

Jun 3, 2011:

8:59 PM Ticket #9019 (bonding is not working) created by rysic
When I use bonding in VirtualBox Linux host it is not working after …
7:15 PM Ticket #9018 (Windows 2000 guest BSOD KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED resulting in a ...) created by sean.dybob
Windows 2000 Fails to boot on virtualbox 4.0.8 under Ubuntu Natty …
6:08 PM Ticket #9017 (VirtualBox gives critical error and will not run) created by Chris Guest
I have VirtualBox 4.0.8 installed on a Windows 2008 R2 server. HP …
4:28 PM Changeset in vbox [37324] by vboxsync
TM,Devices: Fixed default critical section screwup and adjusted its …
4:20 PM Changeset in vbox [37323] by vboxsync
build fix and some prefix cleanup.
3:47 PM Changeset in vbox [37322] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: factor some more bits out of the keyboard event handler
3:17 PM Core_dump edited by Ramshankar Venkataraman
3:15 PM Changeset in vbox [37321] by vboxsync
build fix
3:05 PM Changeset in vbox [37320] by vboxsync
HWACCM: Slowly shortening it to 'HM' (too much uppercase typing for …
1:12 PM Changeset in vbox [37319] by vboxsync
HWACCM: Use RTOnce to serialize the enabling so that no CPU can start …
1:11 PM Changeset in vbox [37318] by vboxsync
build hack
1:08 PM Changeset in vbox [37317] by vboxsync
Additions/WINNT/Installer: English and French NLS adjustment
12:49 PM Changeset in vbox [37316] by vboxsync
IPRT: Inlined the already-done check in RTOnce().
11:51 AM Changeset in vbox [37315] by vboxsync
English NLS.
9:23 AM Changeset in vbox [37314] by vboxsync
solaris/ one sync is enough.
9:03 AM Changeset in vbox [37313] by vboxsync
RTProcWait/win: build fix
9:00 AM Changeset in vbox [37312] by vboxsync
RTProcWait/win: Don't leak opened process handles.
8:50 AM Changeset in vbox [37311] by vboxsync
rtProcWinRemovePid: Don't forget to close the process handle.
8:39 AM Changeset in vbox [37310] by vboxsync
rtThreadNativeDestroy/win: build fix
8:36 AM Changeset in vbox [37309] by vboxsync
rtThreadNativeDestroy: Close the native thread handle.
5:36 AM Ticket #9016 (SUSE 10.3 installation fails/crashes.) created by dakshiv
The installation of SUSE Linux 10.3 on Virtual Box running on Ubuntu …
2:42 AM Ticket #9015 (After installing a Goautodial Centos based distro VBx Crash) created by Gilbert Arias
After installing a Goautodial Centos based distro VBx Crash the Vbx …

Jun 2, 2011:

6:26 PM Ticket #9014 ([patch] virtualbox/ test: integer expression ...) created by ClemensFischer
'uname -rms' -> Linux i686 …
12:57 PM Ticket #9013 (Host-Only Adapter Auto Disable) created by MKrieger
In Windows having a Host-Only Network Adapter has some annoying side …
12:53 PM Changeset in vbox [37308] by vboxsync
tstVDIo: Implement support for async flushes
12:48 PM Changeset in vbox [37307] by vboxsync
Partly revert r72058, the gcc warning was fixed already
12:35 PM Changeset in vbox [37306] by vboxsync
Main: Fix building if VBOX_WITH_USB is not defined (on FreeBSD 7.4 for …
12:32 PM Changeset in vbox [37305] by vboxsync
IPRT/FreeBSD: Fix running VMs on 7.4, the sleep queue lock is released …
11:48 AM Changeset in vbox [37304] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: fix broken rendering when running any other opengl app under …
7:02 AM Ticket #9012 (Bridge device assignments unreliable if two identical NICs are ...) created by yuriks
I have two identical (same chipset and same driver) ethernet NICs …
12:15 AM Ticket #9011 (Linux Guest on Windows Host with 1 virtual CPU freezes after randomly, ...) created by David
I have 32-bit Ubuntu Linux running inside Virtualbox on a Windows 7 64 …

