

Mar 21, 2017:

9:59 PM Ticket #16593 (VM window size not being restored for jessie VMs -> fixed in releases ...) created by Bard0
Host is jessie (debian 8), VBox version is 5.1.18 (just recently …
7:34 PM Changeset in vbox [66188] by vboxsync
build fix
6:04 PM Ticket #16592 (Processor Core on 100% with VirtualBox) created by jcsanjos
When the VM start the process turn 100%. This produces processor heating.
5:44 PM Ticket #16591 (Error while installing a FUEL system using VirtualBox with Windows 10) created by joakinball
Trying to install FUEL system I am finding a problem as Problem …
5:34 PM Changeset in vbox [66187] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: allow to accept the license by command line parameter
5:31 PM Changeset in vbox [66186] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: allow to accept the license by command line parameter
5:24 PM Changeset in vbox [66185] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: allow to accept the license by command line parameter
5:22 PM Changeset in vbox [66184] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: Partially switched to max bit-count workers.
4:26 PM Changeset in vbox [66183] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Refactoring some of help-classes like cache …
4:23 PM VBoxLogging edited by Frank Mehnert
3:18 PM Changeset in vbox [66182] by vboxsync
bs3kit: bs3-mode-TestDoModes*Stub.asm wtf?
3:17 PM Changeset in vbox [66181] by vboxsync
bs3kit: bs3-mode-TestDoModes*Stub.asm cleanups.
3:02 PM Changeset in vbox [66180] by vboxsync
bs3kit: typo.
2:51 PM Changeset in vbox [66179] by vboxsync
bs3kit: Added Bs3TestDoModesByMax.
1:46 PM Changeset in vbox [66178] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: Simplified VBOX_WITH_GCC_SANITIZER nonsense in …
1:44 PM Changeset in vbox [66177] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: Simplify VBOX_WITH_GCC_SANITIZER / …
1:30 PM Ticket #16590 (extension pack breaks safari and unlock on Mac OSX) created by Dave Geysemans
I installed the extension pack (latest downloaded from the website) …
11:25 AM Changeset in vbox [66176] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Machine settings: Some doxy & coding-style.
11:05 AM Changeset in vbox [66175] by vboxsync
bs3kit: Preparing for new Bs3TestDoModes style API that uses worker …
11:05 AM Ticket #16589 (Raw mode release assertion) created by Brianetta
Ubuntu Linux 16.04 server as guest, Windows 7 as host Virtualbox …
10:20 AM Changeset in vbox [66174] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: split main function
9:10 AM Changeset in vbox [66173] by vboxsync
bugref:8527. Added a paragraph to the user manual about the command …
7:37 AM Ticket #16576 (Virtualbox Guest Additions FTBFS on Kernel 4.10 - memobj-r0drv-linux.c) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: Thanks for letting me know.
1:44 AM Ticket #16588 (Guru Meditation (VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT))) created by RG
I am facing a guru meditation error as soon as I start my virtual …

Mar 20, 2017:

11:36 PM Changeset in vbox [66172] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: Adding SSE testing (work in progress)…
6:17 PM Ticket #10620 (screen locks in host OS, despite actively working in fullscreen guest OS) reopened by Andrew Schulman
I have this problem with Virtualbox 5.1.18-114002~Ubuntu~xenial, …
2:44 PM Ticket #16587 (Critical error while running VM) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Duplicate of #15801.
2:42 PM Changeset in vbox [66171] by vboxsync
bugref:8019: Undefined behaviour sanitiser: clean up the …
2:35 PM Changeset in vbox [66170] by vboxsync
bugref:8019: Undefined behaviour sanitiser: disable the leak check …
2:29 PM Ticket #16587 (Critical error while running VM) created by pepetrueno
A critical error has occured while running virtual machine and the …
2:20 PM Ticket #16586 (Guru Meditation -2701 (VERR_VMM_RING0_ASSERTION) on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS) created by Someone
One of our Production-VMs (the gateway) just crashed with this error …
2:18 PM Changeset in vbox [66169] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Global preferences: Refactoring some of help-classes like cache …
1:40 PM Changeset in vbox [66168] by vboxsync
bs3kit: Added lower case mode name global variables and getter.
1:24 PM Ticket #16585 (guest additions initscripts should be more flexible) created by Timothe Litt
Adding options to the virtualbox guest additions startup requires …
1:20 PM Changeset in vbox [66167] by vboxsync
bs3kit: Added ASMCpuIdExSlow.asm.
11:46 AM Ticket #16584 (Trying to start a VM that worked and got the following thrown...) created by FloydB
NamedPipe#0 failed to bind to local socket …
11:09 AM Changeset in vbox [66166] by vboxsync
pdmstorageifs.h,DrvVD.cpp: Add region descriptor API for media which …
11:06 AM Changeset in vbox [66165] by vboxsync
DrvHostBase: Implement basic version of the IMEDIA region descriptor API
10:47 AM Changeset in vbox [66164] by vboxsync
VSCSI/MMC: Support getting only specific features when indicated in …
10:07 AM Ticket #16575 (Installing Guest Additions Fails) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: The VirtualBox Guest Additions come as universal package which will …
8:35 AM Changeset in vbox [66163] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Settings: A bit of doxygen refactoring at least which was …
8:06 AM Ticket #16582 (VB Critical Error: emR3Debug: rc=VERR_IEM_INSTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) closed by Frank Mehnert
7:53 AM Ticket #16580 (VB Critical Error: emR3Debug: rc=VERR_IEM_INSTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) closed by Frank Mehnert

Mar 19, 2017:

7:34 PM Ticket #16583 (Disk information are not being flushed from VBoxSVC's memory to the ...) created by Anderson M. Gomes
I have a set of VHD files from a virtual machine that was created in a …
11:29 AM Ticket #16582 (VB Critical Error: emR3Debug: rc=VERR_IEM_INSTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) created by arthur_J
Ran Windows7 on 5.1.14 with no issues. Then... Installed 5.1.16 and VB …
11:28 AM Ticket #16581 (Scaled mode: documentation explains different) created by ddixuike
Previously, the 'Keep Aspect Ratio' feature was present in scale mode …
11:25 AM Ticket #16580 (VB Critical Error: emR3Debug: rc=VERR_IEM_INSTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) created by arthur_J
Ran Windows7 on 5.1.14 with no issues. Then... Installed 5.1.16 and VB …
12:59 AM Ticket #16579 (In a random time sonds stop working) created by FxEd
After the machine has started, takes some time, but eventually there …

Mar 18, 2017:

10:03 PM Changeset in vbox [66162] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: Test more memory encodings.
6:24 PM Ticket #16578 (When starting VB the titlebar is off screen) created by pquiring
I move from different screen sizes and when I start VB on a large res …
4:47 PM Changeset in vbox [66161] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: Test more encodings.
10:38 AM Ticket #16577 (VirtualBox Networking causing BSOD) created by TurboJens
After installation of VirtualBox I see very often BSOD with error …

Mar 17, 2017:

10:42 PM Changeset in vbox [66160] by vboxsync
IEM: Mark instructions allowing lock prefix use (incomplete).
10:22 PM Ticket #16576 (Virtualbox Guest Additions FTBFS on Kernel 4.10 - memobj-r0drv-linux.c) created by David C Rankin
Attempting to update virtualbox guest additions for Linux guests …
10:16 PM Changeset in vbox [66159] by vboxsync
IEM,bs3-cpu-generated-1: Implemented the BOUND instruction and …
10:15 PM Changeset in vbox [66158] by vboxsync
Bs3SelFar32ToFlat32: V86 mode fix.
4:46 PM Guest_resizing edited by Michael Thayer
X.Org/Wayland Guest Additions (diff)
4:27 PM Guest_resizing edited by Michael Thayer
Information about the Windows Additions (diff)
4:14 PM Linux_Downloads edited by Klaus Espenlaub
3:47 PM Changeset in vbox [66157] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: when installing the ExtPack, show the license and ask the …
2:41 PM Changeset in vbox [66156] by vboxsync
vmR3EmulationThreadWithId: Shadow variable warning fix.
2:38 PM Changeset in vbox [66155] by vboxsync
vmR3EmulationThreadWithId: Need to check both pVM and pVCpu are …
2:33 PM Ticket #16575 (Installing Guest Additions Fails) created by hgc
I have VBox 5.1.18 installed. I run up to 12 different distros of …
1:17 PM Ticket #16460 (Many crashes) closed by Frank Mehnert
11:15 AM Changeset in vbox [66154] by vboxsync
bios: Use port defintion from VBox/bios.h.
10:54 AM Changeset in vbox [66153] by vboxsync
DevPcBios: doxygen fix
10:19 AM Changeset in vbox [66152] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: bugref:8718: Don't check for ExtPack update if the GUI was …

