

Aug 28, 2014:

5:06 PM Changeset in vbox [52520] by vboxsync
REM: Truncate linear addresses in outside of 64-bit mode.
3:58 PM Changeset in vbox [52519] by vboxsync
Provide names for all types of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery. Provide …
3:42 PM Changeset in vbox [52518] by vboxsync
intnetR0NetworkSharedMacDetectAndFixBroadcast: handle ARP, IPv4 and …
3:18 PM Changeset in vbox [52517] by vboxsync
Devices/USB: Fix crash on Linux hosts, a hang when disconnecting a USB …
3:16 PM Changeset in vbox [52516] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Do not move machine-window to another host-screen …
3:14 PM Changeset in vbox [52515] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Mac OS X: Runtime UI: Native full-screen: More appropriate …
2:58 PM Changeset in vbox [52514] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Small cleanup.
1:14 PM Changeset in vbox [52513] by vboxsync
USB: Serialize access to the extra state data for control pipes, fixes …
12:05 PM Changeset in vbox [52512] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Mac OS X: Runtime UI: Native full-screen: Do not show transient …
11:59 AM Changeset in vbox [52511] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Mac OS X: Runtime UI: UICocoaApplication API extension: Allow …
11:46 AM Changeset in vbox [52510] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Mac OS X: Runtime UI: UICocoaApplication coding-style update, …
11:31 AM Changeset in vbox [52509] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Mac OS X: Runtime UI: UICocoaApplication API update.

Aug 27, 2014:

6:34 PM Ticket #13327 (An error occurs when trying to start a VirtualBox) created by alexdarie
prerequisites: - a virtual box is configured for start - Host Type: …
3:48 PM Ticket #13326 (unregistervm --delete fails with multiple snapshots) created by jcbsft
VirtualBox v4.3.14 (and v.4.3.12) on Windows 64-bit Using VirtualBox
2:23 PM Changeset in vbox [52508] by vboxsync
SMC structure tests.
2:18 PM Changeset in vbox [52507] by vboxsync
DevSMC: Missing initializer.
2:11 PM Changeset in vbox [52506] by vboxsync
Deleted PC/DevSMC.cpp, removed the associated define.
1:13 PM Changeset in vbox [52505] by vboxsync
DrvHostBase: Provide I/O buffer allocator, fixes crash if a host DVD …
1:01 PM Changeset in vbox [52504] by vboxsync
DevVGA_VDMA: execute vgaUpdateDisplayAll on EMT
11:16 AM Ticket #13201 (launch issues) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Marking as duplicate of #13187.
11:14 AM Ticket #13253 (Mouse capture not working on Windows 8.1 Host) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: First, Mac OS X guests are not supported on non-Apple hardware. …
10:59 AM Ticket #13325 (VM crash with 3D acceleration enabled. WinXP host Ubuntu 14.04.1 ...) created by Miguel
Host: Windows XP on HP Compaq dc5750 SFF machine with AMD Athlon 64 X2 …
12:38 AM Ticket #11353 (multicast traffic between VM is blocked on vbox internal network) closed by Valery Ushakov
12:37 AM Ticket #9895 (vboxnet0 and multicast problem) closed by Valery Ushakov
fixed: Reported to work now. Closing.

Aug 26, 2014:

11:41 PM Ticket #13324 (Incorrect number of CPU detected (Windows 2003)) created by SGorodskoy
Virtual Box 4.3.14 r95030 allows setting maximum of 2 CPU per virual …
9:30 PM Ticket #13323 (Stop pre-populating a DHCP server on fresh installs?) created by phinze
Hello there good VBoxers! :) Vagrant core maintainer here. Working on …
5:35 PM Ticket #13322 (IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '[email protected]' for key ...) created by Medo
==== How to Reproduce ==== While doing a POST operation on /login, …
2:43 PM Changeset in vbox [52503] by vboxsync
Started working on PKCS #7 attributes.
2:32 PM Changeset in vbox [52502] by vboxsync
1:22 PM Changeset in vbox [52501] by vboxsync
#6219: User manual update. Added description for different vcp options.
1:04 PM Changeset in vbox [52500] by vboxsync
supR3HardenedWinIsDesiredRootCA: Changed to blacklisting, added more …
9:28 AM Ticket #13321 (Mac minibar keeps appearing in Fullscreen when mouse hits the top) created by P!
Tried to - clear the "Dock and Menubar: Auto-show in Fullscreen" …
8:31 AM Ticket #13320 (Centos 6.5 x86_64 host running VirtualBox 4.3.14. windows 7 VM crashes) created by don2012
Centos 6.5 x86_64 host running VirtualBox 4.3.14 windows 7 VM …
7:43 AM Ticket #13318 (irtualBox installation security issue) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: It is true that the actual packages are currently only available on a …
7:38 AM Linux_Downloads edited by Frank Mehnert
1:06 AM Ticket #13319 (Virtual machine crashes on restart of Windows XP when more than 1 core ...) created by Danial
First noticed in: 4.3.14 Also present in 4.3.15 Behaviour changes …

Aug 25, 2014:

6:45 PM Ticket #13318 (irtualBox installation security issue) created by chengas123
The VirtualBox Linux installation instructions …
5:48 PM Changeset in vbox [52499] by vboxsync
NAT: Handle RFC1533_PAD properly.
4:44 PM Changeset in vbox [52498] by vboxsync
Main/Snapshot: fix broken snapshot deletion, assert became partially …
4:40 PM Changeset in vbox [52497] by vboxsync
Main/Machine: simplify object reference assignments
4:32 PM Ticket #13312 (Erro ao instalar no Windows 8.1) closed by Frank Mehnert
duplicate: Duplicate of #13187. Please continue the discussion there.
4:27 PM Ticket #13314 (Failed to open a session for the virtual machine) closed by Frank Mehnert
4:27 PM Ticket #13313 (Failed to open a session for the virtual machine) closed by Frank Mehnert
2:41 PM Changeset in vbox [52496] by vboxsync
tstVDIo: s/#ifdef foo == bar/#if foo == bar/
2:30 PM Changeset in vbox [52495] by vboxsync
Runtime: cdefs.h changes to avoid warnings from some g++ versions …
1:23 PM Changeset in vbox [52494] by vboxsync
crOpenGL/osx: more sync with main thread
1:03 PM Changeset in vbox [52493] by vboxsync
vga/crCtl: racing fix
11:40 AM Changeset in vbox [52492] by vboxsync
MachineImpl: warnings
11:31 AM Changeset in vbox [52491] by vboxsync
HostDrivers/VBoxUSB/solaris: Fix uninitialized cbDataout when errors …
11:25 AM Ticket #13317 (incompatibility of 4.3.14 with Sophos antivirus on Win7 64bit) closed by Klaus Espenlaub
duplicate: Duplicate of #13187, please use the test builds from there and if …
9:27 AM Changeset in vbox [52490] by vboxsync
Main: more cleanup after r95701
8:50 AM Ticket #13317 (incompatibility of 4.3.14 with Sophos antivirus on Win7 64bit) created by Valerio Messina
On every VirtualBox 4.3.14 start on Win7 64bit appear this error: …
8:27 AM Changeset in vbox [52489] by vboxsync
Main: tabs

Aug 24, 2014:

6:35 PM Changeset in vbox [52488] by vboxsync
SUPHardenedVerifyProcess-win.cpp: Seems NtQueryInformationThread …
5:14 PM Ticket #13316 (VirtualBox crashes when connecting iPad via USB) created by Suboptimal
Virtualbox crashes always as soon as I add iPad 4 as USB device. But …
4:58 PM Changeset in vbox [52487] by vboxsync
4:50 PM Changeset in vbox [52486] by vboxsync
Set hFb after the cBuffers check.
4:49 PM Changeset in vbox [52485] by vboxsync
server_muralfbo.cpp: crServerRedirMuralDbSyncFb can be called even if …
4:08 PM Changeset in vbox [52484] by vboxsync
SUP: Explained the opengl modulus-by-zero crash (fixed by system32 dll …