Jun 1, 2011:

9:56 PM Changeset in vbox [37303] by vboxsync
Installer/linux: search and replace error in r72048
9:17 PM Changeset in vbox [37302] by vboxsync
Installer/linux: re-packing was not done correctly when kernel module …
8:14 PM Ticket #9010 (VBox 4.0.x hangs x64 host for a minute on VM start) created by Szikra
VirtualBox 4.0.x hangs my host OS for a minute or so every time I …
7:57 PM Changeset in vbox [37301] by vboxsync
NetCfg: fix up for r72032
7:45 PM Changeset in vbox [37300] by vboxsync
wddm: memory leaks fixes, some cleanup
6:25 PM Ticket #9009 (gnome Bug 651656 - Complete Loss of access to desktop - gnome 3.0 and ...) created by Jim Shipman
I don't know if this is a gnome bug a Virtual Box bug, or both. It is, …
4:32 PM Changeset in vbox [37299] by vboxsync
Network/DrvVDE: make cfgm parameter case match the rest of the code …
4:30 PM Changeset in vbox [37298] by vboxsync
HWACCM: Added todo on race in HWACCMR0EnableAllCpus. Hide dummy methods.
4:18 PM Changeset in vbox [37297] by vboxsync
Runtime/r0drv/linux: mpnotification, filter off unwanted events.
3:39 PM Ticket #8962 (VBox crash after trying to restore snapshot while VM is running) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Duplicate of #8349 (even if it sounds different) and #8274. Fixed in …
2:48 PM Ticket #9008 (Shift key not working) created by Chris Berst
I am experiencing a problem with the shift key not working when a …
2:32 PM Changeset in vbox [37296] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: typo
2:20 PM Changeset in vbox [37295] by vboxsync
Runtime/r0drv/linux: Use RTThreadPreemptDisable/Enable wrappers so …
2:13 PM Ticket #8283 (Solaris 10 guest prints warnings in WIn7 host which itself is a guest ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: Sounds to me like you are talking about nested virtualization which is …
2:11 PM Changeset in vbox [37294] by vboxsync
Runtime/r0drv/linux: Fixed Mp event notifications.
2:05 PM Changeset in vbox [37293] by vboxsync
Support/SupDrv.c: release assertion.
1:34 PM Ticket #9007 (Captured/filtered USB devices are released and reacquired when guest ...) created by Donuts
Hi, Host: Xubuntu 9.10 x86, VirtualBox 4.0.8 (with PUEL extension …
1:03 PM Changeset in vbox [37292] by vboxsync
12:46 PM Changeset in vbox [37291] by vboxsync
VBoxGuest/win: comments v2
12:41 PM Changeset in vbox [37290] by vboxsync
VBoxGuest/win: comments
12:28 PM Ticket #9006 (Guest Additions: Fails to detect multiple IP addresses on the same NIC) created by Technologov
Host: Win 7 x64 + VBox 4.0.8 Guest: Windows XP + GA 4.0.8 As part of …
12:04 PM Ticket #9005 (heavily degraded SMP performance with with OS X host) created by Bayard Bell
I´ve been talking with MichalN and klaus-vb about this on #vbox-dev. …
11:59 AM Changeset in vbox [37289] by vboxsync
Windows host installaer/VBoxNetCfg: Major overhaul for supporting …
11:30 AM Changeset in vbox [37288] by vboxsync
VBoxGuest/win: IoSkip & CallDriver for PNP_QUERY IRPS
11:02 AM Changeset in vbox [37287] by vboxsync
Runtime/crypto+ssl: build fix when linking against external …
10:24 AM Changeset in vbox [37286] by vboxsync
VBoxGuest/win: complete the PNP_QUERY IRPS
9:56 AM Ticket #9004 (Neo-layout keyboard in host is not supported, regression from Bug #2595?) created by Johannes Fichtinger
I am using Virtualbox 4.0.8 on Linux Debian Host (Debian SID) with a …
9:13 AM Changeset in vbox [37285] by vboxsync
Main: right place fo VBOX_WITH_USB_VIDEO.
8:47 AM Changeset in vbox [37284] by vboxsync
OSE fix
3:04 AM Changeset in vbox [37283] by vboxsync
Main: typo.
2:56 AM Changeset in vbox [37282] by vboxsync
Main,ExtPacks/Puel/UsbWebcam: UsbWebcam intergration.
1:50 AM Ticket #9003 (Mac OS host cannot pass USB storage devices to guest OSs) created by CaptSaltyJack
I've found a bug in Mac OS VirtualBox. I was completely unable to pass …

