

Jan 16, 2013:

5:05 PM Ticket #11397 (Clipboard stops working) created by cruvis
The clipboard stops working completely (not just host<->guest, but on …
2:36 PM Ticket #11396 (VM crahes and guru starts) created by MaBerl
I am running a WinXP guest on a Mac OS X host and every time I start …
1:25 PM Changeset in vbox [44308] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Another GUI uuid fix according to defect #5744.
1:25 PM Changeset in vbox [44307] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: One more global extra-data handling fix according to defect #5744.
1:16 PM Changeset in vbox [44306] by vboxsync
wined3d: 1.fix shader gen 2.use vboxogl PixelFormat API directly
12:01 PM Changeset in vbox [44305] by vboxsync
VboxTray/VideoMode: Dynamic configuration of secondary monitor for …
11:54 AM Changeset in vbox [44304] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 6569: Make sure all the NLS strings related to VM selector are …
11:47 AM Changeset in vbox [44303] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Global extra-data handling fix according to defect #5744.
11:39 AM Ticket #11395 (virtualbox-4.2_4.2.6-82870 64bit crashes host (Ubuntu 12.10 64bit) ...) created by jbeiter
Ubuntu 12.10 64bit Kernel: 3.5.0-17-generic Virtualbox: …
11:05 AM Changeset in vbox [44302] by vboxsync
Runtime: work around gcc bug 55940, see public ticket 11035

Jan 15, 2013:

9:16 PM Ticket #11394 (VBoxSvc goes to 100% CPU for idle Linux Guest on Windows 7 64-bit Host) created by Captain Crunch
1. Install new VirtualBox guest, 32-bit OpenSUSE 12.2, using the …
5:09 PM Changeset in vbox [44301] by vboxsync
Test suite build fix.
4:20 PM Changeset in vbox [44300] by vboxsync
Windows build fixes.
3:27 PM Ticket #11393 (Graphical issue with Create Virtual Machine) created by SHume
When creating a new VM from Virtual Box on a Windows 7 64bit Pro host. …
2:58 PM Changeset in vbox [44299] by vboxsync
RTTar: Implemented simple extraction (-x).
2:54 PM Changeset in vbox [44298] by vboxsync
Implemented RTFileSetOwner on non-windows systems.
2:26 PM Ticket #4657 (VB network would mess up internet connexion.) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
2:25 PM Ticket #4640 (Error on Windows Vista (64bit) Host when trying to create new virtual drive) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
2:24 PM Ticket #4644 (Ubuntu 9.10 host hangs with "task VBoxHeadless:pid blocked for more ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Should be obsolete. Since some versions, VirtualBox uses uncached …
2:20 PM Ticket #4523 (Can't move the VirtualBox window using the keyboard) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
2:14 PM Changeset in vbox [44297] by vboxsync
VBoxTray: fix ChangeDisplaySettingsEx ref
2:12 PM Changeset in vbox [44296] by vboxsync
VBoxTray: some auto-resize cleanup & todos/questions
1:30 PM Changeset in vbox [44295] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: VM Selector: Chooser-view: Avoid group-item excessive update.
12:02 PM Changeset in vbox [44294] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: VM selector: Chooser-view / Details-view cleanup.
11:53 AM Ticket #11392 (stuck key in the guest) created by Mihai Hanor
Host: Windows 7 SP1 x64 Guests: Windows 7 SP1 x86, Windows 8 x86, …
9:54 AM Ticket #11391 (OpenBSD 5.2 x64 Guru Meditation (VERR_VMX_INVALID_GUEST_STATE) on boot) created by rangercej
Host Environment: * OS: Windows 7 32-bit * CPU: Intel Core i3 M350 * …
8:27 AM Changeset in vbox [44293] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: warning
6:10 AM Changeset in vbox [44292] by vboxsync
NetFlt/Linux: Minor fix for kfree_skb usage (#6539)

Jan 14, 2013:

9:55 PM Changeset in vbox [44291] by vboxsync
build fix
9:49 PM Changeset in vbox [44290] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: saved state fixes & improvements
9:38 PM Ticket #11390 (abrt oops when copying file to VirtualBox shared folder => Fixed in SVN) created by unxguru
I have VirtualBox 4.2.6 running on a Windows 7 x86_64 host with a …
9:36 PM Changeset in vbox [44289] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: saved state restoration fix
6:22 PM Changeset in vbox [44288] by vboxsync
Eliminate last use of CombinedProgress class etc xtracker id id 6167
4:44 PM Ticket #4371 (Can't remove all broken CD/DVD Images in Virtual Media Manager (greyed out)) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still reproducible with VBox 4.2.6.
4:43 PM Ticket #4254 (graphics corruption when using xorg-server-1.6) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
4:42 PM Ticket #3960 (enhancement: optionally allow disk snapshots to be co-located with ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Obsolete.
4:40 PM Ticket #4193 (WXP guest neither "Saved" nor "Running") closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
4:39 PM Ticket #4027 (I can't connect to the internet on Virtualbox Windows XP) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
4:37 PM Ticket #3684 (Importing/Commiting into Subversion 1.6 freezes the Ubuntu guest) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
4:36 PM Ticket #3691 (Drop-down menu does not disappear when moving VBox window) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
4:35 PM Ticket #3556 (Cannot unlock guest VHD) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
4:33 PM Ticket #2668 (USB problem) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Probably obsolete.
3:17 PM Changeset in vbox [44287] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: adapt the code for split Linux kernel sources to recent …
1:32 PM Ticket #11389 (Create new disk in Virtual Media Manager) created by Dudytz
If possible, please, consider to add a button in the Virtual Media …
1:24 PM Changeset in vbox [44286] by vboxsync
iprt/rm: Some corrections and optimizations.
1:11 PM Changeset in vbox [44285] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: VM Selector: Chooser-view: Avoid machine-item excessive update.
12:47 PM Ticket #11388 (can't ping guest from host on bridged network interface) closed by Frank Mehnert
12:11 PM Changeset in vbox [44284] by vboxsync
include,Extpacks/Puel: updates.
10:26 AM Changeset in vbox [44283] by vboxsync
export to OSE
9:55 AM Changeset in vbox [44282] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: wrong define.
8:42 AM Changeset in vbox [44281] by vboxsync
export to OSE
7:48 AM Changeset in vbox [44280] by vboxsync
Config.kmk: enable VBOX_WITH_USB_VIDEO
7:47 AM Ticket #11388 (can't ping guest from host on bridged network interface) created by sknaumov
My host is Xubuntu 12.10 and guests are Oracle Linux 5.8 machines. My …

Jan 13, 2013:

8:58 PM Changeset in vbox [44279] by vboxsync
One important thing I forgot.
8:52 PM Changeset in vbox [44278] by vboxsync
IPRT: Initial implementation of rm. Missing interactivity. Not tested …
5:59 PM Ticket #11387 (Unable to print anything through the parallel port on XP guest/WS 2008 host) created by Stanisław
1. VirtualBox 4.2.6r82870 with Guest Addons 4.2.6r82870 installed. 2. …

Jan 12, 2013:

9:17 PM Changeset in vbox [44277] by vboxsync
log typo.
7:13 PM Ticket #11386 (segfault when select auto-resize guest display in full-screen) created by dzidzitop
virtualbox 4.1.18 (Linux z 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.35-2 x86_64 …
3:53 PM Ticket #11385 (No network connectivity between host and guests when using bridged adapters) created by gnyers
Using this setup: […] Problem: No connectivity between any of the …
12:24 AM Ticket #11384 (Operating Systems not listed) created by ABomb
I downloaded VirtualBox on to my Asus G60V laptop (enabled hardware in …

Jan 11, 2013:

8:20 PM Ticket #11383 (Adding CPU cores to guest decreases performance) created by todd
I'm running Linux Mint 13 (maya) lts x64 linux Kernel 3.2.0-35 generic …
4:12 PM Ticket #11382 ('Alt Gr' key messed up after aborting seamless mode -> duplicate of #2537) created by SlankySloop
Hi! Using: 4.2.4-81684 (Host: Win7-64Bit; Guest: Ubuntu 11.4) Today …
2:35 PM Ticket #2207 (Create a right click menu for Virtual Machine Container in host) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Obsolete.
2:35 PM Changeset in vbox [44276] by vboxsync
include,ExtPacks\Puel\UsbWebcam,Main,VRDP: emulated USB webcam updates.
2:35 PM Ticket #1153 (vbox can't delete dvd image that is not accessable) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Obsolete.
1:28 PM Ticket #11381 (VBoxManage GUI improperly changes vmdk file location on OVA import => ...) created by Layer 7
I am using VirtualBox Version 4.1.12_Ubuntu on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. When …
10:59 AM Changeset in vbox [44275] by vboxsync
VMM/VMMR0: HM bits.
10:00 AM Changeset in vbox [44274] by vboxsync
Guest properties/Main/: Added more safety checks, also re-validate …
6:57 AM Ticket #11380 (Failed to attach USB device) created by Lou Cipher
I have Mountain Lion 10.8.2 and VirtualBox 4.2.6 (latest) running …

Jan 10, 2013:

11:36 PM Changeset in vbox [44273] by vboxsync
9:29 PM Ticket #11379 (Windows 8 guest freezes linux user i/o) created by James Moe
linux v3.4.11-2.16-desktop x86_64 opensuse v12.2 gnome v3.4.x windows …
8:14 PM Ticket #11378 (group functionality broke snapshot path.) created by adji
When I use the new group functionality to group vms and then restore …
8:11 PM Changeset in vbox [44272] by vboxsync
Implemented getting the PUEL extension pack from the build server …
7:14 PM Ticket #11377 (VBoxSDL depends on msvcr71.dll) created by KD.Gundermann
When starting VBoxSDL it tries to load msvcr71.dll but with 4.2.6 only …
5:21 PM Changeset in vbox [44271] by vboxsync
BIOS: Sanity check El Torito boot sector count.
4:41 PM Changeset in vbox [44270] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 6556: Fixing layout bug in Import Appliance wizard (Mac OS).
1:37 PM Changeset in vbox [44269] by vboxsync
VMX: Fixed invalid check.
12:44 PM Changeset in vbox [44268] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 6556: Fixing layout bug in Clone VM wizard (Mac OS).
11:43 AM Changeset in vbox [44267] by vboxsync
VMM/VMMR0: HM bits.
11:38 AM Changeset in vbox [44266] by vboxsync
VMM: comment clarification, there's no REX prefix for rdmsr.
9:55 AM Ticket #11376 (VirtualBox Crash when 3D support is enable on Ubuntu Guest) created by saxomanu
When i check 3D support for my virtual machine, VirtualBox crash. When …
8:01 AM Changeset in vbox [44265] by vboxsync
Backed out r83139.

Jan 9, 2013:

11:24 PM Ticket #11375 (Running Virtualbox causes high CPU usage in Elan Touchpad drivers) created by tmk
Seeing high cpu usage on etdctrl.exe on Win 8 64bit host when any VM …
7:03 PM Changeset in vbox [44264] by vboxsync
6:36 PM Changeset in vbox [44263] by vboxsync
lightdm-greeter: Try to fix packaging the .desktop file.
4:02 PM Ticket #11374 (Windows 7 host Ubuntu 12.10 guest - restore from save gives frozen UI) created by Scott Hankin
After saving the machine state of my Ubuntu 12.10 VM, restoring it …
2:59 PM Ticket #11373 (VirtualBox crashes when entering a WebEx meeting) created by Panos Kavalagios
VirtualBox with Windows XP guest in a Fedora 17 host crashes when you …
2:28 PM Ticket #11372 (virtual maschines stops due to a critical error after a short time) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Marking this as duplicate of #11203, please continue the discussion there.
2:06 PM Ticket #11372 (virtual maschines stops due to a critical error after a short time) created by MaBerl
Since a while my VM stops after I used it for a few minutes due to a …
1:40 PM Changeset in vbox [44262] by vboxsync
VMM/VMMR0: HM bits.
1:29 PM Changeset in vbox [44261] by vboxsync
Fixed ASMCpuId_Idx_ECX on windows (didn't consider ECX input).
1:29 PM Changeset in vbox [44260] by vboxsync
Fixed ASMCpuId_Idx_ECX on windows (didn't consider ECX input).
11:02 AM Changeset in vbox [44259] by vboxsync
VMM: STAM counter naming.
11:01 AM Ticket #11371 (Host-only networking not working on Windows 8 host) created by vnicolici
Windows 8 64 bit host, VMs refuse to start after I add a network …
10:46 AM Ticket #11370 (virtualbox on win7 64bit unable to use host only networking) created by twjnorth
I had virtualbox 4.1.17 installed on Windows 7 64bit. On a VM i have …
10:42 AM Changeset in vbox [44258] by vboxsync
NLS: fix Russian translation.
9:13 AM Changeset in vbox [44257] by vboxsync Syntax help typo.

Jan 8, 2013:

7:54 PM Ticket #11369 (Regression in 3D graphics after 4.2.0 on Windows host ==> Fixed in SVN) created by wmpaand
Host: Windows 8 x64 RP and duplicated on Windows 8 x64 GA Guest: …
6:42 PM Ticket #11368 (Linux Mint KDE guest system hangs on resume on Mac OS X host) created by ClemsonJim
I am having a problem with the guest system hanging on resume from …
4:15 PM Ticket #11367 (Enhance VB VM Close menu selection.) created by jb.1234abcd
The menu selection descriptions for VB VM closing are unfortunate and …
3:45 PM Changeset in vbox [44256] by vboxsync
Storage/iSCSI: Clean up and merge sync and async I/O
3:30 PM Ticket #11146 (Repeated general protection fault) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: No response, closing.
3:27 PM Ticket #11292 (No virtual machine starts successfully with strange error MacOsX Lion) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: Have a look at the VBox.log file you attached. The /Applications …
3:25 PM Ticket #11237 (vhd is rejected after disk fill) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Correct. Please reopen if still relevant with VBox 4.2.6.
3:14 PM Changeset in vbox [44255] by vboxsync
Test value unit constants.
2:53 PM Ticket #11310 (VBoxManage does not see VMs) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: VBoxManage is always per-user. For example, the root user will not …
2:23 PM Changeset in vbox [44254] by vboxsync
BIOS: Do not panic when an unsupported El Torito function is called.
1:24 PM Changeset in vbox [44253] by vboxsync
Storage: Missing file
1:23 PM Changeset in vbox [44252] by vboxsync
Storage/Backends: async/sync I/O unification, remove separate entries …
1:21 PM Changeset in vbox [44251] by vboxsync
VMM: stam counters and some renames.
1:20 PM Changeset in vbox [44250] by vboxsync
Runtime/sg.cpp: void * -> const void * in RTSgBufCopyFromBuf
11:08 AM Changeset in vbox [44249] by vboxsync
GuestControl/service: const, HostCmd -> VBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCMD.
10:10 AM Changeset in vbox [44248] by vboxsync
VBoxSerice/GuestCtrl: Renamed/shorted (static) function names.
9:55 AM Ticket #11238 (Cant Create an CentOS 5 virtualmachine) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: No response, closing.
9:54 AM Ticket #11245 (VBOX causes reboot to the HOST) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: No response, closing.
9:51 AM Ticket #11243 (Host: Windows 7 64Bit "The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: No response, closing.
9:28 AM Ticket #10815 (Random VM crashes) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: No response, closing.
9:28 AM Ticket #10813 (Incorrect file host system checks for host file system hosting "raw" ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
invalid: No response, closing.
9:03 AM Changeset in vbox [44247] by vboxsync
SUPDrvTracer.cpp: Fixed crash on Mac OS X Snow Leopard where …
7:58 AM Changeset in vbox [44246] by vboxsync
SUPLib: warning
5:48 AM Changeset in vbox [44245] by vboxsync
VMM: Added stats counter for preemption timer exits.
4:47 AM Ticket #11366 (When VM window loses focus, window repaints incorrectly) created by BVE
I have MacOSX v10.6.8 host OS and VirtualBox v4.2.6r82870 with a guest …

Jan 7, 2013:

10:56 PM Ticket #11365 (Guru Meditation 1103 on v4.2.6 when restoring a snapshot) created by GSerg
After an upgrade to v4.2.6 I'm unable to restore my virtual machine …
8:45 PM Ticket #11364 (Scale mode broken since 4.2.4) created by RickCHodgin
Scale mode worked correctly in 4.2.2, is broken in 4.2.4 and 4.2.6. …
8:24 PM Changeset in vbox [44244] by vboxsync
Burn fix
8:20 PM Changeset in vbox [44243] by vboxsync
Storage/tstVDIo: Add sync tests
8:19 PM Changeset in vbox [44242] by vboxsync
Storage: Next step in the sync/async I/O unification, change all calls …
8:17 PM Changeset in vbox [44241] by vboxsync
Runtime/sg.cpp: Add API to check a buffer for zeros
8:14 PM Changeset in vbox [44240] by vboxsync
Main: Fix assertion, pMedium can be Null if there is an error
5:00 PM Solaris build instructions edited by Klaus Espenlaub
4:58 PM Windows build instructions edited by Klaus Espenlaub
4:54 PM Windows build instructions edited by Klaus Espenlaub
4:49 PM Linux build instructions edited by Klaus Espenlaub
12:42 PM Ticket #10493 (Windows 2000 slow boot) closed by pentagonik
12:18 PM Changeset in vbox [44239] by vboxsync
VBoxManage: don't crash on 'screenshotpng' if no display is available …
11:16 AM Ticket #11363 (Segfault during 'screenshotpng' after 'savestate' => Fixed in SVN) created by dancefire
Reproduce: 1. vboxmanage controlvm "VM Guest" savestate …

Jan 6, 2013:

11:47 PM Ticket #11362 (Importing crippled OVF Appliance crashes VirtualBox) created by Ivo Smits
I was trying to create an OVF Appliance containing an ISO file; this …
11:40 PM Ticket #11361 (VBoxManage.exe list dvds crashes) created by Ivo Smits
Running the command VBoxManage.exe list dvds crashes, VBoxManage.exe …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.

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