Mar 16, 2017:

11:49 PM Ticket #16574 (Win7 Pro lockup using WDDM and Aeroglass Decorations) created by David C Rankin
All, I have openSuSE x86_64 host and Win7 32-bit guest. I …
10:55 PM Changeset in vbox [66151] by vboxsync
DevPcBios.cpp: Fixed incorrect SSMR3GetStruct call (corrupted pThis on …
10:46 PM Changeset in vbox [66150] by vboxsync
DevPcBios.cpp: Use VBox/bios.h.
10:41 PM Changeset in vbox [66149] by vboxsync
Added VBox/bios.h and VBox/bios.mac (generated) and changed the …
10:23 PM Changeset in vbox [66148] by vboxsync
kmk -f Maintenance.kmk incs
10:19 PM Changeset in vbox [66147] by vboxsync
please just skip the #endif comments if you cannot get it right.
9:14 PM Changeset in vbox [66146] by vboxsync
Devices/BIOS: update alternative code
8:10 PM Changeset in vbox [66145] by vboxsync
bootsectors: Relocated shutdown port.
6:01 PM Changeset in vbox [66144] by vboxsync
Storage/CUE: build fixes (documentation)
5:44 PM Changeset in vbox [66143] by vboxsync
Storage/CUE: build fixes (unused function)
5:38 PM Changeset in vbox [66142] by vboxsync
Storage/CUE: build fixes
5:34 PM Changeset in vbox [66141] by vboxsync
Storage/CUE: Build fixes
5:29 PM Changeset in vbox [66140] by vboxsync
Storage: Add backend to handle CUE/BIN images (not yet working as the …
5:22 PM Changeset in vbox [66139] by vboxsync
vd.h: Typo
4:27 PM Changeset in vbox [66138] by vboxsync
IEM: Implemented AAS.
4:27 PM Changeset in vbox [66137] by vboxsync
IEM: Implemented AAS.
4:17 PM Ticket #16495 (VirtualBox causes BSOD after installing visual studio 2015) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: Please reopen if still relevant.
3:57 PM Changeset in vbox [66136] by vboxsync
IEM: Implemented AAA.
3:53 PM Changeset in vbox [66135] by vboxsync
IEM: Implemented AAA.
3:45 PM Changeset in vbox [66134] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: Deal with instructions not available in 64-bit …
2:27 PM Changeset in vbox [66133] by vboxsync
Devices/PC/DevPcBios: fix copy/paste bug
2:27 PM Changeset in vbox [66132] by vboxsync
IEM: Some more ADC testcases.
2:24 PM Changeset in vbox [66131] by vboxsync
IEM: Some more ADC testcases.
2:21 PM Changeset in vbox [66130] by vboxsync
Devices/PC/DevPcBios+Devices/PC/BIOS/apm.c: relocate the APM shutdown …
2:10 PM Changeset in vbox [66129] by vboxsync
IEM: Some OR testcases.
2:10 PM Changeset in vbox [66128] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: python type fix.
2:09 PM Changeset in vbox [66127] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: python type fix.
2:06 PM Changeset in vbox [66126] by vboxsync
Main/Machine+Snapshot+Appliance+StorageController: eliminate the …
2:00 PM Changeset in vbox [66125] by vboxsync
bugref:8019: Undefined behaviour sanitiser: add a build option …
1:34 PM Changeset in vbox [66124] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1,IEM: More tests, fixed rAX,Iz testing bug.