May 31, 2011:

9:46 PM Ticket #9002 (Updating to VirtualBox 4.0.8, no longer working Error Code: ...) created by darkened_sol
After updating to VirtualBox 4.0.8, I am unable to run my virtual …
9:32 PM Changeset in vbox [37281] by vboxsync
IPRT/r0drv/solaris: Working on large page allocation optimization. …
9:31 PM Changeset in vbox [37280] by vboxsync
SUPDrv-solaris.c: ugly module loading hack for S10
8:47 PM Changeset in vbox [37279] by vboxsync
Additions/WINNT/Installer: English NLS
8:47 PM Changeset in vbox [37278] by vboxsync
Additions/WINNT/Installer: French NLS
3:47 PM Ticket #9001 (FreeBSD installation crashed, then unable to shut down or screenshot ...) created by Chris Wilson
FreeBSD 8.2 crashed during installation on VirtualBox 4.0.8 without …
3:07 PM Ticket #9000 (Windows XP spontaneously exits (VBox reports 'aborted') when starting ...) created by Kyle Towns
Hey. So I've had this problem both through using Tinychat, in a web …
2:38 PM Changeset in vbox [37277] by vboxsync
Runtime/crypto+ssl: build cleanup and fixes
1:14 PM Changeset in vbox [37276] by vboxsync
Added a VBOX_OPENSSL2 SDK that assumes supplies …
11:58 AM Ticket #8999 (crash on "controlvm poweroff", after "guestcontrol exec") created by Paolo Virtual
The following crashes on Windows XP hosts (most of the time): 1) …
11:48 AM Changeset in vbox [37275] by vboxsync
timer-r0drv-solaris.c: drop the vbi version check.
11:47 AM Changeset in vbox [37274] by vboxsync
mpnotification-r0drv-solaris.c: drop the vbi version check.
11:44 AM Changeset in vbox [37273] by vboxsync
VBoxVideo: fix opengl support for xpdm mode
11:40 AM Ticket #8998 (Memory leak in 3d x64 linux addons on windows 7 x64 host when locking ...) created by Wolfram
=== Systems === * Windows 7 x64 host * Linux (Ubuntu 11.04, x64) …
11:32 AM Ticket #8997 (Crashed when tried to open a second concurrent Virtual machine) created by Tedzdog
The first virtual machine crashed when tried to start a second …
11:28 AM Ticket #8934 (VBoxManage createvm still announces --settingsfile parameter, even ...) closed by Klaus Espenlaub
fixed: Thanks for reporting. Will be fixed with 4.0.10, and as it's only a …
10:17 AM Changeset in vbox [37272] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: remove no longer existing option from help text
9:29 AM Ticket #8909 (graphical corruption when moving windows -> X.Org bug) closed by Michael Thayer
invalid: Thanks for letting us know. I will close this ticket then. Were you …
7:42 AM Ticket #8994 (Can't run existing VM on new Sandy Bridge computer.) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: This is definitely a BIOS setup issue.
7:40 AM Ticket #8996 (Can't run existing VM on new Sandy Bridge computer.) closed by Frank Mehnert
7:39 AM Ticket #8995 (Can't run existing VM on new Sandy Bridge computer.) closed by Frank Mehnert
3:02 AM Ticket #8996 (Can't run existing VM on new Sandy Bridge computer.) created by Scott Budge
I just upgraded my computer to a i5-2500k (Sandy Bridge) processor in …
2:59 AM Ticket #8995 (Can't run existing VM on new Sandy Bridge computer.) created by Scott Budge
I just upgraded my computer to a i5-2500k (Sandy Bridge) processor in …
2:52 AM Ticket #8994 (Can't run existing VM on new Sandy Bridge computer.) created by Scott Budge
I just upgraded my computer to a i5-2500k (Sandy Bridge) processor in …

