

Jan 5, 2010:

11:31 PM Ticket #5910 (3.1.2 nat settings not respected) created by jon1
I have been using Virtualbox 3.0.x with custom nat settings for some …
10:23 PM Ticket #5909 (Termination of Virtualbox when running Gordikon application.) created by wille
I have problem with virtualbox running application on Win XP. After …
9:14 PM Ticket #5908 (Exiting Seamless mode with KDE4 compositing doesn't restore guest desktop) created by Joseph Reagle
I'm running KDE4.3.4 on Karmic 9.10 with an XP guest. When I go into …
9:10 PM Ticket #5907 (Loss of keyboard in host UI -> duplicate of #3894) created by Joseph Reagle
As discussed [
7:59 PM Ticket #5906 (Windows 2003 Server Guests BSOD on new VirtualBox 3.1.2) created by Chris Germano
Upgraded from 3.0.12-54655 to 3.1.2-56127 on Ubuntu 9.10 x86 and all …
6:53 PM Ticket #5905 (Copy and Paste using Mouse in VM Description Crashes VirtualBox GUI) created by Ramsay
Detailed Description 1) Start Virtual Box 2) Click on the Descriptions …
5:08 PM Ticket #5904 (VirtualBox crashes when selecting Desktop Settings in Kubuntu 9.10 guest) created by Jon_Hanson
On a fresh installation of Kubuntu 9.10 (64-bit) guest on a Windows 7 …
4:52 PM Changeset in vbox [25660] by vboxsync
thread.cpp: Fixed case of accessing RTTHRADINT after it was freed.
4:11 PM Changeset in vbox [25659] by vboxsync
semevent*-win.cpp: Lock validation corrections.
4:10 PM Changeset in vbox [25658] by vboxsync
semmutex-win.cpp: Correct RTSemMutexIsOwned().
3:40 PM Changeset in vbox [25657] by vboxsync
3:39 PM Changeset in vbox [25656] by vboxsync
3:37 PM Changeset in vbox [25655] by vboxsync
semevent-win.cpp: Moved RTEventSignal up in the file
3:36 PM Changeset in vbox [25654] by vboxsync
semeventmulti-win.cpp: lock validation support.
3:23 PM Ticket #5903 (Upon guest window close, add option to coninue running the guest headless) created by hypatia
It is often desirable to close the window of a guest VM, but leave it …
3:22 PM Changeset in vbox [25653] by vboxsync
semevent-win.cpp: lock validation support.
2:49 PM Changeset in vbox [25652] by vboxsync
semmutex-linux.cpp: Fixed bug in rtSemMutexRequest when calculating …
2:44 PM Changeset in vbox [25651] by vboxsync
2:43 PM Changeset in vbox [25650] by vboxsync
semevent-linux.cpp: Fixed bug in rtSemEventWait when calculating …
2:39 PM Changeset in vbox [25649] by vboxsync
semeventmulti-linux.cpp: Fixed bug in rtSemEventMultiWait when …
2:32 PM Changeset in vbox [25648] by vboxsync
iprt: Instrumented semeventmulti-linux.cpp and hacked more on the …
11:50 AM Ticket #5902 (VRDP not available when quickly power cycling VM -> Fixed in SVN/3.1.4) created by bauer40
When shutting down a VBox with VRDP enabled, and immediatly starting …
10:17 AM Ticket #5901 (Linux guest additions: Screen size does not match window size until VM ...) created by mark_orion
When I startup a Linux VM, the initial screen is much smaller than the …
9:59 AM Changeset in vbox [25647] by vboxsync
Some more doxygen fixes, now for
9:36 AM Changeset in vbox [25646] by vboxsync
Solaris/Installer: fixed explicit unload of USB client driver.
9:29 AM Changeset in vbox [25645] by vboxsync
IPRT,DoxyFile.Core: Mopped up the errors in the IPRT doxygen run.
8:46 AM Changeset in vbox [25644] by vboxsync
Solaris/Installer: more compatible id usage.
8:29 AM Changeset in vbox [25643] by vboxsync
VMMDev: loading of HGCM saved state does not rely on saved size of …
8:19 AM Changeset in vbox [25642] by vboxsync
8:08 AM Changeset in vbox [25641] by vboxsync
iprt: file header fixes.