1:16 PM Ticket #11802 (Enable user to set a separate directory for current state) reopened by anonymous1
It's still relevant. Reopening.
11:06 AM Changeset in vbox [66123] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: Implemented testing instructions taking GV,Ev or …
10:33 AM Download_Old_Builds_5_0 edited by Frank Mehnert
10:31 AM Download_Old_Builds_5_1 edited by Frank Mehnert
10:28 AM Changelog-5.0 edited by Frank Mehnert
10:08 AM Changeset in vbox [66122] by vboxsync
Main/svcmain: typo fix
9:44 AM Changeset in vbox [66121] by vboxsync
Main/svcmain: cleanups, make functions static and use IPRT where …
9:19 AM Ticket #16004 (Windows 7 guest crash blue screan) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thank you for the information!
9:07 AM Ticket #16570 (Os X on AMD processor (AMD-v enabled and HyperV installed) failing to boot) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: This defect is about Mac OS X guests running on AMD hardware. This …
9:05 AM Ticket #16568 (VBox 5.1.16 cannot mount shared directories (Win host, Ubuntu guest)) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 5.1.18.
9:05 AM Ticket #16544 (VB v5.1.16 continually crashes with Win7 VM and IAR (shared folders)) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Should be really fixed with VBox 5.1.18.
9:01 AM Ticket #16570 (Os X on AMD processor (AMD-v enabled and HyperV installed) failing to boot) reopened by AleksAndros
I know that and I'm assuming the risk. Besides that, I don't think …
8:33 AM Ticket #16573 (Wrong date for 5.1.18 release notes on Changelog) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks!
8:32 AM Ticket #16571 (Typo: vbox 5.1.18 will be released in August 2017, according to changelog) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks for the report!
8:31 AM Ticket #16570 (Os X on AMD processor (AMD-v enabled and HyperV installed) failing to boot) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: I'm sorry, Mac OS X guests are not supported on non-Apple hardware for …
8:17 AM Changelog-5.1 edited by Frank Mehnert
8:17 AM Changelog-5.1 edited by Frank Mehnert
8:17 AM Changelog-5.1 edited by Frank Mehnert
6:52 AM Ticket #16573 (Wrong date for 5.1.18 release notes on Changelog) created by itc
The line […] should probably read […]
6:32 AM Ticket #16572 (shared folders can not be mount) created by Alex175
I use Linux Mint LMDE2 (Jessie) as Host with some Linux Guests. Since …
5:38 AM Ticket #16571 (Typo: vbox 5.1.18 will be released in August 2017, according to changelog) created by F
Hi, The release notes for 5.1.18 …
12:40 AM Ticket #16570 (Os X on AMD processor (AMD-v enabled and HyperV installed) failing to boot) created by AleksAndros
I guess this is piece of cake for you, but still couldn't find the …