May 30, 2011:

9:55 PM Changeset in vbox [37271] by vboxsync
make r0 native-loaded code have page-alligned sections to work-around …
9:25 PM Changeset in vbox [37270] by vboxsync
IPRT/Dvm: Commit BSD disklabel support.
9:15 PM Changeset in vbox [37269] by vboxsync
AHCI: Fix return code for index/Data pair access
9:14 PM Changeset in vbox [37268] by vboxsync
BIOS: Updates for the AHCI driver
8:24 PM Ticket #8993 (Guru meditation running AROS live CD, Guru Meditation -2301 ...) created by Donuts
Hi, Host: Xubuntu 9.10 32-bit. Core 2 Duo T8100, VT-X enabled, …
7:50 PM Ticket #8992 (Guest-additions installation on GNU/Linux is PAINFUL) created by vuurmur
Installation script doesn't care about anything. * --nox11 doesn't …
7:50 PM Ticket #8991 (Virtualbox breaks virtual machines if the host dies unexpectedly) created by smeezekitty
If a virtual machine is running and the host shuts down unexpectedly …
4:39 PM Changeset in vbox [37267] by vboxsync
Build fix.
4:33 PM Changeset in vbox [37266] by vboxsync
Windows ExtPack build fix.
4:13 PM Ticket #8990 (RHEL Booting Error) created by HyunHo Jung
RHEL 5.5 x86 Installed The birth of the boot was terminated following …
3:11 PM Changeset in vbox [37265] by vboxsync
configure: ssl build fix
2:47 PM Changeset in vbox [37264] by vboxsync
Storage/ATA+AHCI: support the non-rotational medium flag
2:33 PM Changeset in vbox [37263] by vboxsync
build fix
2:13 PM Changeset in vbox [37262] by vboxsync
VBoxGuestR3LibAdditions.cpp: Don't crashin in the failure path when …
1:49 PM Changeset in vbox [37261] by vboxsync
1:46 PM Changeset in vbox [37260] by vboxsync
openssl compile fix
1:31 PM Changeset in vbox [37259] by vboxsync
Device/DrvUDPTunnel: include contributor information
1:17 PM Changeset in vbox [37258] by vboxsync
Build fix.
12:59 PM Ticket #8989 (Yum repository is not compatible with Fedora 15) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks, should be fixed. Please try again.
12:46 PM Changeset in vbox [37257] by vboxsync
12:39 PM Ticket #8989 (Yum repository is not compatible with Fedora 15) created by adhisimon
Yum repository is not compatible with Fedora 15. …
12:39 PM Changeset in vbox [37256] by vboxsync
VBoxGuestR3LibAdditions: VersionEx -> VersionExt, refacatored code.
12:35 PM Changeset in vbox [37255] by vboxsync
Installer/linux+solaris: clean up
12:09 PM Changeset in vbox [37254] by vboxsync
OpenSSL: link ssl library.
11:56 AM Changeset in vbox [37253] by vboxsync
Windows Guest Additions installer: Ask if Aero (WDDM) support should …
11:52 AM Changeset in vbox [37252] by vboxsync
Windows Guest Additions installer: Fixed deprecated define …
10:54 AM Changeset in vbox [37251] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Removed unused code and moved some functions around.
10:09 AM Changeset in vbox [37250] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Unused variable.
10:03 AM Changeset in vbox [37249] by vboxsync
SUPDrv: solaris native loading tweaking.
10:02 AM Changeset in vbox [37248] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Rewrote the allocator.
10:02 AM Changeset in vbox [37247] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Rewrote the allocator.
9:11 AM Ticket #8988 (VB 4.0.8 crash on exit (host: Windows 7; guess: Ubuntu 11.04)) created by Nikita
I just shutdowned my guess machine and got the crash. Also when the …
8:39 AM Ticket #8987 (Slow boot / high CPU load / snapshot delete stalls on 12 core Family ...) created by Jens Wilke
I have some "multiple" strange behaviours on a new host system. …
8:33 AM Changeset in vbox [37246] by vboxsync
Storage/VMDK+VDI: fix error handling when pointing to a zero size file
8:32 AM Changeset in vbox [37245] by vboxsync
Frontends/VBoxShell: adapt to 4.0 API change
8:28 AM Changeset in vbox [37244] by vboxsync
Main/VirtualBox: new method for querying the API version