Aug 23, 2014:

6:55 PM Ticket #13315 (Failed to open a session for the virtual machine) created by rza
I have just installed virtualbox 4.3.14 r95030, that works fine; have …
6:55 PM Ticket #13314 (Failed to open a session for the virtual machine) created by rza
I have just installed virtualbox 4.3.14 r95030, that works fine; have …
6:55 PM Ticket #13313 (Failed to open a session for the virtual machine) created by rza
I have just installed virtualbox 4.3.14 r95030, that works fine; have …
5:12 PM Ticket #13312 (Erro ao instalar no Windows 8.1) created by lordouglas
Ola, ao instalar o virtual box no windows 8.1 ele não abre e aparece a …
6:56 AM Ticket #13311 (Guru Meditation (VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT) while installing Ubuntu 14.04 ...) created by snafuaz
I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04. I have been trying to …

Aug 22, 2014:

11:07 PM Ticket #13310 (Can't launch 3d game (Metin2)) created by siemaeniu500
Hello, Sorry for my bad english. I tried to launch 3D game on my …
10:02 PM Changeset in vbox [52483] by vboxsync
Main: cleanup after r95701
8:38 PM Changeset in vbox [52482] by vboxsync
SUP: TrustedInstaller or LocalSystem, works around tumbleweed desktop …
5:27 PM Changeset in vbox [52481] by vboxsync
6813 - MachineImpl.cpp - IInternalMachineControl changes.
3:53 PM Changeset in vbox [52480] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Mac OS X: For for r95695: No menu-bar indent under this OS.
3:28 PM Changeset in vbox [52479] by vboxsync
BIOS: Removed redundant port write, improved logging.
3:21 PM Changeset in vbox [52478] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Runtime UI: Menu-bar editor initial implementation (non …
2:43 PM Changeset in vbox [52477] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Build fix for r95685.
2:43 PM Ticket #13308 (GUI Always Start Headless) closed by Klaus Espenlaub
invalid: This is long implemented, just not available in the GUI, because we …
2:41 PM Changeset in vbox [52476] by vboxsync
VBoxDisp: Parfait warning.
2:13 PM Changeset in vbox [52475] by vboxsync
Device/ACPI:#7433: Fixed PM Timer interrupt frequency, improved …
1:52 PM Changeset in vbox [52474] by vboxsync
Devices/Misc/VirtualKD: fix code breakage due to padding
1:35 PM Changeset in vbox [52473] by vboxsync
Devices/Misc: new VirtualKD stub/loader device, contributed by Ivan …
12:45 PM Changeset in vbox [52472] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Mac OS X: Runtime UI: Session: Menu-bar: Listen for …
12:27 PM Changeset in vbox [52471] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Non Mac OS X: Runtime UI: Normal-window: Menu-bar: Listen …
12:12 PM Changeset in vbox [52470] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Action-pool: Every action should know own restriction code.
11:58 AM Changeset in vbox [52469] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Runtime UI action-pool: Listen for menu-bar configuration …
11:55 AM Changeset in vbox [52468] by vboxsync
Storage/VHD: Fix use of uninitialized variable in error case
11:55 AM Changeset in vbox [52467] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Extra-data Manager should provide defaults for menu-bar …
11:43 AM Changeset in vbox [52466] by vboxsync
VMM: Nit for r95680.
11:39 AM Changeset in vbox [52465] by vboxsync
VMM: Fix IEM FXSAVE implementation to match the logic in HM/raw-mode …
11:31 AM Changeset in vbox [52464] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Extra-data Manager: Notify listeners about menu-bar …
11:28 AM Changeset in vbox [52463] by vboxsync
wddm: bugfix
11:23 AM Changeset in vbox [52462] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Mac OS X: Build-fix for r95675: Copy-paste issue.
11:20 AM Changeset in vbox [52461] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Extra-data Manager: Extend API to allow to modify …
11:13 AM Changeset in vbox [52460] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Mac OS X: Build fix for r95673: Usual issue with moc generator.
11:03 AM Changeset in vbox [52459] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: 7462: Runtime UI: Move action-pool related enums to Q_OBJECT …
10:04 AM Changeset in vbox [52458] by vboxsync
ASMMultU32ByU32DivByU32 / ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32: no need to set …
9:05 AM Changeset in vbox [52457] by vboxsync
IPRT: Tell the windows debugger the name of our threads.
8:46 AM Changeset in vbox [52456] by vboxsync
7:47 AM Changeset in vbox [52455] by vboxsync
Updated ASMMultU32ByU32DivByU32 and ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32 …
7:12 AM Changeset in vbox [52454] by vboxsync
ASMMultU32ByU32DivByU32: Cleaned up mess. Tested on x86 and amd64-msc.
6:42 AM Changeset in vbox [52453] by vboxsync
supHardNtViCheckIsOwnedByTrustedInstaller: Workaround for someones …
5:27 AM Ticket #13309 (Unplug USB and Guest immediately aborts) created by Lyall Pearce
Unplugging a USB device from a USB hub, attached to the Host. The USB …