Jan 4, 2010:

9:55 PM Ticket #2274 (VBoxSVC.exe high CPU usage and VMM doesn't start) reopened by klor
Replying to frank: > Should be finally fixed in …
8:00 PM Ticket #4314 (Eve-Online DX9 game crashes -> Fixed in SVN.) reopened by Zyor Taelon
This defect seems to have resurfaced. I got exactly the same problem …
6:15 PM Ticket #5900 (Can't restore snapshot by name using VBoxManage) created by James Blair
I am unable to restore a snapshot by name using the VBoxManage command …
4:44 PM Changeset in vbox [25640] by vboxsync
iprt: Added RTSemEventMulti[Set|Add|Remove]Signaller.
4:41 PM Ticket #5858 (Virtualbox v3.1.2 crash) closed by Frank Mehnert
4:41 PM Ticket #5859 (Virtualbox v3.1.2 crash) closed by Frank Mehnert
4:19 PM Changeset in vbox [25639] by vboxsync
4:08 PM Changeset in vbox [25638] by vboxsync
iprt,pdmcritsect: Added RTSemEvent[Set|Add|Remove]Signaller so that we …
3:54 PM Changeset in vbox [25637] by vboxsync
Linux shared folders: call bdi_init() to properly enable the …
3:42 PM Ticket #5899 (Windows 7 guest unusable -- pauses/freezes frequently for minutes at a time) created by Jason Baietto
Dear Support, I have purchased VirtualBox (see details below) for a …
3:38 PM Changeset in vbox [25636] by vboxsync
semeventmulti-posix.cpp: Fixed ancient bug in the non-indefinite …
1:17 PM Ticket #5898 (No network connection (bridged network) after restoring the saved OS) created by karthik
OS: windows xp sp1 N/w: Bridged network Virtual box version: 3.1.2 …
12:53 PM Ticket #5068 (Windows 7 x64 VirtualBox Crash -> retry with 3.1.2) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: So it seems the problem was solved for beanfield with VBox 3.1.2. …
11:25 AM Ticket #5884 (Cannot upgrade existing Fedora Linux VB install to 3.1 using 'rpm ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
wontfix: This is not a bug but a feature. The reason is that some users might …
11:00 AM Changeset in vbox [25635] by vboxsync
FE/Qt4-OSX: move "Check for updates" in the application menu
10:50 AM Changeset in vbox [25634] by vboxsync
VRDP: Main: only use AppPriv if the library name doesn't contain a …
10:38 AM Ticket #5897 (after 2 day the filesystem is in read/only) closed by Frank Mehnert
wontfix: It is most likely that the load for the physical hard disk at your …
9:56 AM Changeset in vbox [25633] by vboxsync
VRDP: add support for external authentication on Mac OS X
9:44 AM Changeset in vbox [25632] by vboxsync
Main: VRDP: search for external auth modules in the private …
9:43 AM Changeset in vbox [25631] by vboxsync
Runtime: wrong asssertion
9:33 AM Changeset in vbox [25630] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: Drop the platform test around SDK_VBOX_LIBCURL.
9:18 AM Ticket #5193 (Hangs when import appliance menu is selected) closed by Christian Pötzsch
9:09 AM Ticket #5897 (after 2 day the filesystem is in read/only) created by carlo
On a CentOS 5.4 server with VirtualBox 3.1.2, after some day the …
8:36 AM Ticket #5892 (fileaio-solaris.cpp missing in Virtualbox 3.1.2 OSE) closed by Ramshankar Venkataraman
fixed: Thank you for the report. The missing file has been exported to OSE. …
8:35 AM Changeset in vbox [25629] by vboxsync
Runtime/r3/Solaris: export fileaio-solaris to OSE.
12:37 AM Ticket #5896 (Small issue with selection button) created by Roel
IIRC: when creating a new VM, if you create a new vdi (while also …
12:31 AM Ticket #3824 (.vdi appears more than once in filenames) reopened by Roel
This can be reproduced easily on the latest vbox 3.1.2. Simply create …

Jan 3, 2010:

9:26 PM Ticket #5895 (Elastix 1.6 install crash on install) created by Yull
Hello Elastix 1.6 Ver 32bits (VOIP server)
7:59 PM Ticket #5894 (Creation of host-only interfaces fails.) created by flinz
Creation of host-only interfaces (File > Preferences > Network) failes …
7:03 PM Ticket #5893 (Guru Meditation while waking up Ubuntu) created by Łukasz
5:42 PM Ticket #5892 (fileaio-solaris.cpp missing in Virtualbox 3.1.2 OSE) created by Max
Hi, I'm trying to compile Virtualbox OSE under Nexenta (Opensolaris …
4:28 PM Changeset in vbox [25628] by vboxsync
copy & past fix.
4:26 PM Changeset in vbox [25627] by vboxsync
build fix
4:10 PM Ticket #5891 (Guest kernel panic when listing contents of a shared folder with Linux ...) created by Sam Morris
I created a shared folder and mounted it in my guest (Debian using …
4:08 PM Ticket #5890 (DNS not working in bridged networking on Windows host v3.1.2) created by Gary
I upgraded to version 3.1.2 and have not been able to get guest DNS …
3:24 PM Changeset in vbox [25626] by vboxsync
tstRTLockValidator: Added a simple mutex deadlock to the testcase.
3:23 PM Changeset in vbox [25625] by vboxsync
iprt/semmutex*: Added RTSemMutexIsOwned. Rewrote mutex recursion …
3:23 PM Changeset in vbox [25624] by vboxsync
iprt/semmutex*: Added RTSemMutexIsOwned. Rewrote mutex recursion …
2:59 PM Ticket #5889 (USB issues under Windows 7) created by Ofer LaOr
There are several problems with USB support under Windows 7 with …
1:59 PM Changeset in vbox [25623] by vboxsync
more cleanup
1:56 PM Changeset in vbox [25622] by vboxsync
tstRTLockValidator: testcase improvements.
11:17 AM Ticket #5888 (Unable to start 64 bit vm with 3.1.2) created by Keyzer Suze
Hi VB keeps saying it can't start VM because VT-x is not available …
9:26 AM Ticket #5887 (XP guest won't get an IP address from DHCP server) created by Serge
Hello. Host: Ubuntu 9.10, Vbox 3.1.2 r56127 Guest: Windows XP SP3, …
12:57 AM Ticket #5886 (A bowser (not browser) error 8003, related with Virtual Box host only ...) created by paolocel

Jan 2, 2010:

10:27 PM Changeset in vbox [25621] by vboxsync
tstRTLockValidator: Added some recursion just to make sure it works.
10:18 PM Changeset in vbox [25620] by vboxsync
iprt/semaphore.h: Added Debug wrappers for all the RW semaphores.
7:50 PM Changeset in vbox [25619] by vboxsync
tstRTLockValidator.cpp: Another test variation.
1:00 PM Ticket #5885 (Bluescreen on Win 7-64 Host on shutdown after Virtual Box was being ...) created by Tobias Steinmann
Hi, when I shutdown my Win-7-64 after having Virtual Box used in that …
12:00 PM Changeset in vbox [25618] by vboxsync
IPRT,pdmcritsect: More lock validator hacking.
9:52 AM Ticket #2954 (Crash when the guest system is being shutted down (3D enabled) -> ...) reopened by Vincent Gheur
I have similar crashes. I had them with a Vista host running VBox …
4:32 AM Ticket #5884 (Cannot upgrade existing Fedora Linux VB install to 3.1 using 'rpm ...) created by Dave Ulrick
Prior to VB 3.1, the Fedora RPM's name was structured in such a way …
12:36 AM Ticket #5883 (BSOD KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED - Windows 2000 guest on Virtualbox ...) created by MSA Operations
Windows 2000 guest fails to boot within VirtualBox 3.1.0 and 3.1.2 on …
12:14 AM Changeset in vbox [25617] by vboxsync
iprt: Added lock validator testcase for read-write semaphore …
12:13 AM Changeset in vbox [25616] by vboxsync
iprt/semrw-*: Added RTSemRWGetReadCount. Adjusted writer fairness a …

Jan 1, 2010:

7:29 PM Ticket #5882 (Microphone does not bridge to guest OS. Win 7 host > XP guest) created by Andrew Valentine
After many google searches using virtualbox and microphone, there are …
3:15 PM Ticket #5881 (Wolf4GW + D3X under FreeDOS doesn't work with VT-X enabled (VBox ...) created by Rugxulo
This is fairly obscure, but I thought it was worth noting anyways as …
2:40 PM Changeset in vbox [25615] by vboxsync
build fix
2:19 PM Changeset in vbox [25614] by vboxsync
iprt,pdmcritsect: More lock validator refactoring and debugging. Added …
1:47 PM Changeset in vbox [25613] by vboxsync
tstRTSemXRoads: name fix
1:04 PM Ticket #5880 (Network Problem : Host-only Adapter) created by Gil
Hello! I was running VirtualBox v3.1.0 windows version on a: HOST : …

Dec 31, 2009:

11:39 PM Ticket #5879 (USB flash drive not attached in VBox 3.1.2 for ecomstation guest) created by cytan299
I have Ecomstation Silver (RC7) version working in VBox 3.0.12 which …
11:26 PM Ticket #5878 (Virtual Media Manager drag and drop support) created by Ondrej Galbavy
Virtual Media Manager lacks drag and drop support for adding …
3:06 PM Changeset in vbox [25612] by vboxsync
semrw-generic.cpp: unfinished instrumentation of the code, but gotta …
2:54 PM Changeset in vbox [25611] by vboxsync
iprt/lockvaldiator,++: owner record management and some other stuff. …
2:53 PM Changeset in vbox [25610] by vboxsync
iprt/lockvalidator.h: spaces and docs
2:51 PM Papers edited by Frank Mehnert
1:41 PM Changeset in vbox [25609] by vboxsync
lockvalidator.*: some more cleanup.
1:25 PM Changeset in vbox [25608] by vboxsync
iprt/magics: UINT32_C.
1:21 PM Changeset in vbox [25607] by vboxsync
iprt,pdmcritsect: Shortening and cleaning up the lock validator …
9:49 AM Changeset in vbox [25606] by vboxsync
addendum to r56287
2:30 AM Changeset in vbox [25605] by vboxsync
tstDeadlock -> tstRTLockValidator.
2:25 AM Changeset in vbox [25604] by vboxsync
iprt: More deadlock hacking.
2:11 AM Changeset in vbox [25603] by vboxsync
iprt: More lock validation code.
1:18 AM Changeset in vbox [25602] by vboxsync
iprt: More lock validation code; rewrote tstDeadlock.
12:40 AM Changeset in vbox [25601] by vboxsync
GuestProperties/service.cpp: shut up more gcc warnings.
12:38 AM Changeset in vbox [25600] by vboxsync
PDMDevHlp.cpp: Don't send VERR_DBGF_NOT_ATTACHED up the chain?
12:37 AM Changeset in vbox [25599] by vboxsync
iprt/test.h: Macro fixes and documented rcCheck usage.
12:36 AM Changeset in vbox [25598] by vboxsync
iprt/thread.h: Added RTThreadGetState, fixed busted RTThreadBlocking.
12:35 AM Changeset in vbox [25597] by vboxsync
internal/thread.h: nitpicking

Dec 30, 2009:

11:58 PM Ticket #5877 (Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) => Karmic upstart problem?) created by mazhel
sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup this solution is work for me. …
10:53 PM Changeset in vbox [25596] by vboxsync
iprt: Added new format extension: %Rbn - prints the base of a path name.
7:46 PM Ticket #5876 (have to reinstall VBox regularly) created by Alastair Scott
I am running openSUSE 11.2 x64, using KDE 4.3 as my desktop. My VBox …
4:42 PM Changeset in vbox [25595] by vboxsync
Additions/FreeBSD: OpenGL passthrough
3:07 PM Ticket #4130 (VT-x not enabled -> update your BIOS) reopened by jakepunk
I have the same symptom as mircea_vutcovici above. I am using …
2:55 PM Ticket #3075 (VBox 2.1.0 on Solaris constantly opening iconv shared objects) closed by Ramshankar Venkataraman
invalid: This is normal for converting filenames from one codeset to another.
2:50 PM Ticket #4329 (VirtualBox 3.0.0 fails to start any vm on snv_117) closed by Ramshankar Venkataraman
fixed: Significant portions of the installer were rewritten. Please reopen if …
1:50 PM Changeset in vbox [25594] by vboxsync
PCI: Bits 0-1 of the address register are reserved. Real hardware …
11:29 AM Ticket #5875 ([feature-request] Stretch resolution (Zoom-In magnifier) -> duplicate ...) created by Technologov
For low resolution guest applications (StarCraft game) there is a need …
9:13 AM Ticket #5874 (Failed to attach USB device) created by oxoocoffee
I am running Backtrack 4 (guest x32 as Linux/Ubuntu ) on Vbox …
8:10 AM Ticket #5873 (Can't attach USB Device: Apple iPod => fixed in SVN) created by Luca Morettoni
Under OpenSolaris (build snv_129) with VirtualBox 3.1.2 I can't attach …
2:58 AM Ticket #4956 (Installer fails with error 1603) reopened by efstanley
I am trying to install VirtualBox on an XP, SP 3 machine. I …
12:15 AM Ticket #5872 (64bit guests suffer fast clock drift -> fixed in SVN/3.1.4) created by airtime
Host: Intel i5 750 cpu, 8GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, VirtualBox