May 29, 2011:

12:40 PM Ticket #8986 (fedora14 disk failures with guest additions and pae kernel) created by maninred2
I´ve set a 2core fedora14 guest with guest additions to 1 core and the …
5:57 AM Ticket #8985 (Use 'addgroup' instead of 'groupadd' in installer) created by maronz
When testing one of the generic Linux builds (e.g. …
4:56 AM Ticket #8984 (Computer Restart when connecting to VPN(PPTP)) created by haleychin
Before installation with virtual box 4.0.8, connect to VPN is fine. …

May 28, 2011:

6:10 PM Ticket #8983 (Saved Windows 7 guest will not start after changing from Fedora 14 to ...) created by poc
I reinstalled VB in my (fully updated) 64-bit Fedora 15 system, using …
4:37 PM Ticket #8982 (CoDeSys on windows xp work with time delays) created by maninred2
I´am using CoDeSys(a SoftSPS)on windows xp. The guest get delays from …
3:01 PM Ticket #8981 (PXE boot don't work after instaling virtualbox extension pack) created by agentp2
Hi, After installing virtualbox extension pack I can't boot virtual …
3:22 AM Ticket #8980 (USB unavailable to all guests on an Fedora 15 host) created by Ed Greshko
Installed the VirtualBox-4.0-4.0.8_71778_fedora15-1.x86_64.rpm and …

May 27, 2011:

4:58 PM Changeset in vbox [37243] by vboxsync
Runtime/Makefile.kmk: extpack build fix.
4:55 PM Ticket #8979 (Very slow host-only (vboxnet0) transfer) created by oxoocoffee
I have host-only setup between my host (10.6.7 x64) and guest (XP x32) …
4:17 PM Changeset in vbox [37242] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Keep the free bound-mode memory in the GVM instead of in GMM.
3:37 PM Changeset in vbox [37241] by vboxsync
ConsoleImpl2.cpp: Avoid lock order inversion issue between the VMM …
3:24 PM Changeset in vbox [37240] by vboxsync
build fix.
3:20 PM Changeset in vbox [37239] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: factor some bits out of the keyboard event handler
3:11 PM Changeset in vbox [37238] by vboxsync
2:57 PM Changeset in vbox [37237] by vboxsync
DevACPI: attempt to make the ACPI timer SMP-safe
2:50 PM Changeset in vbox [37236] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: solaris build fix.
2:50 PM Changeset in vbox [37235] by vboxsync
Storage/Makefile.kmk: Grrr! Cleaned up some unreadable mess.
1:32 PM Changeset in vbox [37234] by vboxsync
IRPT: Adding RTErrVarsSave/Restore/++ to preserve errno, …
1:31 PM Changeset in vbox [37233] by vboxsync
IRPT: Adding RTErrVarsSave/Restore/++ to preserve errno, …
11:38 AM Changeset in vbox [37232] by vboxsync
blank line
11:28 AM Changeset in vbox [37231] by vboxsync
HWACCMR0: Fixed bug in HWACCMR0EnableAllCpus, the current CPU is …
11:20 AM Changeset in vbox [37230] by vboxsync
SUPDrv.c: A couple of small cleanups.
10:47 AM Ticket #8978 (Cannot find USB Device after update 4.08 -> fixed as of 8 Jun 2011) created by careliyim
Dear Virtualbox developers, I have some problems with the updates …
9:57 AM Changeset in vbox [37229] by vboxsync
SUPDrvIOC.h: comment on offSymbol.
9:21 AM Ticket #8977 (VRDE server drawing problems with windows guests.) created by Markus Duft
I recently switched from the SDL GUI to running all VMs headless, and …
6:58 AM Ticket #8976 (Guest linux crashes) created by francescortiz
My guest machines crash randomly. After a creash a popup asks if I …
1:04 AM Ticket #8975 (Virtual Box hangs when compiling, Host Windows XP guest Linux ...) created by eddiev
This, I can solve this by turning off the sound, I did this because I …

May 26, 2011:

8:27 PM Ticket #8974 (--bootable=off doesn't apply to IDE controller) created by Bayard Bell
In deciding what's Hard Disk 0, the controller order is internal. IDE …
7:25 PM Changeset in vbox [37228] by vboxsync
SUPDrv,VMM,VBoxDD*: Implemented native loading of the angnostic …
6:53 PM Ticket #8972 ("VBoxManage modifyvm --name" fails to rename config file) closed by Frank Mehnert
6:35 PM Changeset in vbox [37227] by vboxsync
VMMR0JmpA-amd64.asm: Don't reference unused symbol.
6:19 PM Ticket #8973 ("VBoxManage modifyvm --name" fails to rename config file) created by Vladimir Marek
Machine exists and has correct config file […] ... no issue there …
6:16 PM Ticket #8972 ("VBoxManage modifyvm --name" fails to rename config file) created by Vladimir Marek
Machine exists and has correct config file $ VBoxManage showvminfo …
5:06 PM Changeset in vbox [37226] by vboxsync
VBoxMouse/VBoxGuest/win: avoid poller thread for mouse events …
4:43 PM Ticket #8971 (No audio on guest OR HOST for ubuntu on Windows 7) created by ericgyeh
Starting a guest Ubuntu machine (10.04 or 11.04) on Windows 7 not only …
4:21 PM Ticket #8970 (Failed to load unit 'pgm' (VERR_SSM_INTEGRITY_DECOMPRESSION)) created by art
Failed to load unit 'pgm' (VERR_SSM_INTEGRITY_DECOMPRESSION) occurs …
3:54 PM Ticket #8969 (Mouse clicks move mouse pointer, and mouse not properly captured) created by Andreas M. Kirchwitz
Running VirtualBox 4.0.8 (32 bit) on Fedora 14 (32 bit) with guest …
3:28 PM Ticket #8900 (Japanese keyboard layout not detected -> cosmetic) closed by Michael Thayer
wontfix: I can't actually set up a Japanese layout on my Fedora guest system …
2:49 PM Changeset in vbox [37225] by vboxsync
VBoxMouse/win: some cleanup & concurrency fuxes for NEW_PROTOCOL …
2:46 PM Ticket #8945 (fedora 15 get successiv frozen) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: And another duplicate of #8967 (or the other way around).
1:48 PM Changeset in vbox [37224] by vboxsync
RDP/client: fix OSE
1:11 PM Ticket #8968 (fedora15 final 64bit get frozen on installation) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Please do not open such duplicates. This sounds like the same problem …
1:03 PM Changeset in vbox [37223] by vboxsync
FDC: Most control commands do not generate interrupts.
1:02 PM Ticket #8968 (fedora15 final 64bit get frozen on installation) created by maninred2
It get frozen on installation packages to 2/3 (hpjis). I´ve made the …
12:25 PM Changeset in vbox [37222] by vboxsync
remove rdesktop 1.6.0
11:37 AM Ticket #8967 (fedora 15 64bit security spin get succesice frozen during update) created by maninred2
The system decreases in reaction until it got frozen completely except …
10:33 AM Changeset in vbox [37221] by vboxsync
VBoxMouse,VBoxGuest/win: NEW_PROTOCOL for mouse integration
10:18 AM Changeset in vbox [37220] by vboxsync
Main/Display: correct Framebuffer Dimensions for negative x/yOrigins
10:17 AM Solaris build instructions edited by Ramshankar Venkataraman
10:14 AM Solaris build instructions edited by Ramshankar Venkataraman
10:10 AM Solaris build instructions edited by Ramshankar Venkataraman
10:04 AM Solaris build instructions edited by Ramshankar Venkataraman
9:52 AM Changeset in vbox [37219] by vboxsync
9:46 AM Changeset in vbox [37218] by vboxsync
doc/manual: typo.
8:54 AM Changeset in vbox [37217] by vboxsync
VBoxMouse: missing part of r71849
8:50 AM Changeset in vbox [37216] by vboxsync
wddm/3d: fix google earth rendering
3:21 AM Changeset in vbox [37215] by vboxsync
Main/UsbWebcam: disabled peremeters for initialization of device & …