Aug 21, 2014:

8:36 PM Ticket #13308 (GUI Always Start Headless) created by jeremywj
I would appreciate an option in the GUI to always start a VM in …
7:24 PM Changeset in vbox [52452] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: burn fix
7:20 PM Changeset in vbox [52451] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: command blocks flushing
7:11 PM Changeset in vbox [52450] by vboxsync
wddm: memory cleanup
6:25 PM Changeset in vbox [52449] by vboxsync
IEM: When emulating non-repeated INSB/INSW/INSD, write what we read …
5:29 PM Changeset in vbox [52448] by vboxsync
slight adjustment to make it look better when type'ed.
5:25 PM Changeset in vbox [52447] by vboxsync
Use our own MZ stub binary, one that is compatible with silly Symantec …
5:23 PM Changeset in vbox [52446] by vboxsync
SUPHardenedVerifyProcess-win.cpp: When doing child purification, we …
5:22 PM Changeset in vbox [52445] by vboxsync
SrvIntNetR0.cpp: New commit policy for this file.
4:31 PM Changeset in vbox [52444] by vboxsync
4:16 PM Changeset in vbox [52443] by vboxsync
Runtime: added ASMMultU32ByU32DivByU32() and fixed early clobber …
4:03 PM Changeset in vbox [52442] by vboxsync
Main: convert VirtualBoxClient and VRDEServerInfo to use wrappers
1:17 PM Changeset in vbox [52441] by vboxsync
12:12 PM Changeset in vbox [52440] by vboxsync
VMM/GIM: comment.
11:36 AM Changeset in vbox [52439] by vboxsync
Devices/PC/BIOS: sync alternative sources
11:25 AM Changeset in vbox [52438] by vboxsync
SUP: Some more confusing trickery.
10:40 AM Changeset in vbox [52437] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: debugging
9:49 AM Changeset in vbox [52436] by vboxsync
minor header fix
8:59 AM Changeset in vbox [52435] by vboxsync
doc/manual: describe GUI/MouseCapturePolicy
6:15 AM Ticket #13307 (PCI Passthrough Guru Meditation) created by Lars Andersson
I'm trying to get pci passthrough of an nvidia GeForce GTX 780 Ti …

Aug 20, 2014:

8:19 PM Ticket #13306 (Bridged Networking does not work in Windows 8) created by Julianus
Downloaded Virtualbox 4.3.14 to install on Windows 8.1. After …
8:09 PM Changeset in vbox [52434] by vboxsync
Storage/AHCI: Fix tight race when the guest resets a port leading to …
5:58 PM Changeset in vbox [52433] by vboxsync
SUP: Avast sleep kludge.
4:59 PM Ticket #13305 (Virtualbox 4.3.14 doesnt recognise 64 bit OS) created by RobDev
When attempting to create virtual oses in Virtual box beyond version …
4:34 PM Changeset in vbox [52432] by vboxsync
Main/EbmlWriter: fixed version string
12:31 PM Changeset in vbox [52431] by vboxsync
SUP: Process the WinVerityTrust todo list from LdrLoadDll, avoid doing …
12:02 PM Changeset in vbox [52430] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: missing file
11:58 AM Changeset in vbox [52429] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: 1. osx: do everything we can do in the main thread 2. bugfixes
9:50 AM Ticket #13304 (Generic GL Renderer used, leading to crash when accessing 3D functionality.) created by Bueffel
Host : Windows 8.1pro 64, i7 Haswell with integrated 4600HD Graphics. …
9:41 AM Changeset in vbox [52428] by vboxsync
asm.h: Fix broken ASMAtomicUoIncU32 assembly.
9:25 AM Ticket #13303 (Allow to rename or add a comment to the "Current State" "snapshot") created by larsen0815
Atm, it is possible to add a name and description for a snapshot. This …
8:59 AM Changeset in vbox [52427] by vboxsync
#6219: Segment duration calculation fixes. Coding style fixes.
3:47 AM Changeset in vbox [52426] by vboxsync
3:45 AM Changeset in vbox [52425] by vboxsync
SUPDrv: Revised fix.
3:25 AM Changeset in vbox [52424] by vboxsync
Only VirtualBox.dll has a TrustedError method, so add a flag to …
3:24 AM Changeset in vbox [52423] by vboxsync
SUPDrv: Worked around a -104 supR3HardenedWinReSpawn issue. Someone …

Aug 19, 2014:

11:41 PM Changeset in vbox [52422] by vboxsync
Fix typo in comment.
9:26 PM Ticket #13302 (Aero glass no longer works in Virtualbox 4.3.14) created by NemesisIV
After upgrading to VirtualBox 4.3.14, aero glass no longer works. I …
7:43 PM Changeset in vbox [52421] by vboxsync
Additions/linux: added -Wno-declaration-after-statement to prevent …
7:42 PM Changeset in vbox [52420] by vboxsync
Runtime, VBoxNetAdp: Linux 3.17 fixes
7:09 PM Ticket #13226 (replace my nicname to from pva0xd to pva) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Done.
6:44 PM Ticket #13269 (vbox 4.3.14r95030 bidir clipboard doesn't work) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: The clipboard works only if the VirtualBox Guest Additions are …
6:42 PM Ticket #13270 (vboxpci: IOMMU not found (not registered)) closed by Frank Mehnert
wontfix: That's not a bug but just a status message.
6:31 PM Ticket #13301 (VirtualBox copy from shared clipboard from guest to host crashed VirtualBox) created by Julio Lajara
When using VirtualBox 4.3.14 on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit Host with RHEL6 …
4:12 PM Changeset in vbox [52419] by vboxsync
VMM: Fix restoring 32-bit guest FPU state on 64-bit capable VMs.
3:38 PM Changeset in vbox [52418] by vboxsync
comregister.cmd: Check if the current user is an administrator. …
3:11 PM Changeset in vbox [52417] by vboxsync
Startup optimization: Don't check the hardened-program.dll signature …
3:10 PM Ticket #13074 (Segmentation fault on launch) closed by Frank Mehnert
fixed: Thanks for the feedback!
3:10 PM Ticket #13272 (Meaningless choices in dialog box) closed by Frank Mehnert
wontfix: 'Copy' here means that to copy the actual error message into the …
2:52 PM Ticket #13278 (unknown version of the X Window System installed. Not installing X ...) closed by Frank Mehnert
2:40 PM Changeset in vbox [52416] by vboxsync
SUPR3HardenedMainImports-win.cpp: Fixed bug in x86 syscall variation …
2:13 PM Changeset in vbox [52415] by vboxsync
Storage/tstVDIo: fixed a typo and use RT_STR_TUPLE()
2:05 PM Changeset in vbox [52414] by vboxsync
SUP: Need per thread recursion counters for WinVerifyTrust or we risk …
12:53 PM Ticket #13268 (OS X: VBox kexts 4.3.14 break host network connectivity) closed by Frank Mehnert
worksforme: Thanks for the additional information.
12:48 PM Changeset in vbox [52413] by vboxsync
VBoxSVC: resolve undesirable freeze on shutdown.
12:31 PM Ticket #13300 (Frozing machine on [Starting] and Aborted state) created by kubawal
Hi! I use VirtualBox to osdeving on Windows XP. I have got installed …
12:18 PM Changeset in vbox [52412] by vboxsync
AHCI: argh
11:00 AM Changeset in vbox [52411] by vboxsync
VMM/HMVMXR0: Use unordered atomics for …
10:14 AM Changeset in vbox [52410] by vboxsync
traling spaces
10:12 AM Changeset in vbox [52409] by vboxsync
AHCI: unused variable
10:04 AM Changeset in vbox [52408] by vboxsync
Storage/AHCI: Free cached tasks on detach and before ahciR3Destruct is …
8:23 AM Changeset in vbox [52407] by vboxsync
tstVDIo: Disable builtin tests on 32bit hosts, the address space is …
6:39 AM Ticket #13299 (Clipboard stops working after few hours) created by MaaT
Hi guys, After a few hours the Windows 7 guest stops copying content …
3:03 AM Changeset in vbox [52406] by vboxsync
SUP: No need to repeat the IPRT signature check when we just want to …
1:50 AM Changeset in vbox [52405] by vboxsync
ldrPE.cpp: Fixed RTLDRPROP_IMPORT_COUNT, the gnu loader includes all …
12:52 AM Changeset in vbox [52404] by vboxsync
Simplified the checks.

Aug 18, 2014:

8:35 PM Changeset in vbox [52403] by vboxsync
SUP,IPRT: Extended RTLdrQueryPropEx with a pvBits parameter, …
6:38 PM Changeset in vbox [52402] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Sliding tool-bar: Top/bottom position support.
6:31 PM Changeset in vbox [52401] by vboxsync
FE/Qt: Runtime UI: Notify listeners about geometry changes even in …
6:04 PM Changeset in vbox [52400] by vboxsync
6813 KeyboardImpl.cpp changes
4:33 PM Changeset in vbox [52399] by vboxsync
Runtime/memsafer-r3: fix
4:10 PM Changeset in vbox [52398] by vboxsync
crOpenGL: don't repaint invisible windows
3:46 PM Changeset in vbox [52397] by vboxsync
comregister.cmd: Added support for handling installation paths …
3:41 PM Ticket #13298 (Custom snapshot location for each virtual disk) created by jeremywj
I was hoping to set up a mirrored disk set up with zfs having two …
2:39 PM Changeset in vbox [52396] by vboxsync
10:56 AM Ticket #11975 (send SysRq key to linux guest (fixed in 4.3)) closed by michaln
fixed: OK, let's close this then... if there are remaining problems with the …
10:47 AM Ticket #13297 (IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry '[email protected]' for key ...) created by Florenzo
==== How to Reproduce ==== While doing a POST operation on /login, …
2:19 AM Ticket #13296 (kernel panic in host when using kernel 3.16.x) created by Potomac
Hello, I use archlinux 64 bits in host, for the guest OS I use …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.

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