Dec 29, 2009:

11:25 PM Ticket #5871 (Internal networks stop passing traffic) created by Matt Kassawara
I'm attempting to simulate a dynamically routed network environment by …
9:25 PM Changeset in vbox [25593] by vboxsync
Missing Makefile
9:07 PM Changeset in vbox [25592] by vboxsync
Additions/FreeBSD: Updates for guest OpenGL
8:49 PM Ticket #5870 (VRDP does not support RDP5.2) created by Brian
According to the VBox manual vrdp section at: …
8:19 PM Ticket #5869 (Microphone input not work in Windows guest on Mac OS X host) created by Ferite
I can't launch any sound recording application (e.g. Skype) with …
7:26 PM Ticket #5868 (Media Center can not tune if Direct Sound is the output device) created by Jason T. Powell
Host is: Windows 7 64bit Gateway DX4300 6GB RAM Yuan PE583 Tuner card …
7:11 PM Changeset in vbox [25591] by vboxsync
fix for compiling against Linux 2.6.33+
4:59 PM Ticket #5068 (Windows 7 x64 VirtualBox Crash -> retry with 3.1.2) reopened by vasily Levchenko
2:12 PM Ticket #5867 (USB SHORT_XFER when using FreeNAS) created by Willi Werres
Hello, I have VirtualBox 3.1.2 under OpenSuSE 11.2 installend. Now I …
1:03 PM Changeset in vbox [25590] by vboxsync
FreeBSD/Additions: Makefile for kernel modules
12:07 PM Ticket #4519 (Can not atach USB Device (Aladdin eToken)) closed by Ramshankar Venkataraman
fixed: Fixed in VirtualBox 3.1.2. Open a new ticket for other devices that …
11:54 AM Ticket #5866 (RDP crashes Virtualbox guest [DoS]) created by nullslash
Hello, I'm trying to enable external authentications but every time I …
9:02 AM Ticket #5865 (problems with Gemplus USB SmartCard Reader on osol-130 (x64) with ...) created by risto3
Not sure how to proceed... Have checked privileges and all, but I keep …
7:07 AM Ticket #5864 (Again: hard hang of physical server) created by bauer40
Ooops, it did it again.... In five days of using VBox 3.1.2, I had …
12:36 AM Ticket #5863 (Caps lock gets turned on and shift is constantly pressed when exiting a vm) created by ratman87
Hi My default host key is right CTRL, when i press and hold right ctrl …

Dec 28, 2009:

9:40 PM Changeset in vbox [25589] by vboxsync
LsiLogic: Add SAS support for Main and Frontends
9:11 PM Ticket #1024 (guest freezes with ehci enabled) reopened by jesterfred
Version 3.0.12 r54655 hangs during boot if EHCI (USB 2.0) Support is …
8:15 PM Ticket #5862 (integrate host and guest keyboard window switching (ALT+TAB)) created by uetsah
I feel the same as the reporter of Ticket #778, about the VM instantly …
3:32 PM Changeset in vbox [25588] by vboxsync
LsiLogic: Plug a memory leak during resets
3:17 PM Changeset in vbox [25587] by vboxsync
LsiLogic: Updates for the SAS controller emulation
2:56 AM Ticket #5861 (OSX Host, Win2K Guest, host reports high system CPU use, guest reports ...) created by Ian E. Gorman
When running Windows 2000 installed for 2 CPUs in 2-CPU machine with …

Dec 27, 2009:

11:56 PM Ticket #5860 (Virtualbox v3.1.2 crash) created by klor
Virtualbox v3.1.2 crash. Crash log attached. Host: Windows XP SP3 …
11:55 PM Ticket #5859 (Virtualbox v3.1.2 crash) created by klor
Virtualbox v3.1.2 crash. Crash log attached. Host: Windows XP SP3 …
11:54 PM Ticket #5858 (Virtualbox v3.1.2 crash) created by klor
Virtualbox v3.1.2 crash Crash log attached.
10:58 PM Ticket #5857 (USB Problems in latest Release) created by Jack
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the latest version of 3.1.2 …
9:36 PM Ticket #5856 (Can not write to VBox shared folders until someone logs in) created by ToddAndMargo
Vbox 3.1.2 Host: CentOS 5.4 Guest: Windows Server 2003 as a Terminal …
7:50 PM Ticket #5855 (no USB devices can be mounted) created by hereiam
Hallo, like in this …
4:36 PM Ticket #5854 (Parallel port for guest systems (physical and virtual)) created by Kevin Marco Erler
Personally, I need guest systems for older software that only work …
4:22 PM Ticket #5853 (Cloning of Machines over GUI.) created by Kevin Marco Erler
It would be great to clone (duplicate) virtual machines (machines and …
11:49 AM Ticket #5852 (Windows 2003 Server crashes when try run application(1C:Enterprise)) created by Alexey
The system falls after attempt to start the application (1C:Enterprise)
11:34 AM Ticket #5851 (Request for "Merge" to distinquish from "Discard" with Snapshots) created by pmikep
I see this is ongoing in ticket #1040. I thought it was just me, but I …
11:02 AM Ticket #5850 (Windows XP Setup hangs when activated "Nested Paging") created by Kevin Marco Erler
English text: --------------- Since the update to version 3.1, I can …
6:46 AM Ticket #2202 (Sony eBook software) reopened by soessle
Opening up this case again. I tried the Reader Software ( …
4:10 AM Ticket #5849 (Snapshotting a running VM on iscsi leads to I/O error => fixed in SVN, ...) created by bauer40
I am running a most current debian VM on top of VBox 3.1.2 on Solaris …
3:49 AM Ticket #5848 (Incorrect OpenGL window clipping. -> Fixed in SVN) created by Jos Krahn
There are two problems with OpenGL clipping. 1) clipping is only …
2:19 AM Ticket #5847 (Lego Racer game crashes guest) created by corkypa
I tried installing an old game, Lego Racer, on a freshly instlled XP …

Dec 26, 2009:

4:46 PM Ticket #5846 (Programs that requires ProcessorID for Licensing will not function ...) created by Gabriel
I have a software that I currently use for my job that requires me to …
4:10 PM Ticket #5845 (Serial Port Settings: Not able to type into dialog (karmic ubuntu)) created by pauljmey
Using the stable karmic version. When port in enabled, text does not …
3:12 PM Ticket #3670 (Host-only network has limited or no connectivity ==> Fixed in SVN) reopened by Alessandro Marinuzzi
I'm using VBox 3.1.2 and I have the problem yet on windows seven home …
1:44 PM Ticket #5844 (guest OS windows, choking processing) created by Luis
Machine: DELL Vostro 1510. T7250 2.00 GHz, 4 GB memory. I have a VDI …
1:16 PM Ticket #5843 (HTTPS website login does not work with virtio) created by Robin Green
With my bridged adapter using virtio, I could not log in to my Google …
1:08 PM Changeset in vbox [25586] by vboxsync
PGMAllPhys.cpp: Fixed bug when entering MMIO2 pages into the physical …
12:54 PM Ticket #5842 (X can't start - unable to find initial modes -> duplicate of #5731) created by Robin Green
I installed Fedora Linux 12 in VirtualBox, and this seemed to work as …
11:22 AM Changeset in vbox [25585] by vboxsync
Better make absolutely sure the TLB entry is invalid
10:42 AM Changeset in vbox [25584] by vboxsync
Only use the physical address TLB in ring 0. (the REM already has a …
8:34 AM Ticket #5841 (VBoxHeadless does not support '-p' anymore => fixed in 3.1.2) created by Eberhard Brager
starting a VM with 'VBoxHeadless --startvm "W2008srv" -p 13389' …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.

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