] by vboxsync
XPCOM: Fixed _PR_DetachOS2Process() which now uses …
4:27 PM Changeset in vbox [5057] by vboxsync
XPCOM: Be constant when enabling IPRT logging.
4:08 PM Changeset in vbox [5056] by vboxsync
assertion was the wrong way around. typical 2am bug.
4:04 PM Changeset in vbox [5055] by vboxsync
PGMPhysIsPageMappingLockValid won't work on uninitialized data.
3:54 PM Changeset in vbox [5054] by vboxsync
PGMPhysIsPageMappingLockValid won't work on uninitialized data.
3:46 PM Changeset in vbox [5053] by vboxsync
3:05 PM Changeset in vbox [5052] by vboxsync
Only build the ALSA library for Linux hosts
2:57 PM Changeset in vbox [5051] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: GUI/RegistrationTryLeft => GUI/RegistrationTriesLeft.
2:55 PM Changeset in vbox [5050] by vboxsync
Moved the ALSA code into a separate shared object loaded at runtime
2:45 PM Changeset in vbox [5049] by vboxsync
Added support for the British international keyboard to the Linux host GUI
2:36 PM Ticket #678 (Unsupported Guest OS - Aborts on installation) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
2:35 PM Ticket #674 (Slow Performance on NTFS Partitions if Using Linux Host) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
invalid: I kind of doubt that's a VBox problem. Don't use NTFS partitions from …
2:31 PM Changeset in vbox [5048] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Registration: More wording.
1:20 PM Ticket #718 ('@' symbol cannot be typed in Windows XP guest under Ubuntu 7.04 host ...) created by carlill
Hi, I am running a Windows XP guest on VirtualBox 1.5.0 under an …
1:18 PM Changeset in vbox [5047] by vboxsync
2332: Registration feature Make the QIRichLabel (used as text …
11:56 AM Changeset in vbox [5046] by vboxsync
cosmetical fix
11:41 AM Changeset in vbox [5045] by vboxsync
Removed incorrect assertion (breaks VT-x)
10:59 AM Changeset in vbox [5044] by vboxsync
10:02 AM Changeset in vbox [5043] by vboxsync
2332: Registration feature. Fixes: 1. Conform button "inaccessibility …
9:52 AM Changeset in vbox [5042] by vboxsync
Fixes to the Linux additions - use and export functions from the runtime
9:33 AM Ticket #556 (Start up problem) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Retry with 1.5.0 and make sure you uninstall the old version first.
9:32 AM Changeset in vbox [5041] by vboxsync
configure: added --setup-wine
9:31 AM Ticket #499 (problem) closed by Sander van Leeuwen
fixed: Retry with 1.5.0.
9:03 AM Changeset in vbox [5040] by vboxsync
GC phys/virt to HC virt functions are no longer accessible in our PDM …
8:10 AM Changeset in vbox [5039] by vboxsync
Reenabled the redraw the Windows guest display driver.
8:09 AM Changeset in vbox [5038] by vboxsync
Inform VBVA and VRDP about rectangle updated within DdLock/DdUnlock …
7:58 AM Changeset in vbox [5037] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Registration: Wording, icon.
7:52 AM Changeset in vbox [5036] by vboxsync
6:47 AM Changeset in vbox [5035] by vboxsync
6:34 AM Changeset in vbox [5034] by vboxsync
fixed tree
4:48 AM Changeset in vbox [5033] by vboxsync
4:41 AM Changeset in kBuild [1126] by bird
Need to check for Makefile.kup *after* processing -C arguments.
3:29 AM Ticket #717 (set the current folder to a default folder which could be defined when ...) created by victor
It take more mouse clicking than it should be to configure the shared …
3:21 AM Changeset in vbox [5032] by vboxsync
12:15 AM Changeset in kBuild [1125] by bird
Fixed typo.
12:13 AM Changeset in kBuild [1124] by bird
the strptime part too.

Sep 25, 2007:

11:22 PM Changeset in kBuild [1123] by bird
got a new kPrf2 version.
10:27 PM Changeset in vbox [5031] by vboxsync
Use GVMMR3CreateVM. the new GVM structure is a ring-0 only VM …
8:55 PM Changeset in vbox [5030] by vboxsync
allow word break of the 'no description' label
4:47 PM Changeset in vbox [5029] by vboxsync
3:59 PM Changeset in vbox [5028] by vboxsync
Main: Improved the hard disk testcase.
3:58 PM Changeset in vbox [5027] by vboxsync
Main: Change Utf8StrFmt to Utf8StrFmtVA, could trigger a fancy …
3:49 PM Changeset in vbox [5026] by vboxsync
3:06 PM Changeset in vbox [5025] by vboxsync
Build fix for winId serialization (under win platform).
3:04 PM Changeset in vbox [5024] by vboxsync
Pointer shape size calculation error. Copied too much.
2:35 PM Changeset in vbox [5023] by vboxsync
Disabled redraw optimization in the Windows guest graphics driver.
2:30 PM Ticket #415 (vboxadd kernel module does not compile cause of missing files) closed by Frank Mehnert
1:56 PM Changeset in vbox [5022] by vboxsync
First version of VirtualBox Registration Dialog implemented. Non-modal …
1:32 PM Changeset in vbox [5021] by vboxsync
Removed obsolete memory reservation during suplibOsInit (Windows host)
12:23 PM Ticket #716 (NAT problems => retry with VBox 1.5.4) created by kimus
There are some 'problems' in NAT implementation. I use this …
6:16 AM Changeset in kBuild [1122] by bird
Added as $(file-size ) function while at it.
5:57 AM Changeset in kBuild [1121] by bird
Added $(date ) and $(date-utc ) function as simple wrappers around …
5:13 AM Changeset in kBuild [1120] by bird
5:07 AM Changeset in kBuild [1119] by bird
CMP and MD5SUM prep.
5:06 AM Changeset in kBuild [1118] by bird
CMP and MD5SUM prep.
5:03 AM Changeset in kBuild [1117] by bird
3:52 AM Changeset in kBuild [1116] by bird
src/usr.bin/cmp from NetBSD current, 2007-09-25.
3:34 AM Changeset in kBuild [1115] by bird
src/usr.bin/cmp from NetBSD current, 2007-09-25.
3:32 AM Changeset in kBuild [1114] by bird
Don't wanna use the FreeBSD code after all because of the license. darn.
3:20 AM Changeset in kBuild [1113] by bird
src/usr.bin/cmp from FreeBSD current, 2007-09-25.
3:19 AM Changeset in kBuild [1112] by bird
backed out 1111, it was netbsd instead of freebsd. :/
3:17 AM Changeset in kBuild [1111] by bird
src/usr.bin/cmp from FreeBSD current, 2007-09-25.
3:04 AM Changeset in kBuild [1110] by bird
More CONFIG_WITH_EXPLICIT_MULTITARGET hacking. Have to deal with …
1:26 AM Changeset in vbox [5020] by vboxsync
Simplified the YASM/NASM invocations avoiding unnecessary statement …
12:51 AM Changeset in vbox [5019] by vboxsync
No IDT patching on OS/2 - stack isn't flat, remember.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.

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