Mar 15, 2017:

8:17 PM Ticket #16545 (Changing optical device attachment propagates back into previous ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fixed in VBox 5.1.18.
8:16 PM Ticket #15904 (Regression: auto logon fails after update from 5.0) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fixed in VBox 5.1.18.
8:15 PM Ticket #14955 (Ubuntu 15.10 vboxautostart-service stop does not work) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fixed in VBox 5.1.18.
8:15 PM Ticket #16564 (Shared folder mount fails with "No such file or directory" after upgrade) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fixed in VBox 5.1.18.
8:14 PM Ticket #14651 (Shared folders with long path are not mounted properly) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fixed in VBox 5.1.18.
8:14 PM Ticket #16549 (Shared folder became case sensitive after update to 5.1.16 (Centos 7.3 ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Fixed in VBox 5.1.18.
8:06 PM WikiStart edited by Frank Mehnert
8:06 PM Linux_Downloads edited by Frank Mehnert
8:05 PM Downloads edited by Frank Mehnert
7:59 PM Changeset in vbox [66120] by vboxsync
IPRT/RTThreadWait: Quick and dirty workaround for Ctrl-C deadlock with …
7:30 PM Changelog-5.1 edited by Frank Mehnert
7:23 PM Changeset in vbox [66119] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: Implemented testing instructions taking rAX,Iz as …
7:04 PM Changeset in vbox [66118] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: Implemented testing instruction taking AL,Ib as …
6:24 PM Changeset in vbox [66117] by vboxsync
bs3kit: Made Bs3TestFailed* return false as that's more convenient …
4:22 PM Ticket #16569 (Booting GhostBSD from ISO on OSX: Guru Meditation ...) created by betabrain
Start VM with this ISO and a 13GB VDI attached. The VDI is on a USB …
4:19 PM Changeset in vbox [66116] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1,IEM: updates.
4:18 PM Changeset in vbox [66115] by vboxsync
bs3-cmn-TestSub.c: Must reset the sub-test reported flag.
3:41 PM Changeset in vbox [66114] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1,IEM: updates.
3:25 PM Ticket #16568 (VBox 5.1.16 cannot mount shared directories (Win host, Ubuntu guest)) created by adamsolymos
After updating to VirtualBox 5.1.16 (it forced to update to …
2:32 PM Changeset in vbox [66113] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1,IEM: updates.
2:28 PM Changeset in vbox [66112] by vboxsync
bs3kit: Override DECLASM for 64-bit GCC targets to ensure we use the …
2:07 PM Changeset in vbox [66111] by vboxsync
bs3kit: work around va_list trouble with 64-bit gcc.
1:50 PM Ticket #16405 (Ubuntu not booting after GuestAdditions update) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: Thanks for the information!
1:12 PM Ticket #16567 (VirtualBox 5.1.16 crashes when I open any file on the shared folder) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Duplicate of #16549.
12:18 PM Changeset in vbox [66110] by vboxsync
Storage/VD: Implement infrastructure for region lists to be able to …
11:57 AM Ticket #16567 (VirtualBox 5.1.16 crashes when I open any file on the shared folder) created by Une
As wrote in the summary, VirtualBox 5.1.16 crashes when I open any …
11:03 AM Changelog-5.0 edited by Frank Mehnert
10:59 AM Ticket #15964 (Create snapshot) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: The responsible device is the NVMe controller. This was fixed in VBox …
10:52 AM Changeset in vbox [66109] by vboxsync
Additions/VBoxCredProv: Fix for creating the Kerberos logon package. …
10:30 AM Ticket #16561 (UI/mouse lag (windows&linux guests on macos sierra host) -> duplicate ...) closed by Michael Thayer
duplicate: Duplicate of #16436. iustinn, please add a comment there, answering …
10:08 AM Changeset in vbox [66108] by vboxsync
Devices/VMMDev: trailing spaces
10:07 AM Changeset in vbox [66107] by vboxsync
Additions/linux/shardfolders: trailing spaces
10:07 AM Changeset in vbox [66106] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: trailing spaces
10:06 AM Changeset in vbox [66105] by vboxsync
Main: trailing spaces and a wrong indent
10:06 AM Changeset in vbox [66104] by vboxsync
VMM: trailing spaces
9:45 AM Changeset in vbox [66103] by vboxsync
Main: bugref:5454: don't enable the 64-bit prefetch resource window in …
9:23 AM Changeset in vbox [66102] by vboxsync
bs3-cpu-generated-1: updates
8:49 AM Ticket #16566 (When starting Windows virtual machine ( bootable iso image ) in ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: Please reopen if you can provide a VBox.log file for that VM session …
4:26 AM Ticket #16566 (When starting Windows virtual machine ( bootable iso image ) in ...) created by LB
1:51 AM Ticket #16565 (5.1.16 Guest Additions render CentOS7 VM unusable) created by crowmastr
After upgrading to 5.1.16 from 5.1.12, CentOS 7 fails to boot due to …

Mar 14, 2017:

10:55 PM Ticket #16564 (Shared folder mount fails with "No such file or directory" after upgrade) created by Aleko
I have a Windows 10 host and several Linux (mostly Ubuntu) virtual …
10:26 PM Ticket #16563 (Could not create the medium storage) created by Xerxes
I've installed VirtualBox 5.1.16 r113841 (Qt5.5.1) on a new …
7:15 PM Changeset in vbox [66101] by vboxsync
SharedFolders: Some adjustments necessary for flexible array syntax in …
7:09 PM Changeset in vbox [66100] by vboxsync
iprt/cdefs.h: Added RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_IN_UNION and …
7:06 PM Changeset in vbox [66099] by vboxsync
SharedFolders: Some adjustments necessary for flexible array syntax in …
7:04 PM Changeset in vbox [66098] by vboxsync
iprt/cdefs.h: Added RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_IN_UNION and …
5:15 PM Ticket #16562 (mouse locks up in (some) VMs after some uptime when using vbox after 5.1.10) created by Harry M
Using 5.1.12 or later on a CentOS 6.8 host, certain VMs experience a …
5:07 PM Ticket #16561 (UI/mouse lag (windows&linux guests on macos sierra host) -> duplicate ...) created by iustinn
Hi, never opened a bug ticket so far so I hope I will be clear. I use …
3:23 PM Changeset in vbox [66097] by vboxsync
VMM: EMT(0) must wait on any other EMTs before destroying the VM or we …
3:20 PM Changeset in vbox [66096] by vboxsync
VMM: EMT(0) must wait on any other EMTs before destroying the VM or we …
3:10 PM Changeset in vbox [66095] by vboxsync
CPUMR3CpuId.cpp: Detect AMD Ryzen.
2:49 PM Changeset in vbox [66094] by vboxsync
Additions/linux: don't ignore build errors for vboxvideo
2:31 PM Ticket #16560 (Multiple password prompts for encrypted drives) created by Nils
Hello, I have a debian VM (windows 7 host) which is in encrypted drive …
2:09 PM Changeset in vbox [66093] by vboxsync
Additions/linux/drm: not needed here
2:07 PM Changeset in vbox [66092] by vboxsync
SharedFolders: testcase build fix.
2:03 PM Changeset in vbox [66091] by vboxsync
SharedFolders: fixed regression with Windows extended-length paths.
2:02 PM Changeset in vbox [66090] by vboxsync
SharedFolders: helper function for Windows extended-length paths.
12:56 PM Changeset in vbox [66089] by vboxsync
iprt/cdefs.h: Another RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY note reading unions and gcc.
12:54 PM Changeset in vbox [66088] by vboxsync
VBox/shflsvc.h: There should be no reason to pack SHFLSTRING, it's …
12:53 PM Changeset in vbox [66087] by vboxsync
VBox/shflsvc.h: There should be no reason to pack SHFLSTRING, it's …
12:51 PM Changeset in vbox [66086] by vboxsync
iprt/cdefs.h: gcc 6.1 seems to be the cut-off for using [] arrays in …
12:29 PM Changeset in vbox [66085] by vboxsync
doc/manual: show that Linux 4.x is supported as well of course
12:15 PM Changeset in vbox [66084] by vboxsync
Additions/linux/drm: another try to prevent compiling this module on …
11:12 AM Changeset in vbox [66083] by vboxsync
iprt/cdefs.h: RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY: g++ 5.4.0 throws pedantic warning …
11:05 AM Changeset in vbox [66082] by vboxsync
Additions/linux/drm: sledgehammer for Linux 2.4
10:52 AM Changeset in vbox [66081] by vboxsync
iprt/cdefs.h: RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY: g++ 4.9.x throws pedantic warning …
10:42 AM Changeset in vbox [66080] by vboxsync
10:40 AM Changeset in vbox [66079] by vboxsync
iprt/cdefs.h: Added RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_NESTED to deal with MSC/GCC …
10:12 AM Changeset in vbox [66078] by vboxsync
HostDrivers/linux/Makefile: don't ignore build errors in vboxnetftl / …
10:10 AM Changeset in vbox [66077] by vboxsync
Additions/linux: fail if compiling the vboxsf kernel module fails but …
9:34 AM Changeset in vbox [66076] by vboxsync
9:30 AM Changeset in vbox [66075] by vboxsync
Devices/Storage/DrvHostBase-win: Wait for the media change thread to …
8:59 AM Changeset in vbox [66074] by vboxsync
Installer/linux/vboxautostart-service: don't pass --background to …
8:02 AM Ticket #16559 (Mouse pointer misaligned) created by peterka
Host Windows 7, guest Fedora 25, VirtualBox 5.1.16 Two displays …
7:13 AM MouseInput edited by Michael Thayer
Added standard request for feedback and improvements (diff)
7:09 AM MouseInput edited by Michael Thayer
Added quick jump tags (whatever the proper name is) (diff)
7:07 AM Technical_documentation edited by Michael Thayer
Moved "Core_dump" to "Debugging" (diff)

Mar 13, 2017:

8:26 PM Changeset in vbox [66073] by vboxsync
build fix
8:15 PM Changeset in vbox [66072] by vboxsync
HostDrivers, Additions: remove more rules for compiling Linux R0 modules
8:04 PM Changeset in vbox [66071] by vboxsync
Additions/linux: remove more hacks
8:01 PM Changeset in vbox [66070] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: remove TEMPLATE_VBOXR0DRV_TOOL for Linux. The hack for …
7:53 PM Changeset in vbox [66069] by vboxsync
HostDriver: copy and paste
6:57 PM Changeset in vbox [66068] by vboxsync
bugref:8527. Splitted the command "./VBoxManage unattended". Added two …
6:51 PM Changeset in vbox [66067] by vboxsync
bugref:8527. Added a new attribute "fileWithPreparedData" into the …
5:27 PM Ticket #16558 (missing menu item to enable/disable virtual screen) created by smichel
While Debian Linux Virtualbox machine running on windows 7 host with 3 …
5:17 PM Changeset in vbox [66066] by vboxsync
HostDrivers, Additions: !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS
5:08 PM Ticket #16336 (VirtualBox crashed) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks Achim. The original log file showed that you are used a Windows …
4:30 PM Ticket #16538 (Must be crash) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: Please reopen this ticket once you can provide proper information.
4:29 PM Changeset in vbox [66065] by vboxsync
Devices/Storage/VSCSI: Make sure the additional allocated segments are …
4:25 PM Changeset in vbox [66064] by vboxsync
iprt/cdefs.h: Adding a RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY macro.
4:20 PM Changeset in vbox [66063] by vboxsync
Devices/Storage/VSCSI: Implement READ CD command for MMC driver
4:19 PM Changeset in vbox [66062] by vboxsync
Main/ConsoleImpl: Set the passthrough flag only for DVD and floppy …
3:09 PM Changeset in vbox [66061] by vboxsync
HostDrivers,Additions: don't test build the Linux host/guest kernel …
2:44 PM Ticket #15790 (Guru Meditaion (VERR_IEM_INSTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, clflush)) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 5.1.16.
2:42 PM Ticket #15798 (VirtualBox 5.1.2 Crashes Win 7 Pro x64 Every 20 min or so) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Duplicate of #15801.
1:51 PM Changeset in vbox [66060] by vboxsync
VMM: Nested Hw.virt: Solaris build fix
1:19 PM Ticket #16557 (Case sensitive path names under Windows 7) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Duplicate of #16549.
1:09 PM Ticket #16557 (Case sensitive path names under Windows 7) created by Hans42
Hi, I have an issue after I upgraded my vbox to 5.1.16. The host is …
12:47 PM Changeset in vbox [66059] by vboxsync
Installer/win: fix
11:53 AM Changeset in vbox [66058] by vboxsync
Devices/Storage/VSCSI: Add possiblity for the LUN to attach opaque …
8:10 AM Ticket #16556 (Guru Meditation (VERR_IEM_INSTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, movss xmm)) created by Keith Yip
The VM crashed twice today after I updated VB. The last action I did …
4:35 AM Ticket #16555 (Windows 10 guest crashes during USB disk access after upgrade to v5.1.16) created by S_Vbox_User
I have been running a Windows 10 Pro 64-bit virtual machine on my …

Mar 12, 2017:

10:44 PM Changeset in vbox [66057] by vboxsync
Devices/Storage/DevATA: Fix booting BeOS from a physical disc with …
10:52 AM Ticket #14651 (Shared folders with long path are not mounted properly) reopened by estani
Regression in Version 5.1.16 r113841 (Qt5.6.2) @ Windows 7 [Version …
9:34 AM Ticket #16554 (VirtualBox on Windows 10 leaks hostonlyifs, turning them into ...) created by rezroo
It has happened twice now on my machine. The first time I lost …

Mar 11, 2017:

1:47 PM Ticket #16553 (Virtual Machines running very slowly) created by GMullin
Hi there, Apologies if this turns out to be something trivial, but I …
8:51 AM Ticket #16552 (Guest is super sloooow) created by Mungo
Don't know why Win XP and 7 (64bit) are both super slow! macOS Sierra …
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