May 25, 2011:

10:15 PM Ticket #8966 (VM abort with 3D enabled for Fedora-15 / Gnome-3 guest) created by Kevin R. Porter
Using VirtualBox version 4.0.8 r71778 on a host system running 64-bit …
9:53 PM Ticket #8965 (OpenVPN linux bridge server no longer able to bridge to network after ...) created by James Riggs
I am running an Ubuntu 11.04 server guest OS on a windows 7 64bit …
5:19 PM Ticket #8964 (Software problem with serial port) created by Nike_spb
Hello! My host is Win 7 64b, Intel Core i5 2400 3.1 GHz, 4 Gb RAM. I …
2:39 PM Ticket #5713 (WinXP guest (32 bit) on Win7 host (64 bit) crashes when accessing 3D ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: No response, closing.
2:38 PM Changeset in vbox [37214] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Added a dedicated for empty chunks.
2:20 PM Ticket #8300 (VBox Guest Debian on debian host freezes) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks for the feedback!
1:27 PM Changeset in vbox [37213] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Harmless changes, I hope.
1:04 PM Ticket #8963 (VirtualBox Reboots Host machine randomly) created by seboch
VirtualBox Reboots Host Machine randomly. The problem looks very …
12:55 PM Ticket #8962 (VBox crash after trying to restore snapshot while VM is running) created by ddn
VM with windows 7 64bit. host os windows 7 64bit. VM has one snapshot …
11:38 AM Changeset in vbox [37212] by vboxsync
Some ASMAtomic*Size elimiation.
11:37 AM Changeset in vbox [37211] by vboxsync
Some ASMAtomic*Size elimiation.
9:55 AM Changeset in vbox [37210] by vboxsync
circbuf: make the structure abstract.
9:33 AM Changeset in vbox [37209] by vboxsync
circbuf: Use ASMAtomic*Z instead of ASMAtomic*Size because the latter …
9:22 AM Changeset in vbox [37208] by vboxsync
circbuf: code cleanup.
6:43 AM Ticket #8961 (4.0.8 - can't pxeboot to install x86_64 guest, similar to case 2536) created by google
Can't gpxe boot x86_64 guest like Centos5, menu could not be loaded. …

May 24, 2011:

11:41 PM Ticket #8960 (Virtualbox Unity Launcher Integration) created by Daniel
Hello, I've created a bash script to integrate virtualbox to the …
11:11 PM Changeset in vbox [37207] by vboxsync
wddm: more multimon & autoresize fixes
6:59 PM Ticket #8959 (Worls of warcraft startvideo and startmenu are flashingup and down(a bit)) created by maninred2
The full installation of World of Warcraft is startable with …
6:43 PM Changeset in vbox [37206] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Simplified the cleanup, let the VMs work in parallel since. …
6:33 PM Ticket #8958 (windows xp get paused when try to save the machine state) created by maninred2
I´ve tried to save a machine starte of windows xp during saving a …
5:15 PM Ticket #8957 (guest paused after resuming from host sleep) created by trcoley
Symptoms: Host (Win 7 Ultimate x64, 8 GB RAM, Quad Core i5) resumes …
4:43 PM Changeset in vbox [37205] by vboxsync
FDC: Someone misread the datasheet…
4:28 PM Changeset in vbox [37204] by vboxsync
4:12 PM Changeset in vbox [37203] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Try reduce chunk lock contention.
3:57 PM Changeset in vbox [37202] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: more build fixes for CBSTR/BSTR/wchar_t[] string …
3:46 PM Changeset in vbox [37201] by vboxsync
Main/ConsoleImpl: build fixes
3:34 PM Changeset in vbox [37200] by vboxsync
API+Frontends: Generic network attachment driver support which …
3:17 PM Changeset in vbox [37199] by vboxsync
Device/Network/UDPTunnel: build integration
3:10 PM Changeset in vbox [37198] by vboxsync
Devices/Network/DrvUDPTunnel: new network transport which sends …
2:56 PM Changeset in vbox [37197] by vboxsync
Runtime/udp: build fix
2:50 PM Changeset in vbox [37196] by vboxsync
Runtime/socket+udp: new socket functions needed to provide UDP as part …
2:00 PM Changeset in vbox [37195] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Set list selection function (no real change)
1:56 PM Guest_OSes edited by Andy Hall
Added Fedora 15 (diff)
1:41 PM Linux_Downloads edited by Frank Mehnert
1:37 PM Guest_OSes edited by Andy Hall
added Natty as a guest (diff)
1:11 PM Changeset in vbox [37194] by vboxsync
Additions/Solaris: addressed locale breakage in a better way.
1:09 PM Changeset in vbox [37193] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Use the GMMCHUNK::fFlags field to indicate large pages - saves …
12:31 PM Solaris build instructions edited by Ramshankar Venkataraman
12:20 PM Solaris build instructions edited by Ramshankar Venkataraman
12:06 PM Changeset in vbox [37192] by vboxsync
GMMR0: Use chunk level locking to avoid having to hold the giant GMM …
11:08 AM Ticket #8956 (visual problems with kernel2.6.39 xen in openSUSE) created by maninred2
there are some visual problems on bootscreen, some times on desktop …
10:42 AM Ticket #4434 (e1000: eth0: e1000_clean_tx_irq: Detected Tx Unit Hang) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: No response, closing.
5:47 AM Changeset in vbox [37191] by vboxsync
Audio/HDA: takes alignment into account, when restoring v1 snapshots. …
4:40 AM Ticket #8955 (VB 4.0.8 hangs sometime at the end of shutdown and crashes after close ...) created by Nikita
I have Windows 7 x64 as my host machine. My guest machine is Ubuntu …
3:23 AM Changeset in vbox [37190] by vboxsync
Audio/HDA: loading V1 saved state. (xTracker/5704).
1:54 AM Ticket #8954 (Unable to delete files from shared folder) created by robert
I tried to delete files from shared files, but it said "can't find the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.

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